arrir £3651th Published by Canadian Newspapers Unified 16 Hayfield SEeet Barrie Oiitario was Publisher Brien Sleight General Manager SATURDAY JAN ll CZPm Simcoe County Council Will Choose Warden Monday Simcoe County Counéll will hold the 1962 inaugural session starting on Mon day afternoon next week in Barrie The first item of business will be the election of warden To this office the main aspirants are Reeve Herbert Hughes of West Gwlillmbury Reeve Kenneth Oll lespie of Oro Township and Reeve John McDonald of Orillia Town other names will be presented when Clerk Fred Hunter calls for nominations but one of these worthy three will almost surely get the final vote It is interesting to note that the retiringwarden Montcalm Maurice of Tiny Township predicted drop in the mill rate for Simone County when he spoke at the nomination meeting of his townshlp last month Hesaid that the county was at the end of the current building program which has Involved the new building in Barrie registry of fice improvements to the old building and to the two county homes for the aged at Penetang and Beeton Hut Futon Jms shown great do first sat in almastalways full and overcrowded ft Costs About $100000 per annum to the county New and larger quarters will have to be built before long TheCounty of Simone is one of the largest administrative bodies in Canada one of the top three in Ontario From time to time there have appeared in the press suggestions that the county council system of government should be abolished With this we do not agree There could be improvements but by and large the County of Simcoe has benefitted from fine administration over the years We can point to the excellent system of roads in this county to the health recreation juvenile and family court assessment childrens aid and admin istration of justice as examples of good government Particularly is this so because the county system keeps its elected and appointed officials close to the people who pay the taxes Barrie has become city now but it remains the county seat Most citizens are aware of the many benefits this community has received in the ammony previous years as member of let ing nnumerous sï¬at serious books ave takenthe lead sales are benefiting rather diminished by the paperback ut what is new this field is that having established themselves solidly in college reading both as supplementary materials and in many instances as texts The Barrie Examiner Autborlzed second class nuu Post Office Department Ottawa and for payment ar postage in cash Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted mucus wants Publisher mum SLAIGBT General Manager mrrraasoa Erangin surrey oneness venue Buslness Mans mansr mason Advertising Manm mim HOLDER oirnuiniian Manage Subscription can by carrier are weekly simo year Single cnpy 1c By mall in Ontario $100 year 5400 six months $250 three months and month Outside Ontario scan year Outside cn Ida scans year Offices mUniversIty Ave Street Montreal ms West deem strut Vancou var Member of the candinnmiry Newlpaper Pub fishers Association an Canadian Press and in Audit Bureau of circulations The Canadian rm is exclusively entitled to the am for republication at all news on etched in this aper credited to ii or ran Assocted Prue Reutere and the lore mu muteg thmln with 23 grains of wheat Toronto Csihcnrr pounty the banner county of ere should be some long keen minds before ser abollshlng the county rnment in this province eld Ontario is this middle 520 car registration mobile operators 1i soline tax Entertain sales for $4425 the gal for $5 Those items Ital field only apro eel in the calculation olltan area property house assessed at $5 050 But even these up to tax payment is $100 weekly pay the real total materials used by The federal gov rporatlon tax and is part of the cost nd each is paid in by the consumer otal is it is certain to be ap material in high ome grade schools are are impressive is made in hard school systems ex ive years or more enough is saved on if book lasts two buy By that time in moving subjects such mathematics history languages it is desirable ions or in some cases new 93 can make smaller yearbyyear invest it possible for high er range of more cur rent classroom material than ever before in addition many schools are introduc ing youngsters to range of reading matter they may wish to buy for them selves through school bookstores field Nor that hard Buffalo New York twoyears ago was the first city in the United States to in stalls paperback bookstores on system wide basis Many cities andstates may be expected to make new or increased use of paperbacks for texts orsupple mentary reading this year Parents and others interested in educationwill do well to see whether the schools in their communities are making full use of this new medium of information JAPAN GOOD CUSTOMER Winnipeg Free Press The most important reason why trade Canada is vital to Japan is the fact that Japanese dietaryhabits have altered radically in the past few years Before the war the Japanes consumed about per capita per day today that figure is 71 grams and climb lng Japanese millers want hard Cans diarr wheat for theirlflour and last year they purchased almost onefifthofthis countrys wheat export Ou total sales to Japan of wheat iron re osa other products this yea reach $200000000 OTTAWA REPORT Common Market Will Affect US Branches By PATRICK NICROIJON OTTAWAOne aspect of the auan of the European Com mon llllrket which has yet re ceived but little consideration is the effect that it will have upon branch plants of us parent corporations it was recently announced that nonresident ownership of Canadian manufacturing plants had finally soared to major ity position For the first time official figures showed more than 50 per cent of our manu facturing facilities were owned by foreimers This calls for study of the mo fives which induced foreign in veeiore to put their money into building up manufacturing fa cllltlcs in Canada And hen the time of their arrival in Canada may offer clue In the late we only 35 per i2ctt our manufacturing ladue AFTERTllï¬ SHUfFLETHE SAME OLD HAND TO YOUR coon HEALTH Cankers Caused By Infection Aftermath By DR JOSEPH MOWER Dear Dr Molnar month never goes by that dont have canker sores What about them Mrs ET Canker sores are also called mother ulcers or stomatitis if you prefer technical term Little sores in everyday lan guage The forms imply that infec tion is the causeand very often this is true Canker sores are frequently seen in people whose resistance is below par follow ing some severe generalized in fection in such cases obviously the restoration of general health is of prime importance not only to get rid of the conkers but or prevent their recurrence By the same token trying to treat the canker sores them selves isnt at very much use Anyway some of the stronger medications wouldntbe advis able in the mouth and the milder ones arent very practi cal naiurallY you cant very well keep the medi cation on thesore spots for very long it will quickly wash away So the answer is in clearing up the remnants of general in fection and restoring general health But what of the person in vigorous health who gets canker sores it certainly happens In such cases the trouble isnt in fection Rather it is likely al lergy instead of rash as oc curs anfhe skin from some al lergies in this case the result is breaking out of the mem brane in the mautbcankers Some authorities believe that allergy to citric or acetic acid Is the likeliest cause This can be from citrus fruitsoranges lemons limes grapefruit or in the case of acetic acid from vinegar and pickled products with some people chocolate appear to be the offender With others food can be an allergic factor or course food allergies dont always cause conkers But thats one of the possible re sults With repeated canker sores and no general health problem to explain them its well worth the trouble to note whether the sores appear after eating some particular food with special emphasis on the ones men tioned Finally jagged teeth may need smoothing up And if any gum infection is present it should be treated SHOTS THEN vSmNGLES Dear Dr Moluer Two weeks after having my sec ondflu shot broke out with shlngles have neVer had either flu shots or ship lea before Is this mind dance or had better lay BIBLE THOUGHT The king of Israel said there Is yet one man by whom we may laqulre of the Lord Mlcaisli the son of finish but hate him for he Adver pro presiea good concerning me hr and one off the flu shots funnyEflK Of course it isnt funny Shing les is most annoying form of misery But Im not familiar with any likelihond of flu shots being followed by shingles so strongly think this is simply an unfortunate coincidence Occa sional achy feeling and possibly little fever sometimes follow day or two after flu shots but its mild and brief Dear Dr Molner Do fishull and the oil innufs increase cholesterol in the BloomMrs Its the reverse Fish and nut oils are high in what we call unsaturated fatty acids and there is evidence to indicate that increasing these while re ducing the saturated fatty acids tends to reduce choles terol The saturated fats are in general animal fats espe cially those that are solid rather than liquid at room tempera tures Talnt Alarm At Cost Entertaining Civic Leaders BRISTOL England CF apiï¬illgnifff 38321 eiï¬iifli tols lard mayors following Ms yor Charles Smiths visit to Torontoiast year Bristol councillors are alarmcd at the rising cost of civic hospitality and proposed visit by representatives from Bristol Rhode island has roused the ire of one alderman We must clampdowii on these visits said Alderman Kenneth Brown If we look far enough there are Bristals in Australia The Toronto trip return to Smiths birthplace at the invita lion of Mayor Nathan Phillips resulted in an estimated £2000 increase in the lord mayors expenditures over the previous year WEATHER CONTRAST The southwest desert area of Queensland Australia has about five inches of rain annu ally compared to 160 inches on the coast to the northeast Barrie Jan if Dear Sir On behalf of the members of Barrie Kempenfelt Trumpet Band would like to thank those who have given their as sistance anddonatioas towards the recent Santa Claus parade held in Barrie We would like to thank those responsible for the donation of floats the donation of the paint and equipment to repair these floats the facilities provided for storage of equipment the hours of work donated free of charge by the parents of the children of the band the use of the veh icles and those who provided tractors for the conveyance of the floats Last but not least we would like to thank those who actual ly participated in their various costumes to bring the spirit of Wonderland to the little ones Although individual names are too numerous to mention we would in closing give or special thank you to Zellers Limited for their cooperation and assistauce throughout the entire planning aadstaging of this parade They met in half way in every endeavor Hats off to very congenial group of peoplewithout whose aid this parade could not have taken place Yours very truly GRAHAM DAVIS President Barrie lfenipenfellta Téumpet an Wasaga Beach Jan Dear Sir Regarding the Zaffufo division on the with bank of the Noitawasaga River in the Tawmhipofrsunnidale while not in the muaiclpalityof Was aga Beach the treatment itrre ceives is of great interest to Beach residentslndeed to all residents of Simone County and more pariicularlyto those ca teriag to the tourist business Forsome monthsxnow the development of the subdivision has become pfor various reasons none which seem logical Slmcoe health unit has fail permitted to stand it will be the death of all future develop meat of summer homes in the county it seems ridiculous to expect builders to provide for sewage in areas where no sew era are available nor likely to be for years to come As member of the health unit board hope to see this subject on the county council agenda for the January session will appreciate your kind ness in finding space for this letter which feel is of interest to every taxpayer in Simcoe county Respectfully yours ABECK Reeve tries were controlled by foreign investors By lose ihat had soared to 58 per cent and today is even higher The bulk of that forelgn capital has been gener died within the past quarter century and comes from us JUMP BARRIERS it was quarter century ago that the Conservative govern ment of Bennett created the Imperial Preference sys tem is consequence many US manufacturers were in splrcd to erect branch plants in Canada and thus to enjoy the trading benefits of being located Inside the imperial Preferential tariff wallwhich gave them an advantage as compared with plants sited in USA Through the laterve years those Canadian subsidiaries of US parents have enjoyed great advantages in selling to Britain and other Commonwealth and British Empire markets They have enjoyed inflows of more US capital for expansion and they have fattencd on retainEd profits The extent of this capital growth is vividly shown by sie tlsfics compiled by our Bureau of Statistics In the late 1910s total foreign investment in Canada was only 00000000000 while the total in vestment in Canadian wholly owacd subsidiaries of foreign companies was mere $1300 000000 But today foreign invest meats in Canada this some 323000000000 of this more than threequarters comes from 05 and almost half is em ployed in Canadian companies which are whollvaned subid larlee of foreign corporations DRAW OFF PROFITS The burgeoningprospcrliy of the European Common Market is already attracting American businessmen They want to shire the bigger profits being earned in Europe they want to sell to the increasingly prosper our Eurorm as can mos tfliydo this by ufuctuflns lhelr products insid the tar wall which surrounds Um Pml perous European markeh This new trend in calfd investment is apparent in Can ada There is slowing down of building new plants and in stalling new machinery here as capital is diverted to Europe As this movement gathers forceand it will if Europe continues to boom and Canada remains outside the European trading communitythere will be no growth and even dl minullon in jobs In Canada Further with dwindling of the inward flow of capital our tid verse balance of payments posi lion will lose the corrective fac tor which has kept our dollar at on artificially high exchange value imports will cost us more Florida holidays will cost us more our wheat and our newsprint will be cheaper in world markets Our goods gen erally will become more com petitive And for the first time we will be forced to the unpleasant real lsation of the grasshopper iii the fable of the industrious ants the world does not owe us living we will have to work harder for it These are changes which al ready cast ibelr shadows before thorn here xx QUEENS PARK Roberts 0n Parade 11st Public Exposure By DON OHEARN TDRONTFOntario is getting taste of its new premier and new type of premier The current byelections are giving Premier Robarts his first big public exposure And as expected he is prov ing to be different Perhaps even more different than ex pected N0 PROMISES The key was given in his very first day of electioneering in Kenora riding He was challenged about local road He said he was not familiar with the situationand he would look into it But he wasnt making any premises beyond this if the roadwere practicable it would go built If it werent it wouldnt This is not theway we are used to playingpolitics here If this had been Premier Frost in the same situation there would have been nothing so definite aslbis There would also have been the promise to look into the problem and perhaps not much more But somehow or othertlre local people would have had the Village of Wasaga Beads REPORT FROMUK Station To Provide By McINTYRE HOOD Special Mndan Eullnd Correspondent for The Barrie Examiner EDINBURGH Scotland scheme for the building of coalfired electric pnwersta on to cost $17000000 is under de velopment It is to be built near the East Loihian vlil age of Cockenzie in coalmiaing area Behind the scheme is the South of Scotland Electricity Board it has made application to John Maclay secretary of state for Scotland for perrnis slon to go ahead with the pro ject If this permission is re ceived the board will start the work of construction early in the spring nftblsyear The location of the site or the proposed new power station is on 244 acres of land immed iately east of the Prestonlinks Colliery and between the main Edinburgh to North Berw lc roaiLaud the sea MARKET FOR ones One ufthe important features about this scheme is that it will provld ready and close at lian arketfor coal mined Th station will of coal seashore site of 000 feet Work For Miners day and will thus provide work for some 12500 miners Two of the new pit shafts in the area Moriktouhall and Bilston Glen are conveniently placed to supply coal direct to the site in addition to the work which will be provided for the miners the station itself will give dir ect employment to about 400 men To clear the site for the sta tion the local Miners Institute building is likely to be demol ished and an amateur football teamPreston is expected to lose its ground Low oplnion however is strongly in favor of the station It is felt that the additional employment prospects will more than compensate for any disadvantages SMFOOT CHIJVINEYS One reason for the choice of the Cockenzie site is the presen ce cf the unlimited supply of waterheeded for cooling purpos es iri such station The cold water intake will be constructed several hundred feet into the Firth of Forth The generalliig plant will form the main part of the construc tional work it will occupy be impression they were going to get the road TYPICAL CHARACTERISTIC This frankness of course ties in with Mr Robarfs character as we have known it We have known it of him however essentially as min later and head of one depart ment We have now known it all as the leader of govera meat and there has been question whether he would carry it on Apparently he at least in tends to fry Which must be gonsidered as good news in ec KEEP UP it is question of course whether he will be able to con tinue speaking his mind more or less ignoring political back slapping He might be able to it represents bit of slap in the face to the noisy element in politics To the protesters and the smalltime strategists who try to lead the local scene and whose leadership usually con sist of promises and the policy of offending nobody There are snme of us who think these people really arent importantexcept that they get on the cars that get out the vo We would like to see them over ridden for they do not make for strong government The premier however may find out he has to pay more at tention than he desires to their Wishes 425 feet The greatest height of the main buildings will be ml feel but there will be twl brick chimneys 500 feet high The coal will be delivered by rail to marsbaillng yards at the south of the site near the main EdinburghNorth Berwick coasl road and will be fed to system of conVeyor belts which wril take it either into the coal store or the station bunkers The area was chosen by the South of England Electricity Board from 19 possible locations which were considered One encouraging feature is that the owners of the land in volved in the scheme who Were opposed to the scheme when it was first proposed have now accepted that excellent laud lhfétighllli gastithmust in the corona rcs given over to the Electricity Board Because of this they have not lodged any formal objections with th secretary of state for Scotland MINING EXPERT James Douglas Quebec City nativewho died in 1018 and who developed Arizona copper was twice president of the American Institute of Mining Engineerrz