Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 22 Dec 1961, p. 8

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Help Santa Sell ThoseNot Needed Items With Want Ad PA 82414 Tins amass mmmmav nccmaizir ion REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE Robinsons 106 BURTON AVE wish to announce the opening 01 their New Modern Snack Bar where high standard of quality and cleanliness has been set Free Coffee will be serl ved all day Saturday December 23rd Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all those whose patronago has made these improvements possible BIRTHS iileLELLANM the R0 al Vic toria Hospital Barrie oa uday December ID 1961 lo Mr an run an Mohellan no Mary Stmal Barrie loll PACKARDAt the Royal yin torla ilorpim norm on To day December lo iool to lir and um uoriry Pactid Shanty daulntcr tinr ior so HAPPY OCCASIONThu of your childi To tall th aood ll Hindi and nailnnon 17 nitminer ciasiilrd an In our as your so nor day or birth lurt dial PA Mail The rat ta only on DEATHS ranansoNAt tha Royal Vln tori Hospital Barrio on Thurs day December ii loll Walter Pittman in his 65th yuar late or so Clappcrton sireot Harris Brother of tho mo Oliver one the Iala Sarah Patterson nut in at tho Steckloy mineri Home so Wonley Strut for luncral ice on aturday December 2i pm Intarmeat Barrio Comatcry CARDS OF THANKS BRIMBImTho souour crut inn and may thank to all Holly friends and ncilhbnfl Brimrtih MCKATIDGO Tha Richardson family 18 Hollala street Barrie wish to or the ra Council and ratopa In this row IIlll Telephonl lricnds and nullir born for their kindness Ind for prior to considaratu who Mn Richardston wtrhilnl Torin hoi Itli ll crry rs mu Ricbardaon Family COMING EVENTS NEW YEARS DANCE STROUD COMMUNITY HALL Saturday December 30 Dancing 912 Tom Pattendens Orchestra ADMISSION $2 Salad Plates Check Room DANCING EVERY SATURDAY casaaar sma COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple For tabla reservations PHONE ELMVALE 757m TICKETS NOW ON SALE FOR NEW YEARS EVE DANCE GALA DANCE Wednesday Dec 27 pm THORNTON ORANGE HALL Beattis Orchestra ADMISSION $1 Spot prizes Auspices LOL No to ANNUAL Nomination meeting for Police Village of Angus will held at PIIgglrisons Hall Elm street on Friday December 19 at pm for tho purpose of cloctinE three trustees or the your ml Ratepayers Plllac attend Another Guard Is Suspended TORONTO ICP The Na ticnsl Union of Public Employ ees CLO said Thursday night third guard at Torontos Don jail has been suspended as Nault of decision by guard Keatinge to dye his gray hair black In statement signed by na tional cp sentative OKeefe the union says the lots est man suspended is James Keatings for several years spokesman for jail employees Suspended earlier with pay were Mr Keatinge and Tony Simonson who advised him Where to have the hairdyed in the unions estimation the statrnent said Mr Keat illge is guilty of nothing other than exercising his democratic rights in refusing to answer cer tain questions The union said that in three days top officials of the reform Institutions tmont have questionedflpractically the en tire staff of the jail as result of the hair dyeing incident Tape recorders are used and oaths are sworn and the whole affair has taken on the appear ance of grand scandal We are sending telegrams to the Ontario government protest PROPERTY FOR SALE ROSE ma ISIAH Baum fl rlrrIN mm mm CALL my on EVENING PA 82379 lemon or ma Barrll and Dilute uni hut Board HENDERSON REALTOR is couaan srnm PHONE PA 5cm Emma CALL lier scmam PA can commit Wilcoxll PA mu Pancr roan As1919 ulcnsrh swam PA some uomou or Barrio mu alarm and Ontario IllI ram Boud Keith MARSHALL Realtor and Business Brokers 15 CLAPPERNN ST BARRIE MOOREPA MILO MK PA GM of In In Mun Roll rd CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Nut door to Kill Imperial Theatro PA 6648l Member oI Barrio and Diiiriri uni Elm aoard MOVING Dont forget to lronslcr your INSURANCE and if you nccd extra coverage at any kind SEE STIEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 61302 119 Dunlop St aiollr noon House for ulr on modern ii acre of good iul aim to Camp oorden and AlliIon 81750 with also down or $1900 cash Tlirphnno He won PROPERTY WANTED Elwood Black Real Estate Broker RR SHANTY BAY BARRIE PA 94190 FARM WANTED Have farmer with all cash who wants good farm of 50 to ioo acres within 15 miles of Harris Possession March 1962 Call PA 84190 BUS OPPORTUNITIES rwo aannoorr House or Rut with attacbcd beauty nioo luri 1y soul ed Locum on Centre Street rim arrre also includ rd Reasonable rent Tolopbonl HE um MORTGAGES Immediate IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able for any typeof dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60991 MORTGAGE FUNDING 129 Dunlop St East over SlMPSONSSEARS MON EY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation ot Bills Home repairs ctc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56Monrhly $3544 at $90 Monthly to $5000 and 69 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT I41 Dunlap Sr PA 66477 private entrance Available at PROPERTY FOR SALE RENTALS ARTICLES for SALE wROGERS PA 85568 all MOOREPA Rim Roam PA um CLIFF Imith crmpooura cIm larlur Garuy 1A 91951 CONNELL ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST First to Barrie Homo SafesEonme in Quality at Servica TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL msrnLPA um comma PA was 11mm amt omlcT nut ISTATI sultan ROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONESI PA 60241 PA W41 lumbar or Barrio uui nun Board Jun JulPA um charlin ReadPa ml CORBY Phone PA 419 uaaal uansriALLPA um Norman DUNLOP ST Jo Lon tin PA WM huntt huwru 0m 2m Howard Nonta 0n tread corner landscaped Plenty of storage cupboards TELEPHONE RENTALS REAL ESTATE BROKER 98 Dunlop St COREYPA Hal MURIEL HmYPA mu Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER PA 99961 PA 58742 First Mortgage Funds Available Interest 60 of Value No Fccs Charged main Call Jack Wlllaon PA Marl Normu Shllflvell PA Noel PA om Have You Found the Home You Want It not make an appointment to see this one lot NHA approved three bedrooms Kitchen with large dining area Pc coloured bath with ceramic tile and vanity Oil heated and divided basement Storms and screens Carport Good Location PA 8428l RENTALS OFFICES STORES RENT Office Space Largo or small office space conveniently located downtown on Collier St Hot water heat ing adequate windows provid ing natural lighting Private washrooms ventilation and Contact Slessor 19ICOLLIER ST PHONE PA 85934 APTS HOUSESTO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Uss of washer and dryer Redccorated annually PA 61068 The Garden Terrace Comer Queen and Duckworthi Modern home two bedrooms large living room tiled kitchen with dining area oil beat with air conditioning laundry tubs serviced landscaped grounds bamboo drapes $96 monbi PHONE PA 92740 $75 MONTHLY Heated five room unfurnished apartment downtown location once TELEPHONE PA 373588 new subdivision gt ing this inquiry wman First Mortgage £7000 to complain now home Anni Writefliox 1ft lrrlo Examiner Monroauss III and and bought laid and arranged Commercial and residential nouc loaned on existing mortgages rrric him an alarm PIi wot FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK son sun DALEY PA 60203 RENTALS Low cosa sPacIs lnr ran EggagémrIandolm DIIIWIRES gfllllhllll IN 01 11 11 Toldpbona PA com II NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN Nunsmc HOME Built rol thia work Scull and prlvflta rooms kind nuralnl can good and TV rooms station Wm Ergo garouting Tolephonu 69R4 rou Two BEDROOM Mobile Home for rent hilly owlrped Located 199 Burton Ave ecplionu PA 845008 or PA 61149 Two BEDROOM Apartment New refrigerator and stove washer and dryer New building Available im mealtau Telephone PA 32352 Tunas 1100M Apartment for mt private bath refrigerator and stove overlooking like Hi mediate possession No children Telemonn PA H51 lorturthcr om UNFURNIEIIED two bedroom mo dcrn brick bungalow Oil hcnullfl Recreation room and gnraac 575 SET month Located on Innisnl trect Avnllahla February Telephbnn in our ONE AND TWO bedroom llan menta Stove Effluent Ianitnr lcrvlco and laundry facilities Reut lnl from $6990 monthly Talllillona Lceoh PA HEW mediatcly For APTS HOUSES TO RENT awo cozY three room rum iahod heated apartments Rout ruunmbhl App Craighunt Goll erai Storu or to aphono PA will for lurther artill UPPER DUPLEX for not PM rooms and bath Privato coirrice SellContained Hunted No oblaih uon lto one child Telephono PA LIVE IN LUXURYI Now rpacioui ultramodern flva room Ipaercnta with stovo and relrtgcntor oplt tlonal Tclophnul PA H8 or PA Mm cvonlogs Two hannoonl heated apartment in modern Lrlplcx $55 Close in schools and florcl No east end ltvallablo January Tclephooo PA 39201 FURNISHED thins room apart 111an Bath hoot nght included $75 monthly Pint momits rant son Agply Mary Strut Apart ment after pm UNIUnmsuab heated apart merit iol rcni Four roomr lus sunpnnh and bath Overloo nl lako Central location Availbio now Talnphona PA 85061 NBIV THREE Dcrlroom Ranch Style house Oanlo and incur way all heated All modern con venicocor Thmc miles south ot stroud on Highway 11 klephohc mu stmud NEW MODERN two bedroom apartment Living room kitchcn bathroom and laundry room with use of dryer Reasonable mot Tclopiioua PA 51597 or Iurthar lnlormltloa rwo nannoml Apartment ror rent upper noor completely pri vale Central location not walor hcatcd Garage Handy to school Available Dccamber oi PA soot one pm TWO BEDROOM uomralshcd aportmeot in modcm mmeot building in out and Rerr orator rtovc heat water storaao parit ing and laundry faculties AvaII ahla now Telephohp PA 51187 MODERN centrally located two bedroom apartmenttor rant Remurotor stovo and laundry Intuit1 Avnlahld immediately Janitor acrvlcc Telephnna PA dons lor runner Inlomruon FOUR noon Apartment lilo bath unfurnished Stove and so Erigerator sufipiicd Centrally lo cated No ch dran Available 1m rurthcr tloo telephono PA soul wrunmsllsn uprtrlrr spart merit three rooms prlvto bath Central location on hosted Prl vrlo not water ank In privrta homono other tcnunts Avail abiu how Telephone PA c9151 Informa NEW LARGE Apartments tor rcot In new IPIrtment hullding Ono Ind two bedrooms stove and ro frilcrltor laundry Iaciiitles sl piled Queen street arca PA so after 17111 Two Bannoan Bungalow for rcut Tarterully decorated 011 light Aluminum storm and screens All conveniences Wrilo Box 53 Barrie Examiner or Phonl VA New Oakvlllc EAST END arttnunt In new triplex two be room completely selfcontllncd Not suitable lol children Laundry lacilltlcs and nrklyigspace available Telephone Hus THREE 110091 self contained IFIIImUflt with stove and mrigA erator Plenty 01 parking space Available immediately East cod location Telephone PA 51091 FURNISan winterized cottage for $1 at Minuta Point $55 per man from the beach Tole hnna PA 9484 or timber calTia TIIREB ROOM unfurnished hut BiI apartment tor rant Scllrcon ulncd uplrata entrance $55 per month Available Immediately TelnphonoPA 31770 PA MN minus nooM furnished apartr mant lot rcnt Heated Refrllcrh tor heavy duty rtove hardwood floors Self contained Available Immudlatul Arnl tr Hard waroIPi Into In womcn Two NEW AND Modern on and two bedroom apartments overlooking Iconic Kcmpeafclt Bl Heat wa tcr Islking Ind Janitor carvlco inclu od Automatic wartIn in china PA Moor ONE uHDHooM ortmcni Owen Locath about two blocks and Grow Street arch Ample starc parking laundry room with dryer Availath January Telephone PA E5311 PA 114461 or PA $0790 FURNISHED Apnrimunt suitlilo tor two business or proiossionri bedrooms livlnl room kitchen with builtIn cup boards riillidoiro stays and re frigcrator Dishes outlety hoot ltlht and Water Lame attic for storage Less fhnn fIvo mlnutcs walk downtown or colicglato and public school Telephnna pa 22m dlllnn Telephone HE 96457 APTS HOUSES TO RENT Axum roar room honsa Illh bath unlurnlahad Apply to IL Rama MIGPDDII Hz was Avallahlo hmmhkh mm noon huth comment unlumirhed tellcontained Priv rta antraan lmmeciuo pom lion Talcphona PA was Ohm Lb room huntlow clan to uhoou and but stop all hump rot further omlroim ldcpbona PA 53917 altar pan rumoilxn hours for Iodcm tIo bedrooms all Availablo in January and to HP ary only hiophoua PA mu Lute aooMzn some moat now nvauahic Control on pieiety nilcontihod Am so so monthly Phooo PA Amacliva our room heated anmlnt Stove and rclriaenlor owl decortea Availbio Janu ary Tel hon PA no for tumor ulan UPPLH DUPLEX for rent unturn ishec pflvall coin claln noI on bedroom to wafer and hydro Supplied Dominion ston arca monthly Telephon PA cocoa Liv 1N LUXURY Now naclcuu ultramodern an Mn Apart manta with no and remun tor optionl Laundry and mo in nciuiicr hlphooo PA no or PA Han UNPUILNISTIBD also and two bed room apartmanll heated Cantral lv looIra Kitchoo with builtin cupboards neni no monthly and lip Talfphonn FA lull after 919 pm PA 94595 1111133 ground floor apart mout up ntnnca hath but Close to school Alan no room modsml dl curated apartment with humry huh avliahio Daccmoor Talo Phooc PA um UPPxn Apartment room and or buiitln kltchan nrhpio cupboard hamwoodlloors Airo lowar rtment uvlh room dinina room two Iar he rooms buiilrln hitcbon oi are beating Double aralo Ru Ionbio hint Locale on quiet ltroat near Quecna Park and shrimping Piaxa Talophoao PA on three lam ROOMS TO LET FURNIsHaD aannoosr with lun cit ackod it drsirud Laund irciiitlI Tclaphonc day sooit lifan PA Him FURNISHED outed rittin worn for uni with ralllattu on on or rumzeralor ClnliIL Tall Dhono PA 55092 HEATED ROD for rent hurt llhcd NIH orator ran atto and lim ul plod ill waahlnl machine uit my coupll APPLY 61 Mary Smut ROOM ll BOARD MARY amt vicinity Room lud board Gnutloman mfamd Clnlo to downtown am it pack iunonu Home rivilc iii so tiny so or tugphonoz FA ciao ARTICLES For SALE HANDY HARDWARE 9th Lilia lnnislil Alcona Beach Road OComplcto matchbox modal series OSiratcs tohbogans tricyclcs wagons 0Fulliins of 99c toys Giftwares OBaatty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances etc FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL DR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phone Collect Stroud th WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors ER Stroud Barrie SECONDHAND STORE Has all used goods plus new slightly damaged items way below original cost buy content lots 55 DUNLOP ST Phone PA 82427 NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x19 ideal for lining hen houses attiugarages etc perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition but have l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM IZC to 20 Clearing af9c ea lus PROVINCIAl SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Exanliner Phone 66537 scale We also outsthndloa unit hull HOME FREEZERS Food Plan Avallahlo 62 Central Factory Trained Service IAme PRICES McFADDEN Appllonce 128 PENETANG STREET PA om TERMS IIIsz CHRISTMASTRZI after ii to So 60 can lihutnr Phone us uihuiha riirawarmr or nit Under wood nationary vouid mm ark commits 112w infirm can on op uni run uio cAan you an to own or or colrlpietu at of Photo muipmaot conalatlnl CL two unit eru enlarger dcvcio in inn uporuro motor ctr no cam Loam800 atm Ker month Tllephnnl PA ancient Flannel Bunion St emeritus maaais run Ind nilrrm 501 to II For urlhar in formation Ioiuphooo PA arm or apply 19 Bowman Avenue ACCORDION Iot sale Accordions no boner mo or but offer Hardly used Apply It Park 5min or telephone PA um ali er pm BEST BUY in pruned Scotch Plnu Christmas In ii at tum or 3111 dcllvareo um Maw ioio flonou eriulnl in or Darrin PA clmisniaa TREES or rain to choice nainm spruce and Scnlcn Pine 15c in Apply Conradl Fruit Market llirhvuy 11 or triepnono am am flruwnirms hourhi sold rent ad rd aired Student rental mu link out our Rani Try then tiuy Piah Star hipstvriter Ca 24 iiiaurora 5L PA was cumsmas mass for nla Scotch Pine excellent choice Will deliver rwo loutlom as iluluo ier slmt PA solid and ii any Slrcct PA I29i19 scoICli PINE Christmas mu large quantity to choose from Special no on oumlitv our chase ply Alvin Thompson orrio up on Ccmcicry corner or tolephono pa can siloraUN viochuier ix nun pump also Automatic Winchester ll guugo limo Winchcator Cap hiop In Remington Nylon or automatic Sacrifice Apply Ann Street Barrie cumsTiilIia 111358 or rain good uaiiiy Scotch Pino and Ioml rues Apply numll church lilo hlh Homes 170 Italian Avchuc Highway 11 South or tclaphono PA usual FARMERS MARKET FARM MACHINERY AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR cans FOR SALE CHARLESCHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Bron Realty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 52373 Seasons Greetings To One and All Thank you for your patronage in the past And msywe have the privilege of seeing to yourneeds in the future YearEnd clearance of all equipment In stock CASH TRADE TERMS VIKING and Swing Ex ldihiihimftpii Service Pliil Several urod ninth in in Itccii Cloud on Sundays vullor Separator Salel nox Crallnursl rio PA To ophonl POULTRY CHICKS DISKWW More and more poultryrnen are choosing DEKALH PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS STROUD PHONE 77 loo naive and your old lhr ma Dckalb one each Tolaphono 691122 stroud AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS TIME HAROLD JORY MOTORS THIUMPH and STANDARD DEALERS Repairs to All Makes out and NAL Towing 75 BAYFIELD ST PA 84165 run wuars Juliet and com ror sale or oxchongc chllrlug rennin and remodelling ridden It rccs ply lullhuro and on in unto sum West Harrie ruiophono saw FRUIT at VEGETABLES APPLE BARN McIntosh Spy Courtianrl and other varieties grade Macs $150 per bushel Iresll cider Phone PA com DOGS 8t PETS WILLETTS PETS 41 GOWAN STREET Complete lines by HARTZ MOUNTAIN and LONGLIFE Lovely song birds hudgics and Finches Tropical and Gold Fish Turtles and all pets OPEN TD 319 PM DAILY PHONE PA 69986 FOUR PUPPIESIB wcctu old or call so each Tclcphnno PA own or furthur details BABY BUDOIES in moult all col era male or female Fat or thcr ihformrtioo tulcphono PA 707 coma PUPPIES tor rate eight weeks old Telephone John Silch down at Cookstown 4511414 ior further information PUREBRBD cooker Spnnlcl Pup pica car sale weeks old Black and Elondcs Apply Lockhm Highway 17 Thornton mam KBNNELS Registered Dachshund Pu py left Black and tho tootsie rl nn weeks old Tcla phono PA oasis ARTICLES WANTED TAPE RECORDER in good condi tion wantcti Telephone PA 99661 WANTED Dha hcovy duly naut er also on Electric Holst Tclclt hone PA 412 for further in urination FARMERS MARKET 1950 VOLKSWAGEN with radio or nie $595 Telephone PA Hml or further latlormltlon BUSINESS VIAU MOTORS LIMITED Rambler Hillmanl 10 DOWN 17 GOIVAN 51 PA 66488 PRIVATE SALE 60 CHEV HELAIR Six cylinder standard trounan sion plastic seat covers 12000 actual miles CAN BE SEEN AT ALLANDALE MOTORS 2i Essa Rd PA 8982 Financing can be arranged FREEH Snowtires and 1962 licence plates with any of the fol owing purchases 1981 Ford Fairlane $1990 1981 Pontiac $2550 1980 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1830 1959 Chev $1990 1957 Pontiac $995 1958 Chev Sedan $690 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Some with automa tic transnissioo radio and snow tires Ml DTOWN USED CARS ESSA ROAD ROY HAWKINS WHO ELSE WANTS NEW CAR Ray 1t Now with LowCost Lifelosurcd scam PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA hh 37 MODEL can axcallant for hardly use Many extras Will trade for Volillwagoo British mid or European car nod ay dilhnnco Tolcphorlp Oro Try An Examiner Want Ad SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 92414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service I47 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling shininng porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE thca weakly pickup at delivcry 11 FRANCIS nr REAR PA 69551 Less than pick or Elnrlttol day EXCAVATING PILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Halt yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anne Street PA 4907 Barrio PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR 1Barrio PA 66956 MASONRY If it can be built with ELOCK BRICK or STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CONTRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA 60966 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE Vs Clappartoi St PHONE PA 84562 HO 0D REFRIGERATION SERVICE Domestic Commercial Airconditioning 31 PRATT STREET PHONE PA 64679 SANITARY DISPOSAL 219 Highest prices or ea or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed free For fast service phone BARRIE PA 97751 collect or ask for ZENITH 91180 N0 CHARGED noun day7 daya mu ICKS DEAD STOCK 11R Foxmcad Ontario License No 139C61 PASSENGER sLSlGlI for rule rtx Passenger suitlble for horse or pony first class condition Reason 1712 Apply Barrie Iron Works It High Street Toirphnne PA Mods LIVESTOCK BEEF cows ior sole two hand due to freshen this month Tole pillooa Paul nottrain 120m Elm vu PUnauRBD Holstein Hcifcl duo December 20 sired by and bred to Registered and only accredited Stain Hrothom Cooksiown is Too or Asa4746 Two REGISTERED big Haiatcirl Heifers due in January Pair of Registered Durham Cows duo in March Will dcllvcr free Jackson an Owen Sound Phone FR 88993 FARM MACHINERY FISH BIIANTY for sale and MW montpflfi also new Sleigh roh shoeing sio Phone PA sound on FURNACE for solo suitable or seven room house In A1 con moninorla ror Miccasc includ ed instrument in good condition £sl1nnlhle price Tolaohona PA DELAVAL SALES AND SERVICE Milkers Vucuum Pumps Wash Tanks Separators Parts for any milker HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY PA 60338 FOR SHOVEL WORK Excavating Backhoe Clam Drag Line Cement Busting or raising steel 55 boom shovel front loading levelling or backfilling Dozer Work and trucking phnno Stewart Coo atruction PA 97321 HAIRDRESSERS CLIFFORD HAIR FASHIONS Individual styling Moderate rates FRED GRANT SQUARE PA 60491 INSULATION INSULATION With No Bockwool THE BLOWING METHOD SCOTT MUm AirTito Insulation Rep PHONE MINESING 111 Free estimates guaranteed work PLasrfilT STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ancflwpvs PATCHES FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK PUMPS sold and LEFROY aolvr PHONE COLLECT DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We havo been licensed to to move your dead and crippled fratrn animals under the above Ac FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRIE PArliway cam GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE cecal TELEVISION SERVICE 24 HOUR SERVICE All makes of IELEVISIONS Bayview Electronics 19 Adelaide St PA 89603 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED av LICENSED DRILLEHS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR HARRIE PA 87646 WELL DIGGING WELLS dug deepened and ro paired installed KEN WINTER 12 MARIA swam sum

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