3030 ARV CF Canadas all championship rodeo befld one am July Pearl BargaL presides Canadian Barrei Hanna stioa said more than so ptern women riders hare iiilt Edited about the event LEGAL NOTICES TICE TO CREDITORS persons havino claims the Esiai of ARD BENEDICT DORAN of the Township of Vespra the County of Simcoe Conlt tor who died on or about 18th day of October toil forward some to the un kind on or before the 29th of January 1962 after ch date the assets will be lbuted amongst the parties tied thercio and the admin etrix will not be Hobie to person of whose claim she not then have notice ED at Barrie Ontario this day of December AD SEAGRAM AND ROWE arrlsters and Solicitors ls Owen Street Barrie Ontario TICE TO CREDITORS persons having claims nst the Estate of RAH JANE liicKNlGHT of the Township of Essa the County of Slmcoe Wi who died on the 19th day December 196i mast Iotv some to the undersigned or before the Glh day of uory 1962 after which theasseis will be distribv amongst the parties entit thereto and the executors not be liable to any person whom claim they shall not have notice Dated at Barrie Ontario this Wth day of December last 303s SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Earric Ontario i2 TENDERS TENDERS ted tenders for carttaking four room school at Mid iurst Also for two room ldiool at Cedar View School Midhurst Tenders may be for each school separately or both bombined Particulars may be iibtalnsd from ARTHUR SMITH Secretary Midhurst Ontario i3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Saturday January 20 PM SHARP Auction sale of farm registered and grade Holstein cows and heifers farm machinery hay rain straw and poultry for RONALD COOKE At Lot 12 Concession Oro Township VI mlle south of Highway No 11 Turn at Clear view Coffee Shop Terms cash No reserve as the farm is for sale and the owner is giving up farming JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer CONTRACT BRIDGE BY MY BECKER East dealer NorthSooth vulnerable Rom A0105 AKOE AKT AKB 9100 KII 05 Au once eases soom Ann 9n OAQHI 410s Tbs bfddirui Eat South Wm Psss Pess Pus Flu Psss Puss Opening lead seven of hearts ilcre is an odd handthat arose In the national mens pair championship In Washington last year The deal was played at thirteen tables with varying and somewhat surpris Ing results When the hand was layed at my table the bid went as shown held tho West hand and playing weak two bids opencd with two hearts North doubled properly enough and then euebld hearts alter hisl artn or had responded in spades When South now bid four dla monds North went to four spades and that was the end of that led the seven of hearts and Norths enormous hand came down Deciarer played low from dummy winning the seven with the lack successfully finessed the lack of spades and continu ed with spade to the ace He then claimed thirteen tricks which of course he had It Is clear the both North and South grossly underbld their hands While it is true that North bid stronglyby first doubling and then follow ing up with cuebld before supporting spadeshe could also Power Company ilslrs Exemption VANCOUVER CP The British Columbia Electric Com pany Friday claimed exemption from the rules of court which would require it to reveal perti holders who have challenged the validity of its expropriation by the province But the companys counsel Brazier offered to reveal some of thorequested docu ments voluntarily to the BC Power Corporation which has launched the suit Douglas McK Brown counsel for tho power corporation which owned all common shares in the company when it was expropri atcd last August described the offer as wholly worthless He asked for court order requir ing production of all relevant documents Mr Justice Lord re served his decision PROFESSIONII DIRECTORY LEGAL Wm Hinton BA Barrister Solicitor and Notary Public 35 OWEN ST PA 61889 aovs SEAGRAM ROWE IE Barristers li ltors Notaries Public canviyinsn Ito ouicsls Owen at some PA mu anncn oilicrElmvaia Ont Rowe Sea In Gnedah Telkly QC CONDER SUGG ARBISTERS soucrrons NDIARIES PUBLIC CONT ILA 311GB ALA IiiIll Dunlap EM PA M401 OWAN COWAN BARRISTEES ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER 61 PA 84521 LIVINGSTON Cr MYERS BirdIt nd solicit Collier SEIEErrie Ph gins01 WILSON MOORBY BARRISTDI SOLICITOII LAW OFFICI AT 102 DUNLOP ST PA M1238 SMITH Er MeLEAN ache smile do Arthur McLean Eruoo Owen Barristers Solicitors is Owen St thana PA MW GLADSTONE enema 00 Barrister sno solicitor Law pulses at Wilson Building rm omit smn Barrie Ontario Telephonsi FArkws ms FUNERAL HOMES STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT iMODEIlAiE cosr CONVENIBIT TERMS Worliu El Barrio PA 0855 ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT Owed Pilhlie Accountant Toronto and Birth Barrie OmenWilma Bid Fred Grout Banrs PHONE PA coast Neednam CPA Underhtli CPA Resident Partners ROSE tr HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee to Banisroptcy Samuel Rose CA 00 Collier 8L Phone PA 940 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Teacher or Piano 5131111 Pllvtis pulpred or examinatigg at th oyai Conservatorv its on at rhinor 27 Knitters St PQA 84710 THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 117 NAPIER 5T BARRIE ANGUS ROSS BA Registered aiusiu Teach in tioo Piano Theory cgachinzmlbn mach Latin other Iehool Nb Di Ross st Barrie PA naive OPTOM ETRY ROBERT SMITH RO Optometrist to 5347 Closed on Bl DuniopABt alingIv mun 02536 NOEL STEPHENSON RC fonts flt n1 uuo us nail PA Hm CW for Want Ad Section accepted until neat documents to former shore pm Day before publication PHONE PA 024 have done still more with his band ï¬lespade hid would certainly mt hr exonerated his val South was eonlly conserva tive in failing to carry on over four spade Both bis pre vious bids had been forced and might have beenmada with hand devoid of high cards He should have treated his partnerl strong bidding with more re However to the astonishment of everyone at the table it eventually turned out that NorihSauth got an excellent result an the board They scor ed no points on the deli while most of the other NorthSouth pairs wound up minus loo in slam contract in spades What hap it most tables was thatwhen West led heart agrrst slit spades practically every declarer won the trick in dummy This prov ed fatal because when they then cashedthe AK of clubs and ruffed club West over niifed led heart and South went dow one On Monday Another It Hand ls presented by Mr Bee lier Wintermeyer Saya Government Old XIILAME OnL CPI Oo traio Liberal Leader John Will termeyer attacked the provin cial government Friday night as an old government lacking life and the desire to proxies He told political meeting here that the five provincial by elections Jan ill will show strong indication of popular op position to the Progressive Con servaiive governments three per cent sales tax and Its re luctance to act on crime probe Mr Wintormeyer spoke after day of barnstorrnlng through Renfrew South constituency in company with Liberal candidate Leonard Guilty in 275 miles of fast paced travelling he stopped repeat edly to meet and talk with pee pie Speaking to number of retail storekeepers he sounded them out on his proposal for $25 minimum on purchases lob feet to the sales tax About lZOpeopie in this vil lage turned out in belowrem weather to hear Mr Winter meyer say he is concerned about Ontario The government has lost Its enthuslus its ideas Its ideal ism its desire to break new ground TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE sArunDAY JANUARY coo Dowiinl Livinl World nun Bunny countrytirne News Veslbnr Sports Jim Coleman Dennis the Manson Robin Hood itsva Gun viu Travel Peter Gunn NHL Hockey Juliette Kine Whyte can Weather Nun lportl aiovio Merrily Live suNnAv JANUARY Test Pattern Popeys and Fall News me into Epilkind French Good Life Theatre Country Calender Junior Magsrins lv Hour of stare Davey Golilth Heritage Discovery and News Cttizens Forum Movie tatck Tide Weekend News iiovie iconic Haul Psrsds so sullivsn oiow Dnnansa Close Up guest no TV News Walther News lports ilovio thinese Bunlalow MONDAY JANUARY lots Test Pattern 00 1200 izao emuspamm fir335 azseagsseszosss sesggissas 21855332828 FPUFrhlPP PPPPONFF Romper Room Popeye and hi Noonda No on News or Sports Comin Events Film eport 100 Movie its an Yours mo on Home moo Man From Interpol Verdict In Your News Womens snow Friendly Gisni sins Riot Around Rsuie nuxle Par 954 85338 Fopeyos TV News diirie Popeye TV Party Form ht Report News Don Jamilstvn Weather Sports Zane Grey TilIt Don Mlllora Jubilee nanny inomss Live Borrowed Life fob Cumminll Show Festival CBCTV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community les II Crossroads TUEIDAY JANUARY ms rm Pattern 1100 Romper Ronni mg gonad Ital rm Ooh In News wm Farm its in Cousin unll iiiméi as ver NI no Open Hausa soo School Telecast 330 Verdict Is Yours ass News 400 Womens Show 30 Adventures of Blinky Flowerth Men EN Rania Danie Lao Miko Mercury aoo News Headlines soi Movie Museum aso rnm Market anon us News Don Jamieson Weather Sports 1oo Ben Only one Gary Moore snow 000 Rod Eksitan 130 Front Flu Chllllhl 1000 Inquiry 1030 Kim Diamond 00 CBC TV New 15 The Weatherman Today in Sports Communlté News rm Interpol ailing ES rrppoyss 52383838 Sports CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO SATURDAY JANUARY too vrutilns Mo iaA HI Time Within Four Walls sports Weather News Punch and Johnny The Flintstones Iiillnman Fentum liiestrs iAdventurs Fllht of the Week Johnny Essw Show Cross Csnsds Barn Danes suNDAY aANuAItY low it is Written Around The World Youth and Religion Bravo Theatre Things We See Jr Hockey Sca Hawk All Star Gall Man and the Challonle Hart of the Mstter Grant Kyoto Tetnpell TBA Academy Performance This Quiet American intermission Academy Performance Fan II Andy Grilliths Show Loretta You The Law and Mr Jones News Walther Sports MoNliAY JANUARY moo Metl Presents 332338 1030 News 1035 Frla and Elly 130 All StarPlayhouse 100 Channel Nina TheIre Ladies In Love 555 News I00 Professors Hidclway 800 Man From Cochise Sports 840 Weather ii Pierre Berton 650 News 700 Father Knows 730 Top Cat 800 Vhipllsh 330 Inspector Maigret 930 Take Chance 1000 Twenty Questions iii 111 Better Late TUESDAY JANUARY tone News loss rm and tiny lso Ail Star Playhouse Channel Theatre lnsrae Wise roots owa Professors Hideaway nrn From Cochise Sport Weather Pierre Berton News gimmifir Flutter Milli no nos tth Naked City commis Showdown News Weather Better Late pro59949999 segsaessssa Shorts DAILY CROSSWORD AOMSS Coal scuttle Chinese division Thu Iliad for one 10 Dry Play 12 Worth 14 Non workers 10 Enemy Music noon 18 Nuclear explosion hazard 21 Snapple iii Vulgar 25 Enclosure Seat 27 Muscular spasm 28 Missile weapons 315mm floor 34 Gladiators vehicle 30 Music nota Hawaiian birds 35 Fake lung 41 River dams Pointed arch 45 Sweathem tooling 40 Plexus oiint 47 Geo eagle IS Headland DOWN Drove as come it Iridescent gem Ten canto Munisr ti Mayan Indians Anger Air warfare division Hateful 11 Terrible 18 Old hairdo 15 American Indian 19 Fate 20 Placed 22 Ollier 71 74 oaooooll oohozollan galllflflfllaï¬ 38 Period of 385 days 20 Assam Silk words 23 Flat bot tamed boat 29 Small bird 50 To soak 32 Anne mr nrx oomv rnxo Ulmiflili 02m nr umm arm gt4 Ymfll Ann 39 Scalloped or moiotng 83 Danny Insect comedian eggs 35 Sharp 42 Norse sol pointed goddess branch 43 To plead at HA HE BLONDIE LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER GRAN DMA MUGGS AND SKEETER all GETS uPA LITTLE NiBtIER WAY THE KITCHEN FLOOR WHILE IM SHOPPING OUR STOLKG RUNNING LOVVmBETTEI GET ANOTHER LOAD KIND TNE ROCK WHERE THE sun IO RIDING WILL BE RIPE ROCKSLIDE 901 MLLSIART IT THATS THE BEST DEFENSE AMINgT THETRUTH MISS WELL HAVE SUCK HOPI CARRIED ON CONVERSATICN FOR FIWEEN MINUTES YOURin HES LYINGANDTHAT PAnciiMENiS FORGERY rrHAarD BETHAT WAY TO HELP Wit you WM was Atom ALABAmT FIND MB POLE Bï¬itl 5° LONG BUT MIT COME MIR iiiï¬ï¬‚flfl MY MT WILL IE VASIIEP 79 VI REV QUICK means ASMLE mama esuiuo MOTHPRDOFTEARPROOF AN FIREPROOF wr sass car on ma Kimo WERE FRIHINEI HM Aivl if NOW in HEEE 1491 EIGHT mom or casino Mihméhiin air sort wsaE our Hittite omen spam WWW ItiERI N0 woonuorooo women Wu sin in limitm tomatoes Mm IMJUSIABORN