Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Jan 1962, p. 11

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Aknctcs for SALE Gruozv room an tornu All Pi and rethitn But ol er Telephone PA Mia no leetrie tor ule also ramon stove Tclrfiinnc PA Mom runner deu nuwx mi BALI large size rood canmuun Selling tor moo Telephone PA 61m mm mm Health uolu two reeondillonrd both in new roadi tion um Tclrphono PA on or mrmu dchlls nnY mxzn Hardwood or uh any length Two cards or more III cord delivered Tckphnnu Punk Gauguin 157m Binnie ml LOANSanon at oz mouth Tolophon PA saga attire manor nunlop St at roxczn Am in rumu new and mild delivered with pip ing vent pining lnmlled coin olem ms TclePbonI PA HDII or PA om stanza chinet Radio and litcord Plhycr Pump it LPA included not or but all er an old and used very little liep and PA 89117 GuAnAanzD Srrvlce makes and models or clennm Alro availtile nosu brushrs ban eie Telephon Vuuum Senice PA mlL mvmmns bought laid nub Ad re hind student rental ntu Ash nEout our RentTry than any Plan stnr Tmewritor Co at android 5t PA 66595 5111901125 well construct ed 55 etch complete with host iug rtove and bench Also 00 rod 500 gallon minnow than Apply VIC Plmcr l9i Kcmpcnlelt Driv Telephone PA Mm ron SALE One ultrnlolet Sun Tan Lamp never been ulod colt me 28 will sell or us Alla weight reducing rowing mrchlno Iulthble lor List In tho homo no TelephonoPA Hill run mtAPs sack and Coats In or exchange Repairing Quinn and remodelling llloden no prices Apply hluburo and Son 18 Dunlop strert Wort Home Telephone PA $2537 THREEPIECE chemmold suite good as new nonccttu in worhlnil order Studlo Conch Thblc our chain nnd bullet For quick sale accepted Comblnniloi on an vacuum any rcasonnblc oilcr Tclophono PA baata run COAT or sale ladys full length grey Chlncsc Kid him 13 modern stylc excellent condition Reasonably priced Telephone PA M72 or tumor details LEVISION or dale cabinet Sigrid l7inch Centrat Electrie Allitnblt or recreation room Price 75 Good working order Telephone PA 9209 or 14 Allrcd Stmt SACRIFICE SALE 55 hp loco Dllrirudo Outboard hlotor lliro now also Kccny Boat Irailcr with winch hath Dr 5100 Alan alinch TV Phllca lloor model blond color sloo Cali PA 58273 FREEZER 17 cu It 3165 Elec tric Rougelrngidnlre 65 Alont Electric Rouge nutomntlc clock us Norgo automatic Washer 57s oll Splice Heater 15 Robinson Hordwam 31 Dunlop st Dost PA 57431 DOGS 8r PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by RARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds budgies and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Tinls and all pcts OPEN TO 530 RM DAILY PHONE PA $8036 Try An Examiner WantAd ARTICLES For SALE FARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE FRUIT 8r VEGETABLES APPLE BARN Mdntosh Spy ColInland Ind other varieties grads Linc 8150 per bushel Fresh Cider Phone PA Mm BOATS 8i MOTORS Boat Kit For Sale Excellent buy for the boat enthuslst l7 cabin cruiser Windshields and fibreglas top supplied With kit Also extra Iibreglos rosm and poly plate Ior decking liuil has been assembled and fibreglased or you Cost of hit and Iibreginslng was $850 Will sell or $650 Assembled boat soils or $1300 Buy now and have the boat ready for the boating season Telephone PA Will FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid or deador crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed It For last service phone BARBIE PA 87751 collect or ask tor ZENITH 94130 NO CHARGE 24 hours any7 our null NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmoad Ontario License No 139061 TT lessrocx Punznltzn Aberdeen Angus Dull tor tale months old Telephone Dyerett or lurther details uocsrm now or role is years old due to ircshcn January in Telephone 398 slyner llmzronn cows and Hcllcnl Onu registered horned nnn rem turd polled bulh with helm calvu at side one Hide Cow heavy in Call hvn rcdistued horned holler oi lorvlccohlg Ire Telephone Barrio PA osoao POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALE PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now or early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Crnig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 BllAY llAS started Ana and other good pullot varieties Mn week old nvnllnhln promptly order now get good start on 1952 egg production llrolicr chlolu also llvnllnhlc Dnyolds to order Agent Copeland mt Benton phone ismil FEED SEED GRAIN smAw WANTED for bedding Must be reasonable tom mquin ed Apply aux Rd Enrlic Examlnr or Port SALD sonaro halos llny crlmpod mixture or Alialtu and Timothy Also palts trorn last Chovroici Iiton pickup Phnnc ivy aznis BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE For information re this service contact IVE VIC WILDMAN PA 83623 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 6I I42 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOP 5011 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone all yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN Anna Street PA 4507 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shoutJ iront loading levelling or ybackfiliing Dozer work and truclnng phone Stewart Con dhucfinn PA 87321 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 INSULATION INSULATION with No Rockwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUIR AirTito insulation lien in PHONE MINESING 211 Free estimates Barrio provincial representat By Month or YEar PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrie PA 66956 MASTER STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES minus NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT RADIO AND TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE ALL MAKES OF RADIO AND TV BAYVIEW ELECTRONICS 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clapporto St PHONE PA 84562 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupiand Drilling Rh BARnlE PA 87646 WELL DIGENG WELLS dug deepened and re paired PUMPS sold and installed KEN WINTER 12 MARIA STREET PA H782 Its wonderful the Way Classified Ads get re guaranteed work suits Phone PA 824I4 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Bentty Farm Equipment 175 BURTON AVE PA 5237 Anyone Interested In Going To The ORFEDA FARM SHOW Friday January 26 AT THE CNE GROUNDS BY BUS Reservations must be book ed with us on or before January 20111 Bus leaves shop at 915 am and returns at pm Admission and Bus Fore $150 per person DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milken Vacuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Ports lor any miikcr HANK BROWN RR BARRID HOLLY PA 60338 VIKING CRIB So Intern WI and swim type inning Machines Viking Separator slu Cni burs Ontno PA mv Mcsz FonAGlz Harvester Model with my nod ram allachlmsnt two outolnntl unloading bler As good as new nought late not you will loll at wry ndlltnd price Apply to tho Dion traveller Leo Morrow 79 Eugenia st hm rte Telephone PA omo Snow Plow with hydraulic lllt Apply Bristow Limitld Dunlop Street West Telephono PA 66546 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE HAROLD JORY MOTORS TRIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes OMl and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 1955 Form or me custom lino automatic radio in rhowroum condition Telephone PA M701 1957 DKW CAD or equipped and radio Tciaphnnu nlo tally with new motor tires uke now 3475 call Cookhtnwu 4554570 1955 aTunnnAm stntlon Wax on two door inlnlly car so down 10 weekly Telephone PA M7311 nltcr 30 on No DOWN PAYMENT my Met oor one owner Must soil or moving wny Assume exis ng low monthly pnymcnu Telephone PA mo nrter six 1255 CHEVROLET two door on Take over pay oi only $21 per month For iurthor inlormlunn telephono PA 37031 1958 DODGE suburban station Wr gnn VB nutolnntic radio Domln ion Royal Master Tires Al con Reasonable Telephone PA 37435 1952 PAmnANz 500 tdoor sedan Flaldslnrio tnn flflilh and matching tcrior Only 1500 miles Will take ratio or small down payment Must sell Telephone PA goal MOTORTAE son SALE LOOK No Down Payment on these MoneySaver SPECIALS 56 Volkswagen rodiO 00 week 56R bl $3333 3513 57 Vauxhall radio Only $750 wooll 58 Citroen Only 8826 week 58 Volkswagen Only $050 week 59 Simca Only $1100 weak 59 Nash Metropolitan Only $1075 week 60 Anglia Only ilfoo week wank to mako room or the many tradco we bhvo condos Inonolirnowliordcnrg Hurry in for tho boat rolectlon BAY CITY MOTORS Ltd 45 Bradford Sf Phone PA 8793 use Form hall ton truer collen condition Mint loll this week 3150 No realelnblg 01hr refused Tolephono N702 anyumn Isso PONTIAC two dons strato automatic irntmtuton heautllul honours tr do ol 22 4m Tolophona PA mm METEOR Coach ona ownnr new tlrcs dio soot mm Linn Cln finance that information one curtom excellent condi $15m For lub tolephnoo PA TRUCKS TRAILERS 1551 6th MION Pickup mlelt good runan gist Telephonn PA com utter pm 1955 MERCle JTON Itlke body le Excellent con lcpbonc Midland or or writehox home er pgles treated strictly conliden ll nrdcr mow Liron AUTOMOTIVE CARS WTD TO BUY ORV HARDY MCKIVJRS BARRIES NEWEST CAR LOT URGENTLY REQUIRES USED CARS TRADE UP OR DOWN WE WILL LEND YOU MONEY ON YOUR PRSENT an MRI EXAMINER FRIDAY JANUARY 11 I0 HELP WANTED IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP ST ENCCASHIER For local oiiico National Corporation Some bluinen HEll out position as hmlxeheeoer Ex perienced in lencrll work his phnno PA Lona nanrun wonu good ooem oee desiru written In Barrie aperture to meeting publitI Cornspondrncc some ooomep euh nlu typing mnnaxiiu men elephants PA 0MAN roqulred or homework at morninsh Elin nldnlo Road area Hurt ha awn nscnne of in ntlon rl Phone PA $755 EMPLOYMENT WANTED mun rascal 11 In git NilIda Telephlizgn PA 53 Del Had hid it pose on ax CIIJ Telepnhn 0le noomlrma Sent availbin run or pupilme hilly rinr ad lnlepbono PA WI MALE HELP LEARN mROMCS NOW Resident or Homo st lchoob Toronto and Mogulsl comm or CANADA Book Chreen in Kin St PERSONALS ANYONE wanting to roar tr Ranton to Etlldllllflghwengfi ron mmpeun on III for mu plrurulan WOMENS COLUMN LEARN EAIRDRESSING Government Chartered School Through training in Ill bran ches of beauty culture rum DREW HA RESSNG work on onlry ALPS SCH Barri r1 need Tel PA nzsz PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL Wm Hinton BA aarrlster Solicitor hndNoinry Public 35 OWEN ST Corner Collier and Owen or large estpilinrd arm in Burm ExreUeilt opportunity AV ply In wriunn ruling ago no ex pnerlence to Box 15 Barrio Dunl er certified hllrdn own homo Phon ml HAIR nmovtd pm Ilectrvlyfll In snurrlny in NI hy owning and all any Por appointment col Angus nnyuml ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT caused Public Accountant Toronto and Elma nrrio Olncowlison Bldg Grant sour PHONE PA 83397 Neednnln CPA is underhlll CPA Ruldonl Pnrtnen ROSE chairIARRI SON cred Accountants Trustee in Bankrupt Samuel Rose CA 69 Collier SI Phono PA 54919 LOST FOUND MANS Am mitt lama lost in City or Dorrie Rowrd omrod Contact Th Eurio ninth PA 61839 nourm mTRldbonc and Bo no no em about ye nld Studded cell In BOYS SEAGRAM hum 11 um Tclogbonul ROWE Mm Eli7 Bkrristern Solidlon Nohriu Public éoonyureru I0 HELP WANTED moonu Owen 5L hurlt PA unit hunch SALES HELP AGENTS EXC m7attainmum Ont ELLEN OPPORTUNITY We have an exceptional oppor tunity or Harrie resident with good education and pets sonnl background ago 240 who can qualliy or sales position in an established and COWAN C7 COWAN pcrmnncnthbuslness Experl Annlsms enco that as brought him in Ross COWAN contact with the public would 53 COLLIER Sr bc preferred and tho right man PA 521 Ill 5311 ni32tilii$ LIVINGSTON MYERS Applicants should give full pnr tlculars stating ago telephone Banister and counter number address experience 501 Em 07 and other qualifications All ran JV WILSON MOORBY HARRIET 3g SOLICITOR nox ao BARRE EXAMINER MW in AT 102 DUN FEMALE ELF SMITH McLEAN STENOCASHIER Ramadan We have an unusual opening Bfififiunmfl in our allice for someone who so Owcn sL thunl PA boom can meet people well handle figures accurately and is sand GLADSTONE CURRIE 00 15 Optometrist Burma ono Souutoo ALL EDETEEEEWEEKNEHTS 0m it °n€h5o°°itw°o€ 55372 The person wélwant ls interest wulnn Bulldlnzlred cunt Street 52586 ly assuming addl Barrie Ontario FESPOHSIbllty and in Tolnphonli PArinm um creasing her value and income FUNERAL HOMES Apply CRESCENT STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME FINANCE CORP Phone PA 60203 liwlfililiniimggsn Sew QC 501mm Mun Tank QC MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Terence or Piano singing Pupils and or or to xIlium Mull Tomato Anci Modern bulbous 21 Bndlnrd PA and THE DAVIES OF CANADA voxcn PIANO mum an NArizn 51 am ANGUS ROSS BA Rumored hluslo Teacher innrne uon Piano Theory caching Ll french Latin 47th lohool III on in Ross sci norm PA 35775 Dwen OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH RO OEL ENSON RC Downgrin asparagu STEPH Copy tor 26 Dunlop St decanted until Canadas lastert growmg lo Woegfivglflwfi cow tun finance company Day before publication PHONE PA 82414 EllJay 7715 spini512 AZE MOTORS DEPENDABLE USED almost like new CARS 96I PLYMOUTH CLUB SEDAN blue Automatic VI 2759500 I959 CHEVROLET SEDAN cylinder automatic udn I59500 I959 METEOR I959 DODGE IIIAYFAIR V8 automatic radio I57500 I956 DODGE SEDAN 1954 Donor Wmflhio 37500 I953 METEOR COACH oxoellnm valuo 29500 l959 RENAULT CASH TRADE OR EASY TERMS SPECIALS I957 DODGE SEDAN vo Antonina 59500 I955 PLYMOUTH SEDAN 39500 Mb DODGE SEDAN nenlly lava gt on this No DOWN PAYMENT youqualify uP TO was ro PAY FRENCH MOTORS Bradford st PAR597d

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