Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1961, p. 8

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nu xuMum COLD WEATHER COMING Most oi Canada will have below seasonal temperatures from midDecember to mid anuary according to the 30 day outlook oi the United States weather bureau The outlook Is based on long range predictions It is not specliic forecast and change in weather pattern may produce major errors Heavy precipitation is expect ed In Eastern Canada Nor mal precipitation is given In inches oi rain one inch of rain equals 10 Inches oi snow Less In Engineering By FORBES RITUDE Canadian Press Business Editor The Engineering institute at Canada says engineering enroll ment at Canadian universities hi the hem DC the 19611 term totalled 14890 down slightly irom the record of ii 040 at the beginning ottha1960 1901 term Freshman enrolment how ever increased by 757 to 4713 the highest since 1957s regir tratioo oi 5137 The record freshman registration was 0140 in 1946 The Institute says that mak lng no allowance for wastage 2590 engineers are expected to graduate In 1962 down 61 mm 1561 which the highest year slats 1050 record at 3591 engineers Civil electrical and mechanl oal engineering remain the most popular courses The annual meeting of the Meat Packers Council cl Canada will be held in lllont real Feb and Discus slon topics include Outlook or livestock In Canada and the United States in 1062 problem or producing more lean and less lat new trends In retailing recent developments in mnnag ment operation eillcicnry and quality control The bid by Imperial Chemical Industries Ior control oi Cour taulds intematlonui manuiac turars of synthetic iibres would Goci Row Put Britain Into An Awkward Spot By ROD CURRIE Canadian Press Stall Writer The eruption over Goa has leit embarrassingly poised between Portugal her oldest ally and India brother in the Commonwealth of Nations Treaties going back to 1353 and reaiilrmed in 1809 com mitted Britain to defend and protect all Portuguese colonies But the government in London did not hesitate to make clear alter the Goa attack that It could not live up to the agree ments when It involved military action against Commonwealth woountry even though she de plored Indias action At the time the treaties were reaiiirmed India was part oi the British Empire SHOCKING MOVE The action of india in attack ing Goa and two smaller For ktuguesc territories has shocked Prime Minister Nehrus support ers particularly in View of his reputation as an apostle of non violence It has led to speculation In Western capitals that Nehrus hand has been iorced that pres sures within his own country are more threatening than was gen erally believed Nehru despite his protesta tions that Indias action was he cessary gives the impression oi man with heavy heart sad dened by the task set before him It was no pleasure for us Dawaiibi Named Syrian President DAMASCUS Reuters man who once served as prem ler oi Syria for 24 hours was named Wednesday night to head the first constitutional government since Syria broke its union with Egypt President Nazem Kudsi named Dr Maarout Dawalibi uw TSV Kan to head the government an at iieial announcement said to lake arms against Portugal he insisted to reporters No doubt Nehru the paciHst has been warring with Nehru the politician or some time The drawing influence oi the bait wing elements in his Congress party and the tool general election is only two months away no doubt helped tip the scales in iavor oi action For years he had held oii against cries for action and sug gestions his zest Iornatlonallsm was waning working instead through diplomatic channels to assail the Portuguese position Nehru Is no doubt coafldmt at his personal position among his countrymen but possibly has be come concerned about his partys influence it the trouble COST OF LIVING AVERAGE PAY I949l00 I60 Canadas costuiliving in dex rose to 1297 on Nov from 1202 month earlier Rise was due mostly to an Ia crease in new car prices cost of drugs and personal care services Upper graph traces living costs based on 1040 prices equalling 100 ram the start of 1959 and to date this year lower graph shows the index of average indus trial wages and salaries which stood at 1033 Oct compared with 1022 month earlier This index is based on wages equalling 100 ENTER NOW HIIMMONIJS DISCOUNT FREE TRIP to NEW YORK CONTEST Nothing IoBuy Simply Fill In The Coupon and Deposit In Tha Ballot Box at Hammandsl FREE TRANSPORTATION FOR TWO Return From Melton Alrporl Fly TCA PLUS $2500 CASH OR $10000 CASH NAME ADDRESS PHONE HAMMONDS CHRISTMAS BONUS FREE TRIP to NEW YORK Arranged by Barrie RentACar and Travel Service EXTRA COUPONS with $500 Purchase EXTRA COUPONS with $1000 Purchase 11w Morsclmnons You Enter The Better Are ionr Chances some leltwing branch continues to stir up nationalistic iceling and win support with it There also Is the suggestion that Nehru wished to demon strate to the Chinese Commu nists threatening his country from another direction that ha fan be tough when driven too or Oberammergau Play Revived OBERAIIIMERGAU Germany ReuterslAn alleg edly antlscmitic version of the Obcrammergou passion play staged every 10 years by tra lion will be revised it was con firmed Wednesday committee in this Bavarian village which produces the play announced last year that there would be seventh revision There was no suggestion that charges of antisemitism were connected Newspapers alleged alter last years production that the pre sent version revised for the sixth time by monk between 1850 and 1860 was slanted against Jews The play committee denied the charges but in June 1960 announced the planned revision Belore last years production the Society or ChristianJewish Co operation waa consulted and cer tain crude lines were deleted Oberammergauers vowed to priorm the play every 10 yars altr being spared from plague ravaging Bavaria at the and the 15th century bring number oi Canadian ialt duties under one over all mmdement roo Canadian Industries Ltd with head Ollie In Montreal is Ca nadian subsidiary of Imperial Chemical It manulactures chemicals explosives and allied products In plants In various Parts at Canada its subsidiar Ies include Braadram Hender so nLtd paint manulactur ars Courtauids owns Courtauid Canada at Cornwall on The Howard Johnson Com DI United Hotelsalan rant chain will open offices entering the Canadian mm ket Howard Johnson president said at Toronto reception that final plans or next spring preparatory to Canadian operation have not yet been made and the com is wide open in comments or tdeas Dr Dixie director at the Australian Wool Testing Au thority who recently visited Canada in the course at world tour says buyers of scoured wool are belnl urged to maka their purchases on an agreed upon moisture content Molstureconteat changes dur ing shipment Mr Dixie said that in thepast there was tendency Ior Australian ship pers io underestimate mois ture in whldi case the buyer stood to boncllt Now he stated the tendency Is to overestimate moisturn and the buyer stands to lose Ghana May Develop Into Big Aluminum Producer In World WASHINGTON CPIAided by American and British loans and Canadian engineer tiny Ghana may become big alu minum producer providing still competition against Canada and other suppliers in the aluminum markets at Western Europe But American oiiiclals predict that eventually the aluminum Ghana produces will be directed into what Is shaping up into an explosive African market as myriad oi new countries in crease their living standards and their need ior Industrial goods Aluminum is the major pro ject to be developed through construction oi the $371000000 Volta River hydrorandsmcltcr project in Ghana Supervising construction of the 730000kllo wait power project will be Tor onto engineer Frank Dobson on loan mm the Ontario Hy diro Electric Power Commis on CREATE HUGE LAKE new inland iishing industry also may be developed as the worlds biggest manmade lake about 3000 square milesls created as the projects reser voir Surplus electricity Is ex pected to stimulate small husl nesses around the Volta arca Half the money for the big undertaking is provided by President Kwsme Nkrumahs own government The other hall comes through longterm loans American government agencies the World Bank Brit ain and consortium oi Amer Ican aluminum producers who will operate the $175000000 smelter The hydro projectis to be completed in three years and the smelter in live For time there was some doubt whether President Ken nedy would approve $l33000000 worth oi Amerlean agency loans required or the project American caution increased as Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 824 BARRIE can HEATING FUELS Phone PA 56531 Wm 27 SHANTY BAY ROAD lAKE PA 646 SIMCOE GLASS To all our friends and patrons We wish the very best during the coming yearl AI Rosanne HamiIIOn Nkrumah sharpened criticism at Western diplomacy and mov ed into closer relations with Moscow lhe loans were iioally up proved last Saturday alter American diplomats concluded the cold war tussle In Ghana is not over The concern oi some Cana dian aluminum producers is that Canada second largest producer in the rec world has more aluminum capacity than it can use About 75 per cent oi the Canadian aluminum in vestment is controlled by Amer Icans preferred by tourists and business men Canadas best room values TV oirsendltlenlng In the heart oI business shopping and entertainment Finest meeting facilities and services Pyramid lounge nightly entertainment nra ovrsmonr ranxmo Cali EM 34351 FREE FOLDER AND INFORMATION ON REDUESI lilIIB AND YORK SIS RONTO CANADA TO The FINER Runs In the enable Caribbean netting Holdup Men Sent To Iail MONTREAL CPINo sub urban St Michel men arrested alter gun battle with police during an abortive 1000 bank robbery In northcend Montreal Wednesdaytaatotaloll yurslnpesiteotiary JosephArmandnorins servingtzyearsiorsix PaulEmile Beautieu 41 critl ally wounded in the gun battle got 15 Both men pleaded guilty to FAILED CHEM touts Pasteur was studying fermentation oi wine vinegar and her when he dismvered the pssteurixation procus ior last August were sentenced attempted murder bank rob eliminating bacteria FIlllIlIll SHES HAPPY IN HER CHRISTMAS PRESENT The Chef in your house will be delighted with new kitchen too Give her one for Christmas Lorin Carruthers will help her plan it so every thingsperfect for her working habits Work can start right after the holidays and well arrange easy budget terms FOR BEAUTIFUL QUIETI Choose from our big selection oi Teotone acoustical ceiling tile Tile tor 12 20 ceiling costs as little as $4800 For CLEAN EASY FLOORS You cant beat Armstrong Floor tile lilo or 12 20 iloor only $5000 QUALITY MATERIALS LOW PRICES CALL THE BALL Piliigillli MILL IIlIIlIlI IIlIIIIIllllIIIIIII IIlIl ll Ill II IlIIIlIIIIlI MM re The newsoF the year in smoother lightertasting rum Maram is sunmellow and distinctively dry Maraca Rum adds touch oftropicai magic to every rum drink Try the two delicious varietiesMch White Label and MARA CA Black Label Rum WINE smnlr MERCHANTS rumo cm ma serum on WINE SPIRIT MERCHANTS sewawro emu rm

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