DARLENE LAW No Little Support For Uniforms From Central Student Body By aLlzsnaru rIIAlNon AND WAan RICHARDSON Central Collegiate Maybe the new year will present change in scenery at Central To satisfy our curios ity the following students were asked if they thought that stud en should wear school an iform Peggy Wardie says that she does not think students should wear uniforms She says that there would still be some stud ents whose general appearance would not be Improved by uniform Maybe we should st rive for better grooming habits For teachers opinion ltir Fairbrother was asked his views on the wearing of school an iform As teachers see many students all wearing different clothes on different sizes and shapes we though that he would have something definite to say concerning the uniform and he had Not He declared most emphaticai ly that he did not favor uniform Clothes he said bring out persons individual ity and personal characteristics Students in general dlcss apro priateiy but the styles themselv es there should be improvement in TASTE Darlene Law states that she doesnt want everyone wearing the same clothes as she does Darlene says whep care en ough to see that my clothes are neatly pressed and look tidy then wouldnt like con fronting person who is wear ing the same outfit but in gen eral is messi She also thinks that you should strive to be different in appearance but dress with taste and dont follow the crowd by dressing alike TEACHER Mr OGrady is the only one of the four asked who is in fav or of school uniform As he put it girls are more clothes conscious and as result some girls cannot keep up with the fads and fashions which are us ually costly if the girls were dressed alike it would end the competition in the race to see who can reap the most compli ments on their wordrobe Mr OGrady continued Boys should not wear uniform because they dont worry about their ap pearance that much gt The above opinions do not rt present survey but merely the opinions of the four people asked If anyone is thinking about the question towear or not to wear uniform to school it should be considered from all possible view points AFFTRIIIATIVE For instance would uniform present equality among the so called haves and the have hots Would it cut out wasted time especially for the girls of making major decision on what to wear the following day to school Would you appreciate dressing up on weekends more Would money be saved by wearing uniforms NEGATIVE And then there is the other side of the question too Do you want to look like everyone else Would you get tired of look ing the same way for five days out of seven Would it be too expensive to DANCING ODD FELLOWS HALL COLLIER SIl EVERY FRIDAY SATURDAY FRIDAY TOM CROWE SATU RDAY WEBSTERS ORCHIESTRA REFRIESHMENT BOOTH N0 SLACKS 0R JEANS PERMITTED Old Tyme and Modern Dancing ADMISSION 75c to PEGGY WARDLE Non MR OGRADY YES Jolly Good Fellows and atr ibute to Mrs Stewart in the form of Sumio Condidum Diem Any Latin student re cognizes this as Im Dreaming of White Christmas GLEE CLUIJ The Glee Club invited all Ccntralites to attend their nual singsong in the auditorium lost Thursday at noon As us ual it was very successful with about four hundred and fifty students and teachers present For this occasion the Glee Club president John Peiletler and director MBs Vnse hired at great expense that famous leader of the singer longsonggang Centrals answer to Mitch Miller Mr Knox who substituted as Santa which quick change of beard PRINCIPAL At this time too the students and most teachers were priscd to team that Central has very rhythmic oneman orchestra Mr Bowman proved to be quite accomplished on the bells in the chorus of Here Comes Santa Claus Last week the ISCF portray ed the Christmas Story very well but the effect was some how lost as soon as the audi torum was cleared The chosen carols were appropriate but the whole program was soon or gotten by most mans At this time of year when everyone is busily wrapping gifts and signing cards mingled in with few strains of Deck the Halls the reporters would like to thank all those who help in any way in getting this column compiled and printed Gerald Churchill president of Centrais Camera Club deserves special thankyou for his work in the photography that appears with this column and the typ ists of Miss Hughs commercial class also rate warm thank you These girls have enough trouble deciphering some of buy uniforms when requested Would you be proud to dis play ll uniform representing your school To sum up would you sub mit sketches of stylish outfits You know Centralites uniform does not necessarily mean navy tunic with white blouse and black stockings uniform is any complete outfit that any group may wear EXAMS not dropped over Central has lulled the activities of most organizations for the Christmas holidays but nevertheless it didnt dull the spirits of the grade thirteen girls who celcbr ated the coming holidays In the cafeteria last Friday at noon The girls seemingly inspired by the exams were thor oughly enjoying themselves in Iietting off steam before the exams Their celebration includ ed rendition of For We Are Top Girl llthiete Keeps Practising VANCOUVER CF Swirnlt mer Mary Stewart celebrated her selection as Canadas female athlete of the year by rising at am and trotting off to the pool for an hour of stiff prac ï¬ce Im thrilled and honored said the pert royearold world record an when she learned of the award her third national honor in 1961 Mary sapound water speeds ter who this year twice broke the world record for tho 110 ynrd butterfly was selected to male athlete of the year in Canadian Press poll in which the countrys sportswriters and broadcasters voted overwhelm ingly in her favor She polled 135 points 41 more than Judy Darling of Montreal this Canadian womens open golf champion IIts real break for Mary RESERVE NOW and swimming generally said Msirys coach Howard Firhy For Marys just starting Shes NEW YEARS EVE ccrtainiy capable of going even faster Shell probably cut at least two seconds off her best butterfly time before the British Empire Games next year in Forth Australia Marys best time for the dis tance is 109 which she did in time trial in Vancouver Oct 21 The mark is up for rec ognition as world record hav ing beaten the previous mark of 1103 set by Australias Dawn sec CIanadian Troops llldopt Children OTITAWA CP Canadian troops stationed in West Ger many have adopted 1000 Ger man orphans retarded children and refugee children to treat therp to brighter Christmas Alnny heddq said Thursday soldiers in the 4th In fantry Brigade Group chipped in for the 10th straight year to buy toys clothing ice cream and candy for the children The goodies will be distributed this weekend at parties at nine NATID camps near the cities of Soest Weri and Hemer Funds were raised through collections and charitable projects under taken during the year At CLUB PAVALON camera In Barrie Tickets and Information Available At JACKSONS GRILL 51 nunlnp St PA more Snow allld his Quintet IIfliiS Christian Andersen THE MR FAIR ROTIIER No these messes but they manage to come through There is one major club at Central that remains on the active list That is the Honor Society it still extends warm welcome in all and there is still time to join hy little harder at Easter Centralites and never say die DANCE is everyone eagerly awaiting the Annual Band Dance tomor row night Tickets will bc sold at the door for only $150 per couple one male and one female and the dress is optional You will start dancing at 830 to the music of the Coi legians you will delight in the antics of the band members while putting on skits and mar vci at the beauty of the Snow Queen who will be crowned at midnight Remember Saturday Dec 23 at 830 in Centrals gym for the biggest dance of the year PASSED To those Centroiites who think or hope they have passed their exams congratulations To those who know they have failed better luck next timel Merry Christmas everyo II at And enjoy the holidays word for Night Sehooil Classes have closed for the Christmas season There will be an advertisement in the pap or for applicann to commence on January Consider th es classes and attend night school at Central to broaden your knowledge and keep up with your high school songtor daught Ei awful NOW SHOWING eElms nut BATTLE roll no ovum Dill rumundo Elm mill WWWrill rummageems PLUS COCKLESHELL shoes Starring JOSE cannon maven HOWARD in Cinemnscopc and Colour SAT CONTINUOUS FROM p111 FAMOUS NOW ill Eastman coma CANDY MOORE BEN JOHNSON JESSE WHITE and CHAMPY the Angus LAST MINUTE GIFT FacetEM TRY FAMOUS PLAYERS GIFT Now ON SALE TICKETS NORTH COLUMNIST Describes Tensions During Exam Writing By LESLIE COXALL Barrie North For the past week and half students at North ha ve been writing exams Any stud ent knows the feeling that this word gives and we at North are certainly experiencing it As the students arrive in the morning there is mingling of different feelings Some students are positively joyous because they have studied hard and feel that they are wellprepared but others which are the majority even though they have also studied hard cant seem to get that overflowing with loy feel lag The grade twelves and thir teens write as always to class rooms with their own forms The other grades are experienc ing something different this year as they are writing in the gyro The desks of all the downstairs moms in the old wing are in the gym in long rows which extend from the back to the front The students are seated in classes and from several op lnions of students writing in there it seems to be very satisfactory arrangement RESULTS At noon the cafeteria seems empty as there are only two grades as well as some grade thirteens writing each day As you pass down the nislcs as the students are eating you can hear Oh that was Biocstone or got different answer for that or What was the general trend of this reign or something pertaining to the exams just written There are cries of anguish as students find out the mistakes they made as well as squtmls of ioy they find that their answer was right QUIET After lunch the cafeteria quietens down to buzzing sound as students try to study for their next exam Most stud ents find that when sitting by themselves great deal of work can be done but who sitting with others it is exactly opposite At one oclock its back to the exam rooms Just before the exam starts there are phr ases of good luck and ltr oaks good luck to you too and hope your ï¬gures baianos echoed around the room WHEELS TURN As the exam starts calm silence descends and you can almost hear the wheels going around in everyones gray mat ter After what seems like an et ernity to be sitting and mom eat to be writing the exam the bell rings and teacher says Hand your papers in and leave quietly For while outside the room the exam dis cussed ond faces fail and light up alternately But one finds of students are all smiles as they leave the building or they know that they have now Salvation llrmy Rejects Remark OI Magistrate TORONTO CPIThe Salva tion Army took issue Thursday witha rerrk attributed to Toronto magistrate that it does not want boy con vlcted of theft ltinlor Archie Maccorquordnie superintendent of shelter for boys in Metropolitan Toronto said the institution will accept any boy there on sodny trial basis with no questions asked He said the shelter the House Concord for boys aged 15 to 21 gives each boy psychiatric and psychological tests to see whether the Salvation Army can help the youngster Major Mnccorquordoles com ment followed the sentencing Wednesday by Magistrate Don ald Graham of John OBrien 16 to nine months for theft of it ems from the last home that took in the boy The Salvation Army does not want you the magistrate said The St Johns home doesnt want you The Catholic Chil drens Aid Society doesnt want you You have no place to go nohody wants youv FAMOUS SATURDAY MORNING PLAYERS THEATRE CHRISTMAS SHOW SPONSORED BY AT 9ll am AND 30 am RANGER IN COLOR PLUS THESE CARTOONS Woody The Giant Killer William Tell Overture DeeDeviled Brain High Diving Rare Love Comes To MaGoo finished two more exams and the and is in sight sunrises MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR to all the staff and students of Barrie North Have safe happy holi day for we will be looking for you next term By the way Congratulations to Mr ï¬sher oi BDCC on his appointment to active member ship of the American School Bond Directors Association DANCING HILL CHANDLER Andliis Orchestra 250 Pei Couple Ample Parking HEAVY SMOKERS ROME tkPlitalians spent $9000000 on smokes in Iml ï¬scal year says gov ernment report It estimates purchases at stmo000ooo cigar relies 315000000 cigars and ll ooonm pounds of tobacco rrerwguaas NEW REBUILT FROM $7950 RENTAL Ind SERVICE SIMCOE BUSINESS MACHINES 83 Dunlap SL PA 111324 IHE EMBASSY Banquet and Entertainment nail 388 BLAKE 5T Beside Kempvlew Bowl Pre New Year Dance Sn DEC Jfllh Kentucky Fried Chicken Served at Midnight $500 Per Couple Phone PA 967 For Reservations YOUR TELEPH NE COMPANY ON TV recéigiiou PRESEAI Featuring JAN WYATT your holiday hostess JOHN RAITT star of musical theatre JANE MORGAN The Fascination Girl LENNON SISTERS TVs talented trio LISA DELLA CASA of the Metropolitan Opera as well as Violette Verdy and Edward Vlllella of the New York City Ballet the famous Schola Cantorum choral group and Donald Voorhees with the Tale phone Orchestra In sparkling Merry Christ mas program of songs stories mbsic and dancing that will delight your whole TONIGHT 930 pm Channel TRANSCANADA TELEPHONE svsrem MANAGEMENT AND STAFF or me