Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Dec 1961, p. 15

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ROUND SIMCOE COUNTY THORNTON he Evening Adsiliary oi Trin United Church held the fin iueeting in the Sunday School in December 11 ter delicious turkey din short program was ed Many happy memories We recalled when guests and embers answered the roll II when joined the Wills Mrs PilcQuay led the worship lrs Cunningham rend ipture Mrs Altman sale lilrs Varr story at The Red Dress acli memher hung dainty II on the miniature Christmas Th treasurer Mrs Scott ve favorable report also act letter from lilisse nna and Edna West enclosing donation in memory of their int filrs West All the members were pres and guests were lilrs Benin and ltlrs Cflmplt II ol Barrie Mrs Law son James Lennox lilrs impson and Mrs Thompi on all former members oi the corsage oi yellow was given each guest olficers Several pictures were taken the close ol the meeting and Mrs Cecil Brethet it Motion by lot plane Sun for England to attend the arriagc of their daughter an at London Mrs Denny returned home ter visit with Mr and Mrs Iark at Grand Valley and lilr rid Mrs Flatt at Orangeville number ul homes are gaily ecorated for the Christmn eason Recent visitors with Mrs Alex enny were Mrs Miller of Barrie Mr and Mr Cecil enny and fam of mort Beach Mr and Mrs Den nyanernndMnRDen Dy Tomato The public school pupils put on very successful concert on may Dec 11 Visit 030 summit The United WA held its meeting at the home of Mrs Bert Crawford The meeting was mm 531 Claus Wu add called to order with white ed thrill for the Little folks The Vesper Service oi CGlT was well received by good attendance The church was de corated with Christmas tree and white candles NEW FLOS MR5 WANLESS Recent visitors with lilr and Mrs Steve Rawn included Mr and Mrs Walker Caldwell and Bartholomew of Guthrie Mr and Mrs John Bartholomew Minesing and lilr and Mrs Gordon Clark Barrie Mr and Mrs Campbell Steele of Toronto spent day with Mrs Campbells mother Mrs Atkinson Mr and Mrs Clarence Atkin son and sons visited with Mr and Mrs Lloyd New Thornton Several iamllies from here attended the supper and Christ mas program at Knox Church Crossland Mrs Alfred Scadtling and daughter Joanne oi Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Harold Smith and family bliss Doreen Smith who had sp at the weekend at home returned with them litany happy returns to Mrs Hamid Smith and daughter Doreen who both celebrated birthdays Dec ta Mrs John De Gorter aceom ponled her brotherindnw nd sister at Alliston to Malton airport to meet her parents Mr and Mrs Jan Woudstro Mr and Mrs Woudstra have come from Holland for three month sit TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL sAitRis EDNESDAY Decanmzn 21 400 The Womens Show Yes YES Nanette liazzle Darzle Huckleberry Hound News Headlines Three stooges Farm Market ucnort News Don Jamteson Weather Sports Pierre aortnn The Law and sir Jones llnchelor rtthor Playtlnte Perry Como win In Illievlew use sumo angggaggo sought Weatherman Today in Sports Community New mo Highway Patrol itunsDAY DECEMBER zs 045 Test Pattern 100 Romper lioom 200Popeye and Pals uo Noondoy lteport News Weather Sport lnrrn Report ling Bcnts Savage Horde House mertcan Musical Theatre People and Places nope Around the Sun The Womens snow Lets Look Aiberta Game Farm nozzio Dnzzio Dick Tracey News Headline Mon From Mars Farm Market Report News Don Jomtcson Weather spam Pierre Berton The Flintstones The Real McCoys Sir Fndcis Drnito iiiy Thrze Sons Tho Detenners country Junction and step Beyond WDTV News The Weatherman Today tn Sports community New Nnkeo City nuniv DECEMBER 1045 Test Pattern 1100 Romper Room 1100 Popeyo and Pals 1sn Noondsy Report News Wenthor Sport Farm he art Corning ents 100 Movie Slho Tall Texan 230 pen noun i00 Pat and Ernie 130 Friendly Giant 345 Sing Rn Around 00 The Womens Show 430 Tim Fraser 445 lilngic colitum 500 Rants Dom 500 Popeyes TV Party 000 News Bondunu 501 Fopeyos TV Party 020 Farm Market Report 025 Now non Jarriuon or SportI 555 Pierrs Berton 700 Father Knows Best 70 Donna need Show 000 country Hoedown 030 Cu at 900 Tommy Ambrose 930 Perry Mason 1030 The Dotectiver 1100 CadTV News £115 The Weatherman godly ulrbsifioru ominnn cm 113 lilole The lnvirihio womnnt CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO nNasDaY DECEMBER 21 400 Professors Hideaway 000 titan From Cochise 630 Sports Welcome Wagon cele brates the arrival ofench new baby withn friendly callwith basket of 40 Weather sis ay Plum Barton News Bachelor author 2o Questions 71 Sunset Strip NHL Hockey Jim Coleman Eh page 81 ews en ar on Men or Destiny anner Lou THURSDAY DECEMBER 25 1000 Boys at cirls House News Free and Fan Pinyhouxo Channel Nine Theatre Roblnson CrustN News Professors Elfleaway Man From Cochise sports Weather gilt The worship was taken by Mrs Allistor Crawford alter which she was presented with white bulky knit cardigan Members were sened an em joynble lunch by the hostess The January meeting will be held at the home at Mrs How ard Crawford The community presented Mr and Mrs Allistar Crawford with two step tables collee table floor lamp and gifts for the children They will soon be leaving for the Catskill Mount ains in New York State Mr and Mrs Andre Gelnnts visited with Mr and Mrs HowA 8rd Crawtord Mrs Uncles has returned home trom vacation in the States Mrs lileteall oi Barrie is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Bus Crawford KNOCK MR5 GEORGE MCCORISTON The little red school ii was filled to capacity on Thurs day evening tor the annu at Christmas concert Bruce Wice was chairman for the evening All the children gave an cx eellent performnce Even the youngest pupil had no trouble in remembering the parts There were songs duets re citations and an accordion solo There was lots of excitement when the sound of bells brought jolly old Santa to distribute gilts and candies to all the children ltluch credit goes to Miss Smith for her part in prepar ing the children This is her tirst year in teaching Mrs John Cowan was pianist tor the evening We received long distance phone call few evenings ago bringing an invitation to sit in CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER East dealer NorthSouth vulnerable NORTH an vKQmo onsz pKoi WEST EAST axioorotz 45 van V164 on 553 415 pAiooavz SOUTH altos V8752 ¢Q1094 IFQS Thehlddlng East South West North Pass Pass 14 Dble 21 Pass Opening leadjack of While it is true that in the majority of hands it is easier to make game in major suit than in nntrurnp provided the side has eight or more trumps there are some hands where notrump contract offers bet ter chance even when the ma jor suit fit exists This deal occurred in team match fit the first table alter West had made thin third hand bid South got to four hearts on the bidding shown West led the jack of clubs East won with the ace and returned spade Declarer recognized that this might be singleton so he went up with the ace and played trump West took the ace cashed the on the councils last meeting tor tho year This was quite an experience as we had never been to meeting suah as this The spirit of Christians all around and after the year end business was transacted the out going reeve and council memb ers extended greetings ot the season and vished Reevbclect Cochraoe and his colleagues much success in the year ahead We feel sure that this Is also the wish the entire electorate NEW LOWELL There were i7 tables at th ouchre lilonday night The high score prizes went to Ted Van Boxmear mens high Martin Van Straten Wesley Bates and George Schell Ladies high Miss Mat thews Mrs Violn hawn and Mrs Mildred Nevils For the next two weeks euchro will be hold on Tuesday night Mr and Mrs Reg Howe and family of Barrie spent Sun day with Mr and Mrs Oscar Rowe Pie Barry Paddlson and Pie Allen More of Camp Borden spent Sunday with Mrs Pad dison CRAIGHURSI CASTON Mrs Dawson of Toronto ls spending some time with Mr and Mrs Arthur Snider Allan Sinton was home from Chalk River for the weekend Mr and Mrs Cliff Brown and family of Barrie visited Ern Casion on Sunday Mrs Gordon Smith spent day in Toronto Congratulations to Mr and Mrs William Coward oi Dals ton who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Dec 20 Mr and Mrs Max Craig spent Thursday in Toronto Mrs Helen Jensen oi Barrie spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen LARRY BRANNBN spade As resultI South had to lose another trump trick and went down one At the second table the bid ding went East South West North Pass Pass 14 Dina 2+ 2m Pass am At this table South spurned BLONDIE JULIET JONES ARENT YOU GOING TO TELL ME ANY STORIES ran some mum mason 172 an THERES NOTHING LONESOMER THAN guess so TELL ME wmr wAs ALL THE JAZZ OUTTHERE ABOUT THAT DARK uch THING FINISH IDUR COFFEE AND YLLTAKE you UR MOTHER HAS 23594 mime HENRY ens Ksrr flow FAirHFuLI DOESNT Boy EVER DATE ANV OTHEQ COMPETITION warts THE snow or MY LIFE THAT En Hos SETTLED DOWN TO THREE OF THE ETERNAL TRIANGLE his mothAeaten heart suit and hid two notrump While he Incli ed club stopper by hemsell he reasoned that North would very likely provide at least one club honor to help stop the suit Sure enough this turned out to be the case when South found himself playing three no trump West led the jack of clubs just as at the other table Declarer ducked in dummy and East signaled with the eight Had Southiivon this trick he would havegorie down As soon as he got around to lead ing heart West would win with the ace and return club through the king to defeat the contract two tricks But South realized from the bidding that East probably had sixcard suit He therefore permitted the jack to hold West continued with club but declarér could not now be de feated East took the ace and shiited to spade but the defense could then win only the king of spades and ace 0t heartsand South made three notrump DoFiALD DUCK HERES YOUR ALLOWANCE AND DONT BLOW rr ON JUNK OKAY IF WE DONT FIND SOMETHING UNUSUALWE LL BANK IT NOTHING UNUSUAL ABOUT MODEL KITS SOME OF W559 CARDS MIGHTY SPORT you AIN OPENIN was your 5H ONEEIE FOR ME 006 WHAT IIGLK INEHHIN CAIWIWIi if NOTHBi ONE Parr rev $O SHELL KNOW WHO and congratulation LOOK FOR WHEN SHES HUNTINAN sump aov DONT KNOW BUT IMAGINE GRANDMA IS KEEPING COUNT WHO OEtS ER COOKIES GRANDMA Wagon of the arrival or evary new baby in your on quickly MIL Young movie actress man mentala 13 On guard along 15 Bulgarian coin riiE PERFECT iNoREDIENrS mu DELIGHTFML EVENINGlGUDD COMPANIDNWIP AWARMFIRF passes PA 836302 34 Girls name 37 Old Dutch measure as Arabian puristarmam 8328 some room we mailmvrxiimm vnmr tirttIE 001015 or TttE immv meow Maw one BUZ SAWYER 505V 17 PIP you HAVEA NEVER swaps BUSY nAyAr THE cam Fan arsice FA MINInE HUT SUPPOSE Ii SHOULUNT 33 Herb of comt family 39 Tricks along 40 Red into beets 41 Arno amns 42 Allixes DOWN Apportlan seer ammo Showdown COOKIEPLEASE ausmsss acnoss 21m style 180lym Men at 10igthiiippino ashram 21Heeded Free and an Proterron Eldeawsy nmpom mm WI place Irish 31Bird Law and Mr vonr mm Drudge sharply 28 Consumed 36 Hindu lord LLPAY And ACopy Will Be Delivered To Your Home Theatre At Eight SIGNTItGLIEST LPerrethon 3Fatnlly pica Better Late when lizard Map 22 Cleatrl cm 27 Male Yeltarrllyl nono TE We Coast antaq homes News Weather Sport beverage CARRIER MISS YOU 29rPermiinent THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE PM amen king of spades and ledanother Tomorro Doing the impossible BOY5EACHTIME HEY KIDSWHATIS owl noon om Mimi was Sing Alon With noun Follow Newt Monsi mm CHEER colquJ 5Proflt 10 Mr 1000 Boys at uni Hour Channel Thetn 3° gnu bunny 11Utter away Grape 14 Ancient Vainther Egyptinn sheep so Covered Woroo min 16 Music note Have Gun wui Travel 17110219 on 32 American novelist no fifth 201 whiteboy string so Streetcar If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone aaaun god 34Tree DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS BOOK DAILY csosswono Ya mum Newl Wghhu spam EAth shares landon News owl unwiser 24 Swedish By Plum Berton 15F0rtlfled with ivy country Stylu vapor Friday Night Theatre 220blde terminals 35Always manna roe Muses AND SKEETER

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