Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1962, p. 3

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nan AMmmawygwflxmr cc Employees of Barrie Board of Parks Management were busy cleaning the snow from the bay ice yesterday and the PREPARING ICE IOil Cit going was rough Here Joe Van Gaol pits the strength of Rover against wet snow and bumpy ice in preparation for ilNlVllI ihewollcr Carnival scheduled for Feb 1011 Parks Superintendent Jim Savage said the ice will be ready Examiner Photo Most of the agenda went by the board last night as city council spent four hours wrang ling over the striking commit tees recommendations on com mittee personnel and terms of reference for committees Council went into committee of the whole Io discuss the strik ing committee report with May or Cooke vacating the chair in favor of Alderman Earle Wil liams Alderman Gerry Roberts ob jected to the appointment of committee members for two year terms The mayor has made whole sale changes Mr Roberts said No one can say the comA miltees will work There is the possibility of conflicts think that committee members should be appointed for one year and review can be made at that time BACKS ROBERTS Alderman Charles Wilson sup portedltfr Roberts on the one year proposal saying it was not fair to the three new members of council KNOCK By MRS MCCORRISTON There were seven tables in play at the Euchre party Mon day evening at the home of Mr and Mrs Barry Clarke The prizes went to Mrs Eddie Webb hith and Mrs Ed Stur gcss low Mens high went to Bruce Wice and Vic Treimstra low Lunch was served Next party will be at the home of Mr and Mrs Ed Sturgess Gavin FOR REEVE Reeve Joseph Cochrane looked very dignified in his new role of office Monday last when the inaugural meeting of Innis til Council took place at Stroud During themeeting Councillor Jack Torrens asked Ior time out while he presen ed the re eve with genuine Irish Black thoin gavelbe had sent out Irom Johnston Brothers of Bel fast The reeve somewhat suc prised graciously accepted and thanked Councillor Torrens for his thoughtfulness The meeting was adjourned at noon when Mr and Mrs Cochrane enterta ined some 50 guests to tur key dinner with all the trim mings at Holly United Church prepared by the United Church Women Your correspondent felt highly honored to be among the guests on this occasion The people elected us for two years and they must have con fidence in us Alderman Roy Marsellus stated Committee terms should be for the same length as council terms The twoyear committee term was voted in Membership of the general government committee was dis cussed and Alderman Roberts proposed some sweeping chang es The ward system is outdat ed Mr Roberts said Wards two and four representing more than 10000 people half the pop ulation of the city are not re presented on the general govern ment committee policymak ing body This is the wishes of the low This is bureaucratic not democratic The man who heads the poll in each ward should be appointed to the gen eral government committee Mayor Cooke said he felt Mr Roberts proposal might have some merit but such sweep ing change should not be made on direct motion but should be referredto committee for discussion recorded vote was held and Mr Roberts motion was de feated by vote of nine to four with Aldermen Mills Marsellus and Wilson supporting the mov er CAUSES CONFLICT The appointment of Alder man Wilson to the fire and trai fic committee also caused con fiict Mr Wilson indicated he did not wish to serve on this com mittee but later said he would serve for one year if the mat ter was reviewed by council at the end of that time wish to change commit tee there will be very serious trouble in council Mr Wilson warned It almost seems that Alder man Wilson is threaten coun Mayor Cooke said wish he wouldnt talk like that It was pointed out to council at this point that under rule 67 of council procedure tee membership could be re viewed at any time by two third vote of council Alderman Roberts then said he wished to be withdrawn from membership in the city develop ment committee to which he had been proposed My position will be prev carious one hefsaid To sooth the fevered brow of Alderman Roberts Alder man Everett Emms stated will he only too happy to move to any other committee and let Alderman Roberts stay onthe Locsi AND GENERAL CENTRE VESPRA MEET Centre Vespra Home and School Association met recently under therchairmanship of vice president Mrs Dobson code of ethics forparents was read and the meeting approved various committee reports cleanup of the school basement was set for Jan 20 Next meet ing will be Feb at pm BREEDERS PLAN TOUR At the annual meeting of Sim coe County Hereford Breeders committee was given the job of planning bus tour for late February where practical farm layouts might be visited Their support was also pledged for 4H Club work under their new president Bill Vancise of Cpl lingwood NEW PRESIDENT At the new directors meeting of South Simeoe Soil and Crop Improvement Association Har ry Cross of Beeton was elected president for the coming year Bert Kidnie of Everett was elected vicepresident and the two of them will he delegates to the annual convention in sup port of districtdirector Henry Davis of Utopia JUNIOR FARMERS The annual meeting of Allis ton Junior Farmers was held at Elmgrove School with Peter Vanderpost being elected presi dent ior the coming year tures were shown of the gate way competition conducted in 1961 and first prize in this pro ject was awarded to Janet and Joan Cole Mary and Ron Yorke won second with Jean nette Ridden receiving third prize BBEAKJNS Two local businesses were broken into early this morning in Barrie Barrie Motor Sales truck garage was entered through rear window Vic Willis White Rose gas station was also broken into Thero is no report of any articles stolen Police are investigating BAND PRESIDENT Marv Hobson will serve as 1952 president of Barrie City Concert Band other Officers elected at recent practice were Gibnwiley vicepresident and Jerry vStubhings secretary treasurer ANNUAL MEETING The Barrie Young Mens and Young Womens Christian A5lt sociation will hold its fifth an nual meeting at Trinity Church Hall at 630 pm Jan 31 Speaker will be Don Wright Writer and radio broadcaster from Toronto commit Backs Mayor On TwoYear Committee Appointments city development committee vote was held against pro tests by Alderman Roberts and committees were accepted as they stood Council adjourned at midnight and set Thursday as the date for special meeting to deal with the bulk of last nights agenda which did not receive the attention of council because of the lengthy arguments over the striking committee reports If all council meetings are like that Im going to resign one of the new council members commented after the meeting Topic Deals With Buyers IIoogendyke sales sup erintendent for the Ontario Hy dro addressed the Central on tario Sales and Advertising Club last night on the topic Care and Handling of Huycrs sound movie on thov Art of Salesmanship One person from Oriilia on seeing and hear ingvthe presentation asked if similar meeting could be held in Oriilia The next meeting will be Display and Retail Night Speaker will be Woods pres ident of Gordon McKay Limited and Walker Stores Mr Woods topie will be Discount Stores and what changes may have to be effected by the retailer in merchandise display and ad vertising This will also be the night of the Award Window Display eon test This contest designed to promote interest in local mer chants in window displays is Judged by an outoitown pro fessional window display man Last years winner was Walk er Store of Barrie The award presented is the Ralph Snelgrove Trophy GEORGE FRY OIIiceis Named By Underwriters George Fry was installed as president of SimeonMuskoka Life Underwriters Association at the regular business meeting held in Oriilia Mr Fry has been associated for the last 12 years with the Norwich Union Life Insurance Society in the Barrie area Harold Darch CLU regional Vicepresident for Central 0n tario installed the newly elect officers as follows president Mr Fry Vicepresident John MacKenzie CLU Oriilia secre tarytreasurer Robert Harris CLU Barrie Directors Jock Gerow CLU Midland Regin ald LaChauce CLU and Ron Chantler Barrie II Ken Mil chell CLU Clifford Crokam and Walker Mathieson Oriilia Following the installation James Gawley CLU superin tendent of agencies in charge of training for Excelsior Life In surance Company spoke on dit fercnt concepts of life insur encc There were 50 members and guests present Mr Hoogendyke showcd THE HARRIS EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY OBITU JOHN WEAYMOUTK John Rankin Weaymoutb 67 of Kernpenfclt Drive Barrie away suddenly alter ct illness in Royal Victoria Hospital on Dec 1961 He was born in Barrie on June 20 1E mo of the late John Wil lienl Bell Weaymoulh and the former Janet Watson for six years in Toronto he had lived in this community all his life He had served as grocers clerk for the late Bothwell on Essa Road in Al landale from school days until about 1000 when he went to To ronto baggage handler at Union Station and after that was head stablemon at the Shedding Forwarding Co Back in Barrie he drove cab for time and then became tum lrey at Simcoe County jail for 27 years until retirement Mr Weaymouth was mem ber of Trinity Anglican Church an ardent member of the Dr page Order and Royal Black Preceptory keen horsemen and supporter of the Consens tivo party in politics He was married on Oct 16 tool in Or angevillo to Catherine Elizabeth Allen who survives him with one son and two daughters Allen Weaymnuth of Barrie Mrs Harry Adams Knot of Toronto and Mrs William Beat ty Zeta oi Barrie There are also five grandchildren and five greatgrandchlldren Three bro thers Samuel Fontomore and Ralph and sister Mrs Wil liam Marley tElizabeth are de ceased Tha funeral service was held at the Jennett Parlors with Archdeacon Read officiat ing Pallbearers were Harry Allen Thomas Boyle Howard Allen Ralph Weaymouth Wil liam Maycs and El liott There were many beau tiful floral tokens oi esteem for Mr Weaymouthwho was wide ly known and highly esteemed Interment was at Barrie Union Cemetery MRS FRED RICHARDSON highly esteemed resident of Vespro Township Mrs Fred Richardson passed away sud denly after short illness at Royal Victoria Hospital on Jan 1952 She was born at An ten Mills Laura Madeline Cor SOn in 1592 daughter of the late Robert and Susan Carson After their marriage in 1912 in Toronto Mr and Mrs Richard son resided st RR Midburst Except ARIES Airs Richardsons greatest in terest was in her home and her family She was member of Anton Mills United Church on active member and past pre dent of the Womans Associa tion Her husband survives with seven seas and five daughters ltlelvin of Chepleau Chester oi ltIidhurst Jack and Bob oI Bar rie Bill of Kitchener Ross at home and Dan of Listoer Mrs George Hayburst Made line of Toronto Mrs William Chandler Beatrice of Copper Cliff Mrs Mills Arnos anr jorle oi Barrie ltlrs Jack Parr Joyce of Hamilton Mrs Bruce Hnlynrd Shirley oI0ril lla There are 3i grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren Following private family service at the Sieckley Parlors in Barrie ii public service was held at St Andrews Presbyter ian Church Interment was at Barrie Union Cemetery on Jnn II ALBERT PRATT Albert Pratt lifelong resident of lnnisfil Township passed away on Jon 1962 Mr Pratt was one of the oldest residents of the township and except for the latter two years had lived all his life on lot 17 concession ii innlsfil where he was born 85 years ago He was the third generation to live on this form and was the lost of that generation to leave the lZlh line Mr Pratt was one of the pioneers who helped build St Pauls School which was erected on part of the Pratt farm He was member of St James United Church Stroud whlch he had attended all his life and in which he was deeply interested He helped lay the foundation of the pres ent church Mr Pratt was the father of seven children Andrew de ceasedi Vctor of Hamilton William of nrrie Edith Mrs Nelson of Ivy Elmer of Stroud Helen Mrs Bowman of Stroud and Florence Mrs Banting of Ivy Also surviving are 10 grandchildren and four great grandehildren The funeral service was held in St James United Church Jan with interment in the adjoining cemetery Honorary pallbearers were all old friends and neighbors of Mr Pratt His six grandchildren were no tlve pallbearers Council Wrangles Over Committees Appointments to committees was the main topic at city coun cil last night as members wran gled for four hours over the recommendations of the strik ing committee appointed by Mayor Les Cooke to decide on personnel and functions of vari ous committees Following are thecommittees as accepted by council Finance Committee Chair man Aid Hersey Vice Chairman Ald Mills Aid Cumming Public Works Committ Chairman Aid Smi ViceChairman Ald Ne ton Aid Joliiffe FirearidTraific Committee Chairman Aid Williams ViceChairman Aid Wib son Aid Marsellus City DevelopmeneCommitte Chairman Aid Morrow ViceCliairman Aid FRoblt erts Ald Emms General Government Commit tee Chairman Mayor Cooke VicerChalrmon Current Acting Mayor Aid Her sey Ald Smith Barrie Planning Board Aid Morrow Mayors repres entative years Peter Mills years Millett Salter years Neil MacDonald years Barrie Arena Commission all year Mayor Cooke Aid Newton Aid Roberts James Boorman McTurk Barrie Recreation Commit tee Aid Jolliffe year Ald Emins year Webb years Lapp years Jack Garner year Helen Spanis years Winter Works Program Com mittee Bert Cook year Representatives to Georgian Bay Development Association Kinzie and Dalton White years Nottawasaga rvatlon Authority Ald Wilson years Acting MayLrs January Feb ruary March 1952 Will iams April May June 1962 Morrow July August September 1962 Smith October November December 1962 Hersey January February March 1963 Smith April May June 1563 Hersey July August September 1963 Morrow October November December 1953 Williams Barrie District Collegiate Board Christie and Johnson years Barrie Public Library Board Cameron years Board of Park Management Griffin Stephen Hines and Cooke years Market Committee Ald Marselius Wieder and °Ald Cumming year Barrio Citizens Band Ald Wilson AId Mar sellus Wieder year Barrie Chamber of Com merce Ald Williams Aid Mills andMayor Cooke year Harbour Committee Partridge years Committee of Adjustment Coutts years ChlldrensAid Society Aid Hersey and Ald Mills year Barrie industrial Commis sion Kinzie years Simcoe County Health Unit Aid Newton at Councils pleasure Simcoe County Property Com mittee Mayor Cooke year Court of Revision Councils appointee Griffin May ors appointee Michie years Barrie Community Associa IN PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE ASSOCIATION forilio Ridingof SIMcos NORTH ANNUAL MEETING Monday January 22nd I962 EMBASSY CLUB 386 Blake Sh Barrio noar Dominion Store pm Election of Officer Speaker non woman DINSDALE no Minister of Northern Affairs and undonemired Ail those Interested In good government mi unionist party are weicoine ring Your Friends Gordon Mpfrnrk Acting President DECIDING BALLOT Warden Helps Himself Jack McDonald be rpectacled 65yearold reeve of Oriilia is the new warden oi Simcoc Countytho firstlfrom Orillln in 57 years He posted an upset victory during councils inaugural 1962 meeting here yesterday in threeway race with Reeves Ken Gillespie of Oro and Herb Hughes of West Gwilllmbury Albert DeConkey of Mntchedash was also nominated for the Job vacated by Montcalm Maurice but withdrew before the start of voting Mr McDonald council member for five years won over Mr Gillespie on the sec ond ballot when an ironic twist sidelined Mr Hughes alter the first vote The twist was sup plied by Mr McDonald He personally eliminated Mr Hughes after they tied with 19 votes each on the first ballot led by Mr Gill to with 31 votes The Ontn Municipal Act provides that the tiebreak ing vote be cast by the reeve of the municipality with the larg est equalizing assessment for the previous year in this case Mr McDonald Forced into this unfortunate position Mr McDonald never theless voted for himself with great reluctance to drop my good friend and fine men Herb Hughes Mr McDonald barely edged Mr Gillespie on the second hal Indonesia Vows Avenge Sinking Torpedo Boat JAKARTA Reuters Indo nesla vowed today to avenge the sinking of motor torpedo boat by The Netherlands Mon day night on the high seas The vessel went the bottom in an hourlong engagement be tween Indonesian and Dutch navy ships off the south coast of ludonesiancloimed Dutch gtniled West New Guinea An official statement said The Indonesian government will immediately take measures to avenge these Dutch es ilaults Indonesia admitted losing the torpedohoat but accused The Netherlands of making sur prise nttack an Indonesian ves sels in neutral waters government spokesman said Dutch destroyer frigate and planes attacked an Indonesian torpedo boat more than three miles outside territorial waters olalrned by the Dutch tion Aid Morrow Mrs Rodgers Craig years BarrieSimcoe EMO Mayor Cooke Aid Her sey Aid Morrow years Grove Street Park Commun ity Centre Committee Arena Commission Members Harold Forster year Kinsmen Conservation Park Community CentreCommittee Arena Commission Members Henderson Lamb year lot so votes to 33 Thirtyfive of councils 69 votes were need ed for election Councils new warden is the first Oriiliath mIan to hold the since ate Iu iii 1905 pp It is great honor for my self as well as for the town of Oriilia said Mr McDonald proelection dark horse Mr McDonald said council faced several contentious matters this year feel sure however that members will meet the is sues as they arrive squarely and fairly Assessment and welfare at the Seeking Out Former Members McooNALo Win county level are mafor matters to be reviewed Mr McDonald said there wasa growing belief that council should administer childrens aid in the county ra ther than leave this to local authorities Council selecteda sevenman striking committee to appoint members of the various stand ing committees Chosen were Harry Porteous Collingwood Al Cage Penetang John Dar ling Alliston Dalton Jermey Medonte Ken Gillespie Oro Herb Hughes west Gwillim bury beach Anthony Beck Wosaga Of The Black Watch Regiment Members of the centennial committee of the Black Watch of Canada are seeking out men who have served with the regi merit The regiment will he celc brnting its 100th anniversary on June MO in Montreal highlight will be the visit of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother who is colonelin chiei of the regiment She will present the new colors to the two active and one reserve bat talion of the regiment There will be the trooping of the colors by one of the activ battalions church events The committee wants the names of nextrofkln of mem parnde and other There will also be bers of the regiment who were killed in action or who have died All members of the regiment nnd nextofkin are invited to send their names and addresses and service details to the Cen tennial Committee The Block Watch of Canada 2067 Eleury Street Montreal Quebec GOING WEST Ask about CNs ALL INCLUSIVE travel plan toWinnlpeg and west Get More name by train PA HAWPA 84114 CANADIAN NATIONAL 6351 The Call Director Thisorie does Doubles as switchboard conference tablé Iiitegrcom system the language of buSiriess Fascinatingstun wellworth investigating

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