Public health nurse Laura Attrux takes time out from or rounds to chat with small lndian girl in northern Albertas isolated commun ilies She combines talents in medicine administration and community leadership to help residents in the tiny villages of Vabasca and Demarais 200 miles north of Edmonton Photo Mrs Chisholm Named President Of Collier Street Church UCW The inaugural service for the newly formed United Church Women organization of Collier Street United Church was held recently The service was conducted by the minister Rev It Skelly who was assisted by Mrs Kearscy and Mrs MacDonald Music for the service was played by the organist Tuf ford The main address of the meet lng was given by Mr Skelly He compared this change in the life of the women of the church to the many changes they race In personal lives and Just as they accept the challenges that arise from these changes they will with prayer and thought be ready to go forward in the new work before them in this new organization of the church Later in the service Mr Skelly conducted the dedication of the executive and called on the president Mrs Chls holm who thanked the mem bers of the provisional commit tee who worked so hard to get this organization started She then asked for the support of everyone in the work that lies ahead The new executive is as fol lows president Mrs Chisholm first vicepresident Mrs Kearsey second viccvprcsident Mrs Laking recording sec retary Mrs Rowe corre sponding secretary Mrs Newton treasurer Mrs Ross Stephens Christian citizenship and so cial action Mrs Laking committee on co oration in Christian and missionary edu VBank Charm School Students TORONTO thl Fashion arithmetic for girls in business consists of simple addition and subtraction says Anne Bab naves 26yearold makeup art at from Sydney Australia Anne is one of statf of five at training centre for bank employees in Toronto The com tre was opened in December and the bank plans to open similar centers in other parts of Can ada New employees are given fourday course that includes customer relations telephone courtesy makeup and grooming and banking Girls already on stuff will be given shorter courses in the mirrored beauty room Miss Balnaves gives fashion pointers encouages the girls to exercise and helps them with their makeup Her quick course in fashion arithmetic includes the addition of simple lapel pin to two piece suit light cologne bflght hat or purse and shoes to enliven dark outfit AVOID GAUDY DRESS 0n the subtraction side are an uneven hemlina swirls of crino lines stockings in dramatic col ors and with uneven seams fails or extreme hair sales noisy bangles dangling earrings sunback dresses with out jackets low necklines and clothes that are too snug in short anything that isnt ab solutely and unquestionably flat tering She says the essentials of wellgroomed look are Daily bath use of deodorant daily frequent use of depiiatory reg ular shampoos clean and neatly pressed clothes shoes suitable for business polished and in good repair and stockings in neutral shade Makeup should match the skin tone and be smoothly blended Hands should he smooth and well cared for with nail polish unchipped and not too brilliant in color Sandra Shaw 26 the course supervisor says it encourages the girls to look natural this is not modelling school TELEPHONE COURTESY vivacious Bridget McClew 2th yearold Irishborn former air line steardcss teaches cus tomer relations Business and industrial execu tives consider courteous tele phne contacts important since they are often customers first dealings with the company Mrs McClew said Common speech faults were talking too quickly or in too high or too low voice and speak ing with gum or cigaret in the mouth The telephone should be an swered promptly and the con versation terminated as quickly as possible since busy line was often liability in business KEEP IN THE TRIM Water Retention In Tissues Determines Speed In Reducing By IDA JEAN RAIN In reducing the unexpected al ways happens You lose with pleasing suddenness at the start of diet or with discouraging slowness its the water exchange that makes the difference When you lose rapidly at the start part of the loss is in water part in fat When you fail to lose even though you are sticking with the diet the cause is water reten tion The water which has re sulted from the oxidation of food is sometimes held in the body tissues hpfio get the picture under stand that fat is stored in the body in individual cells each of which holds droplet of fat when you cut calories the lat in the cells is drawn on to make up the fuel deficit When this occurs the fat in some of the cells gets smaller and smaller but when the space in the fat cells is taken up by water the scales cannot register the loss until the water has been re leased The water balance always ad justs However there will be periods of days or weeks during which the weight may stay at the same high mark diet to the contrary When the fat globule in the cells is almost gone then the water willrbe abruptly re leased and removed through the kidneys When this happens the pointer onvthe scales will plunge IMPOSSIBLE POSSIIILE Even the impossible can happen One overweight warned by his doctor to reduce 65 pounds cut calories to 1200 day For three weeks he did not loss single pound Deter mined he stayed with the low calorie pattern and during the fourth and fifth weeks his weight dropped 23 pounds This was followed by lull in losing out he subsequently lost the 65 pounds in period of eight monthsand kept them off Dieters understand that wa ter drinking has nothing to do with water retention it is most important to drink plenty of wa ter between meals Start your day with large glass of hot water with lemon juice Water drinking helps to prevent the constipation and fatigue that can result from dehydration Restrict mealtime liquids to one cup its best not to sip ice wa ter throughout the meal for this washes off the taste buds and wheis appetite afresh The amount of salt in your food is factor in water reten tion Use only moderate amount of salt in cooldng and do not add salt at the table high protein intake effectively counteracts water storage Build each of the three daily meals around high value protein food When you realize that water retention does not prevent your reducing but merely postpones the registration of the weight loss on the scales you will want to persevere Hold on dieters one happy day that pointer will plunge For Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL SMIIII STUDIO 38 Dunlop St PA 84175 Over Ifullls Taught Fashion Arithmetic The person who answers should identify himself immediately Make the person glad he spoke to you Mrs McClew said Then allow the caller to hang up first cation Mrs nicNiven im aoce Mrs Armstrong flows ers Mrs Cox literature and communication Mrs Fair manse Mrs Johnston Membership hire St John press and publicity Mrs Winchester program Mrs Steele social functions Mrs Edey stewardship and recrea tion Mrs Parker supply and social assistant Mrs Roy Allen unit leader Mrs Mill ward Midhurst Women Plan To Attend Inaugural Meeting The women of Midhurst Unit ed church held the organization meeting in the Sunday School The United Church Women was organized with the follow lng officers president Mrs Robert Peacock vlceprcsldents Mrs Currie Sutton and Mrs Hunter Russell secretary Mrs Les Bertram treasurer Mrs Gordon Wright Various committees were ap pointed The February meeting will be held in the form of attending the Simcoe Presbytery inaugur al meeting in Collier Street Un Ited Church SHARED INTERESTS Mary Howitt wife of the Eng lish author William Howitt her self wrote novels and books for children After sa many women and than or made milellblt by much mum rue omen Wuto Imgunlien no butane often fratah the sueto punnl mm in ktdneyl new no net um oran narry ms from rnnumua not help Inn tho urinary autllzpttr and but no action of 01m Irli palm one You feel nunm Ind from your um unaa routes THE STARS SAY BARRY JAMES BURT LAS VEGAS Nev AP car driven by band leader Harry James went out of con trol Saturday and crashed into By WELLTA FOR TOMORROW Sudden changes in plans now should not disturb you sibility is there but if you ac pt matters philosophically you will find that these changes work out forethe best FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you can make the aiming year an outstanding one it you forgo ahead with confide co and are eight Allme yo efforts at once since the results you achieve between now and Oslo her will have definite effect upon the way you end the year Be tactful in personal rela tinnstdpsespecialiy during No vember Dont let your occa sionnl obstinacy lead you into difficulties with relatives or friends with controlled emo tions you should find most of your associations quite pleasant for most of the year For the single July and Au gust will be good for courtship and marriage child born on this day will be kindly and understanding companion extremely sympal thetic toward the sick ï¬x MARCH IN PROTEST LONDON AP No thous and Commonwealth cltlzcns and members of the British Young Comm at League marched Sunday to rally to protest pro posed government curbs on im migration There were no dis orders of prompt courteous on your doctor about our pharmacy next time he Writes prescriptionfor you Prerertptinm pickedup and delivered in or charn CUSDENS PHARMACY Dunn PA H555 Collier at PA Hue TH BARRI EXAMINER MONDAY JANUARY 15 me street light pole knocking it dentified car driving without down James 45 told police he lights turned in fro of was uninjured He said an unl mm causing him to swerve MORE DAYS REALLY no Bowie ï¬ltration It IOINSEAIYS 8ISI ANNIVERSARY SALE FIRST TIME BELOW INTERNATIO NAllY ADVERTISED PRICE nag for Iowan strips mu rigssure hurdlt airport my mouth button1m top Never before Iueh outstanding comfort Ind durability 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