For Ho me Improve TEE SATURDAY JANUARY ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS GOOD NEWS maltWW aoaooaee use birth to rout Li IIo Rufld Drummer dlptunh cl Lb nodea an IVIILIDII on cam aeo Sunny he neeords and In nIII your rrlends and resumes In mesa mator plIcu ro one an unmatched Iitu oillb call arr tie Examiner ciasuned PA uile DEATHS BOYNTON Al the Rom Vic ioria Hospit Barrie on Friday January i962 Arthur Roynion late or 75 Cumberland Sinel be loved husband at Katherine Goo ler loving lather oi Amelia Mn Dixon and Beatrice rain Lawrence Cornell Katherine Mn Kenneth llorneman Rest ina hi the Petbielr Punenl Home in humid Street Service In the chapel on Monday January at pm Interment Barrie Union Cemetery HRRDERT lu on Ttliin Thomas New or Dora Herbert dear rether ot hits Norman leller Dora oi Barrie and Thomas lierbert at Toronto and rrandlather oi Tho mu Norman Weller oi Barrio brolher ol sits Isabelle Davey oi nd Mn Nelia ddenly It Talon January IIW beloved hulblnd Lillie iiili Vale Cooper CIldiii ales Resting at uuller Mineral chapel ten Dundas street Wut Isungion Senlcein the chapel Monday at pnl Interment Riverside Vip toria IiospItIBIrriP on Friday January 1062 Reboeca Louise Shanck In her dist ear Deloved wire oi Ephraim Theodore and dear mother oi Has liobln aon Beryl oi Windsor Dona oi Darrin and Mrs Ilryd er Gertruch oi Geraidton Resing at the Sieekley Funeral Home no Vorsicy Sirect Barrie or service on Monday January It pro interment Barrie Union Cemetery IN MEMORIAM BROOKSIn loving memory or our our parents Hr and Mrs 13mph who passed way December Io 1019 and la bury 1057 Too dearly loved ever to ba lob noiten Always remembered by mi 13111 Ind amily MILLERIll inndcst memory or dear win and loving mother Margaret sllller who passed away January loss sweet mombrics will linger lop ever iimc cannot its true Years that come cannot sertr oin loving remembrance or you Sadly missed Ind always re memhered by husband Amos and family PAHENDENIn loving mun cry or dear mother and rather lie and Mn Thomas PIitcndch who puscd away mother Iann In 1945 and iathcr January into Aiwas lovingly tho lrnuly CARDS OF THANKS cocrrRANDWe wish to extend dncenthl1ills and appreciation tor the mlny acts or kindness messages or sympathy love and understanding and the beauiiilll on Lrlbutu Imm our relatives ends and neighbors tendered during tho Illness and death 01 beloved wire and dear mother We especially wish to thank Rev Dyer or his kind consoling words the pallbearers and the Stetho mineral Home Ior their kind tielent management or the lbrllcts Heather and Doug Coch nae COMING EVENTS change them remembered BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY REGULAR MEETING Wednesday January 10 pm LIBRARY HALL slides of 1961 Photographic Competition will be shown Priles or Christmas Decora tion contest vi be distributed Members of Camera Clubs and any interested in photogra phy are invited Come and bring iriend EUCIIRE PARTY ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10 It Plil Prizes Lunch Admission 50c Auspiccs Beaver Rebekah Lndge No 190 ANNUAL MEETING Annual meeting of the Barrie Union Cemetery Company will be held at the Cemetery oiiico TUESDAY JAN 16 1962 AT pm All interested plot oWners are welcome SPEARN President LORNE WHITING SecretoryTreasurer BINGO STHOUD HALL TUESDAY JANUARY pm Jackpot 510050 numbers called Door draw ITS EASY TO PLACE BARRIE EXAMINER CLASSIFIEDS AD one oi these three conveni ent ways PHONE PA 82414 audjsay want to place Classiï¬ed Ad MAIL It to The BarrioExam iner Barrio Ont BRING it to The Random airliner otilce Hayfield Street TELEPHONE PA 32414 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE ROS DEAL AIATI Exam TlFFLV Srnm BARN CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 Hembcr or the Barrie and DLrtrIsl Baal Estate Board Emory MILLER Realtor PA 60476 PA 00503 Keith Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 21592 is cLAPPEnmN 51 M00111 FRANK NELLrs PA Mm slcmber Barrie District Real aiaia hoard HENDERSON REALTOR ll COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 82670 DAillllE PA 523th svmmcs CALL RITA SCANDRm PA 04565 DOIIDIIIY WILCOK PA on PERCY FORD PA c1010 EMERer SWAIN PA canon blembcl oi name and District and Ontario Re Estate Board CORBY REAL ESTATE Broiler Phone PA dZIIB 93 Dunlop St alAnEI IIARSHALIrPA woo conaYPA 8546 nlUniEL JEFFEnYPA tom PRIVATE SALE Owner Transferred Large bedroom bungalow haltirooms large living room kitchen with dining area Land scnpcd lot 72 115 Very close to public and high schools litany builtin lectures in this executive type home Phone PA 66058 MOVING Dont forget to tronsicr your INSURANCE and it you need extra coverago at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OH PA 61802 113 Dunlap St RD REA TOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatr PROPERTY WANTED We have just sold 12 properties in the last few weeks We need listings Following are law oi the clients who need property in or outside the city limits eclient with $1000 wants bun galow outside city Oliian with $1500 wants one to two acres outside city limits IWoman with $1600 wants home inside city under $10000 OMan with $1150 wants small bungalow in or out of town for $7500 These are low oi the many people looking or houses Sell now and give possession lior spring PA 66481 blember or barrio and District Real Estate Board MOVING For complete moving servlca sister and easier Cali COOKE CARTAGE Er STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 48 Essa Rd Barrie PArkWay 05575 PRIVATE SALE at older income homo Reduction for quick sale $2000 cash with $4500 mortgage For nirthcr iniormation telephone PA 072011 $4550 FULL ralcc partly win terized and partly tarnished six room cottagchgarlge and right oiway to water at hiiaets Point For inrtncr particulars tclcplionb PA c1191 Try An Examlncr Want Ad MORTGAGES Immediate IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able for any typo oi dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 199 Duniop St East over SIIVIPSONSSEARS sspotr FIRST Mortgage Ior 54510 op years at 117 payable monthly Five year old throebtidrnam bun galow Good covenant Apply aimorfltlgage Funding telephone Pli PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP mm EAST First in Barrie Homo SulaForemost in Quality at Sonic PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL HX DOREPA H187 ROGERSPA N531 POWPA Hm commPA mu mans Blimp DISTRICT REAL ISTAII com Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA 899 PA 681 First Mortgage Fund Available interest 60 at Valua No ieu Charged aversion Call alo Lublun PA 607 EVEN EliInuit OreISIS JIEX Willapll EA ml Norman Ebtlrwau PA ml Owl Hound NdrflI PA CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA alemben or 1110 Berri Ru ratat Board Smith CampbellPA 573311 Fergus Ganey wilt 37052 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO bonus Payments insured against accident sickncss death CRESCENT FINANCE 25 DUNLOP ST WEST EARRIE PA 60203 thRTGAOESlitand and bought cold and Irrlllizcd commercial Ind residential moneys loaned on existing mortgages aarrla Mort Iago brokers Pp pesos BUS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE Dairy Bar Lunch Counter and Locker Storage on MainSt in Goldwater Ont $11000 full price includes equipment and property Small down payment Lib eral terms can be arranged with responsible party Apply To Lakeview Dairy Ltd PA 66501 FRUIT AND vegetable lilarket or sale on Highway hctwecn Highways 00 and Now rhino building 40 21 with cold room 10 on lot 130 180 Busi ness entrance Write box 22 Bar rie Examiner Telephone PA 01050 Juli LInzPA um Cbarua RoadPA RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT rituals noolti heated apartment uniurnlrhed ist Owen street UNFUIINISITED Ilauir two bed rooms on Iurnlcc raved dIIV attached garage CIleIbl elem MODERN two bedroom apartment unturnilhed near Dominion Store Automatic washing ing lIciiitiel parking the now Phone PA M020 Form ROD Apartment or rent Heated iully Iurniahed Central Ava able February 1001 Tell phone nvcninn PA 6451 Foun ROOM House or mini close to school and city limits lnslda conveniences Telephone PA 113060 and Anti Tlvo Roull Illrnlrhed apartment heated with reirlgerator and slave separate entrance also laun dry iacllliies Telephone Plt aiali IIIyS or PA 34626 ovenlula LARGE three room apartment or rent Hat and lights supplied Relannl is rent Apply Crlluhilsi General Store or telephone PA 00575 tor iurthor details Faun BEDnboM Hbulb oil heat 0d Ittnchod gnngo Coltrain In caied Heat hydro supplied Laundry tub Ind WIIIIlng mach Inc 3110 per month Tclbpllorin PA 51130 RENTALS ARTICLES For SALE AUTOMOTIVE mants Consult Our Business Services Daily To HELP WANTED APTS HOUSES T0 RENT loo mood noor Am ment parta utruce and bath hut lupplied CIA to Icth Aha three room produciin do eorated student with nursery Each Iv IDII December Tel Phone PA was Roots BUNGALOW tor rent ii conveniences oil nested ideal nimundlnn on paved liar rta lulled Aldo roe lully tarnished apartment rult retired oplxe Wllrod Prinick phonl unmsuzn upatbln ro ment moms rivate bath ce trallocauoo healed PflinI not water tank in rival home No other tenants hon PA 0151 Available now Two baran Apartment Ior rent in modorn bulimia in out and Relfllentor stove beat water storage laundry lacuiiiea Ibd Putin Nat IuithIl or children Telepbon PA cilia ultrImodlrn IIII room Willi Itovo and retrilerainr i7 tIuDII laundry Ind Irklnl It ll relphone PA us or PA or PA 35 TERI nooil Apartment tor rant prlvltb bath relrigorstor and nuts ovoriookll lairo lin inedibl posseuloo cblltiren ele hand PA czsla tor mrther Two BEDRODM Bungalow or rent Talielully decorated Oil heat Aluminum atom and acreena All conveniences wriio no Dallie Examiner or 91101 VA Now Oakvlii IWO BEDROOM Unhirniahbd apartment in modern apartment building east end iisirigerai water storage 11 undry intilitier abo now Telephone PA Min HEATED Apartment living room large kitchen one bedroom prI vale bathroom Ava bl immedi ately Close to Ca pile church For lurihor lnlormatiorl applv lnl Mulcaater strrot THREE nouli tarnished mont ior rent Heated Retrixcra inr heavy duty stove hardwood noon Sell contained Availablo immcdiIiciy Armltrongl Hud ware PA Mm ALLANDAL Modern three be room ground our apartment with rsparaie entrance and yard 95 per month Include heat and hydro Telephone PA Moll altor run UPPEII nUrLEx tour rooms and bath loli contained hoaid Iplrt meat private onlron Close to downtown Good parkin Immcd late poslruldn relep one PA 07121 tel no HOUSE Ior rent eIIIIy It oil Iorced air lamcc iavon 100ml load cupbollds Isrlo shaded lot Suitable or children Good linden Roulonlblo hydro and tdloplinllv well and cistern pump only Rent $55 monthly owner willing to Improve Iaclii tics thll spring or sultlbls ton ani Close to schools mich Irom Barrio 12 mile rolll Camp Bordon iIt villain oi Thornton Phone ivy mm apart NICSLY Puntiahcd ariment Central Available now allamok er nbstalncr Suitable Ior one or two adults stove and refrigerator heat and water Box ll Barrie Examiner THREE Rooni uniurniabed heat Vcd artrnenl tor rent selleon taine reparala entrance to per month Available immediately Telephone PA 31110 or PA mt MODERN apartments Iour rooms and private bath hn water tht ed utilities suppued Located in Angus Telephone Comb hordcn 139 1215115 Ind Iitlr lull RENTALS LDW COST SrAcr for rent Clean modern buildings Sultabio or commercial or light Industrial Telephone PA 65575 NURSING HOMES Amt EDEN Nuns 110MB Built tor this work Semi and private rooms kind nursing care sand Dad TV room station we gon tor outings Telephone solu Stroud APTS HOUSES T0 RENT Two lion furnished apartment heated Suitable or one or two adults Tclcphonn PA Mass HOUSE to rcnt six roams sun room at 101 Dunlap street Availnblc immediately Telephone PA 04111 ANGUS Four room house with bath unmmishcd Apply to Robertson telephone at 15515 Available immediately also FOUR nEImoDM home or rent located on bus line vicinity Cen tral high school May be seen alter pm liJ nradiord St nUnToN AVENUE Three room unturnished apartment oil heated hot water Stove and reirlgerator Privan bath Apply 40 centre st 1an Lands Rooms and bath washer and dryer orivsie ver anda 1an tree parking Available immediately Telephone PA onset or evenings PA 51032 UNFUansHED two bedroom apartment hcated Centrally loca ted Parking provided llent $70 monthly Telephone PA 32480 or after 530 pm PA 03505 Two LARGE clean rooms or rent iumisbed as kitchen and bedroom Centrally located Ad ults 512 weekly Telephone PA 114056 COMFORTABLE thr room un mrnlshed heated rtmcnt r1 VIle bllth Inuil and pork n1 laciiities 55 mon hly Ap ly in Anne street South or to ephoae PA 68553 THREE noonl heated apartment sellcontained Private entrance lsu Collier St Farkingtoeilltl Suit business girls or couple mediate possession CIlI PA 05330 evenings 0mm Mullan two bedroom opartmcn with stove relrigeralol washer and dryer on main floor at apart ment building Available 11qu is lgpply in Cook street or PA call UNFURNISHED apartment heated tion Immediate pDIsenImi it do lired Adults only Telephone PA 02400 alter mo pm PA 605 FURNISHED two bedroom mod em home or rent or monthr oil heated Not rultabla Ior chil dren Telephone PA 37778 for Tub LIlcr details COMFORTABLE our bedroom house for rent oil heated Down town ioeotioa Parking ioelliiles Available immediately Telephone 5A 05400 or Iurthor idiotma on LARGE modern uaturoiahed apartment Lhren rooms and bath hot water heated laundry room and dryer Available immediate Iy Telephone PA mm or PA 05025 llIoDERN tmturalsbe one bedroom Central locg eaten bedroom apartment Hetrlgerator and ltoVesuppllcd Laundry ran llltlcs overlooking park and bay Apply 11 St Vincent street or telephone PA 01001 spAClous two bedroom ground rleor apartment in modern trip lex Located in lovely residential section Laundry and parking la ellltles vooltor services included Call PA 65112 aiter prn Two DEDRooM heated apart ment or rent on St Vincent Strout bottom Iioor or modern triplex $05 monthly Available coon Telephone PA 115104 THREE RDUMSandbath ior rent Iurnished washcr and dryer vote vernndnh free parking To phonzc PA 00981 or evenings PA moi TWO BEDRDOM upstairs apart ment or rent uoiurlllshed Com trally located In Allbndulc Heat and hydro supplied Available 1m mediaiely Telephone PA asail mono noohi nnlarnished heat ed apartment Ior rent Ccntrbl Private entrance and bath to monthly heat and hydro included Telephone PA Miss NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kempenrclt Edy Heat Wa ter lacking and janitor service Illclu ed Automatic washing EI cllities PA 04002 FOUR illlDlloo house or rent Downtown loca tion Immediate possession Gur age included Telephone PA an or further PBILIcullI UNFUltNislllID heated on heated Part ment or rent Four room plus aunporch and pm overlooking lIko Central locationsas month ly including heat Avauable now Teicphone PA 85062 vi Fault Room Apartmentlv tile bath unlurnislidd Stove and re lrlgcrator Ill plied Centrally 10 catcd Nd enldrea Available ins medlatrly For turther Intorma tlon telephones PA MIMI FIVE BOOM BIIBEIIDW for Full Cundiu BIIII an HIEIIWIy 27 Three piece bath hot water good laundry facilities TIFIIDIIIIII rent Oil ligating TelEphone PA 60147 HOUSE FOR RENT Lstorey room brick house Gaa tired Illn nacoand water ileIter Good resi IIerltIlll district immediate Pou ession Relercnees Call Cautt dc PA 2435 Two BEDROOM Apartments ior rent Heated Central location Hardwood floors Telephone PA 041571 or further intonnation THREE Rooltl rail containcd apartment with love and rerrIgcr tor Plenty parking space Available Immediately East and location Telephone PA aIosa FURNISHED heated sellcontain ed Apartment Central Gmund Hour rooms and bath Private entrance Available weekly or monthly APPIy 34 yflcld 5t THREE BEDROOM hour oi he ed All modern couv Icnces Garage and broegeway Available immcdiIter miles south Siroud nnIIIEIIWI 11 Telephone 71R21x stroud UNFUILNIEIIEI our room reli contained apartment lnr rent HeIIcIi With telephone supplied Teiophono PA 50576 II Ind PA weal alter cmnar Mention Upper dur levi two bedrooml living room dining room large kitchen path rivAtn entrance unlurnlttied salad No ooiaetloa to one child Telephone PA pests ideal WANTED TO RENT STORE OWN ERS Assorted quantity at old sto ck COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have 195 on the date Ilne REGULAR PRICE FROM I2c to 20c Clearing of 9c ea lus PROVIN SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 EWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x10 ideal for lining bun houses attics garages etc pcricct insulalor 75c PER DOZEN Apply Tho Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario Used TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Ap Ilance PENE iNG STREET PA aroma CASII LOANSAODO It In If month TIIOPIIDDI PA 01 svifllcï¬nl PIDIncI It nunlop st or ELECTRIC Hot Water Tank with honor olcmcnl 22 llllbm complain Tclcphoilil IIE 95900 Angul or luriher Iniflrmltlon DIIY MIXED Hardwood 1an said any length Iwo cord or more old curd dcllvcrcd Tolbpllonn lrlnk Coughlln 701m Eimvale SPANISH GUITAR or sale elec lrlc with double pickrunr Inlvll liar and can in good condition Toluvuono PA 50738 lltoN FniEliAN Stokol plus co train or Sale 3100 ADPIY CII nrd Aubert 101 Old Orchl Growl Toronto 12 Ontario ITIIIEE oil FOUR iicdroom House wInted to rant No ublccilon to lease Relerences Telephone itlr Hewitt PA 51 ROOMS TO LET nobola FOR RENT per wcck lllen only Telephone PA 00070 Two FURNIBHED Housekeeping would or rent at in Dunlnp er Ronald To RENT lo week italizflmlthfl delalla telephone PA BRIGHT umllhcd housekeeping room stove and roirigcrator For Iiirtlicr iniormatlon coil PA 04201 Furilrlsncb non to rent Ceri tcaliy located Telephone PA outs for innhar partlculnrl ROOM FOR RENT heated iurn Ishcd Ran etto reiligcratbr and LIncn rdpplcd Apply 01 Mary st Hooala Ior rent Also edited the on the premises open irom am to 10 pin Apply 1111 Brentwood FURNISHED bedroom or bedill ting room Use or automatic washer and dryer Do phone PA Moll evcningr PA 10 FURNISHED bright worm bad room Clan to hospltlll Apply bltcr p111 in 50 Ross Street 01 telephone PA asooo FURNISHED bedroom Ior rent In quict well kept home Close to downtown Gentlcmln only SE per week Telephone PA flMEL DEDDDOM and kitchen Idl rant Fully lurnisllpd Light Icht and watcr included Central location Telephone PA 03501 Ior iurtbor details CENTRAL Location Ground tloor roam ill prlvlte home Furnished Grill privileges Parking space Ior hualncal gentleman Available January Apply Park Street ARTICLES For SALE FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR on on cos NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Coilect Stroud 4le WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner If you would like to have re prints oi any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please call at our Busi ness oitico We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints $1 00 IO $125 plus tax nitrous ior aalo 15000 to 100w come and pick them up this week cont each Garage 12 is no Llit up garage door it Idol Folding garage door it ieet std storm windows radia tors etc PA com or PA cacti ECG CUSTOMERS wanted Largo or medium candied whlIo eggs Delivered wcokly at chain store prices Ielcpbono nurs lilaw linering l1l FISII SIIANTIES woil constructed 935 each Ilm 100 gallon and rod aiion minnow tan Apply vto suaer 11M Kcmdlcnicl rive Telephone Plt all ELECTRIC RANGE Ior saic ltloi lIt SOIncil VIIII automatic oven contml in cxcollont condition 01W Tclephonn PA Mills tor lur thor iniormatlon HALF TRACK and Dooley vheela Ior Ford tractor and rent end Inbwplbw with hydraulic II ply Bristow Limited at Dull Iop Wes Tciophnnb PA Mil FUR WRAP Jackets and Ior solo or exchange Ropalrl Xcllnln and remodelling Mfltloll Ito pr ccr ply liliibilm and Son 152 urile Stroct Walt EIrrIe Telephone PA 112687 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED Ono 1040 VIIchleItcr Rllic Tclcphbllu PA 071 gt FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid tor dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed irea For inst service phone BARBIE PA 87751 collect or ask tor ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE it noun day1 day melt ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License No i39001 LIVESTOCK FUREDRED HERD and sale south ot churehi Box Barrie Examiner FEED SEED GRAIN FEED OATS la lain Illo FIII when Tolephono Ora 1511 FEED TURNIPS Ior ralo Apply VInDchooy Ind Sail Highway 11 at tho contur at tho 0th Concu ann Strand Telephone 73111 Stroud FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 02373 The New David Brown 990 Tractor On Display Now also Still some machinery on special discount CASH TRADE TERMS aNow DLOWEH will lit three or Ibur plow tractor with last or threepoint hitch Apply Mr Moo phct at staynor or phonb ia7w1 Stlyuar ONE REAvEll Hammer Hill coin pletedly ovarhnulod len motor Alia Dominion Snow Blowor three year old complete with éihrce point hlteh Telephone PA not or Apply Try Ari Examincr Want Ad PHONE PA 8M14 MOTOR CARS FOR SALE SPECIAL 1050 Oldsmobile door hardtop Power steering power brakes nidio new new tires and 1962 licence Full pllcc £1805 MI DTOWN USED CARS ll ESSA ROAD nor HAWKINS wao ELSE warms NEW cAn Buy it Now With LowCost Llicvlblured scom PLAN DOAN THE BANK OI NOVA SCOTIA ull VAUXHILL Supr Radio rul hlrllln Ior only 95 wllh 15 down TIIopIian PA will or morl details 1151 CRIVRDLLT Dalun two door Cuttoln radio now tllu At now with down pbobo PA 37011 Ior runner tnior monn 117 PLYMOUTH our door Eil iion Ilob vo motor twoon bronra and white llnlah hinl illtcrlcr NIIW tires II Plymen 20 montbly PA 579 mo PLYMOUTH daluito our door Auiamltie trIIlImIltloIlr custom rIdln vr motor on ow er Ile mIIIIlI TIlio pI menu at por month lPhonI PA 87931 39 FORD Cuatomlinu two door trim and whlio tlnlrh maichinl intrial unconditioned hutr All How tlroa WIII Ilia ind or take over plymtnll ol mnnthy TIIIPIlnIle PA ITDSI TRUCKS TRAILERS lilo lancUnY liproll Pickup RR Barrio lbod Ilr No rutt UII body llunl poltccii only ma Toicphona PAï¬n IND PDHD lï¬rTON PICKUP dtiuxl cab ibnl wheelbaln twotone rod Ind whlto IIIlIIh Ono bwndr AI Dow 0129 Tolopllollo PA 37081 1955 MERCURY ton 0200700 or wild Box 21 Barrie Examiner =2 PERSONALS FAMILY PLANNING What does it really mellnI FREE at charge over 100000 copies at this highly Inioima tlva and thoumlt provoking 37pugo booklet havc been dis tributed to married couples In oil parts oi Canada This booklet hos rccelvcd the high est prolso irom husbands wives doctors and worldrc nowncd biologist The booklet is available FREE upon por snnal request to any marrch couple Write to PRESTIGE DRUG PRODUCTS LTD Box 518 Terminal Toronto WOMENS COLUMN MALE HELP mnN memos Now arid Home study SegoolrIolgdtn and Montreal RADIO COLLEGE OF CANADA Ior hook Caroera ll EIECINHICI to all xlna 5L Tomlin OntIllu IIIAN wINrID In you nursed our work would you Ilkb mbhu Den at your on writ inept AIuVV tool Rich lieu MontnIL Excuan INCOME Ior hill or part time allior Itu Callo Ind Advrib Swahili line with top commission Xtdco PMIIEII Broch RECEPTIONIST CASHIER We have an unusual in our allies or someone who can mcet people well bandit iigures accurately and in good typilt rivEDAY WEEK ALI EMPLOYEE BENEFITS The person we wont is interest ed in gradually assuming addi tional responsibility and in crtaaing her value and locomo Apply CRESCENT FINANCE CORP 26 Dunlop St Phone PA 60203 Canadas fastest growing illinnco company STENOCASHIER For local otilce oi National Corporation Some bullpen experience must Five day week to All usual cmployoo bonoiitr Phone PA 60285 FOR APPOINTMENT MATURE IIIbIc deIn to mind children Light noureooid dutIII Apply to Bolt in Barrie manilar WOltlAN to can Ior lIdy homo not hadridden WOMAN who can IIXIVI II on would enjoy working or Iioufl day calllnl ntularlly IIcIl month on group at Stud is Old motio client on mute to be Ind around BIniO wIIlInfl in main Illh I¢ wrlta Studlo III Carmel Do Cal30 M0 Llflour Ayn lilontroa RoutI will pay up to 3500 per hour STENOGRAPHER Young indy experienced with typing and dictophona required by Alliston ciiica interesting assignmch exculicnt benc tlts and remuneration Apply to PERSONNEL MANAGER BAXTER LABORATORIES OF CANADA LTD ALLISTON ONTARIO EMPLOYMENT WANTED IIIOII SCHOOL 11 will blnhiy III wokondl lclophnilc PA II DAILY OAIII IIVIII to children In my own home Mandi to Friday Wll cIII Tcibphflnd 010 BEAUTY SIIDI Coldwnvcl etc by cortIilcd ilIlrdIoucr in your own homo Phonn Earn co It PA 50552 LOST 8r FOUND LOSTExtension Cord irnm car In Tliiln Stunt Telephone PA 327 Classified Ads gel re sults Phone PA 824l4 Its wonderful the way BUSINESS ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS FACED WITH DRINKING PROBLEMI Perhaps AA Can Help WRITE PO BOILSDI 0R PHONE PA wroo APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 EXCAVATI NG FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 20 Anne Strcat an aim PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH ANDSON Painting and Pa or Hanging Spray Pa ntlnll Service Since 1920 PA 06950 Barrio EXPERIENCED Practical Nu dcllrol work in Barrie Wu tonablo For micron Ind ulnar Informltloll Inluphonn PA lm YOUNG WOMAN dulrel position In BarrioOrlliln IIBI Fully oxperv Icncud In ralct buying and do plrtment monagomont TnulilL llncl Rnil chllll and non IDI clalty Expcrlbnbod lll window Illfl itora dilplIYr newspaper and radio advertising Excallollt DuIIanl rciaroncoa auppllod WHII BOX ll Dorilo Examinar Try An Eiiamincr Want Ad PHONE PA 8241 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yes Telephone PA 82414 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERI NG CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES rams ND DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICKv LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT REFRIGERATION IIOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 81 PRAII STREET PHONE PA 81678 SNOW PLOWING SERVICE Snow Removal DriveWays Parking Lot Cleaned Truckcd ii necessary also WATER DELIVERY ED TAYLOR PA 68317 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS iNSTALLED av LICENSED bananas FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR EARRlE PA 87646