our TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ad Tele bone PA 52414 The telephone number to call for the Business or Editorial Dept is PA LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy snowflurrles Colder tonight Low tonight High tomorrow iii For complete summary turn to page two 9Bth YearNo l7 WOUNDED Dominican youth injured Wednesday in clash with soldier is rushed to hospi tal Gangs of young Donuni IN cans clashed with troops in Santo Domingo Wednesday protesting the takeover of the government by Gen Pedro illicit OTTAWA CPTha first firm step was taken Friday toward formation of an 11th Canadian provincebut the next one may not come for 30 years The Northwest Territories Councildespite objections from two of its membersdecided to go ahead with establishment of the new Territory of Mackenzie Echavarria Last night Ech avnrrla was ousted from pow er and new state council was sworn in Asians Africans Gain Most From Immigration Changes OTTAWA CWAsians Afri cans and thc nationals of Middle East countries will gain the most from new immigration reg ulations announced in the Com mons Thursday by Immigration Minister Fairclough She said those people now will be considered for admission to Canada if they have the educa tion training and skills to fit into Canadian social and um aomic life and if they are suit able on other counts as well No longer would they require special cabinet orderinboun cii for entry Once in Canada they would be able to sponsor the entry of wider range of relativethan previously MrsuFairclough told aprcss conference later that she does not think the new regulations will change the Canadian immi gration pattern The country would remain predominantly white will the new regulations mean big increase in immigration The minister said the future rate will depend on Canadas economy and conditions in the countries from where the immi grants come ARRIVALS FEWER total of 56168 immigrants mostly Italian and Britishar rived in Canada in the first nine origin provincial regulations medical practice ado gard to race color or national By way of example she said doctor from Greece likely would not qualify if he did not speak either English or French He would not be able to meet governing Immigration officers in var ious countries were aware 0f needs in Canada for various types of skills and would be in charge of the selection of skilled persons for migration to Can discussed with the countries coa on schedule The ninemember council set the boundaries of the territory taking in the heavily populated and mineralrich Mackenzie dis trict and tentatively decided on the 160yearold onetime trad ing post of Fort Simpson as its capital The new territoryto be gov erned by council of five elected members and four ap pointed is scheduled to come into being in 1904 Members of the present couns clltour elected from Macken zie and five appointed by the federal cabinet say it will likely take 25 to 30 years before the territory achieves provin cial status The western and southern boundaries of the Mackenzie Territory will be formed by the borders of the Yukon Territory and the provinces of British Col umbia Alberta and Saskat chewan Plckcrsgill former Lilr oral immigration minister said the new regulations applying to nonwhites substitute one set of criteria for discrimination for another He said there is no difference between selection word used by Mrs Fairclougb and discrimination Mrs Fairclough said that for the time being there would be no change in the quotas on im migraan from India Pakistan and Ceylon Current agreements on thesequutas now were being Maurice The Maurice Rocket Richard hockeys alHime great goal scorer will officially open Bar ries 1962 Winter Carnival The announcement was made today by carnival publicin chairman Ernest Birmann Mr Birmann said that confirmation of the Rockets Opens Winter Carnival Feb Rocket Richard MAY A150 BE SPONSORED Mrs Fairclough said immi grants with skills may also be sponsored by parent parento inlaw or fiance already in Can ada provided the sponsor is Canadian citizen The Canadian must be able to maintain the cernod Firmvlszroken Capital $63 II was received only last night personal appearances and his home lnrMontréeHvithhlr fam fly on weekends Richard will appear Friday night at Barrie Arena February appearance Bus to heavy schedule of sual practice of remaining at Feature of the evenings en immigrant until he after himself Canadian Skier Is Injured In Austrian Meet ski race first reports said can look KITZBUEHEL Austria AP Canadas Garry Battistella suf fered serious injuries in fall in todays Hahnenkamm downhill tertainment there Will be mi nor hockey tournament Not only the games greatest scorer the former Montreal Ca nadiens star has already gone down in history as the National Hockey Leagues most colorful Owes $777000 mTCHENER CF Tor onto construction company with total issued share capital of 63 has gone broke owing $717 000 THE ROCKET Market value of the company shares are estimated at $600000 The company Noy Construc tion Limited went into bank ruptcy in November Sharehold ers are Ben Noy former Is raeli paratrooper who is presi and controversial player scoring 50 goals ina 50game schedule former teammate Bernie mark in 70game season last winter Among his many records is his playing days that general manager Frank Selke Sr once predicted that Richard would win the Stanley Cup for Cana dians with an overtime goal Geoffrion tied the Hailed across the world as and 75x emitter Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday January 20 62 Formative Steps Are Taken For New Canadian Province The eastern boundary the council decided will run along the 105th meridian to the Arctic Ocean This gives chunk of land about 50 miles across at its widest point to the Keewntin Territory which will form por tion of the remaining Northwest Territories Political Weeklies Ioin Controversy LONDON ReutersBritains top political weeklies added fuel Friday to the controversy over the Earl of Snowdons new job The New Statesman The Spectator The Economist and Topic News magazines all ap pealed with references to the new job Princess Margarets husband has as artistic adviser to The Sunday Timesowned by Canadian publisher Roy Thom son But none echoed earlier critiv cism that Snowdon who takes over his new job at the end of the month after returning with the princess from Caribbean holiday is being used as cir culation gimmick The mass circulation Daily Mirror also entered the Contra versy coming down on the side of the man it criticized for taklt ing the title of Earl of Saowdon after he married Margaret TheNew Statesman Social lst weekly says There has not been such stunned sllence in the top establishment since the Townsend affairsa reference to Capt Peter Townsend whose name once was linked romantics ally with Margaret The New Statesman carries cartoon of woman asking her news agent Which paper has the Tony The Spectator also treats it lightly showing cartoon in which the front page of The Sunday Times is covered with photographs of Margaret Not More Than par Copylo Page Canadian Flag Pay Increases Also Questions Before House OTTAWA CF Anatlonol lottery higher pay for members of Parliament and the perennial question of distinctive Cann dian flog are among 66 propolt sais already put forward by pri vate MP5 at the new session of Parliament The luck of the draw smiled on bill for national hospital sweepstakes sponsored by Fer guson Browne PCVancouver Kingsway The Commons own lottery held at the start of each session to decide the order of priority put his bill at the head of list of 38 private members bills and thus it will he the first de bated Not all of the bills and 28 pri Pay Cut OKd Ii Wage Is Guaranteed MONTREAL fCPThe Sea international Union lad is willing to accept pay cut it guaranteed an annual wage for the 15000 Great Lakes seamen it represents says an SlU committee which prepared demands for new contract talks beginning here Tuesday The committees proposals were outlined to the member ship in the Canadian Sailor an SlU monthly publication distri buted Friday The committee also proposes four hour reduction in the work week to 40 hours and an increase in company contribu tions to thaainions welfare fund to 60 from 20 cents day per employee Stan Hilliard committee chairman said in the report it is the opinion of the committee that since our vessels perform 12 monurs work in the nine months navigation season we are justified in seeking wages vate members resolutions are likely to be debated in the one hour daily provided for them And Commons adoption of pri vate members proposal is rarity In the post however some have resulted in generat ing enough suport both in the Commons and outside that the government itself brought in legislation on the subject WOULD RAISE MP PAY Thats the hope of Douglas Fisher tCCFPort Arthur who has sponsored resolution ask ing the government to give im mediate consideration to the need for boosting income of MP5 Members now receive $10000 year of which $2000 is tax free expense allowance Mr Fisher said he considers $3000 minimum increase The last increaseto $10000 from $6000 occurred in 1054 Three private members pro posals involving new national flag are already in the hopper Creation of 15member Com mons committee to survey all aspects of commercial advertis ing and recommend what steps if anyshould be taken to pre vent fraudulent and misleading ads is proposed by New Brunswick MP IGizenga Arrives To Answer Charge LEOPOLDVILLE Reuters Former deputy premier Antoine Gizenga arrived here by air to day to or charges he planned to set up an independent government in Oriental province in The Congo About 25 members of Giza gas African Solidarity party split over his recent activities greeted the smiling leader with shouts of long live Gizenga and long live the president gen eral months of 1061 well down from 03843 in the corresponding pe riod in 1060 Figures for all of 1961 are not available yet in the Commons Mrs Fair clough said the new regulations mean that any suitablyqualified person from any part of the world can be considered for im migration to Canada entirely on his own merits and without re It was just few minutes later that Richard scored the winning goal performance equal to Babe Ruths pointing to distant fence on the ball field Richards appearance here is expected to zoom carnival at tendance to an allvtime high IN UTSHELL University Grants Heartening TORONTO tcPlDr Claaude Bissell president of the Uni versity of Toronto Friday escribed as heartening the an nouncement in the speech from the throne at Ottawa that fed erai grantstouniversities will be increased Former King Is Married gtLAUSANNE Switzerland APlFnrmet King Simeon 24 of Bulgaria was married in civil ceremony here today to Margarita Gomez Aceha Cejuela 27 daughter of Spanish industrialist 2i Hurt In Bus Truck Collision KENORA om tcPlA hus remitled into transport trucks parked trailer on the icy transCaaada highway Friday night Twenty persons were hurt none severely RC Divorce Judge Dies Lonoon ReutersSir Hubert Joseph wellington as Britains first and only Roman Catholic divorce judge died here Friday Bed Paper Employees subpoenaed NEW YORK APlThe Worker Communist newspaper said Friday several of its staff members have been subpoen aed to appear next week before federal grand jury in Wash ington TIllfMlNSlCPThev mystery Seaway Budget Slashed ocked out 22 OTTAWA CMThe St Lawrence Seaway Authority will the community ceritrgee $1th operate on sharplyreduced capital budget during 1962 Tabled ay night was solved today by Friday in Parliament it calls for construction costing $4500000 mand tests which showed they against $324530325 in 1961 Impravenlellts casting 51750000 had suffered carbon monoxide against $1450098 last year and planning at cost of $250000 poisdning against $513855 last year Doctor were unable to BCAF Plane Sinks Through Ice point the cause of eprlcpti typie fits wglflch $0 21 teenagers an one telfa number HUNTSVILLE Ont CPiAn BCAF Otter aircraftbroke through the ice on Lake of Bays just south of here Friday and sank to itarwings An RCAFspokesman said nooae esfn tor the full year However in order to im press the companies with our sincerity in this regard we counsel who offered him ao have made slight reduction in commodation at UN headquar our wage scale ters here Battistella of Kimberly BC fell in the socallcd mouse trap of the Strait track and was thrown into the trees His crash helmet was cracked in the impact He suffered head and back in juries race official announced He was taken down on stretcher and flown immediately to hospital dent and two unnamed persons The company which built two large apartment blocks in Kit chener owes the $717000 to 66 different firms and persons of the total about $00000 is in unsecured debts The company now has $15 in the bank Fourteen creditors met with Mr Nay here Fridav The meeting was told that the company bought land in Kit chener from Motek Fishstein of Toronto for $100500 Mr Fish stein had paid $40500 for the land nine months earlier it smells was the comment of Attridge who repre sented one of the creditors Run nymede Steel Construction Lim ited of Toronto Aussie Youth Tops In Slalom BAD GASTEIN Austria AP Traudl Hecher Austrias teen age wonder scored strong comeback victory in the Inter national sliver Jug giant slalom 71302 Miss Hecher 18 sped down the lightning fast Graukogel Mountain course in one minute 38 seconds in outclassing field of 82 skiers from 20 coun tries The worlds top We man skier last year the Austrian girl had finished disappoint ing 12th in Wednesdays down hill event The Canadian team found the 1750yardcourse with its sharp dewyard drop and 44 gates too difficult to handle Nancy Green of Vancouver was the best of the Canadian group finishing 84th in one minute 522 seconds Linda Crutchfield of Shawlni ganQue was 43rd Nancy Hol land of Montreal 48th Vicki Rutledge of Ottawa 64th and Ann Parsons of Ottawa earn Miss Hecher finished 16 sec onds faster than runnerup Ma rianne John of Austria QUAKES HIT GREECE ATHENS AP Aiatrong earth tremor shook western and central Greece Friday night sending inhabitants fleeing out doors in panic No casualties were reported Dr Leslie Bell Dead In Toronto TORONTO calor Leslie Bell 55 leader of the famed Leslie Bell Singers died here Friday of cancer He was taken to hospital for surgery week ago the day be fore he was to have inaugurated new radio show Dr Bell formed his allgirl choir in 1530 and it carried his name to international fame in radio television and in personal appearances lt was his love of showbusi ness that led Dr Bell into career in music He was staging neighbor hood eircus at the age of five when he fell from rooftop and severely injured leg He spent the next four years in bed the leg in cast His coavalescence was spent listening to small phonograph and practising the clarinet He came out of it with permanent limp and an abid ing love of music He was 11 years old before he entered public school but com pleted high school by the time he was 10 He earned his mas ters degree in English at the University of Toronto immins Twisters Gassed At Dance Gizenga shook hands with them all and then chatted with Hamid Abdoun Sudanese UN titre greatest contributor to the game Richard now travels as goodwill ambassador for the Montreal Canadiens Hockey Club Twice he has been flown to Europe to encourage Cana das national game in other countries So reliable was the Rocket in at of twin1 tunes had played jured without warning rushed to hospital he had to be revived four times influx ith 1e auch won an acqurtta on their charge when hebecame the first prisonerever to ap pear lations in her Parliament Hill ofllce just few hours before they were announced in the Commons Fire Destroys Bams Pavili WINDSOR Ont tCPbFire destroyed twolarge barns near Learnington and pavilion at Baileys BeachFï¬day nigh with damage estimated at approximately $50000 IMMIGRATION Minister El len Fairclough takes final look at new imrhigration regu rs Vin Canadiah Yopk lawyer sol cab