Big LawMaking Program Wiiflmn Wm Likely Before 1962 Polls Man Jailed mm imamh and by GRAHAM woman The other is that the govern Thorvhldson oi Manitoba sent candy There were 16 tables at eu Soï¬a Tpinikiiiefltgeelréiid itti welcome tir and Mrs ï¬gï¬gg WM winds mat will seek to implement all muonal president at the Con dire ihursday night for the Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown Jack Shauaban to the village Han mm or most of its yetuntuihued 015 Ian won bl Mush can satdot the Coyne af They moved into their new Chlfllge 9W promises bring in budget fair that nothing had more wealthï¬hdufmgvebilhl gï¬ioï¬gfmgorgmznvgifld Rtea home the weekend mm 3mm and WW Wm weighted with social security pointedly demandedarciermol EVANSVUEi PlA My tense activity building up to in mm rneasti cs lax uLs pro en umnessman was or anti gents birthday Russ Thursday evening the children prom was 531 national el iion Virtually cer Lhasa in sun d023 mgsenale rested Friday and charged With Granger couple over to years new intors were Mr and St ntrleks School entertain Mr and If Chum mu to come in me new year bl an SWDe men the pm mmls sending baud can Mr sod Mrs Allen Mrs Murray brown and inmily ed with concert Friday even 5pm Christmas weekend Wm has sad we scum Wm box no dy to an elderly former employee ller largest lamiv present Port Credit and Mr and Mrs mg the public school had the Col Mcclanis of Concord no WItllCfll party was more on Senate reinrm at the playing Mr and Mrs Vit Arm Brown and Emily Christmas mnoelm good 31 born two new national party GT COURTSIHP who had ed beam new ession McCann Evelyn Ethel and air and Mrs Clarence Brown tendance was out both evenings leaders came on the scene plat giggigiliï¬g But by the yawn can 32000 mum P01 11 spent Christmas with Mr and The young peo ie are having forms were reshaped or built icy tmvcrsy over what course of flew PH we ï¬lm Mrs llap Loucs Burrie fun on the comm hity rink dur from scratch two new pmvtn ham we mm dm WSW at ham by Ui 540 Amman henweu Mr rind Mrs Allan Brown in thIdflYs rty leaders exude confidence CW Wu We Marshal Richard Jarboc wal cial premiers took office and Pa the face of Britains prospective 37 matsCir and sons visited with Mr and The executive were busy Sat mm ALLEN new political issues blew hm been smmplng the mph Kmm 55 gcns count for months on unusu Eumle Cm Rubs mos one Mrs red Sturgeon Churchill tirday with MrRifchle spread Christmas guests vvith Mr and wa we me big bombï¬dmm Wm Ml moh Market had emerged graï¬gxï¬frljgmm$ ands mm Colcman on Christmas ml loads atwoter and now Mrs Joe Strnth were Mr and political mnvenum of the doni kmw when my the countryi biggest political hm or year lamn prizes Mada cc Christmas iSlIOrS With Mr Said loundnlton In if the Mrs Don McDonald BEVNU ning start on the federal eioc make their choice sue Krauss was arrested under an 0m Bissau and Mrs barman Maxwell were weatherman cooperates there and Ken Anton Mills Mr and mm campaign My yd Dummy The early 513 on he hm There were many gum5 The Mn and ME yum mean Mr and Mrs lioi Perkins Will be good skating tor the Mrs Graham Strath and tom dispute between Ottawa and WCmntmumd by we aptitude lngs is natural enough for the grand Jury in indiana 1s The Shanty Ea ir and Mrs Bab rest DI the Winter Grego lly Elmvaio Mr and British Columbia over Columbia PO Yd returned hatiingflgilhhthiiri ml Minets Point Coughllrl won the big dog whicrh Elgin Speera and family Mam Ottawa suffered frequent at two national leadersT the emergence of indictment chargd that he had River power Douglas of the New Democratic tried to poison Emma Elizabeth Mr and Mrs Frank itclly and was ruined in aid of the rink field tasks Flam We 51 separatist inclement Oue 5° Fm Rm Km family and Mix and Mrs Ollie Thomas Skelton Is patient With Mr and Mrs Morel but Pm PM Pm and mm mm bee the question of whether er 31 mil Emmi Pam 5mm mm Perkins and family his pay in Barrie Hospital htrs Skelton Lyons were Miss Margret Mc hm 11 Ck WJBICEd1WF They Canada should accept nuclear °f 3° Laundry Namath my and Point Keith Maxwell ii rrie Is in nursing home in tiarrie Ginnis Toronto Mr and Mrs dalcabdï¬lihff ï¬leSAVE ï¬viofgrfï¬fgmmgï¬jem TX weopons the governments tee mile Baum ï¬mg Mm Mm awnings Mr and Mrs Marshal Divinoll Mrs Grey has gone to spend Murry ennui Year 0rd in office the everpresent flier 03 ratio holiday sea and Earl owineu the winter with her nephew in with if in Sign £Penmï¬clï¬zg unemployment problem to Kmss Idem Wu grime sive nserva er pa sone can was Barrio if 313th m8 pear who long have been me released on $2000 bnynd ltill RIiIIEIlg Stitch brffglgslm5131zgyumgng WILmeu term of office expires in 1968 household names across Can mix Gizfaargnfï¬lgm US Attorney Richard Stein 5° 1° Pmev ya ada said in lndiunupolis that Kruuss and Mrs Gibson and Fulï¬lling llflsbltal With Mr and Mrs Barnes ONTARIO DYELECTIDNS me the nry session ninin we with Mr and Mrs By MR5 MAURICE REID Tyson Johnston is also in were Mr and Mrs Ray Evans Two likely guide posts to tho hep present compiliigrii Wing the 5mm le handinzcifsinï¬gybï¬cgrfvflrï¬lig nitrite Mtller and Jim MOM Wm h°5Pilal and family Mr and Mrs Jack timing ol the election will come nunry when the Lib ï¬nding if Miller had while working for the and Mn hhlrelns and Ram at Mr and Mrs Wills BI PH were BumeS Mr rind Mrs Bob llnn Jan to Parliament will start erols held their national rally mm C°5°VES laundry she made Sci 91m él Brad hid of 10mm and Gar sorry he mdde 50 lllld lantill PNSIGH new sesslon and Ontario will and Mr Pearson whose party 293 Lbemls 59 CCFNDP inty he EMdera in mm lion Grose at Windsor spent the djfh ï¬nesfféggdï¬ayhm and Mrs lack Cooper and lam have live provincial hyclectinns has led public opinionpolls all law he premiums Jr Ems Gail and Top holidays with Mr and Mrs gum rs itly SigimetId dMiss Bflfvlilcs In the throne speech at the year issued an election chnl THREE SEArs VACANT Alum IN anrrie Visited Mr and 50gt Mrs LManu hlin opening of the parliamentary 35 There was no indication pt dm John 151115 Spending the weekend wtth onto Mr and Mrs Melbourne session the government Wm Within the following six when hyaiacuom would be ttn Sal fltindry changed their mother Mrs wt Noble Swaitth her mm Mm names Edward and Jnmus Th hintbs ottawo also was the wired berm 15mm firms it June 1960 ME and Allan Gbson were Mr and Mrs iack Vur 59h when Stayner kem some pans site of is national Conservative ho gen Batman and 5m the Policy was Under uy A° ren Toronto Guests on Sun the amt meeting at the With Mr and Mrs FSlawe gmm convention the tirst trui nu We enmes ngroup plan itoxpired because and Mrs Harvey hlrnbull and rate aux will be an indication of the caused bythc deaths of Conser Ely ere Mn and Mrs Walter arc Anderson was 55 15311311 An tlonill meeting of the Social vtl 55 WEN turkcd at 55 Browning and family or Churc School Wednesday Frank Hall dcison Barrio wgu ogmlerlscssï¬nllhiglu hcolIg Creditors and the historic wed Livsï¬uui2E$1litf Elwin 53 to time ML and mm Syd Camdm hill and Mrs ll Wight was reelected as trustee Those way mm home or iggthggatlcgor Kieavylersgor re ding of organized labor and Harmer flackcmie Riven agd period on the policy cxpirod late sons oakvqu Mr and Mrs Dnlery of Toronto At SS No Public Eldon Christmas were Mr Md Mrs Hiring new mandate mm old can party under the New he appointment of HM Paul in July 1960 The potsormd Reg Wilson and ham wnsu weekend guest of Mr Courtney was reelected rgc 5mm and inmin with 3mm may give an idea haw DBmflfmlc Party their Comtois former mines minis candy was mailed Julys oi the Mr and Mrs William IS Hed in nmly Marshau Pukey Edenvnle Mrs 5mm alum Wm be new we SESSION tor and MP in rvicoietMam tm Salli angntor Toronto Christmas Dov vmtors With Sam Allen with Mrs James uslra as Quebec lleutenantgov that said Miss Miller Mm Gordan Smers relatives and moods were Mr in and Mrs The provmcliii bWItlctlnllS in 15 title pampatpn amen 3715th what 5m thought son Oahvlue Mr and Mrs and Mrs tootsie Jack and William Ska and Camera at tire widely representative areas also Wigs he waited Parlmv The 135 my federal by was mold and ate piece of Spears Mr and Mrs children Gillord Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Gary Richard William myng Elmme of Ontario bastion of the no merit heron session at rw new we held Ma ih became ill and Colin Jack Erndford Arthur fa Mrs if rt should 0rd l74sxltlng days finally Vm son an mly erai Consc vii ie pa th D1009 0t tho Jack and Miss Doris Griffiths Gordan Richards and family BEL mnad provide some as to how ended in late September ec onservaï¬ves 591 Mrs Schuliï¬ld Mn ad Mr and Mrs Bradley Richard mm at the oliticai breezes are blow PSlflE the previous mark of 155 mm R°°° Mr and Mrs Allen Miner Mrs ii Schotield and family 50 and tamiiywcre home Bl Walker and Jack 3339 days 03 ï¬asivnsita NBl and Esqlli efï¬caflrsï¬ saids illtastcd git Town 511 with Mn and Mrs wood Avln spent Thursday oven The mm of cam ai in in ma annich MIC with re litICE 0r igiggd 19$ fad 12st 13 Maurice Reid 22515 gigsieglgflfggh ing with Mrs Sam Allen There are two schools of creased gm than 5591 tilicod majorities vhllc losing CWSLO van 511er and family and and Mr 0mm SCP Mr and Mrs Ted Johnston WE OW prerogatlnn of Parliament Since Leads 0U the Liberals making mu Dobson were with hens and family Newmarkct tier is that the comment then leaders and cabinet mlnls There were notionala1 clec Miners wogeMivlth dMEG TRSfcphens $35055 59 Ch mm willnprosent shortFeyeacntch ters have been on the move con tlflnsilliiwherefln wall The and Mrs Bruce Miller Ed rs Corner Miss Judy Everett is spcnd ing program and then dissolve Stalluyr ger 0m and nd Elwood were dinner guests amth jng Christmas holidays in Tor RcSidents away for Christmas parliament an week two The long parliamentary ses 15 it 0M Changed lit Np er and Mrs Nell Dempster 1h ff Ell onto we Mr Itrid Mrs Tro tor an election in late March or start nraduced two key issues cmber WU leadership upHOLSTERNG arrle Tuesday opening gifathépEEJawï¬ks Mr and Mn Everett and mblcy wlth their son Alon in early April perhaps even with each involving the usually staid ¢°nV9tl5 Mr and MR Ear Menus Mrs Frank Williams Fm ML fnmuy Spent Christmas at Ed Toronto budget Senate which ttvlce defied the John Robarts 44 former ed ANTIQUE AND MODERN and girls Ban19 Dianne and an gar with Mr and Mrs Doux Mrs Johnston and ion John government in the face of elco ucotion minister succeeded Les 353nm Sample Doug and William Grant and Mrs George Uncles gum stop with the James Mac Nellls tlon threats lie Frost 66 who stepped down Free Estimate rautford were with the all ceiebmed my 50 wedding The iinwkesione rink was up at Queensville MARRMGE ENDS One was the Cnyne oltair The after 12s years as Ontarios rnaa PICKUP arm art Meltinstera anniversary Dec 27 MK and med his week Mrs Hazai Robcrt spent LOS ANGELES APlUnder government sought to legislate Conservative premier Woodrow DELIVERY Mr and Mrs Ken Dbbson Mrs Uncles Wm were at home Mr and Mrs Frank McDan the holidays with her sister terms of property settlement the removal of James Coyne Lloyd 48 former provincial lei10m pA 37433 and Gordon Mr and Mrs Gar to relauvesand friends mm and ram we Gimmes Mrs Dalton Farrier preceding divorce suit actor 35 Bank of Canada governor treasurer replaced Mr Doug BARRIE field Coulsan and Gail Barrie ed many cards of enigmmm in Toronto Mr and Mrs Bruce Butler Kevin Chuck Connors has and reruscd him Commons las who had been Snskatche Miss Reta Shanahan Hans and gm Mt andMrs Pugs vib of Aldervvood were with Mrs agreed to pay Mrs Elizabeth committee hearing only in havg wans CCF premier since 1944 Pthltorlnz is Our hirnliulls were with spending the weekend with Red ms pugsleyis parents Ml Butlers parents Mr and Mrs Connors $2350uemunth alimony the predominantly Liberal Sen Subsequently the New NDP BusheSSNatJmIA nulsan and Russel Mr and Mrs Ingram were and Mrs many in 130110 Fred Quantz and child support and divide ate give him his day in mun chieftnins old Weyburn seat Sideline alloy New Year every Mr and Mrs nno inn and with Mr and Mrs David community property Mrs Con and allow him to resign at his was won by Liberal in by 55 Bram daughters London and Mr and Cranston were Mr and Mrs nors lli wyer Jerome Mayo own volition election lipset Mrs McLean Toronto Guests Holmes Toronto sold he was to file suit to end In big mysterystill unan Christmas 1333 were Mrs Bill Stormnn spent the hoIt the 13year marriage later in the sweredï¬vas why we govern it Wight and Bert Law Bar By 5L5 MomEnn days with his parents Geraldine day Connorsis the star of TVs ne merit didnt have Mr Coyne go was ome MRS STAN WATSON Mr and Mrs Gilmore An enjoyable afternoon was below C°mmons comm 93 grim visitors with spent Christmas Day with Mr spent by some of lvlldburst he 595 °d at th Lorne Handy were Gilmores mother Mrs 611 students of school No of havo hot to upper an an Mm Max Craig more in Meatord years ago at the last Christmas where battery of government iii ha tamuy Crajghurst Miss and Mrs Gray Toronto concert to he in the school awyer Pa can ya turned loose on him were guests of Mr and Mrs bogglggnfaï¬rriesn 131 Dagmar Jim Reid and inmily and Mil in ï¬ï¬fvwflf ï¬ifï¬wspin OW BY an et gree 5mm whom 155m Rad Mrs Arnold and students organized lovely Strangban Hamilton and Mr The other issue was the Sen gg Mm Lam Handy Crown Yam 325in were Mr noncert Lunch was served after By ROBERT RICE Labor Congress said labor has ates amendment the govern the concert by the leiinborn OTTAWA CF Organized been trying its best 1° down ments class or kind tariff Mr and Mrs Lamhev mus Mrs Spence and Mrs Frank lab and the federal govern with management and govern MIL It was allowed to die alter and family and Milsssuï¬o an 00m meat are openly at odds again lent We EVE 00 one the government refused to ac Fred Sansbury and my wmsonomha and Fred ï¬g Sunday visitors at the home this time over haw labor and been rebuffed in these ltd cam um amendment Crown Hill were with Mr and erson and cnarles and Le Vang management can get together to V°°5 Mr Dietenhaker warned then Mrs George Salisbury With Mrs Waiter Allan and We solve their basic problem He CW 0110531 that there would be an election wm famin Went and Mrs Rug ham Mia Colburne and The dispute simmering for tripartite conierenee or sooner or law an the issue and srapenrénmimwi sell Stewart and family Mr Larry calama °f Beet scrap for many months ia managernemi Enverflment ï¬nd of 55mm reform and Senator Mr and Mrs Tom Comm and Mrs Jack Constable and and Mr Md Langley pointed up in yeaneud messages W70 SEEP further and said Mrs Jehb Conltstown daughters Pf Coldwam from the two to okesmen for We suggmt that the time has anlddrfarilidlylggrriï¬ozisï¬gdlgig wen 5de mm Lm labor and govergimgnt arrived when the appointment Tam coward on Tues gm who me BTW Labor Minister Starr renewed of social economic advisory HARRY Ml and Mrs 00111115 his plea to labor and manage council shutin be effected as the SPEHL Christmas with that 5011 merit to com erate in improving first step toward better rela way witnéï¬igï¬ng Mr and Mrs Roy Smith and inelaw and daughter Mr and their Mating unnship and united attack an FTiflIt visited at Mr and Mrs Mrs McNeil of Barrie clear that an tan mu economic blemsn Let Us Check Your Car Mfl Hams wauwm Jim Smiths home Christmas supper guests of Now he our future ros ml is lid Mrs Lorne Jory and and Allen B°Wdent Didi 370W were ML and 75 beitei0 relations betweérr3 igbnr inï¬nieï¬zraipgfï¬fï¬miï¬mï¬f 13 WHEEL ALIGNMENT Sh abogfidls me hï¬oï¬aï¬ï¬fcï¬fnï¬ atson spent Christmas Km and Kim Mldhmsti Brown and 5055 33mm and management to bring duin Enid that no ieallsucap WHEEL BALANCING 5300 mm and also Mrs Kenneth Young Weekend vialtnrs at Mr and about mention tn the 50 mach has yet been made to SHOCK 350333 or en of Shanty Bay visited Mr and Mrs RPeacoclt wem Mr tion of industrial problems fundamental new of bring SERVICE and Mrs Stan Watson Jr BDWleD D3 and mime 75 MW said the minister ing labor and management to COMPLETE FRONT and sons spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Harvey Swllz real know that in this country gather END SUSPENSION Mr and Mrs Kenneth Bulrnan erot Cooksvtile and Mr and and we and labor and management are con When Stan first Started OVERHAUL Ailislon Mrs Young of Dunedin vis family and BWdery 3° sclnua of the need for closer cu Saying thatlabor and manage Wendy Harper Aurora spent ited Mr and Mrs Jack Policy Chmlmas Wm and Mr operation Every effort should men should improve their rem DA 82202 few days with her grand very Happy New Years to Bower Emit be made by both to bring this Eons the ow Med to set 27 TORONTO mother Mrs Dora Hart all our friends and the Barrie Ml and Dangl about at this time Am di MI Mr and Mrs Francis Wii Examiner staff pent 91th Mu um Claude Jodoin president of Items and son Morris visited visitors on Christmas day at daughters Tamarth and the 1070000mernberi Canadian ac mm 550m un Mr ers Maurice Baldwick Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernons Beat Utopia on Christmas home were Mr and Mrs Char M°9 and Mrs Gordon orbes les Hounsome of Cookstown Mr Brown spent Enung my mm A1 THE CITY CAFE and family Barrie visllEd Mr and Mrs Milton Bowles and g1 and °i WE OFFER You THE Walter Forbes Sunday baby of Bradford Mrs William £5129 Forbes and Mr and Vernon Mrs Robert Brown and Walléceflug visitiig their VERY BEST IN Valter Forbes spent family of Giiford 5man and daughter Mr unis Mrs John Hialpenny1m and Mrs Herb Pa 81 and son Gordon spent Chrizsltl mils with their son and dau coma iN TRY sobm Above is icture oi Mis Phyllis Favero presenting Mrs TldiflilearwaMéariil Mrs Harald Take gem Peter Scott Evith the second prize of new Kodak Starilash Outfit Mr and Mrs Jerry Holder gt Toronto spent Christmas with Mr and Mrs Denise Holder 29 Dunlap st PA 60268 Mr and Mrs Clifford Hoijnby HAVE YOUR We take this opport our MEDICINE CABINET ElisyfriZhdglzndcus tomers an extremely INSTALLED healtnyano Now Equipped with sliding doors plate glass mirrors BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER SIZES To CHOOSE mom WALL OPENINGS and here in Mrs Dawson iv St tn the third 162 24 Only $2100 installed IV gm ï¬fan 1912 27 Only $2300 Installed Mrs Laon Homer at lit Eccles street North aarrie to shown Bag recelvll from Stan Eammond crtllequt It glitqoflomrzblgh shit ii it trpfort ew or omer wmwmmmi Be Id C0 finandA within Hnmrnondvln DlscountClulatmur Trip to New Photoaraphy Fave Edith Iwujuatglligggtrgxpgï¬py bait on whenthe and stayner Phone 49m Staynar div Dan ADVT