and considerably less accidents than in the same period last year We are really pleased with the whole situation Sergeant Andrews said The public have paid heed to the advice It shows what can be done If the public make up their minds to do the right thing theres no trouble hope that drivers will maintain the fine record they have set at Christmas when the New Years holi days come up next week Bowens Oil Burner Service This Message ls Sponsored In The Interlest Ol Saiety omumemEas 67 TORONTO ST Jory Motors 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 Philpott Richardson SPRING SERVICE 160 VESPRA ST PA 68971 Barrie Auto Trim Service 29 COLLIER ST PA 87992 Carruthers Cartage 107 RODNEY ST PA 84014 Exell Sons Concrete Contractors TO2 PENETANG ST PA 85075 nMayes Petroleum ltd White Rose Products tso VESPRA st PA 35027 Miller and Gordon Plumbing Heating Contractors 93 PEEL ST PA 849 Stewarts Service Station 32S BAYFIELD ST PA 874 Bayfieltl BP Service Station 100 BAYFIELD ST PA 60951 Barries Largest Tire Dealer Dominion Tire Stores ITO BRADFORD ST PA 85965 this Member runmm HOM YMELD unis our The Order Of pA 32530 The Golden Rule °° Night or Day Service T4TESSA RD PA 83224 he Earrief tiï¬xaminerV Am it vagueQua