Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jan 1962, p. 10

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For Home Improvements ConSult Our Business Services Daily TIE HARRIS EXAMINER TUESDAY JANUARY 16 196 RH ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE aIRTHs PROPERTY FOR SALE UANIKuAl ine Royal Vic toria Hospital nanla no Snub day laouary ll 19m In 311 Ind Mrs nuneao Daniel so Vio eeot Smef Barri daughter LNIERDTLNG rAsIILh HISNRIB can DI written with clipping train our Dally Newr apex me Happy vent nIRTI Indonesia and WEDDINGS Notleea or men out an only Ilsa Emu lbem the Claullled couniel oi ler hone rh Bame Ellmlnu PA and DEATHS Puled ley at steveo on Memorial iloipiiai Alllnon on Alondly Janulry IS 1962 ml oenes late Everett iario our mother pl Lune Em lly and grandmother at Leslie Emily and Aulos heating or the Thomas Funeral cna ei Allisioe unili l0 am Thurl ay lanunry in 1962 then to In Church or ibr oulate Coneepuon North Ad for requiem mus ioso interment Idiolntnl ceme DE one At the lion Victoria Hospital nerrle on Friday Iunu ary i2 lm Annie Rowen beloved wire or the late Ambrose Green tfoIlrlerly ol mh street Owcn Sound aear mother of Itnnlc Perry Armstronrl oi Rut lskllnil llll decen ed and uricl iiIIls Cnarle Porter OI IIIIIIE Service WI held It Hrcckcnrldge Ashcroft Puneral llome Owen Sound on Saturday Jfllllu II II En Interment Green and Cemetery nAGGErrPassed away at the Royal vlelorla Hospital llarrle on Monday January 1952 William Raggeit beloved bus and ot Ellen Donavon dear other of Mitchell oI Dundas and loving Kruldllthcr or Steven Douglas Glenn Laura and navld nesllng at the Jen nelt hlncral lldme uarrle TIn eral icrvlcc at si Fnul Angllean Church on Wednesday January 11 at pm interment st Pauls Cemetery Innisnl ROEAt Ponetang General lion plial on Sunday January It 1952 Gcnrge Itoe beloved husband at the late Dcrthn liaison dear brother or Edna Mrs William storey ln hLv 72nd year nestlng at thc hch Lynn Funeral Iiomc Elmvalc Ior Iuncral ser vice on Vcdnosdny January 17 at prn Temporary entombment at Elmvale Cemetery Chapel CARDS OF THANKS PRATT We alneerely thank our lrlends and relatives for rhelr beautlml Iloral oIIerlnge Ind expressions oI aympathy whlch have been deeply apprecia ted also appreciation to lira bloonrth Dr Poatnlkoit Rev Jackson and the Jennett Funeral Home The Family RICHARDSON vo wish to ex pm our heartfelt thanks and rp predation for the many pets or ktndneu message of sympathy and the many beauiliul Ilorl tributes mm our rclntlvu friends Ind neighbor in the re eent loss den wli and loo than Specill thanlsa to our Ian lly doctor Dr Little also apeolul nurses Mrs velllngtm IL Knapp Ind MP1 Abbott Rev Adams 01 St Andrew Presbyterian Chureb name Rev netearn oI Aoien liilua United Church end the steckley Funeral dome Your kindness will ai wm be remembered llr Fred Richardson end ramlly COMING EVENTS BINGO WEDNESDAY JANUARY 17 145 PM LEGION HALL Jackpot szso 81 numbers called RESERVE Thursday January 18 830 pm MINESING SCHOOL Hear Bob Taylor OFU Vice President DISCUSS OFarm Union Policy ODictatorial policy of FPMB OThe Distinct Difference Be tween Farm Union and Fed cration Wasaga Has Euchre Party WASAGA BEACH Special The regular Thursday night eu chre at Vasaga Beach had fair turnout Eight tables were played with the following nriz es High lady Mrs Joan Hett second Mrs Hclen Bui on solation Mrs De Groo high man th Chessnm second An dy Morrison consolation Mr Legato Door prize went to Alex McMurray Mrs Morrison as in charge of the delicious lunch Piersall Starts Salary Vlalks WASHINGTON AP Jim Piersall as fast with quip as he is on his feet begins bar gaining sessions today that are expected to make him the high est priced baseball player in Washington history Last season was Piersalls best He hit 322 for Cleveland Indians before being traded to the Senators last fall In addition to his batting and defensive brilliance Piersall was involved in muchpublie ized fight with fans who invaded the playing field and number of other incidents He probably will be the biggestrdrawing card on team which last year tied for last place All this is expected to prompt demand for sizable in crease over the estimated $40 000 hereceived at Cleveland inst season The highest paid Senator to date was Roy 5in ers slugging first baseman outfielder now with Phiia del phln Phlllies He got an estim nted 325000 gt CORBY REAL ESTATE Broker Phone 112419 93 Dunlop St ilAnEL MARSHALLPA Hull COREYPA um MURIEL JEFFERYPA was Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 52592 is CLAPPERTON ST BARRIE MOORE PA Lasso IRANK NEJJS Moss ilember nrrie end nislriel Reel meta Board ROSE REM mlATE nRUKER 7d 11er srnm BARRE CALL our on EVENqu PA 82379 Member or the Barrie and mum Real Erato Board MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway B5575 CARSON To 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to ho Imncrinl Theatre FARM One oi the best 100 acre farms south of Barrie Excellent buildings good well real bargain at $16000half cash Call Ralph Ennke PA 5481 or alter coll PA 641803 WESTEND BUNGALOV 52000 down Iull price $7500 Five rooms bedrooms Car ries for $75 month Call Rus sell Carson PA oMnl or after call PA 66151 ACRES $600 down Excellent room house with good bum Full price $5300 Call Ralph Boake PA 66481 or alter call PA 60803 SNACK BAR Snack bar with gas pumps and room bungalow located on Highway 27 Full price $1601 with $6000 down Will consider trade for house in Barrie or another gas station Call Russell Carson PA 645481 or alter call PA 66161 LIT IE LAKE With 95 frontage six room home plus large Cabin for rcnl al Priced at $12000 Call Ralph Boake PA 6481 or after call PA lroaoa STONE FRONT Bungalow with garage only five years old on 10th sideroad good artesian well for water supply Only one listed with an artistic stnnc front such as this Six roBilis Three bedrooms Call Ralph anke PA 66431 or after call PA S0803 We have several new NIIA houses for only $1400 down Immediate possession For tur Iiler details call Russell Carson PA 66481 or PA 55161 PA 66481 Member at Barrie and Dlatrm Real mutl Board Emory MILLER REAL ESTATE BROKER 232 Tiffin St PA 60476 gt BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY In this bedroom home on Centre Street Angus awaits an excellent opportunity for someone well lighted room 18 22 includes shampoo howl hairdressing chair coun ters and plenty of electrical outlets Owner will accept low down payment and monthly terms on balance to one open mortgage More can be learned by calling Emory Miller at PA $0563 For homes with down pay ment you can afford contact this office Member or the Barrio and District Real Estate Board Owen Street Barrie Member oi amt District Real Ellala BORld PHONES Office PA Mm Evenings PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE ROGERS NR5 pl MOOREPA um ROGERSPA use MEMBERS DARRIE DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrie Home SpiesForemost in Quality of Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGs CALL POSTERPA uzu CONNELLJA mu south CampbellPA ems rerru GnneyJA Lips Norman DUNLOP ST Jon LongUn PA was Morett shalrwell 0m 2919 VR HENDERSON REALTOR iv COLLIER sTltELr PHONE PA 62675 CVBIINGS CALL RITA sunan PA Man nonoriiy Wilcox ph oasis PERCY rOnD lA ulna calciter SWAIN PA 58505 Member of name In Dltlrlcl Ontario Real Estat noarda PRIVATE SALE Owner Transferred Large bedroom bungalow bathrooms large living room kitchen with dining llrca Land scaped lot 115 Very close to public and high schools Many builtin features in this executive type honic PHONE PA 66058 MOVING Dont forget to translcr your INSURANCE of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 6130 OR PA 64802 113 Dunlop St COZY BUNGALOW Minutes From Downtown Barrie Situated just outside city limits on the 14th concession Large double lot with hedge Four well planned room and bath Insulbrik siding oil furnace All city conveniences real bargain at only 51200 down payment Private sale Can lie seen anytime telephone PA $9314 PRIVATE SALE or older income house contains three apartment one smear and two aroorn CcIl tral location Immediate sale re quired Telephone PA o7zoll THREE BEDROOM NIIA Bunga low three months old mahogany kltchon cupboards recreation room In basement Low down payment One mor ago Close to school shopping souls FARMS WANTED CLIENT WITH wants hard maple bush any number of acres within 25 miles oti Barrie TWO FARMERS LOOKING for pasture lots Call or write EMORY MILLER Real Estate Broker 232 Tiffin Street Barrie PA 60476 MORTGAGES PHONE for lst and 2nd MORTGAGE 24 Hr Phone Service Including Weekends PA 60981 Immediate Loans Anywhere on all properties MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East over SIMPSONSSEARS MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA 60203 hionrGAGnslst and 2nd bought sold and arranged Commercial and residential moneys loaned on existing mortgagea Barrio Moro gago Brokers Po sosoo 55000 FIRST Mortgage or sale sun Alfi yenrs at payablll monthly Five year ol inroebed room bungalow Good covenant Apply Mortgage Funding tele phone PA areal LOOK INYOUR ATTIC CELLAR 0R GARAGE Is there anything there you can sell for cash Hundreds People use Examiner Want Ads tosell articles they no longer need want or use CLASSIFIED pr WANrgADs PHONE PA 241 CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 12 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONE PA M1241 PA 60141 Member or un nanla Ru mt Bond REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgage Funda Available 60 of Value No Fees Charged Evenings Call Howard Norris PA and it you need extra coverage EAYRIDGE APARTMENT loan uricPA um cbaru ReadPA Shelswell PA B9961 PA 68742 Interest Jack IVUlson PA H611 Nnmlln Shelrwell PA C9961 5546 BUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Dairy Bar Lunch Counter and Locker Storage on Main St in Goldwater Ont $11000 full price includes equipment and property Small down payment Lib eral terms can be arranged with responsible party Apply to Lakeview Dairy Ltd PA 6650I fix RENTALS Low chT SPACE Iar rent clean modern buildings Suitable Ior commercial or light lndustrinl Tclcpmnr PA 56575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING nulls ior this work pr vale rnams kind nurxiu care good road TV rooms stltlligm wa non for Outings Telephonb 60114 Stmud APTS HOUSES TO RENT rm Setpl and Blake Street near east end plaza overlooking bay Very warm unfurnished three rooms with bath Selfcontained sep arate entrance Bus at door $75 per month PA 87475 ANGUS Four room nous both unIurnishod Apply atowllil Robertson tale boo Il Available lmmeiiiateely 5595 BURTON AVENUE Three main uniurnlsbed apartment on heated hot water Stove and reIrlgerator Prlvate bath Apply 4n Centm st DBLLE EWART Flv room wln tnrlxlc guys or rent $35 per mm uep one Lelm ll Iurtner informlllon Two BEDROOM House for rent on Iurnace Idcal location on Kem penlelt Bay Adults Telephone PA 61407 Inl runner Intelmatted THREE ROOM uquaaisbed heal nd apartment tor rent Seneon taluen separate entrance per month Available tumled ately Tclcpllnnd PA aim or en 82341 95 monalm two bedroom brick bungalow with twocur garage Immediate possession Apply Reg ers couneli Realtorr telephone PA asses THREE RODMS and bath stove and loIllgerator supplied laundry room with storage locker on bus llne lzsv Peneung street PA wood YOUNG Business Lady willing to share completely lurnlsbed apart mom with same In Aliandale All rollcontained Bus service at door Telephone PA oom mu UNFURNISIIED two hedmdln apartment heated centrbUy loca ted Parking provided Rent $70 monthly Tole bone PA 02480 or after non PA M605 FURNISHED two room apartment to rent Cnnvenlenees On bus line Suit mlddleaged lady or couple Reasonable rent Telephone PA 924 or PA 0540 VNFUILNISHED two bedroom Apartment for rent Downtown location Hardwood floors Heated Three piece bulb Telephone PA 66729 for further information Timer nEDROolll House with basement oll heated Located on steel street East Near shopping centre bus and schools Telephone PA was between and 11111 Prvr ROOM Apartment Large kitchen and llvlnu room Heat and water Central wired for dryer and stove Sclfcontulncd Parking Telephone PA Mass or PA 37527 NEW ONE BEDROOM Apartment heated partially Iurnlshed It do aired sclfcantnlncd in bus route Opposite North Colleglate Tele phonn PA $2530 COMFORTABLE zrooln apartment moderatc rent seifLnntnined worm Central Nell stores and bus idsJ Penetang St PA 04543 Allowance Iol aervlce UPPER on Loweu Duplex Ior rent heated and unlurnlahod Up per three bedrooms lower two bedrooms Close to schoolsmna downtown Available lnrlunryZD Telephone PA 05500 LIVE TN LUXURY New apaeioua ultramodern Iivo room apartment with ltnvu and rerrliia tar tlonnl Lauri Ind ariuag raci liu Telephone PA or PA or PA our UNIURNIsmaD POUR ROOM artrnent with butli Modeln lelInonlllned hosted puking central ntlon tued floors painted on ground floor stove or relri orator 11 requIled TAM 84501 APTS HOUSES TO RENT $65 MONTHLY Heated live room unfurnished apartment downtown location private entrance Available at Once TELEPHONE PA 83588 Two IIKDROOM Apartmeou or rent lieted Central locauoo Hardwood noon Telepbooa PA been or Iurtber inionnatlon LARGE nlcely decanted on bed room lower apartment heated oelleootatoed Centnl location Calumet welcome Telephone PA 11111 ROOM unnrrnlabed beat ed absent or rent CentraL Pri entrance and bath monthly but and Min Includgi Telephone PA ulna UNVUILlenBD oll heated sell eoolaloed Ioul room apartment Ground floor Iront and ride on trance Avullbll new Tllophonl PA Mini MODERN prtnanu and private bath but water beat uulitlnlluhpplledé lacBiogdfn nrua ee one an to 19 IllsLlspum Illnrps pm ConronIABLY Iurnlsbed lwo room bedroom and kltelien art merit central locatlon Heat in and water aupplled Laundry room Apply In Duolop street West Two uEDROoni upstaln apart ment or rent unrulnlshed en Irblly located In Allandale Ileat Ind bydeo supplied Available lro medlaiely Telephone PA Mail ATTRACTIVE three morn lieted Iurniabed apartment wlih private entrance Central loeatlon Adults $65 per month Avallable February Telephone PA Lion ONE AND Two bedroom aparb menu stove reIrlirentor janitor Iervico and laundry Includes Rent ing Irom mono month Tllnphuno Leech PA 52510 Two nEDnoo unIurulshed sell contained duplex Living room kitchen dinlng nrcl basement Front and back entrances $90 per month Apply illl Naplcr Street or telephone PA 54102 COMFORTABLE Iour moms three room un Iurnlshed heated apartment pri vate bath laundry and parklns Inellilles $55 monthly Apply lat Anne Street South or telephono PA 63553 ONE AND Two bedroom modern uniurnlslied apartments Stovcrc Irlgerbtor drapes Outside oi nar rle Rent ssa and $75 wltli lease Russ lonnlngs PA 35573 or Oro 69 collect AVAILAULE February Two bedroom unfurnished apartment neat and wlter supplied selfcon talned ont and lnutlnn $15 per angnrétlh Telephone PA $9853 or PA UNFURNISIIED upstairs apart ment or rent three rooms self cnntalned oil heated Centrally lo cued Small baby welcome Avail able now Telephone PA 39757 or particulars CENTRAL Location Uppcr dupA Iex two bedrooms llvlng room dlning room large kitchen bath private entrance unmrnislieo heated No obiccllnn Io nnnchiid Telephone PA H643 UNFURNISIIED one bedroom apartment heated centrally loea ted Immediate possession if dc slrcd Adults only Telephone PA ozlno and utter 530 pm PA oasss MODERN two bedroom apart ment with stove reirlgerator wasth and dryer on main tool or apartment building Avalabie now Apply in Cook Street or PA 87119 HEATED gmund Iloor unIuln lslied apartment bright good neighborhood Central Private en trances trout and rear veranda Two bedrooms dlning room liv ing room kllenen lots or eup board spaee Iour piece bath fire place not and cold water nea aonable Telephone PA Ell50 By IALICE BROOKS lZMOTIFS Be sure to have Colorful flowers on your clutIIES ba linens pillows These are var ied These flowers are all in run ning stitch and what could be easier Use your favorite colors Pattern 7193 transier at twelve motifs about 4x5 and 8x0 inch es Send Thirtyfive cenIs coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner NeedlecraftDept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly Nam Anonass PATTERN NUMBER NEVER EFORE VALUE 200 yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our ow 1962 Needlecrnlt Cata log ready now See Beautiful Bulkiesin complete fashion sectionplus bedspreadS linens toys afghans slipcovcrs plus tree patterns Send out uowl APTS HOUSES TO RENT nouns two bedroom apart nuoL an end nan1e Automatic laundry Iaellltlu Plrklnt Must Do been to Ippnchttd Phon PA was fih VI noon bungalow or not to ma on Hubray Three plece hath not water good Iaum dry IaeLlillex Runnable reot all balling Telephone PA mu Two n00 Iurolabed apartment Heated Suitable for one or two Idulu Parkluz utilities AUan dale district Close to funny 90 For Iurtber lolormauan tele phooe PA Mm Tum DxURoOhI llouxe like new Close to uhoaln oil healed Slurml and Torrens lfov rumor enter wiin Inn optlo sill monthly Owner PInlIemd Tells Phone PA mu Timur ROOM furnished aphro meat or rent clad Relfllem tor heavy duty atove hudwoed noon Sell contained Avallable immediately Aroutronxa Elude ware PA Lam NEW AND Modern nut and turn bedroom apartments ovexlwklnl aeenle Kemponlelt Hut wa ter rum and tor aervie inelu ed Automatic wubllu Ia duties PA em Roml DUNGALOW or rent Ill conveniences oll heated ideal aorroundinu on paved road Dan no blues Also room Iurnlsbed andlent suit nude people red Prlulck phon 0m Isa nnlrcz ROOM Apertroeot for rear prlvnta bath relrtserator and rtove overlooklnl lake Imlt mediate possession No children gcgerhnnu PA elm Ior lurtber ea Two DEDROolI Apartment Ior rent upper floor completely pri vate Centrll location Hot water heated Garage Handy to lcbool Available immcdlately PA Noon we pm Two BEDROOM rent Tlstcfully decorated boat Aluminum storm and screen All conveniences erto nor Barrie Examiner or phone VA mono onkvllln six nuoal prick bungalow facing Kcmpcnlelt Buy all heating Fire place All conveniences Lana romeo Adults prelerreo 95 mon lhly Available Februer Tele phnnc PA M595 Two LARGE unfumlshcd rnonu llcdslttim room and kltchen Private trout and back entrancea Stove and reirlgorator supplied Central location Laundry room Apply in Dunlop street wear FOUR IIOOI Apartment ulo bath unturnlrhed slave and In Irlgeiator supplied Centrally it bated No chlldren Available In rnodlately For further Informlr tlon tclcphano PA 60241 Trench Upper Apartment Kit chcn llvind dining mom two bedroomsthroo piece rile batb prlvate entrance gringo ampla cupboard spncc fumishcd hot and cold water Close to down town bualness reeuon Telephone PA prion WANTED TO RENT NEWLY hlnnnieu Couple require an apartment berm April Must be selfcontained tumlsbcd suit able to some couple Write alvlng iuil details to Mrs Keith Fougere cm Linden 5L Halifax Nova Scotla ROOM BOARD nooli AND quRD available Im one or two persons Lunches packed Parking Telephone PA Halo Ior Bungalow Oil ROOMS To LE BEDROOM F011 RENT Worklnfl mun Street unATED Iurnlslied room to rent with Unens supplied rangette and retrlgeratbr Apply at El lilary street for tunnel particulars FURNISHED bright worm bed room Close to hospital Apply arm pm to so Ross st or telephone PA 05090 BRIGHT furnlsbed bedroom Inr rent Linen supplied On bus route Light housekeeping II de slrcd Telephone no noise ARTICLES For SALE NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 ideal for doing hen houses attics garages etc perfect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario FURNACE BARGAIN Buy your furnace now between Jan Ifith and Feb 28th and get your dual air attachment FREE with every complete installation Reg $69 FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 Finance Rate Phone collect Strand 41125 WOODWARD 8r SONS Heating Contractors RR Siroud Low OVerhead Low Cost TRUNK FOR SALE large size in good condltlon Selling for $150 Telephone PA olsaz for unbel particulars H511 sum or sale sectional type equipped with stove in very good condltlon Telepb PA H658 Itter 5opnl CHAIN saw when David Brad ley ror sale to good condition Also Fish supply on runners are Ieet Telephone PA 56992 ALL PARTS FOR 1955 Dodge and 1952 Ford Also Hornet Chain saw Telephone PA dSIBI for further Information CUPnoAan for rule wooden door shelved appraxluantcly 40 ddxlB cream painted sis Ap ply lss Blake street or phone PA 66153 IIIUSKRAI Fur Coat and two Cloth Coats or aalr All size 40 Genuine sable Stole in excellent eondluon Telephone pa Lorin roi Iortlwr loiormayion TABLE and four Contra studio Couch Chest of Drnwcrs Two bookcasea and number or Trunks Any reasonable eIIel accepted Inl quick sale Telephone PA sour Pun WRAPs Jackets and Coat mania or exchange Repairing reltnlng and remodelling Moder Ite priced Apply Milburn and son 102 Dunlop street Welt Barrie Telephone PA Hm Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA F2414 Very central Iln Bzyflclkj PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re print of any news pictures taken by our stall phologrn phels please call at our Busi ness Office We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $l00 l0 $125 plus STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12¢ to 20c Clearing at 9c ea lus PROVINch SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 can LOANS45W at er mouth Tolephnnl PA Hind arescent finance ad nunlop st or ARTICLES FOR RENT RENTALS Public Address Systems ll mm Projectors in mm Projectors Televisions Record Pinycrs Refrigerator Moving Trucks MCFADDEN Appliance l23 Penetang at St Vincent PA some D065 RETsfi DULLDOG WANTED Boston Bull dog puppy preIerably male Telephone 55 betray BOATS MOTORS Boat KIfFor Sale Excellent buy for the boat enthusist 17 cabin Cruiser Windshields and fibreglas top supplied with kit Also extra fibreglas rosin and poly plate for decking Hull has been assembled and fibreglased or you Cost of kit and fibreglasing was $850 will sell for soon Assembled boot sells for $1300 Buy now and have the boot ready for Are boating season Telephone PA 60208 SHOOT 12 in Al condition Water Show and ice Apply Bob Harrington Box as Unlonvlde Ontario Telephone 26W FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 87751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE 24 hours any7 days week ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxrnead Ontario License No 139161 LIVESTOCK six comma or Yoikshlre Pigs Telephone An Benhlm PA N470 norm HEREFORD steers about coo pounds Iol able Apply to Hal old Switzer Crown mil telephone PA 09535 so YORKSHIRE PIGS ror lale ready to wean Ono Yorkshlre Dog 14 month old Also wanted to buy One Hereford Bull ready for ervlcc Apply Garnet lacy Cooks own Team FORSALE Square Dale of Hay orimped mutton or Mum and Timothy Also rum from 1553 Chevrolet latori Pickrup Ivy anus For Want Ad Service Dial PA 2414 Phone CLASSIFIED OF UNLISTED TELEPHONE NUMBERS OK JOHNSON TRAVEL SERVICE Puts5525 AVIs RENTACARSYSTEM 107 Dnillop St perlenced to trial balaoee FARMERS MARKS FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beally Farm Equipment 178 BURTON AVE PA 52373 Anyone Interested In Going To The ORFEDA FARM SHOW Friday January 26 AT THE ONE GROUNDS BY BUS Reservations must be book ed with us on or before January 20in Bus leaves shop at 915 am and returns at pm Admission and Bus Fare $150 per person AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE JANUARY INVENTORY CLEARANCE 1961 PONTIAC $2395 1961 FORD $1875 1960 CHEV STN WAGON $1950 1959 OLDSMOBILE $1895 1956FORD 1956 VOLKSWAGEN 1954 FORD COACH 200 Ml DTOWN 41 ESSA RD ROY HAWKINS WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Buy it Now With LowCost LifeInsured SCOTIA PLAN LOAN TIUz BANK Oil NOVA SCOTIA 1956 DODGE Coach Ior nle To huilt motor excellent condltlon $100 cash Apply 41 magenta Street between am and pln 1950 PONTIAC four door Sedan Ior nle low mileage snow tires will accept trade and can arrange nnabce Tclcphono PA 50535 1m DODGE club coupe Good running order New battery $75 or best offer Telo bon PA 60124 mm llionEL Fords Ior rain in soon condltion Any reasonable oIIer considered Apply 160 Vex pra SLrecL 1956 DODGE four door Sedan Iar sale automatic very clean Will take older car In trade Can an range finance Telephone PA solos 1957 sruoannncn Hawk for sale in excellent condition would llko someone to take over payments or will sell To best oaol orler Tele phope PA lvzail lsso METEOR CoaCh one owner new tires cus om dlo seat eovors excellent con tlon Can nuance $15llo For Iur tliel Inlorroatlon telephone PA snobs PERSONALS ANYONE wanting to allure trans pollution to Rexdalc and Weston Toronto area plcasc telepbonu PA 35313 lor fflTlIIET putleulals womens cOLuMN BEAUTY siloP Coldwnvcs etc by eertlded lulrdrosser in your own home Phone Bernice at PA 35852 LOST 8r FOUND LnsT Black Cocker Spaniel male eight months old lost to tho vicinity or Napier and Cook Sta Telephone PA 50549 ID HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP STENOCASHIER For local office of National Corporation Some business experience must Five day week to All usual employee benefits Phone PA 60285 FOR APPOINTMENT nnOImEEpEn wanted fully ex over III years Immediate Vucnncsy Interview by appolntment only Telephone PA 63791 MALE HELP LEARN ELECTRONICS NOW Resident or Home study schools Toronto and Montreal RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA send to Freo nook Career In Electronics to 461 King St Toronto Ontario WILL EXCHANGE $50 for to hours or week Apply Box lli narrle airliner DIRECTORY THIS SPACEAVAILABLE TELEPHONE PA 82414 so

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