Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 30 Dec 1961, p. 12

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Like Turkey This Page Is Stuffed With Good Things YOu Like PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First in Barrio Home SalesForemost in Quality 01 Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL ALE It MOOREPA ll rosleltPA saw nounsPA mu CONNflJrPA 1h mam not ntsmcr lulu man noun CLIFF BROWN mum mail STREET BAlmlE PHONES PA sow PA 501 Itcmbuo at tho Esm Itcsl Ltqu hoard 12 THE BARBIE EXAMINER SATURDAY DEC 30 1961 ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS PROPERTY FOR SALE MOVING For complete moving service safer and easier Call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT Ia Essa Rd Barrio PArkway 35575 CARSON REAIIOR RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT mnmsm hrstcd no bedroom spsrtmcnt In new house Pars thx tsciliues Privsto bsih snd entnnro Telepboho PA Mun ANGUI roux room homo with both unrurnished Apply to Robertson toiephons Hz was Avstlshlo Immediately Urrms Donut tor rent on room no bsth onvsto entrance oelroonislnod bested No obtu iinn in one child Tellnnnno PA 5660 ARTICLES for SALE Low Tm us up Lycomtnx cis gflno lornlsusllc Phonxo gamma or opp ox Bsnfiynsnuhsr cuts wardsum st per month Tcirphons Pli mos Crescent Pinnos st West WINCH nuehshsn staring hunt st cost pl £1500 erulno artsen In hp drigu strstton speed transmission with reverse Inn to resr reduction Csblo speed so eat per minute tzinch drum with 50 Icet Vslnch cshlc Mounted on bsrd rubber an be used on steel skids on Priced vtpr quick ssle It Snowdcn Severn Ontsrto FARMERS MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed tree For fast servics pbom II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of SARAH JANE MCKNIGHT late of the Township of fish in the County oI Simeoe WI dow who died on the 19th day of December 1961 must for ward same to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of February 1962 after whid date the assets will be distrib uted amongst the parties enllt led thereto and the executor will not be liable to any person of whose claim they shall not then have notice Dated at BarrIE Ontario this doth day December 1961 BOYS SEAGRAM AND ROWE 13 Owen Street Barrie Ontario IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP STENGCASHIER Experienced girl required by expanding finance company All employee benflits 5day week Typing and shorthand enenunl CRESCENT FINANCE CORP 26 Dunlop St PA 60203 MALE HELP UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY Largc United States and Cana dian Company in agricultural field urgently requires represe entative in this area for crop ammo11km the Itoysl Vic torts tinspitsi Esme on Wed buds December 21 1961 to and me Ellsworth RR Stroud Ontario dsurhtcr Ilen Ann PARKERAt the Royal torts llospltsl nonl on it ncsdsy December ml to Mr and Mn melt Psrkcr nee Ksth lrcn Boyd or Pslorwiclr Onllflo dhuzhtcr GOOD NEWS STORY thn on announce the birth or your chit In The turn Bunion clippings oi the notice on svstlsblo ov Bshrs Boon rsmlty lreo ltecords son to null vcui nouns and mirther In those sunny piseos ro place in Innnunccment alter birth eou nsr rtw Bromine Cisssitlcd PA utlt IN MEMORIAM CALDIVEleln lovln memory so nunidp m3 noon pelt cuntslned spsrtmcni with store ind rams orator Plenty bl phrklng IllCe Aviusbls Immeolstely Past end locltlon Tclopbono PA 5109 ROOMS TO LET Roasts 10 m7 no week grumrther detllls telephone PA runNissan healed bedsttiin room or Rut with nnrcttc sn oi our son And brnthtr Lloyd Csiowcll vino wss lrllled lsnusry 1559 in csr accident We irossuro still with loft sincere hrsutltul memorles of one so our er remembered by tsthcr mot er brother stid sisters CARDS or THANKS PALK our recent no loss leaves us with firsletul hurts olt wards our ncig ban and menus or Shsilly nsy Thcir comtonln expressions oi sympsthy sn ihoughttuincss will always be rc memhcrcd special thank to rtcv slsnliit slitchcii or llhwkestnnc Ilsa Ir Itiicn Tomlinson snd Mr Barry Bhrlflunn 5sdlc Psllr snd lhmll COMING EVENTS GALA NEW YEARS DANCE Sunday Midnight ELMVALE COMMUNITY HALL Music by Bellailes $100 PEII PERSON GALA DANCE Saturday December 30 GUTHRIE COMMUNITY IIALI Don Grays Western Music ADMISSION $150 Balloons Hats Horns Etc COME ONEI com ALL It Is In Ivcnt to dino It The Illyvlcw Termcu on New Years my bin Ing room on Is noon tiu pan Sunny by Ross Telephone PA basal or toscrvstions Leader Says Union Is Not Communist VANCOUVER CP Harvey Murphy of Vancouver western president of the independent Mine Mill and Weller Workers Union scoffed Friday at efforLs to have the American section of the union declared Commu nistintillrnted He said he did not think the move in the 155 by federal hearing examiner would make any diflerence to the Canadian Section Mr viewer Were not worried For 10 years weve been accused of be Ing Red led and Communist dominated so its kind of change to have someone use the word infiltrated whatever that means Were not worried about he lng infiltatedy Reds Its those conservatives infiltrating us that worries me CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classifier adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times per word or three four or five times and 21m per word ior at more insertions 10 addie tlonal charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FIJR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS OR CORRECTIONS Advcrtisers um reminded that sll pbnno Inscrtion orders on sccopb ed as Convenience to you the sdvcrusor Thoroloro the Cissnhco Advcrunng ncpartmont requires all advertisers to klndly reche their advertisement Immsdlat Itth first Insertion in order that any errors or omissions may I79 reported before nrr in ordsr that ssmo may on rectineo for the rollowtng days Insertion order We wish to point out Hut The burlis Examiner ls rcsponsibla tor only one incorrectly printed Insertion on any advertisement on than only in line extent Dr Dortlon or oil that Involves ins lsprtni Errors whlch do nnt osseb this value or tho ndvertlse men are not ellglhln roi correo uohsi by Inhlm goods Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge$l50 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words per yard Extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verse used do per word extra nLlNI LETrm muss Iniorhistipn regarding advertisers using Blind Letter Box Nuoibors tor Ropiics is bold strictly conno ential ltcplics to better sores will in hold only 10 dhys otter Inst day or publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must be received by pm day prtL ceding publication with tho ex coptlon of Classified Display Idvertlscmcnts which must be In by 1200 noon preceding day Ilstns snd typ stylutor ldml display ulnulflodl mny bn 0b Ilrled through lllh Ethlunr Id Murphy told an inter Iorilsing dnpaflmunl 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to th tmpsrlsl Tbcstn PA 6648l Member at us no District Roll at and COUTTS tr CO Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie OWNER TRANSFERRED Must Sell Beautiful three bed room brick bungalow lrshaped living and dining area perfect condition both inside and out attached garage Must be seen to be appreciated Low down payment and rcasonablc month ly terms For appointment czlll Waller Coulis ED 655 COMPACT HOME Storey and half 5room dwell ing living room 11x18 kitchen 9x13 garage low heating costs Good home for economical liv ing $11500 Down payment $2000 OUTSTANDING AND DIFFERENT Architecture of this bungalow designed for those who hke selective home Extra large liv ing room It x24 extra large master bedroom covered with brondloom each bedroom has its own washbasin heated sun room built in garage Base ment is completely tiled Grounds professionally land scaped Cull Waller Coutts $500 DOWN PAYMENT Full price $11000 Immediate possession Owner moving Sol id rug brick 3bedroom bunga low 1050 sq IL forced air gas heating built in 1960 sodded and mature maples Consider able sacrifice Close to East End Shopping Centre Itlomhcr or Borrio st District Red Eststu Board PHONES Offlcc PA was Evenings GonnoN lit COUTISPA salts WALTER COIfIsPA mil SANDY camsPA um HENDERSON REALTOR 19 COLLIER sTrtnzT PHONE PA 82678 cszths CALL hrrh SCANohm PA M855 DOROTHY vtlcolt PA costs PERCY FORD PA alsso Eliciter SWAIN PA 64350 Member or turn nd olsmci and Ontario Rosl mats Eosrds AF REAL BRATE BROKER 78 TIFPIN STREET CARRIE CALI DAY on EVENING PA 82379 blembor oi the Barfl2snd District Real Estate nosrd MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 64801 OR PA 61802 113 Duoiop St lteitb MARSHALL Realtor and Business Brokers 15 CLAPPERTON ST BARBIE MOOREPA azsso PtthNk NELLEsPA sGsob OFFICEPA 32592 Itlcmbcrnt hatrte and District Real Estate Board MODERN six rooni brick bungm low three bedrooms oil Base merit suitsblc for apartment with two piece hath storms through out Special discount for cash to mortgage or suggest terms Priv ate saic Apply to Barrett Muir 12 Corlrlngton streot PA szon evenings PROPERTY WANTED CLIENT WITH 51an would llkn home outside city limits could malts good monthly payments Call rl Carson at PA sets or rurther intonnstton MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONnv AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness tIeaLb CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA $0103 BmlLb CampbellPA use Imus GhruyJA sens Josh LungPA uni chulio IludPAlISIT CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER Phone PA 82419 Imam IIAnsnALLPA Hiso so Dimlop st CORBYPA W5 IIURIEI szRYPA Mm Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLOP ST PA S9961 PA 68742 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 50 of Value No Fees Charged Evequ cut loo Loogtin PA 50743 Everett shotswell Ora 29in lscti Wlllsnn PA Mast Notinch shclswcll PA swat Rowrd Norris PA to M0 RTGAGE Immediate lST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free cnnsultatione No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East over SIMPSONSSEARS RENTALS Low cost SPACE or root Clean modern buildings Suitshio tor cnmmorcial or light industrial Tslepbonc PA 66575 NURSING HOMES RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT Two UEDROO Apartman Ncw rcirigcrntor and stove wsshor and dryer Ncw building Avslisblo line tncdihtcly Tclcphono PA 32152 FE THREE can unturnlshcd inch on apartment for rcnt Sellcon tslnod separate Entrance $55 per month Achtlshlc immcdiniciy Tclcphonh PA 82770 or PA huts Ilousr son now Two storey stch room brick homc css lllcd turnsec lstcr hentcr Good rcsl dcntlal sircct lmmcdinto posscs slon ltcfcrcnccs Cali Coutts co PA 32485 fig YOUNG Business Lsdy wining to share completon turnislicd spart mcnt In Allhndsls All convenien ces Bus service at door Tclo phatlo PA 50174 tiller pm THREE nouns Apsrtment or rent prlvatc bsth rctrigcrntor and stove overlooking inkc Im mcdlots possexslon No children Tclcrhonu PA 52516 or turther dctsls Amt EDEN NURSING Iloliln built tor this Work Somt and prlvnts rooms kind nursing cam gondfood TV rooms station Wa son tor outings Telepbuno sent stroud APTS HOUSES To RENT $75 MONTHLY Heated five room unfurnished apartment downtown location private entrance Available at once TELEPHONE PA 83588 The Garden Terrace Corner Queen and Duckworth Modem home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil heat with air conditioning laundry tubs serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drdpes $88 month PHONE PA 82740 IurtNIsIICD twb lsrge bright rooms East and on bus routo Hydro stove and refrlgerator sup plied Telephone PA 35030 criNTltAL Four furnlshed rooms and both private entrance heated will hospital Telephone PA THREE nnottoolu unrumisbod apartment heated selrcontsined Case to west and shopping plans Telephone PA com nUItToN AVENUE Three room unrurtiishcd apartment oil heated hot wstor Stage and refrigerator Private both pply III Centre st UNPURNISIIED heated srtnient ror rent lour rooms pus sun porch and bath overlooking lslte Central location Avallhbln now Toldnliono PA 86002 $55 To silo per month Modern brick bungalows and bed rooms Apply Rogers so Cnnoeli Itoaltom telephonn PA 85563 LARGE three room opsrtnscnt or rent Best sno lights slgppllcd Reasonable ply Crslghur Gen eral Store to cphono PA 59515 HEATED three room unturnlshed upsttmcht for rent Selbcontnlned centrally located Water supplied Avallnbe Immedlstelv Telephone PA Mass or PA asslo ATTRACTIVE our room hosted apartment stovo and rctrlgerutor Newly decorstcd Avsunblc Janu ary Telephone PA bslas tor rurthcr particulars MODERN unturnlshcd heated two bedroom apartment Rtfflger ator nnd rtch supplied Laundry facllltlcs Overlooking park and bay ApEIy it St Vincent Street or map nno PA mass FURNISHED two room spsrtnicnt ltchtcd hydro stovo and rollIgor stor sopsrsto entrance Apply Centre strcct Angus or telephons 11 95785 HOUSE for not 50 per month rivo bedrooms kltclten living room bird bath Four and hall rnlics rromnsrrlc on Highwa so Tclephnnn choksiown 458451 Two anonnom upsistrs spartv silent or rcntuniumlsbed Con trnlly loonch to Allhndsie Hunt and hydro supplied Avnllnhlh January Telnnhonc PA osatl Two ROOM rumisbsd srtment heotoo wltlt rcrrigers oi snd stovo supplied Separate ontrsnoe Telephdno PA ossst days or PA stszs in the evening FDUIt BCDILDDIII all bested house or rent Downtown lochunn Ins mcdistc possession Garage lnlt cludod Tole hone PA W31 or further port cIIlIrl NICELY Furnished Apsrtnscnt Contrhl Avltllhle now Nonsmok er ubstslncr Sultsbla for one or two soults Stovo Ind reirlgerstor host and water Box Barrie Examiner MONTGAGEslst sud 2nd bought nolo hnd armored Comniercisl and residential moneys losncd on cxxstinit mortgages nnrrio lltort gage Brokers Po M1504 Try An EitnntIIIer Want Ad drains wamzn room kitchen with builtIn CUP TWO BEDROOM Apartmcnt or rotit upper floor complotcly prt vatc Control locnlion Hot water bchtod Garage Handy to school Avnilhblo Dcccmber st PA nIOSI nttcr pm UPrElt DUPLEX four rooms and bath self contslncd hesicd apart mont private cntrnnce Close to downtown Good pnrkin ltnsnod latc possession Telcp onc PA 87527 sttcr 530 Pm MODERN two bedroom apartment lvlth slnvc rcrrlgorainr washer and drycr on main tour or spari mont building Avoilnblc lsnus lasjngpply 123 Cook Strcct or NEW MODERN contraily located two bedroom apartment or rent Refrlsentnr stnvo and laundry titcllitlcs Avatlnblo lmmodtstely Janitor servlcu Telephone PA 56092 to rurtbor intormstinn CSNTRALLY Located now bunga low ncsr schools and churches In prolcrrcd residential srca Throo bedrooms nrcplacg recrc otion room garage on ticted Box 16 horrid Examiner noun ROOM Apsrtment tilo bath unturnishcd Steve and rev trigerator supplied Contraiiy lo czted Np children Available isn modiatciy For mriticr Informa tion telephone PA soul Two BEDROOM Bungslow or rent Thstctuliy docorsted Oil hcst Aluminum storms and screens All conveniences writs Box 53 Barrie Exsminor or phono VA 73th Oskvillc UPrElt DUPLEX for rent two bedrooms living room and kitch cn fully tiled taut bleep bath room on heated Lsuhory ihclll ties Immediate possession Telev phone PA 53209 ONE BEDROOM Apartment chh and Grove streets arcs Amplo storage Parking laundry room with dryer Available January Tolcphnhn PA 85331 or PA 84465 or PA M790 NEW AND Modesh and shot two bedroom apartments overlooking scenic Kemperifelt Buy Heat WIA tcr arking and janitor scrvlca Inqu ed Automatic wsshlng rs cilitics PA azsoz Amhcnvz heated modcrn apartment scllConthlned prlvstn entrance Ideal for bachelor or couple Parking abilities sinus and rélrlgeratnr supplied Must be seen to be apprecla ed Telephone PA lens or PA apartment private bstb sencon tallied sepsrstc cnhsnco laundry rscuitfcs Hydro shd WatEr sup Iled Reasonable rent Available lItIIary 15 1962 Ncar Barrie Plaza Telephone PA Mast UNFIJRNISHED one and two had room spsrhnents heated Central ly located Kitchen with bullttn cupboards Rent $58 monthly and up Tolophone PA 32480 alter 530 psii PA 83695 THREE nooM furnlshcd spart ment ror rent Ecstcd Refrigera tor heavy duty stove hardwood floors Sell contsincd Avnllshle Immedlately Amtrongs Hard wsrc PA 82441 DRILLIA Upper hpnrtmont three large brlght rooms untumisbed and heated Three plccc bath snlfv Contained 55 monthly Adult only rdcpl for Edgar personnel Telephone IA +2257 Two BEDROOM unfurnished apartment in modern apartment building in East cnd Ilcrrigcrutor SQDV€hul wotcrsioruge nitrit ing and lauhd taciuttes Avsu able now To cphono PA 64167 THREE ROOM ground tioor spnro mont sepnrstn cntrsnce and both bone supplied Close to school Also three room mndcmly de corhted apartment with nurscry Each svpllsbln ncccmber Tele phone PA Mutt FURNISHED Apanmcnt suttolslo or two business or prorcssionsl Two bndrooms living bonr Frigidslro stove and re rrigerstor Dishns cutlery but light and wstnr Luge nttlc ior 5torngc1css thsnhvu minutos PHONE PA 32414 wsik downtown or coils this and public school Tnlcphono 84551 three doom lumtsbed use or roIrIgorstor centnl loco tion Talephnno PA sum countsrun hiranihed hols steeping room Includin stove re Irigorstor hhd rlnlr lnen sup vlicd ll desired Suitbin Ior ons or two girls or business couple No obteetioh to Indy pensioner Tolephono PA 82060 ROOM BOARD slAnv ismsr Vlclnl nisn prctoirco wul psc Close iooowntown urn prlvllsges an lsry sircet phnne PA 56665 ARTICLES For SALE HANDY HARDWARE nth Line lnnlsfil Alcona Beach Road OComplelo matchbox model series Iskhtcs tohbogans lricyclcs wagons oFull line at 88c toys cGiIlwarcs OBcatty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances ctc STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have I95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM 12c to 20c Clearing at 9c ea plus PROVINCIAL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL 0R GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Slroud AIRS WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Strand USGd TV from 4900 Used Refrigerators from 8900 Used Ranges from 2900 All unconditionally Guaranteed McFADDEN Appliance 193 PENETANG STREET PA SEES PHOTO REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner you would like to have roe prints of any news pictures taken by our staff photogra phers please coll at our Busi ness Office We are sorry wé cannot accept phone orders Glossy Prints 8x l0 $I25 $100 Gent lunches Home Tele stale pus ax NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 Ideal for lining hen housu attics garages etc perfect Insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Eltarniner Barrie Ontario PUnNAcE cool and wood forced slr tuninch with IIIinch ilrh box for sale Denvorhd and assembled grlcc s75 Tclopnono PA 84911 or svzzs FISH SIIANTIES well constructed $35 each also zoo ghuon mid and IIIan minnow tnnks Afply Vic nlmnr 1st xomnonrol Drive Tciepbono PA com Illlt IVRAPS Junkets find Cost for sole or exchange nopsinog lining nnd remodelling Modell ate prices APPIY ltlllbum hndSon 1112 Dunlpp Street West Elrrlu Tclephana PA 32623 COME oNCI colvm AIM It is an event to dine at The syvlcw Terrnco on Now Yesrs Dn Din my room nEhn l2 noon till rpm Shanty ay noun PA H534 or reservations Toicphono BARRIE PA II7751 collect or ask or ZENITH $1130 No CHARGEI so hours dry1 dsys woos NICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmead Ontario License No 139061 LIVESTOCK Ptntrnitm rrrlm Ind sole south Churchl nos 11 name nsmincr TEA 0P Tonitr litm 3300 lbs ulct snd good In sll hsmen rlccd ID sell or exchange Inl young csttle Telephone 91113 Ivy FEED SEED GRAIN litran HAY 4400 squsro bslu wul soil cheap Ap ly in Elunsfud Elmvslc ntsrin FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA S2373 Seasons Greetings To One and All Thank you for your patronage in the past And may we have the privilege of seeing to your needs in the future Yearend clearance of all equipment in stock CASH TRADE TERMS mm tllmVErt Hammer Mill com plctcdly ovorhhulod lcss motor Also Dominion Snow lslowcr three years old complnle with thrcc point hitch Tctcpbonn PA 60682 Trot for Holy VIKING Cream sonartors Floor nnd Swing lJon Milking Muchlhcs Scrvicn parts Sevcrsl uscd msch incs In stock Closed on Sundays Viking sophrhtor Sales Box Al crhiphurst Ontario Tolnphono 643479 service departnIcnt Applicant must have recent agricultural background and be well re ghrded in area Position ls full time or can be handled at first along with your present inrm ing operations Successlul applicant can expect earnings between SIN and $150 per week with excellent opporv tuoity lor early advancement ln thls area Write and tell me about yourself Reply at once to Harrington General Sales Manager Box 84 London Ontario DELIVERY BOY to bi clc flours Am to it pm Telepchons PA Mus EMPLOYMENT WANTED mall scnool girl will bsby sit weehnnds Telephob PA 15 DAILY CARE 31ch to children in In own home lilonds to many itll cull Tclcplions 61656 LOST FOUND DOG LOST Wodnososy in Pool Strcnt vicinity Small seddish Irish Totrtcr mole wearing grocn hon ncss lsnds address on Toto phons was LEGAL NOTICES AND OTHERS against the estate of FRANCIS ALBERT CREIGHTON the County at Simcoe ber 1961 are required to til particulars of same with Ill llilly IOLII 1962 led without regard to unfilc claims LESLIE BALL QC 461 Dundns Street Woodstock Ontario mInI strator NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having claims late of theCity of Barrie in Civil Servant deceased who died on or about the 25th day of 0cto undersigned on or before Jan after which date the estate will be distribu Solicitor for the proposed Ade By ALICE moons GllLll HOLIDAY Use contrast remnants of cot ton to whip up this Christmas party apron Felt for snowman Make hit will holiday guestl with Christmas apron that has snowman pocket syscw easy embroidery Pattern nos motif Ioléxls inches direction Send Tbiriytlvo cents coins or this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barrie Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Out Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 20 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE FREE Snowtires and 1962 licence plates with any of the fol lowing purchases 1961 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac $2550 1960 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1959 Chev $1390 1957 Pontiac $995 1956 Chev Sedan $680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Some with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires Ml DTOWN USED CARS 41 ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKHIS loss Donna Raynl two door hard top sis down its Per month Tclspbonc PA sons char pm TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER PHONE PA 82114 Ask About shsnty by Road PA 6853 or reservations APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 14hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA I42 COME oNCI COME ALLI It is In event to dine at This Bnyvlew Tonsch on New Years my Dine lug room on 12 noon till pun Tellpnorn yes 200 designs to knit crochet sew weave embroider quilt in our new 1962 Needlecraft Cata log ready now See Beautiful Bulkies in complete fashion section plus bedspreads llncns toys sfghans SIIanVEIS plus free patterns Send 25 onto now BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Low Rates By Month 01 Year Telephone PA 82414 PAINTING AND Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Harris PA 56956 REFRIGERATION HOOD REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning ssss Porto ror isle rour door automatic In good condition can Egan Iolepbobo PA bosss alter pin 1554 BUICK Sedfin 101 sale auto matte transmission rddlo snow tlres good condition Telephono PA cuts or Blake street Barrie 1951 Poch rour door six cyl lndcr sisndnrd trsnsmin as com plete with new motor oxbsusr system brakes now upholstery plus pushbutton radio nsrgsin ror cosh 1954 Itotcor tour door v3 wltb fitandhrd transmission Pcrtoot condition Telephone PA some MOBILE HOMES 1959 GREAT rims litobilo Home doluxo model 42 10 two bcd rooms largo rotslgcrstor and stove Telephonn PA olsiio rot nsn thcr lnlortnstloh PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN BEAUTY SHOP coldwsvgs etc by centfied hairdresser in your own home Phono Ecrntca st PA 39352 PA 84537 IO HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP FULL AND Part Tlhtn Waitsasses Gong bllnterll ritzybring Lao do sws Llisitetl 3213 ySIDmS Limited 47 Dunlop st East barrio omcls amt required Must ho nhlu to meet ubllc do payrolls and some but kceplng Plnnsnnl ersonhllty No mm or short Hand Will be bonded AFPI in ertan giving references an ax crichch to Box Ii Ilsrrle Exnme SIMCOE QUIKBRICK nvr Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling mingling porches recreation rooms Complets trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE ll FRANCIS 51 PA 58551 REAR LE Linn dav EXCAVATING Twics weekly plchlp delivery Punk or cigarettes 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 61678 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been licensed to re move your dead and crippled frhmhnimals under the above Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECI BARBIE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 SNOW PLOWING SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS PUNDED Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe or hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 2907 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT FILL GRAVEI TOP SOIL Excavating and Grading Water Barrie Snow Removal Cleane Trucked if necessary also WATER DELIVERY ED TAYLOR PA 683i WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES RR BARRLE PA 87646 Tryhn Examiner Want Ad qu do or is PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND snug Painting and Paper Hanging Couplctnd Drilling Driveways Par Lotség

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