Have Prosperous Yeor By Using They Want Ads To Solve Your flIRIBARRIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JANUARY S5 1982 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR sALE ArturAt the Royal Victoria nonpitni tannin on Bellamy Run mun aaï¬om lnnitnry I961 to Mr nnd Mn TurlN snlm Ann Problems ARTICLES For SA£ NEW GUNS AT COST FOR BARRIE RESIDENTS GRAHAMCARD SPORTS 16 Iiiississaga St ORILLIA FA 55954 PHOTO PROPERTY FOR sALE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY WANTED REAL ESTATE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST Pint in Barrie Home SelaForeth in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES T0 SEIILE ESTATE RENTALS APTS HOUSES T0 RENT ANGUS Pour morn house with hnth unturnlshed Ao ly to ac Robertson telephone $1 use Anunhln lmraedlntely urn Modern one nod two PROPERTY WANTED We have large III prospective purchasers looking for homes uenic Krmpenlnlt any nut in larmr and businesses and oven Shady cottage lotl Our busineal inrlu ed Automue uraciln ln to supply these people with the type of properties they desire wullnn Aymt um Woodrow 0m Station ammo son John Steven GAlllPYAt th Roynl Vlrlarll slums PA 52902 Hospital Barrie on wednendny gt Mï¬pmm nlfiee Iald Wednesday He may January 17 1m in an my annepy 46 ring Burl eon ninth PARrnJDtisAt IhI Royl vie torln Easpllal Barrie on Mandi Innuuy 1962 to Mr nnn Mrs Itomi Pnrtrlore RR arms non PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS bl Lho Blessed Event can he Announced to your friends and relatives or only $150 Just telephone PA 32414 DEATHS ELSONSuddcnly early Thun any rnnunry 25 196 nt 120 Ken oni Avenue Toronto alnry Iziirn bein MacArthur In her 75th yenr beloved wile oi thelnto Malcolm Dixon oi Oro stntlon loving mother at Once Mn 1L Cold vrell Arnold nd Hue dear grnndrnother at John 11 of 51 heretical Avenue Toronto Rui lng nl the Stanley Punerni Rome wonley Street home unlu noon Saturdly Janunry 27 Fun uni service in st Andrewn Pm hyterinn Church on stntlon nt PJD Temporary enlamhmeni nt Guthrie Cemetery vnulL Inleh mrnt later it United Cemetery Oro stntion Cuket will he open in in church mm p111 until tun oi service LAY Janet lnduay II III At lnnlswoon Print Ilosplt ann rir on Wednesday ry 1952 Innet Lindeny King beloved wire oi the Into llnlry Morison Lay not our mother at Nelson of Oman John at Pickering lenn thin Gordon Dunlop ol vlllowdnle llusahel tom Onion oi anrrie nnd llnrry at Toronto Resting nt tho Icimelt ninernl Home 152 urndlnrd st Borrlc Pinmm service orlvnte on Prldny Kindly omit lowers CARDS OF THANKS WALKOMWe would Ilka every one our Iriends nelghbors nad nlailvu lo muse accept our sincere thanks for Can lovely pru ontntion ot giltl given to us tron nu tho duternnt communities at antel Hill on Snturdny lnnu nry 13 To nu who made this nueh plounnt evening our sin can thanks HIIEKIO nnd EIleeli Wilkm IN MEMORIAM hchLFln loving memory or deni husbend Tnther nd tuna ther Melvin Metcnu who posed awry Innunry 15 ism mm to no in the wit din Edmï¬ wu no ow XS time did the day at your In yet oiou In alum Inc amt we the mm in no ITS rth mail bolt no on on onrtii osnio hire your lace no the donut or all well loved to ho largotien lily mined by hi nu Kit uglu dugnteriniw chm Dd grandchudren Melvin and Ind EllaJuno PAmamtsuln loving memory Wendy 141 who pissed nwny nnunry 25 low window little white rou at IntID llavm rain birth took hei home to honvon nroro nhe wu rpouoti on earth Evn loved and misled by mommy many nd Rsndy STOCKFOILDIn loving memory or dul father And pop Spen cer Stocklord who passed nway unitary 15 1900 To one we will nover forget Es absence to Sorrow no loss we win nlwnyo rrgret rrer remembered by lsnbei Marvin hnd Rosemary SroclmoRDrn loving memory or dear huehnnd Spencer Stocklord who pnnsod nwny Innu nry is 1960 Loving and kind in 11 hi ways Upright and Just to the end of lain days sincere and kind in hurt and mind Whnt benutllul memnry he lett behind vingly Telnenilinnd by wile Mary COMING EVENTS DANCE SATURDAY JAN 27th GUTIIRE COMMUNITY HALL ANDREWS ORCII Admission 750 Lunch counter MOCCASIN DANCE WARMINISTER COMMUNITY CENTRE Open air rink Hwy No 12 miles west of Orillia FRIDAY JANUARY 26 Weather permitting pm to 71111 Music by ODDS ENDS Lunch sold Admission 760 Church Budget Climbs 69 TORONTO GP Congre gations of the Presbyterian Church in Canada last year gave new high of $1735325 to general budget of the church up 60 per cent from 1060 The money is used to support missionariesvat home and over lens training colleges and the general church program MINISTEIFILL OTTAWA CP Agriculture Alvinliemilton is suf from the effects of Se Vcra chilling resulting in had told and inflammation settling mostly in the facial area his SPLIT LEVEL bedroom brick split level home only about 155 years old lully equipped with aluminum slorms and screens completely ï¬nished recreation room sep arate laundry room Carries for $95 monthly including interest principal and taxes Locaml near North Collegiate SOPHIA ST 0900 bedroom bungalow hot water heating garage lire place Very comicrtoblo home or couple or the smaller lam ily Good downtown location COXMILL ROAD PAINSWICK $11800 bedrooms double at tached garage full basement forced all all heating bath About years old Excellent terms with one mortgage Texas about $119 NAPIER ST $8900 lull asking price bed rooms living room and kitchen bathroom lull basement forced air all heating large garage paved drive large lot 50 190 Carries for about $77 monthly interest and principal Taxes only $15112 Act now on this one by phoning for an appoint ment to Inspect CALL DAY on cvnrmvc PA 82379 Member or the Illrrl nnn District Renl Extto Bond HENDERSON REALTOR la COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA 82670 EVENINCS CALL RITA SCANan PA Heal DOROTHY alvlbccni PA mu 17ch FORD PA emu EMERer SWAIN PA H605 timber or aims and District nne Ontnrlo Reni Ertnto Bonrds Slourl Agencies Lid CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS COLLIER STREET PA 8690 PRICE REDUCED bedroom bungalow on Vancouver street with lovely landscaped grounds Owner transferred Must be sold this month Carries for sooner month All offers will be considered DAIRY FARM 100 acres clay loam Large Lshaped barn steel stabling water bowls milk house bulk cooler implement shed Large brick house 36 head Holsteins45 pigs full line of implements All for $32 000 with half cash Located near Lake Simcoe 10 miles south of Barrie Member or the Dnrrle nnn District Renl Estate Bonrd EVENINGS CALL lilng GOULD 0110 1515 EDE GOULD and 2515 HARRY SLESSOR PA 80573 ORCA BROWN PA 2725 LLOYD HOCKLEY PA 6331 2mm LOUGHEED STAYNER 109w CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the lmperlnl lhentro WORKING MANS HOME $1000 full price Excellent six room home on large lot $1000 down 550 per month on one PA 06491 or after call PA 66161 MONTHLY lNCOIIm $12800 full price Duplex plus cottages on same lot Show ing at least 14 on your invest ment Call Ralph BarIke PA 66481 or after call PA 60803 ACRE acre with excellent buildings Full price $10500 with only $1500 down Call Ralph Boake PA 6481 or after call PA 50803 PAINSWICK Excellent five room bungalow on large lot $11500 full price rTermS Call Ralph ankeyPA 66481 or after call PA 00803 BAXTER Close to Camp Borden $750 down buy an excellent six room house on large lot Call Ralph Boake PA 66401 or after call PA 60803 PA 66481 Member of Barri and District Eleni mute Bonrn MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKECARTAGE STORAGE LTD voila ALLIED VAN burns be away from his office for two weeks Ater 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway S5575 mortgage Call Russell Carson wood Insul brick full basement rand Halage Living room kltchul 50 BLAKE STREET Here is your opportunity to buy most attractive older home In in excellent condition throughout it has spacious rooms oak floor up and down hot water heating zcer garage and wide lot that extends back over 330 leet We highly recommend this to you as being really good buy SEE 6000 beautiluily treed setting 11 NOWPHONE PA 85568 NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA 7ROOM SPLITLEVEL HOME YEAR OLD 5900 Definitely the new home lor the family that needs extra living space Seven beautifully proportioned rooms bathroom up bathroom downwith grade entrance to lower level liom back lawn liar family iVroom plus den convertible to 4th bed room This is truly the ideal largefamily plan at low price Exactly $3400 dOWn payment CMIIC mortgage Owner is transferred and would give you very quick possession desired To see it just call PA 04568 Coop Listing ED 618 205 WELLINGTON EAST NOW VACANT IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 314700 Owners sudden transfer to London gives you tile opportunity to make full and complete inspectlun of this very modern 3bed mom brick bungalow with garage familysize home with large recreation room plus den At this low price this lovely modern home carrlu at $72 monthly plus taxes JoOp listing No 568 Call PA 06568 to arrange in spection BUILDERS MODEL HOME 101 STEEL STREET 517500 The builders price on this especially beautiful grey brick bunga low is an indication of top dollar value for this line construction quality its 3bigbcdroom plan with an optional 4th beside thc rcc room Has both front and rear entrances to tho basamenl level Extra space is provided throughout the whole living area its very close to both Public and Separate School and it now hilly linished and ready to move inr large family living comfort right lni EVENINGS CALL MRS l1 MOOREPA 35157 ROGERSPA use Smith CampbellPA Mm rsrru liancy lA 57sz DUNLOP ST $1400 to $2000 down payment of these exceptional homes honing Cnll lack Willsnn PA 346 Normnn Shnlrweli PA m1 Howard NonIn PA as MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS ed PA 51001 on PA 6100 11 Dunlop St PRIVATE SALE Modern split level executive Overlooking park and bay Three bedrooms kil Chen and large living room din ing room Finished recreation room in basement Only $20000 Call owner Art Harris at PA 66401 LOTS FOR SALE Joe Longtln PA Sena metat shclsweu Cm 2919 Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tifiin St PAINSWICK AREA Only $5000 full price for this newly decorated five room home with piece bath on well landscaped Int 60 219 For inspection cau Karl Marshall PA 83917 MIDWAY BETWEEN BARRIE AND CAMP BURDEN $500 down on this modern three year old bungalow Carries or $65 per month including prinl clpal interest and taxes Fam ily size living room roomy kit chen with walltowall cup boards and two large bedrooms Hot and cold running water gall Emory Miller for inspec ion WILL TRADE The owner of this room home near Brentwood is listening for your offerings Call now and let us hear it PA 00476 READ THIS Would you trade your home on new three bedroom brick bungalow Well then lets trade We have one located near school in Angus All Six rooms are of very good size with modern canveniehca Very reasonable terms on the balance Call PA eons PA 60476 Member the Barrie and District Reel Etta Board Keith Marshall REALESTAIE aRom PA 82592 is OLAPPERIDN sr SARiun liloonl PA 81150 FRANK m1 PA oases ES Member Barrio nnn District Renl Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone PA 82419 93 Dunlop St AMABEL MARSHALLPA MAW uconnrPA sSiae MURTEL maltPA Miles PM BODMED House In Brent two bedrooms nnd hrtnrooni 3a out William Schnll arentwood Try An Examiner Want Ad Rhona PA awt Its completely settled FOSTERPA SSzu CONNELLPA 80155 MEMth BARRIE or DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRLE PHONES IPA BMA PA $074 Mcmhen oi LII herri Rent Emu aonrd ronn LangPA 95161 ahnruo RunPA scan Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 89961 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available interest 60 of Value No Fees Charged BRAND NEW HOMES ready for immediate occupancy from Call now for complete details mas ROD type home or author aunts THREE CHOICE wall drnined lot on 14th Concession oi lnnlsni em or Highway 11 being sold in one parent Sennace prlce Can tnct llnh Spenre Handy Hurd wnro Strand telephone 101114 FARMS WANTED RALPH In sum Wishes to an nounce that he wiu be npeclnlmnr in the selling or farm this spring Ralpll hnn runny nueoto wishing to purchase train 50 to 300 ncres some with onsh Ralph snys Sell now and give porseulon in the sprint Call 17 Carson gag mun PA Milli or PA MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE First and Second Mortgage Loans Anywhere wrnr LOW nonmy PAYMENTS TAILORED 10 YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY olo consolidate debts IPny our dating mortgngen Dr mortgagee coming dun Eoma improvement Any worthwhuo nun PA scoot Mortgage Funding Over SimpsonsSears 139 DUNLOP ST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Paymean insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARBIE PA 60203 ï¬ligflTgAiGEBAat 3nd gnu bought and MINTin STEPS exhilnz mortgages mic Moria gags Broken P9 504 15 An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 3241 PROPERTY WANTED Faun BEDROOM Homewanted Close to at Man Church and Swan entrance wIi school Will any in to 000 Applyn Box is Ennis ExnnniIan don wormolllhll ï¬lenhahe PA 37475 RENTALS This list keel growing daily through our vast advertising program and our direct telephone line to Toronto If you have property to sell you can sell it to tine of our clients For more information call Mr Halbert at TKEITH LTD REALTOR HORANGEVILLE 9410390 or write BOX 80 ORANGEVILLE Ont RENTALS how can SPACS Sr rent Cienn modern bulldtnll Salinhlo tor commercial or light indiuml Telephonn PA 575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSE 0M Bullt for this work Sam and Private rooms kind nursing one Road 004 TV room Italian In non for outingi TlIephono 60114 Strand APTS HOUSES TO RENT llouas run 11m three had room Passornlnn Telephone PA 55570 for iurther Intormntlon tmruithilslmn hell contained three room apartment or rent Ptivnto entrnnce Eut end his phone PA c7731 ntter pun APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and relrtgerator Use ol washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61068 UNPURNISIJED two bedroom npnrtment hunted Centrnliy locn ted Parking provided Rent 70 monthly Telephone PA Misti or nttrr tub pm PA H595 UNPuRNisnnn oil hclled xelf contained tour room nonrtment Gmund nour trout nd 14 en trnnce Avnilhio now Telcphono PA moi BURTON AVKNDB Three room unfurnished apartment on hunted hot wnter Stovo nnd rctrlgerntor Privntn hnth Apply at Cenlrn st mo unDRooaI Apartments or rent llnntrd Cuntnl location nnrdwood lloorr Telephone PA 64361411 further inlormntion NEAR hr MARYS church Lnrgo hented upper duplex or rent Five rooms and bath Sellcantalned Prlvate entrance No ohiectlon to One child Telephone PA 66607 iv aloDan npnrtrnenh tour menu and privatn hail hnt wlier hali ed utilities auPlecd Located in Angus Telephone Camp Burden 139 1115115 Ind after pin Form Rooltl Duplex with nu con venlencer all space hclter Situn ted In Angnn sultnhlo or Service parsonilel Telephone Angus In Him tor further inlormnuon ONE AND TWO lindronrn Apert ments stovr refrigerator drones Ouuldn of hnrrln Rent $55 and 515 with loose Ruse chrllngl PA as or 0m 59 collect mulled lPIrt nittit Utilities suppued At bus stop In Annndnlu district on child welcome Avnilnhlo now Telephone PA 04111 HEATED salt contained rpm ment ground floor three leig roonu Neu school Parking Pri vnbe entrnncn $65 monthly Tele phone PA BVnh HEATED Unmrnlshed Apartment two bedrooms kltcllcnctte null liv ing room 370 per month Phone PA 66401 Harri Flowers 99 him lol Past FOUR ROOM Apnrtnient or rent Private bath unmrnlehd and bent prlvlle entrance Close to schools nnd bur Children welcome Box Barrie Exnmlner DNFUDMSDED second ioni Dup lex with one bedroom chted Centrally located lmmedlnte poss esslon Telephone PA 32430 alter 30 PA arses AIODRRN two bedroom apartment with stove remgerntor nnd dryer on main floor at merit building Avnllnhle now Ply 118 Cook Street or PA 37110 Prvn ROOM nungnlow tor rent in conveniences ml heated Ideal surroundings Gpnd garden Lake shore privileges cu Shanty ay RoadBarrie Ii inn Telephone pro lea SELFCONTAINED two room lun nlshed heated npnrtment with Piece hnth Front and hnck en trancei Suitable or hnchelor or couple Apply 31 Bayneld Street PA no BRAND NEW three bedroom House or rent aned driveway CeliaAl location Close to Public and separate achnals Available immedlneely Telephone PA some evening or mrther information TWO ROOM furnished apnrtmcnt ntrlgElntor heavy duty stov Kent light ml water eupnll Centrally located 55 monthly Apply at Wmlny street or tele phone PA Sires coauoRlAnLE Apnrtmont Liv ing roam nlndem large kitchen One bedroom nnd private bath Heated end puking $50 monthly Central locatlnn Apply 101 Mlll nnster St SPACIOUS live room unï¬nished apartment stove and retrlgnrntor optional Automatic laundry and Plrklnl inclutlen Telephmla PA 84068 or PA aam for runner detail mlm Room sol contained npnrtment on ground floor Newly decorated Suit business couple Ahstainers only $60 monthly fleet nnd ught extra Teleplmno PA 57209 ALLANDALE District Three room apartment with bath Private en ilnnno lurking newly decorated Heal hydro and water SuPpIIEd 35 monthly Available February Telephone PA 39619 voila ROOM Apartment tlle built unlurnlshleldh stgve oï¬d 111 all en airs on mediately For further informa tion telephone PA oIml mar noolvl lumlshed Iparb ment or rent Belted Reulgnrn tor henvy duty stove hnrdwond liners Sell eoninlncd Avnllnhio immediately Armstrongs Hard were PA 57244 AVAILABLE February Two bedroom unmmlrticd apartment heat and water nnpplled anIlcun taln East and locatlon $75 per monlhlelephone PA avastl or PA 35097 BLAKE STREET All the advanta ges ol hented bungalow in this unmrnlnhnd three room ground lloor sumolent Private stairs to llh dryer vernndn New drlpary uphlled an to out end Pin torg nu inundry LARGE nicer decorated nno bed room lowcr npsrtment hented selfcontained Ccntnl location Childlren welcnma Toluphon PA AVAILADLI Now Uninrnlshce uyxtalrx Iplrunem three minI Private bathroom no not water innk Sellcontnined Near Office smnil hnhy welcome Tro Phonn PA 59757 rwo BEDROOM unlurnlrhed self eontnlneti nuplex Living room kitchen dining nren basement Front and hnck entnnees ten per month Apply Mylar street or telephone PA 67101 TWO BEDROOM hungnlow for rent rniteluuy decorted Oil bent Aluminum norms nnd screens Au conveniences writ Box as Barrio anmlnzr or phone VA 74500 Olkvllle Eva nznannll Apartment lai nt upper floor completely pri vnte centrnl location not wnter huted Cnrnge Handy Io ldiool Avnunbio tmrnrdintnly PA BTW utter pm PURleDnD inrgn lieted bright bedutting room bright kitchen hnthmom Pnrking inciuuu Con trnlly locnted sultnblo for two Ilusnnhlila root For lddlllonll intormntlon telephone PA l7l04 FIVE ROD Apnrtment with bath irentrd Unlumished Downtown loenuon Pnrking nanohle Sell cantIned with private cnunncc Immediatu possession rrizphono PA Mace or PA 5294 alter 7111 sso MONTHLY Three roam un lurnnnod ecuconulnnd Illfl inent Separate wiring Central catlnn Pnriung iaellilles Heated Telephone PA S7597 rtrr pm tor mrtner inronnnuon SDNNinALR ROAD Aron 11 Leti tln Street Newly drcornted lnrgo two bedroom mucontnlnnd nynrt ment Second rioor Avnllnhle Feb lesz Hot water heating Loun dry Gnrngo included Adults only Telephone PA Minn $150 Pan DAY and hy in week Three rooms on bedroom nntumished apartment three piece hath TO be hutnn by on space heater Central Adulu only 1111 medlnto possmion snclswru Roll Ethic Dunlap st East Ennis PA 89961 1mm ROOM munrnlshnn hone rd apartment or rent Sellcan tnlned nopnratn nntnnco $55 per month Avnilnhlo Immediately Telephonl PA 81770 or PA out TWO BEDROOM unlumished npnrtment or rent on main floor or new triplex link and trout enlrlncel Automntlc dryer Tele phone PA 50935 ioi nirther Infor mation mus itIJOlu Apnrtment lor rant privatn bath refrigerator nd store overionklmz lnkn lni medlnto possession No chudren Telephone PA 01510 or runner not uNruanShan ncwly decorated uppar nonnment One or two bed room large kitchen Immediate possession Priced rnr quick rent Telephone PA Hm ny or PA 89291 evenings UNIUILNISHED east cnd two bedroom apartment for rent in new building Parking laundry storngo space Avnllanlu now Not suitable tor children Telephone PA 61445 FURNISHED Ientcd throne room pertmrnt for rent with extra room if required Apply at 69 John Street or telephone PA 86360 COMFORTABLE Lhrec room un rurnlrhcd heated apartment Pri vntn bath laundry nnn parking tncuILIns $55 monthly APPLY 154 Anne Street South or telephone PA case after p111 COMFORTABLE lnrge thre room npnrtmenl Moderate rent wrist separate entr cc storage arit ing CenIlal bus lnundronini Auownnco for Scrvlcl 135 Penn tnng St PA 34543 By ALICE BROOKS IOR HALFSIZES Arrive on the scene looking slim and smart in this quietly detailed stepin with novel collaralld skirt softness Choose carefree blend cotton wool Printed Pattern 4681 Half Sizes 1412 165$ 10 20 22 24 Size 16 requires yards 45inch fabric Send FIFTY CENTS 50 cents in coins stamps cannot be ac cepted lorihis pattern Please print plainly SIZE NAME AD DRESS STYLE NUMBER Send order to ANNE ADAMS care of Barrie Examiner Pat tern Deparlrnent 60 Front St Toronto Ont SPECIAL Spriugrsummer Pat tcrn Catalogrcady nowl More than 100 sparkling stylessun sport day dance work travel All slzeal Send 35 cents ROOMS TO LET and roll Rmr 1n clenn tntnlly home Donrd optional Close to bus stop lnlnphono PA 57252 or fur ther lntorrnntlon uailr housekeeping room to rent Apply at 45 WalsIey Stmct or iele 1112an PA Hm for inrthor portl ni on ROOM BOARD Room AND nDAltn nvnllobie in private home east end on bu route Home privileges Parking Space Contlcmnn preferred Tele phone PA 60955 for lurther in tormntlon WANTED TO RENT annr Manlcd Couple require no nnrtrnon for April Must be sellcontained furnished suithie for service couple Vritc giving full details to Mrs Keith Fouriere 6143 Linden st nnurnx Nov Scotlh ARTICLES For SALE STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stuck COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the data line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12 To 20c Clearing at 9c ea lus PROVINCIAL SALES iAr Commercial Printing Dept BaTrie Examiner Phone 66537 FURNACE BARGAHV Buy your furnace now between Jan 15th and Feb 28th and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg $69 FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW 5110 Finance Rate Phone collect Stroud AIRS WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud Low Overhead Low Cost EWSPAPER MATS Sizessleb Ideal for lining hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examul at Barrie Ontario RANGE FOR SALE iour burner elcctrlc In excellent condition Telephone PA 5772 or further information CLASSIFIED REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner if you would like to have re prints of any news picture taken by our stall photbgra phcrs please call atour 821 ness Office We are sorry cannot accept hoila ordern Glossy Prints $100 10 $125 plus trx NEARLY Nzw Leny vcuun Cleaner tor nle $1950 Inlophonn PA H911 cAsn LOANS$00 on or month Telephone PA 6020 Svresfenl nnnnce Duninp 5L llfllSKllfl Purl coAI lor nnlr lpproxlmaiely run Cost $50 in 1957 Will Sell tor 3100 Telephone PA M757 for Iurther information SnOrOUNs Winchester 12 nun pump 00 DOublu barrel Fox gold plated single trigger 565 Pine glu Canoe $85 Sacriï¬ce price Apply Agnes Street Barrie CUPIJDAILD tor nnlnwoocen door shelved approximately saw cream painted via AI Ply 155 pink smut or phone PA M1153 Pun VIIAPE Jntkotn and Coats for nnle or exchnnge Renoiring running nnd remodelling Moder nto Prices ABply Mun nnd Son 132 unlop Street Earrll Toicphone PA cam DAVENPORT nd swivel Chnlr Cllcsterlicld nnd Chnlr Dresser and Ecd with springs Au in ex cellent condition Apply Li Dnitn gorgmn 12 Bayfleld street PA VERTICAL lulu Bridgeport type with slotting herd niro Horizontal iiilli Cincinnati No and PanagnPli nnme rhnpo cut ting machine Apply Mr And nu cookslown phnnq 4594794 DADY grand pianomake MERLIN in nhow room condition innhognny ilnlsh medium nlzn original cost 57100 wlu sell or 8750 cnnh Reason for selling rcLlrlnl from the civil Service Apply Prod Browning iaa Shannon Street Orll us Phone FA 43753 scunA Pnuipmnnt or sale tuna only monuis like new Singin rtngo two hole reguintor un Lung tenk constant reserve vn ve Bac Pan with harden loam Neoprcno wet suit complete size medium IFlru mmkel Dusk weight belt l7 pounds or weights divors flag and one prorenlonnl nlvore knlie Quito reuonnblo Phone PA 643937 arter pin or cnu at 47 lIIarcul strnnl DOGS PETS EOXER PUPS black lace and flash Champion sired registered Telephone 12293 RCAF Gimp aar den for lurther Momhflml GOLDEN namvnn Pupplu for sale registered Show and hundnr stock Gnnd win children Male and females Telephone AllLrton an Sam RADIO TV HIFI McFADDEN Appliance 128 Penetang at St Vincent FM STEREO RADIO by ELECTROHOME PHONE PA 09208 BOATS MOTORS FREE PICK UP SPRING IS COMING Let us pick up your power lawn mower to check and re conditioliat our winter rater Be ready for that green grass PHONE PA 66413 Your authorized Johnson Evin rude Gale and LawnBoy re pair shop DELANEY BOAT LINES FOOT 0F BAYFIZELD STREET BARBIE Boat Kit For Sale Excellent buy for the boat enthusiast 17 cabin cruiser Windshield and fibreglus top supplied with kit Also extra fibreglas rdsin and poly plate for decking Hull has been assembled and libreglased for you Cost of and libreglasing was $850 sell for $650 Assembled boat sells for $1300 Buy now and have the boat ready foriflin boating season Telephone PA 60208 FARMERS MARKET MANimE lon SALE ply at Agricultural Ground in Aï¬ludflo from Am till Bpdn Nodeilw ery no SQUARES Galvanized Roofing Council Standard extrn hnnvy coating Like new About half new price Telephone Gnmley 521e Try An Examiner Want Ad DIRECTORY OF UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE PA 66525 AVIS RENTACAR SYSTEM 107 Dnulop St THIS SPACE AVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 84414