Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited is Bayfieid Street Barrie Ontario Walls Publisher Brian Slaigbr General Manager FRIDAY JANUARY 19 lievluo Atlantic Community Should Stick Together Or All Fail If we are together nothing is im possible and if we are divided all will fail The above words once said by Sir Winston Churchill have been repeated by Randolph Burgess former US Ambassador to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and at present in chairman in calling for full support for the concept of NATO Burgess based his appeal on the con viction that when the Atlantic group of countries with their common origin and culture work together there is almost nothing they cannot achieve He noted that compelling reason for nourishing the Atlantic Community Is because it works Over the years its value has been demonstrated time and time again It is quite true that the idealized harmony among Western nations has often been disrupted by sharp disagree ment on such crucial issues as colonial ism but these in the main are differ ences of democracy And although some nations have upon occasion threatened to leave NATO none have withdrawn froom the organization The Atlantic Community offers one of the best hopes of leading the free world out of the present confusion and away from overhanging terror To the community many are turning because of disappointment with the United Na tions which is often frustrated in its actions by the Soviet veto the actual and metaphorical beating of the shoe on the bench The situation in the world today makes urrity essential among the na tions of Western Europe and the Hemi sphere This is lesson that the world is learning and with increased pace as the weaknesses of the West are shown up by the march of communism Working together nothing is im possible This should be the key theme of NATO as it plans ahead ESnovv Can Bring The End Each winter there are deaths from snow deaths of those over 40 who attempt heavy snow shovelling tasks or who try to push stalled car Warnings beem not too effective for person con fronted by drifted driveway or stalled car is prone to have go at the job Jrsnow shovelling like pushing automo biles should not be attempted by those who are not inperfect physical condi tion and particularly not by those who have reached 40 or beyond And snow shoveliing should be done in easy stages yiith plenty of rest in between If you are in good physical condition and de ride on cleaning the driveway or the walks take the snow in small amounts Other Editors VieWS SAD SIGHT ON TV at Thomas TimesJournal sThere was to us and to many other viewers section of film showing Queen Elizabeth reviewing Nigerian warriors that was distressing There was great throng of natives who were pressing as near the reviewing stand as pbsslble and along came police of iicer armed with thong or whip Bending over he furiously lashed the lineup of natives as they struggled to get out of his way We could not see whether he was white man or black but we hope he was Nigerian The sight almost made our blood boil The natives had committed no offence except to try to look at the Queen whom they will probably never see agaln Some may say that is theonly kind of language these illiterate people un derstand but it is not the kind of ianguage native people who are under Commonwealth status should be made to understand It is to be hoped the Queen did not see this incident but it may have been duplicated in other parts of the grounds and maybe in other places she visits The Queen drives through the streets of London and other cities and if the crowd becomes bit pressing to see Zsome ceremony the hobby lays his hands on their shoulders and says Back little please That is all that is needed ABUSE OF PRAYER OwenSound SunTimes While most people who have any re uligrous rnclrnations will agree there is great need for the increased use of pray er the use of that communication be een humans and their God in the Mon treal fur strike appears satirical No doubt many who have taken part in pe gflhons to God to intervene on behalf of gihe workers are sincere It could be how ever that the leaders are guilty of ulter ior motives With negotiations in pro gress strikewould have beenille 11 meetings could be called and wogrk ers taken from their jobs to attend So The Barrie Examiner Authorized as second class mrir Pm office Department Ottawa and for payment of Pnslago ln ma losuy sundry nod statutory Holidays excepted KENNETH warns Publisher max snaroar General Manager 24 MchEON Managing Editor cannons wanna Business Manager nanny Wilson Advertising Manager JOHN HOLDER circulation Mlnucr ublcription rate daily by carrier on weekly so year along my 7c 11 mail in Ontario 00 your on ox months mm cam months ind month million Ontario 5900 year outra but no no0 year 0fllcal us Univernty Ave Torontfl so cathcart arri since Vancou Strut Montrer rm Want er Member of onnrdrrn Daily Newspaper rut iisbsrl Association The Canadian rm and lb nudrr auruu ol curdrumi rs nadisn in in no univon entitled to or pm to is ublicltiorr of an nuw atcbed In no or lied to it or The Animated Press or Sigurfl And Also till lo have Dilblilltld lama never overloading the shovel And as for stalled motor cars it is better to can tow truck than an ambulance Snow is one of the wonders of nature clean white covering not appreciated in larger municipalities And snow can also be killer It should be accepted for the value it has to the soil for its beauty and it should be treated with respect by all those who have heart all ments those over 40 or not in good physical condition Perhaps if there were more teenage snowshoveuers seeking to earn money following heavy falls of snow the problem could be eased for older folk Such activity would un doubtedly save lives and would provide temporary source of income for the shoveuers prayer meetings were arranged to pray or the success of the negotiations When workers failed to return to their jobs after the prayer meetings union spokesmen explained that they went home to pray some more The whole matter shows great mis understanding through ignorance or pur pose of the force and purpose of prayer Management quite probably is justas re ligious as are the workers Probably they too engaged in prayers The fact that numerically workers greatly outnumber management might be taken as swinging more weight their way in what apparent ly would become prayer duel The prayers on each side are defin iter self centred It is quite doubtful that the pattern set by Christ when He pray ed for release from His death on the Cross was followed Then the One Whose prayerrlife was such tremendous force put His own interest entirely second to the will of God as He concluded Not my will but thine be done What mess this world would be in rf God did literally answer in the posi tive all prayers Fortunately many of the answers are in the negative to the re quest CANADIAN PRESTIGE Victoria Colonist In the matter of BritishCanadian re lationships the Grits would have it that Canadian prestige has so declined in the United Kingdom as to be nonexistent Mr Edward Heath Britains Lord Privy Sealhas himself answeredihat by com ing to Ottawa for highlevel talks with Mr Green and Finance Minister Donald Fleming If Canadas importance to Britain has declined as much as the Liberals would have this country believe it is hardly likely that Mr Heath who is no less than the minister in charge of Common Mar ket negotiations would even set foot on our shore AFTER THE AGE OF 65 Ottawa Citizen In the Canadian Government and in number of corporations pension plans havebeen made more flexible in recent years with employees permittd to re main at work from year to year after passing the age of 65 The more wide spreadthis practice is the less will be the loss in skills to the community BNA REACTION gt Hamilton Spectator Quebec is not ready token the British North America Act weaned from its QUEENS PARK SKATERS WALTZ Liberals Fielded Top Candidates By DON OHEARN TORONTO ilre byeiections were startling to everybody Not shock but startling The Liberals had hopes they would improve but did not ex pect anything like the success they came up with The government had fours but didnt expect to lose three seats and the minority vote The New Democratic Party only expected to win Tomato Beaches but bad no idea it would go so far into the Liberal backwash as it did Issues as such probably bad very little influence on the final results Handbag of the crime contro versy may have reflected some what against the government And sales tax may have in fluenced some votes But principally the wing in votes may be credited to or ganizations and candidates to gether with slow dropping off of respect for the government which has been creeping in over the past few years NEEDS REVAMPING The government organization as was noted here before now is badly in need of revamping The central organization is split and so are many of the riding groups The Liberals on the other band have been getting better Their central organization did not play toobig part in the vltampaign and their funds were 0W But the caucus here in the House has been doing more and more to compensate for this in recent years Provincially it is now in ef fect the organization It has grown to be good working learn and put out yeoman effort in this campaign BEST MEN GRITS in the final analysis how ever most important of oil and probony most significant was the calibre oi candidates The Liberals fielded by for the best group of standard bear ers they have been able to come up with in recent years There wasnt dad in Ihe five The PCs were certainly not outstanding And the NDP men of course were mainly dedicated caus ists As has been mentioned here this was not baby general election as such It was not fought on broad issues And in it the govern ment was fighting with only partial resources it does not have Robaris program as such or even firm Robarts organization In the one definite trend it showed however the swing to the Liberals being pronounced in all ridings it did have the nature of general vote TO YOUR coon mm Discounts Fables About Eating Habits sy roam Monica rum Dear Dr bioloer Should person who occasionally gets constipated retrain from eating cheesecream or cottage cepledand not drink milk What should one not call What is good to help natural daily movement Do you so prove of milk of magnesia ones in while The wider repeated theory that cheese causes constipation is just as wrong as the equally popular rumor that it will cure diarrhea The latter lmow is dearly loved fable in the army it is my belief that those who manage to beg hunk of cheese from the mess sergeant recover no more quicklyand no more slowlythan those who dont Corgfslipatlon is not matter raining mm eating any particular foods There is no food that causes constipation Rather it is caused by what one does not eat Not eatin regularly or not eating enougg os so alien is the case with older and inactive peopleis an rnvitatioo to constipation Not BIBLE THOUGHT In Gods hand are power and mighl and in Gods band It is to make great and to giro strength In allI Chronicle 2912 Knowledge is power the philosophers tell us at it is the knowledge of God that giv es one tire wisdom to be truly great greatness measured our ly by God Cries Censorship Over Advertising VICTORIA AP Stuart Kente publisher of The Times says the federal government would impose form of censor ship if it discourages Canodlans from advertising in United Statespublished magazines He was commenting on an an ncuncement by Prime Minister Diefeobakcr in the Commons Monday that measures are im pending which would divert Ca nadian advertising dollars from US publications whetlrer printed in Canada or the US think our government has made mistake and in the long run will regret its action said Mr Keate Any form of re striction on the free flow of ideasand that includes adver tisingis form of censorship and should have no place in our national life In my opinion the Canadian magazines industry has de meaued itself by running to the government for help The sim ple solution to their problem is to produce better magazines Mr Kerrie is also vicepresi dent of Victoria Press Limited vi timother until guarantee of entrenched rights are fullyand specifically spelled out For to be back where the Liberals wit St Laurent and Mr than 10 years ago arson started more ltlmulate the tourist trade on Saskatchewan that is too rigid bulwark against changeSowe appear Mr Colorful fishingvillages and rugged coves are expected to SCENIC Grand Marian scenic island off the coast of New Bruns widr Scientist also plan to eating foods with sufficient bulk is another Bulk ll cellulose or other material which is not ab sorbed by the digestive tract and hence simply moves hnc pily on through Whole fruits and vegetables are quite rich in bulk and are the best source of It Such things as bran are bulk also but may be irritating if used in excess LIQUIDS IMPORTANT Most people with constipation are poor water drinkers Ive had plenty of lellers not to mention direct comments from people who after fooling them selves wilh all sorts of odd theories finally accepted my aim is advice and found relief within week or two after they began drinking enough water Whether they got it in soup coffee milk or other sources Including mil in fruit juice or preferably whcéedocsiu make any great dl erence quid and bulk or bulk and im uld are ihe best of all possible answers to constipation In addition reguiArrty of habit is of no small importance As to milk of moyresla if as is understandableone occa sionally gets inIo bit of trou ble its very helpful But ro member that said occasron If it becomes regular nec essity then something else is wrong Dear Doctor If babys run ning nose isnt caused by teeth ing what would you suggest hiri Teething ls blamed for Is lot of things because its such handy excuse True can make child drouly and lrctlul But runny nose is more likely due to cold or an allergy Dear Dr Molnar During my early teens something strange happened to my voice Until then had beer colorotura soprano with wide voice range Then alter series of sore throats my voice changed and now it will break on cer tain notes series of sore throats could have caused some scon ring of the vocal cords Further its well to remember that some young women develop sump what deeper voice alter adoles cence the some as boys do except not so much Have specialist check the throat to see whether the vocal cords have been scarred or if there are polyps or nodules that might have had an effect REPORT FROM UK Stop Disarm Meeting In Trafalgar Square By MniNlYRE HOOD Special Auden England Correspondcnt for The Barrio Examina LONDON What has now be come the traditional Easier MOan nuclear disarmament railly at Trafalgar Square will be missing from that historic site when that date rolls around this year 29yearold clerk who lives at Cheam near Rich mond has thwarted plans of the Committee for Nuclear Disarma ment to fill the square with tens of thousands of demon strators on that day He has done it by booking the square for rally of another organiza tion which he himself has just started known as the Keep Britain Great group He was successful in doing this because the regulations of the ministry of works concern ing the use of Trafalgar Square for meetings is First come first served His bid was put in ahead of that of the Commit tee for Nuclear Disarmament The whole scheme in keep Ihe nuclear disarmament demon strators off Trafalgar Square startedover pint of beer or local public house The 29 yearold clerk Gleaves remarked to friend It is about time someone stopped these weirdies Said someone else We ought to do something With these few words the Keep Britain Great campaign was offto modest start But it has already achieved its main objective to keep Trafalgar Square clear of the nuclear dis arrnsrs on Easter Monday Mr Gleaves relates how he used the ministry of works regula tions to achieve this purpose Back in October said Mr Gleaves wrote to the min istry asking to book the Square for Keep Britain Great meet ing on Easter Monday About manth later was notified that our permit had been granted To be honest that was all we wanted to do to keep the nuclear disurmers out and save lot of police time and trouble We thoughtrit was unfair that they should get so much pub llcity But now the thing has snowballed We have got our selves meeting and now we have to find some speakers friend of mine is retired clergyman named Rev John Collins We thought it would be fun if we could have Rev Mr Collins as speaker The leader of the nuclear disarma lrinflent group is Rev Canon Col Mr Gleaves emphasized that his campaign is not connected with any party He and his sup porters now committee of less than 100 have only one policy down with nuclear disarma ment The Committee for Nuclear Disarmament however is not dismayed by the loss of Trafal gar Square for Easter Monday spokesman said our national council decided 5t their quarterly meeting on Dec that Trafalgar Square was too small for our rally so we are not worried at all We are negotiating with the minis try of works for permission to hold the rally with all the fa cilities we need like loudspeak rs and an enclosure in Hyde at May Have Bared Secrets Of Ancient Etruscan Tongue FORT ARTHUR Onl CF Port Arthur man says he may have succeeded in throwing new light on the mystery of the arr7 cient Etruscan language Malt Carelius former ma jor in the Finish army trans lated four Etruscan inscriptions in an article published here by Canadan Uutlset Finnishlan age newspaper KThe Etruscan empire reached its peak about 600 BC in north ern Italy The race vanished shortly before the Christian era The language hasrpuzzled schol ars for centuries since the let ters in Etruscan inscriptions can be read but the meaning of the words themselves has do ATTRACTION make more use of the island to study its unique geological formation and variety of bird life Photo tied translation The origln of the race itself also is myslt tery Mr Carelius says in his ar ticle the inscriptions appear to be written in the ancrerrt larr guage of the FinnishUral tribes which are believed to have started to disperse from their Ural lands about 4000 BC While his translations may not be perfectly accurate says Mr Carolina the striking simil arities between the Etruscan words and their Finnish counter part moy warrant further stu dies by Lroirred scholars The writings make sense in Ibo Finnish language He points out that scholars have found references to the la mous Books of Acheron or Air eron which contained the Etruslt can doctrines on death and life after death The word ach eron or akeron can be di vided into Akk Eran or goddess of separation in the Finnish language in his article Mr Carelius gives each original inscrrptroa first The ancient writings are in lplouglring style the let ters forming one continuous line He them divides the letters into words and translates them The main inscription contains writing from burial monument found early in the 19th century on the Island of Lemnus in the Aegean Sea Scholars say it rs Etruscan from the seventh cen tury EC An example showing the Etruscan the divided letters the Finnish counterpart and then the English translation VAMACASIACSERONAIM ORINAICAKERTAVARSIS VAMA CASI ACS ERON AIMORIN AiCA KERTA VARSIS OMAKASI ACES ERON AITMUORlN AIKA KERTA VAESSIS Your hand weapon is in cluded in the timeperiod verses of the goddess of separation