Food Question May Proved First Severest Testing LONDON CF The Euro pean Economic Community unique experiment in economic and possibly political integra tion faces its first and what sidies otber devices designed to pro tcct each countrys farmers price regulations and It results almost as much from the conflict between each European Common Market many France Italy and the Benelux countries set up the European Coal and Steel Com munity This grouping poolEd resources of coal steel tron if Train Chews Tracks Two Crewmen Hurt ST EUGENE Ont CPI Nomernbersofthccrewola CPR passenger train were up der observation in an Ottawa hospital today following the de railment of three diesel locomo tivcs eight baggage cars and two passenger cars near this community mile west MontreaL Engineer Harold Greenlaw and fireman Frank Alexander both 46 and residents of 0t tawa were the only persons injured whcn the CPR Domln ion bound for Montreal from Vancouver jumped the rolls Sunday near the OntarioQue bec border Gmniaw suffered badly bruised right hip shock and leg cuts Alexander escapal with slight concussion CPR spokesman said sev eral passengers were shaken ore and scrap in market with out frontier barriers its successt operation mode it the pilot plan for the Com mon Market In 1953 the six launched both the European Atomic Community and the Eu ropcan EconomicCommunity in doing so they tackled at lost the gigantic task of unit lng six national economies into one and wiping out all trade borders among them by 1973 at the latest The merger is to take the form of customs union thn thetask is completed trade is to be us free within the area covered by the six countrics us it is among Canadas provinces Yuk Cp photo ï¬air In Flames Mother Screams Help ForYoung CLYDEBANK Scotland AP frantic mother screaming in four and agony and with her members obligations under the 1957 trcaty of Rome the com munitys constitution and centuries old prcoccupations with national interest and sov erelgnty France with fresh memories of the Breton farmers revolt ls anxlotu to find export mon kets for its agricultural sun plus The West German gov ernment prodded by power ful agricultural lobby is equally anxious toprotcct its own highcost farmers from cheaper foreign products The first concrete step to ward European integration was tnkcn dccodo ago when Ger Shoi Fired In Chase STURGEON OnL CPI bullet cracked the windshield of store owner itcnri Levosqucs car as he fled Sa turday night after surprising two men in the store Police have detained two Tor may prove to be its severest crisis over food By Jan ministers from the community formed by West Germany ltaly France Bela giurn The Netherlands and Luxembourg were to have adopted common policy on farm products gt They were to have produced the blueprint for freeing trade in agriculture throughout their community and for achieving to common form program They failed And in doing so they also failed to move into the critical second or majority rule stage of thc European Common Markets develop ment They are acutely conscious that failure now or later to pass into the second stage would al most surely destroy the drive for European integration built out of the rubble of the Second World War The ministers are meet ing in Brussels in con tinuous sessionr with tho avowed intention of not break lng up until agreement is reached up bit when the train do railed chewing up railway ties for hundreds of yards and fell ing several telephone poles The passenger cars remained upright and the lost unit on the train sleeping car coupled on pcct him greatly he said but at Sudbury did not leave th ihe rich man by the very fact rolls that he possesses these rcsoun Cause of the accident was not ccs is able to do more for hu nnnouncod officially Police manlty than is possible for that said it might have been ice on poor mun the rails All we have to do at the 60 BY BUS foundations Ford and Rucke Some pawns we teller foundations in the states Isaac Vollson Simon Marks bmugm Mum by 15 1° lowing the accident over here and there are many Company officials declined to Othersmm by Spending mu estimate damage immediately lions of pounds have rescued IMPERIAL whole peoples from poverty and starvation NOW SHOWING ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WE DARE YOU Iis Unfair To Say Poor Man Can Enter Heaven Easiiy LONDON Reuters Roy Thomson nyenrold Canadian mummillionaire publisher said Sunday night he thought it was very unfair to say that poor man could enter the king dam of heaven more easily than rich man Thomson who owns 93 news papers and 72 magazines around the world was lntcr viewed on television by no Ang lican Franciscan lrinr The frinr Father Michael asked the publisher what he thought about the saying of Jesus that it was easier for camel to pass through nccdlcs cyc than for someone who trusts in riches to enter the kingdom of heaven Well tremble to dtsngree with that saying but really do Thomson said YUKON JOES IN TOWN Yukon Joc 56yearold prospector is in Prince George BC trying to sell his paintings to raisu grub stolte for the winter He is shown with one of his paint ings Sam McGees Cabin done at Pciley Valley in the To people in the street below she called Please save my also died They were the chil drop of the woman on the win iienrge Davies CONSTRUCTION LTD This community launched Jon 1958 was to achieve economic union in three stages of four years each Tho six ministers must agree unani mously before they can march into the second stage Such move would be an un mistakable demonstration of tho communitys strength The mlnlstors failure to agree on the farm policythus holding up further progressis only partially resultof tho complexities of attempting to substitute common agricul in onto men for questioning Mr Levesque said he found two men nttempting to break into two safe when he entered the store He ran out and jumped into his car As he pulled away shot was fired at him cracking the windshield front oi his head Unitarians Mail Church Material BOSTON APlMr and Mrs II Pitts of Big Lake Alaska hair in flames clung to the children fourthfloor window ledge of blazing Clydesldc opartm houso Saturday night The stunned crowd stirred and men moved into the burn ing building But six children under eight and 36yearold woman died in the inkmo on in new housing estate in this outer Glasgow suburb Dead oro Mrs Margaret Mo Gowun and her four children scvcn year old twins Andrew and Robert Jr Francis and tomonthsold Linda Margaret and Ian Strnchon aged and dow lodge hits Isabella Strnchnn 29 recovering after sedation said Sunday that she and her hus band William were ending visit to the McGowno home when lira from an upset kero scna heater spread through the apartment The Strochans and Mrs McGowuns husband Rob crt smashed windows and called for help When turned around to get hold of my two little ones they had vanished in the smoke and flames said Mrs Strachnn They had been told to stand poor man who does all the good he can is doing very worthwhile job in life and res Barrio PA 53186 Adult Entertainment hunchInn 1ND GRIPPING FEATURE turnl program for the tangle of closo but must have panicked national import controls sub 5th was helped along the window lcdge to an adjoining up rt after people in the street called that the children were sale The two other adults followed both bndly burned Mrs McGowan was not soon alive again after she ran to her children She died with them locntcd above the Arctic Circle are members of the congrega tion of Boston church The Pitts family is among more than 4000 members of the Unitarian Univcrsallst Church of the Lnrgcr Fellowship which has congregation scattered across the United States and 62 foreign countries There Is no church building and majority of the members have never met Rov George Marshall spiritual counsellor of the church packet of church material including sermon mulled twice month to members of the congregation Is the only contact most of them have with their church Mr Marshall said member ship in his church appeals to persons who live where than is no one with whom they can shore beliefs converse freely and exchange ideas llfs mull he said covers limitless va riety of topics including qucs tions of theology family rela tionships books and education Chartered in 1944 by the board of directors of the Amcrl can Unitarian Association the Church of the Larger Fellow ship has operated home he llglous education program for more than decade junior Doctor Away Patient Dies VALMEYER Ill APlOno of every five residents in this community of 3500 has the flu and an urgent appeal was made Saturday for medical help Val moyers only doctor is in South America on vacation State police brought doctor from East St Louis 25 miles away fch inch snowfall added to the towns misery The Mayor George Andres said Weve had one death and some peopid think she could have been saved if we had doctor Cardinal Leger Leaves For Home Talks MONTREAL CP Paul Emile Cardinal Leger said Sun day night the forthcoming ecu monical council in Rome will bring important changes in the life of the Roman Catholic Church The Roman Catholic Archbis hop of Montreal was speaking at press conference pre ludo to his departurefor Rome to attend the council scheduled to be held this year He said the council itnot seeking to impose rigid rules that might have been good several generations ago The compulsory fast on cer tain days might havé been suit able generations ago But to day the church in keeping with the modern age is not so anxi ous to impose hard and fast rules on the secondary aspect of the Catholic religion It aims rather at showing the faithful the means whereby they can malts themselves holy fellowship exists for children gagislzetter work to the glory of over six and junior fellowship youth for children over 14 Former Nova Scotia Police Chief Shot suspect Found Dead PARRSBORO NS CF Forrner police chief Joseph Kendrick was shot to death Sut urday and four hours later the body of young suspect was found nearby Kendrick 7B was standing on the bridge of the puipwood ship Marguerita supervising pulp wood loading when he was struck in the side by 22vcal lbre rifle bullet An intense search through snow clud woods east of this Minas Basin town of 1900 ended when William Leonard Moore 19 was found shot dead behind small summer cabin about hill from where Kendrick was Kendrick Parrsboros one man force for about 20 years is survived by his wife three daughters and two sons Imml ms MON runs PLAYERS tllEATItE AT 110 v15 MORE CASH Total personal income of Canadians has increased to put the per capita figure at record high For caplto in coma for 1960 lost your for which figures are available was 31540 up from $1509 your earlier Newsmop Two Don ail Guards Dismissed Another Reprimanded Over Dye TORONTO CPlAn official of the Civil Service Association of Ontario said Sunday that row over non Jail guard dy ing his hair has resulted in two guards being fired and another given severe reprimand Grenville Jones organizer of the association said those dis missed are Jlm Keatinga prest dcnt of Don Jail branch of the association and guard Tony Simonson Brennan Keatinge the guard who dyed his hair was suspended to days and given severe reprimand said Mr Jones The association official said Mr Keatingc refused to accept the suspension or reprimand and was then told to telephone the jail governor Monday to find out whether he could go to work The orders in respect to all three employees were read to them Friday by the jail gover nor from letter signed by Graham deputy minister of rciitérm institutions Mr Jones 53 He said they resulted from an inquiry conducted by Gerard Wright chief inspector of pris ons The inquiry was ordered by Mr Graham ONE TALKED ONE DIDNT Reason given for Mr Keat ings dismissal said Mr Jones was that he had refused to ans wer questions or give his opin ions on the hairdying incident Mr Simonson was told he was dismissed for giving informa tiori to the press INSTALL BISHOP WINNIPEG CF Rt Rev John 0er Anderson formerly dean of Christ Church Cathedgt ral in Ottawa Saturday was in stalled as first suffragan bishop of the Anglican diocese of Ruplt arts Land CRIPTIONS We always Riv you pruclrc mepf courteous service Ask your doctor about our panmm noxt timsbu writes prescription rui you prescription pickedup and delivered rm of charge CUSDENS PHARMACY Dnntun PA 559 Collies at an estu Mr Jones said meeting of his executive will be held today to discuss the dismissals and the mens loss of pay The dis mlssals were made retroactive to Dec 19 when they were sus pended Tha association is going to battle for these boys all the any Mr Jones said The row blew up when Mr Keatiugs dyed his hair which turned wbits following an acci dent whcn he was London bobby tiewua ordered by jail governor David Dougall to rinse out the dye but refused Mr Simonson later told re porters he had recommended Mr Keatingo to the hairdres ser from whom he was receiv ing treatment for his own thin ning hair The Civil Service Association claimed Mr Simonson was sus pended because ha refused to wear his jail uniform to and from work Moore was described as stevedore in this lumber and pulpwcod shipping town No coroners juries were empanellcd and inquests into both deaths adjourned until Jan 10 Police declined to comment on motive for Kendricks killing but said it was presumed Moore took his own life Bulgaria jails Its Chief Rabbi VIENNA ReuterslA Sofia court has sentenced the chief rabbi of Bulgaria Dr Asher Isaac Hananel to 81 yearslm prisonment on charges of spec ulating and smuggling the Bulgarian news agency BTA re ported Sunday Dr Hanansl whose age was not given was released on bail for health reasons the agency so He was found guilty of being engaged for many years in speculative and illegal trade with valuables in the transfer of foreign currencies and in the purchase of dollars which be deposited in his personal ac colunt with Swiss bank BTA an For Commercial 0r Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL SMITH STUDIO Cid Dunlap Si IJ PA 84176 Over Hunts ileum have 2184Apay days iosaveforhls retirement ONLY LiFE lNSURANCE CAN PROTECT YOU THESE FIVE WAYS Guaranteed retirement Income You have an in6 come you can never outlive Guaranteed immediate protection from the moment you qualify Guaranteed protection no speculation no guessing You know exactly the number of dollars to come Guaranteed benefits aphid expanse times You can guarantee lundaiior utu sameness such as ending children tocolleg Guaranteedprotectlon faithshome Your family Parents Guard Katrine School BURKS FALLS 0nt CP Parents and ratepayers Sun day night guarded the oneroom school at nearby Katrine for the fourth successive night to pre vent it being closed by the Burks Falls school board The Katrine group will attend the inaugural meeting of the new Armour Township council today in an attempt to persuade coudcil to rescind bylow which merged the Katrina school district with Burks Falls The Katrine parents have re tuscd to send their children to the Burks Falls school and have taken turns at guarding the Ka trine school sitting in the class room with the children during the day and sleeping there on Ilr mattresses at night Thomas Todd chairman of the Burks Falls area school ooard said the board was con tulting its solicitors His ï¬rst pay chequethe ï¬rst of many more to come What he plans to do with that money as he goes along is important He can do many worth while things One of the most desirable is no set aside some money regularly for his later years to guaran teexthat hell be able to take things easier when his pay cheques stop This neednt be just dream with the strokeof pen you can make your pay cheques start boguaran tea future security Your Life Insurance agentcan showyou how to make your pay days provide you tb gudrantiaed protection now plus guaranteed income for rctt merit you can never outlive Make sure of tomorrow BLENDED HEATING OIL summed solulyicrunspurpose comlartahceccnomicnlhome hosting Call for Sunuco today HEATING OIL Made by the etiginutor of fameur CustomBlended Blue Suneco Gasoline THE SARJEANTCO LTD Mir PA 2461 wlilnever inheritan unpaid mortgage