Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1961, p. 6

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CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTION Jewellery always ha py choice for the important ad ies on our Christmas list is shown In this set in all its brilliant beauty Flowers bloom in colorful beauty on fine costume jewellery counA tors and its inshionwiso shopper who selects few ciicd flower for special gift Trifari designs double or single pansy pin in glowing enamel combined with tiny pave rhinestones and prc sents it in both single and double versions Bride Entertained Surprise Shower ALLISTON Special surprise miscellaneous show was held at St Johns Church for Miss Sandra Mclfann oi Alliston whose marriage to Allan Powell takes place Dec The rooms of the church hall were accented by candlelight and the theme in decoration throughout was red green and white specially prepared chair of maroon velvet was trimmed with white satin bows and streamers of white with clusters of colored bells com plated the effect The coffeeL tea table was gay with colored candles and tiny poinsettias with silver appointments Prior to the opening of the gills by the bridetobo hirs Betty Lou Boriand gave short reading to the group Present for the event were Miss Me Manns two grandmothers Mrs Cole from Toronto and Mrs Crcecb of Allistoo and both as sisted at the lunch table pour ing tea and coffee special poem written by family friend of Mrs Cole en titled No Grandmas was read and enjoyed by all prcs ent The hostesses were Mrs Grose Mrs if Oliver Mrs Boriand and Mrs Wilson Musical selections were pres ented by singing trio consist ing of Mrs Dave Barrie Mrs Borland and Miss McMann This held special meaning due to the fact that those girls pre viously won the prize at Eaton Auditorium for the best trio in the Junior Farmer Contests three years ago Evening Auxiliary Hold Final Dinner Meeting ALLISTON Special The last meeting of St Johns Ev ening Auxiliary of the Womens Missionary Society was held in the church pariours turkey banquet and inforrnai speeches brought all former and present members together prior tnth formation of the United Church Women The dinner tables were attrac tive with Christmas decoration accented by tall red and green tapers in silver candelabros Following the dinner the pro gram was highlighted with re miniscing when past presidents recalled many events and hum orous happenings during th term of service HONOR PRESIDENTS The first president was Miss Fawceit now deceased minute of silence was observed in her memory She was in the presidents oilice during 1940 ml and 1942 when the Even ing Auxiliary was first formed Post presidents since that time were Mrs Thelma Hnwes 1943 Mrs Mary Harris 1944 Mrs Helen Moore 1945 Mrs Gladys Manning 1948 now relt siding in Arthur Ontario Mrs Beatrice Cumberland 1947 Mrs Margaret Latimer 1943 Miss Melissa Graham 19 Mrs Mabel Wilson 1950 Mrs Doro thy Beii 1951 Mrs Dorothy Dr eunan 1952 Mrs Margaret Murphy 195354 Mrs Lila Mel ville 1955 Mrs Velma Cole 1956 Mrs Anna McMillan 1957 now residing in Peterborough Mrs Ethel Wilson 1958 Mrs Edna Mitchell 195950 Mrs Mabel Wilson 1961 other guests invited were St Johns CGiT Leaders Mrs Jean Shiiton who spoke on behalf of the group Mrs Jean Owens Mrs Marla Moon Mrs At kinson Mrs Helen Francis Mrs Barbara Mitchell and Mrs Shirley Somervllle Leaders of the Mission and were also guests and speaking on their behalf was Mrs Helen Laver Leader Other Mission Band guests were Mrs Kay Robbins Mrs Florence Brett and Mrs Grace Cave STRONG SUPPORTERS The Evening Auxiliary ave been strong supporters of both the 061T and Mission Band throughout the years supplying them with literature and other necessary items to carry out their program of Christian ed ucation very effective and sincere worship service was conducte by Mrs Ethel Wilson Mrs Ruth Sutton and Miss Margaret King It told of the humble life oi Jesus whose worldly possessions were too few to be counted and who at His death lay in borrowed tomb through the pity of friend Although 19 centuries have passed lie is today the centre of all true life All the armies that ever marched all the nnvys that were built all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings that ever reigned all put together haVe not affected the life of man on this earth as powerfully as that Ono Solitary Life IMPRESSIVE CEREMONY Following the worship service an impressive candic lighting ceremony was held In tribute to the past which in spires us in thanks for tho present which encourages us and in prayer and hope for the future which beckons to new fields of service and endeavor The inspiring quotation of for mer King George VI was used in placing emphasis on future goals which states And said to the man who stood at the gate of the year give me light that may tread safe lyinto the unknown And he replied Go out into the dark ness and put thine hand into the hand of God That shall be to thee better than any light and safer than the known way Business was conducted by the president and all matters were dealt with to facilitate the clos ing of all books before the end of the year The yearly alloca tion of $530 has been met and final payment to Presbyterial will be made in the near future WELFARE PROJECT it was decided that the group Travel Arrangements AIRSHIPEUSRAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTALS 03 Johnson and Co Ltd on com numnp Barrie World Wide Service 687 any so Toronto BM cam Having Party Banquet etc and Would like Door Prizes And would like an easy way to get real value Just phone Reeves Jewellers col lecl Our shopper will be glad to choose and gift wrap for you from$l00 up Reeves JEWELLERS no 76 Dunlop St East Established 1690 Barrie Ontario Phone PA 83745 Oi WMS would again conduct is Christ mas welfare project in the com munity and committee was appointed The secretaries of all offices gave yearly reports and these will be forwarded to Toronto before the end of the year Arrangements were made for the old minute books to be sent to the United Church Ar chives ln Toronto period of carol singing was enjoyed everyone present and apirt of good fellowship and compan ionship prevailed Though the members realized this was the linaia for activities of the Ev ening Auxiliary they also wera much aware of the fact that great deal of work and new challenges lie ahead in the flu ited Church Women Unity Auxiliary Host Dessert Party Former members and guests were entertained at dessert party by the Unity Auxiliary WMS of Collier St United Church in the church parlor This was the last meeting of the auxiliary prior to the new organization The Church Women The evening consisted of Christmas worship service business meeting followed by highlights of the last 20 years The auxiliary was formed at meeting held in the home of Mrs Parsons in November 1941 with Mrs Sarieant us advisory president Two ac4 five members Miss Ruth Aar son and Mrs George Living ston are charter members After Christmas games were played the evening was closed with carol and prayer given by Mrs Sarjeant Sparkle And Paint Create Original Festive Decorations rlm BARBIE mm THURSDAY DEC PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Omisou PA 56 The Holiday learnt brings near and far to your homes giving occasion for festive celebrations This column will attempt to keep you In touch with the social aciivilies tak ing place in the city over the Christmas and New Year lol lday Any social news may be submitted by phoning the Womens Department PA 6531 Extension 17 mm INFORMAL PARTY Mr and Mrs James Baird of Codrington Street entertained at an informal Christmas party for staff members and wives of Beaver Lumber Company Among the guests were Mr and litre lrvine Nelson Bill Bail Mr and Mrs Ev Harsh Mr and Mrs Will Davidson Mr and Mrs Stan Walt Miss Nor ena Dennis Mr and Mrs Den nis King Mr and Mrs Ray Bristow Gordon Barnes and Jack Galloway WINK GOLDEN WEDDING Mr and Mrs ll Roberts Midhurst will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary this Saturday The celebration will take place at the home of their son at 39 Latchworth Avenue Downsvlcw hfr Roberts is former sergeantmnjor in the Salvation Army An invitation has been extended to all friends to attend the open house mutant WINDJAMMERING IN THE CARIBBEAN Maurice MacLaren Tomato Street has returned to the city after three wecks cruise crowing aboard the Polynesia lsuioot schooner The Poly nesia sailed for the Bahamas Elect Mrs Elsie Wheeler To Head Ross Social Group By DAUREEN ANDERSON COOKSTOWNRoss Social Group met at the home of Mrs Bruce Dcrmott Thursday even ing December 14 The president Mrs Bat tors opened the meeting with the Lords Prayer The min utes were read and approved The roll call was answered by 13 members The annual re port was given During the year 25 quilts were made The following items were made for the Red Cross Seven pairs of boys pyjamas two pairs mens socks two pairs girls socks and four quilts Twelve boxes were sentto the sick and shutvins plant was sent to Mrs Ham mal on the death of her mother Christmas boxes were sent to Mrs Archie McLean and Mrs Miiller Final arrange ments were made to send treats to tho Slmcoe Manor case of oranges and hamper of apples Ten dollars was sent to the TB Christmas Seal Fund Mrs Batters retired as pres ldent alter three years in of fice Mrs Batters thanked the members for their eooper ation and help during her term as president The election of officers fol lowed for 1962 Mrs Elsie Wheeler president Mrs John Before you curve that turkeyu muke sure you have plenty of Wilsons Ginger Ale on hand Nothingbut nothinggoes better with turkey than ginger aleand Wilsons gives you more flavor more sparkle more for your money Thats why its always smart to serve wise to buy GINGER ALE FAMILY SIZE QUARIS lad2 FOR 85¢ CARTON OF SIX 12 OZ BOTTLES4U nus nrroslr 1961 from Miami visited Walling Island where Columbus first landed in North America the outer islands and Nassau Here Mr MacLaren enlaycd the calypso music and drank the native drink sour pap mixture of slightly fermented coconut milk and fnllt juices Mr Maciaren crewed under Captain Mikc Burke of Miami Beach Florida CSCL SOCIAL Mr and Mrs Ken Cavanagh Dundoaaid Street hosted so clnl evening for the members of the Canadian Society of Creative Leathercraft Wednes day evening demonstration of leather lacing was given by the hostess Among the mom hers attending the party wen Mrs Clarence Cor ett Mrs Geoffrey Bottriil Mrs Reg chk Mrs lsasc Corrulhers Mrs Bill Barry Mrs Harold Wharton Mrs Jacomhs Mrs Coutts Mr and Mrs Trcw all of Bar rie Mrs Boyd and Miss Helen Anderson of Orlilla 80 youre crazy about lndl And you want me to go crass tool Timbers vicepresident Mrs Marg Bowers 2nd vicemai dent Mrs Emily Ramsay secretarytreasurer Mrs Eu nice Nevilis sewing convener Mrs Gertrude Milligln wool committee Mrs Irena Allen flownr convener Mrs Tencie Braden card convener Mrs Jean Nevilis press secretary Lunch was served by the hostess Mrs Dermott and lunch committee Mrs Tim bers Mrs Ramsay and Mrs Batters The next meeting will be held at the home of By ELEANOR ROSS The oldfashioned family fun gained from makin festive Christmas displays at home is reason enough for doing this But should you need further persuasion compare the cost of natural greens with that of green embaliished and 11an ranged in Yuletide decorations You can make your own dec orations for fraction of the cost with packet of glitter and some handy aerosol spray cans oi paint in appropriate colors handsome centerpiece for your holiday tabla starts with an old flour canister or largo Samoa can and an ordinary pic Spray with gold paint and let dry Glue holly sprigs to the pie plate rim While the glue burdens spray few pine cones with white paint and before they can dry sprinkle with colored glitter Next spray some fir or spruce branches very lightly with bath paints so they become tinged with gold and frosted white LINE BOTTOM Before arranging the branches in the canistcr line the bottom with some damp cnlmpicd newspaper if necessary cut branch ends so they wont be tophcavy Finally act arrangement in center of pie tin and garnish with tho glittering pine cones An attractive display for cocktail or end table can be made from an empty candy tin which has hinged cover Spray completely with silver paint When dry flll tin hallway with cnunpled paper than spray paper silver too Load tin to the brim with Christmas tree balls voun nus ms noun season Glrls Special Perms $500 up 20 OFF Perms 850 and up REGINA CURL SHOPPE PA 89246 as Dunlap at Mrs John Timbers on Thurs day January 1962 of golden pine econ and few sprigs oi holly Finally fasten big red bow on the open lid very realistic creche can be made from cardboard carton of medium size and depth Remove one flap top and the side directly underneath Spray the outside with green paint second coat may be me ccssary to bid the IabeL When dry place carton so the open side iaccs you This Ll the start of the stable Next paint an inverted in gold on the inner back wall Fill In so that the tri angular duign forms golden beam Then attach small pieces of fir to outer sides and top so that the carton is completely hidden under the greenery Sprinkle floor with needles of the fir or pine Place an ar rangement of tall fir branches in fan shape pattern behind the stable Attach gold star to the tip of the tallest cen Finally arrange the Nativity figures placing the Child di rectly in front of the stars ray dOne last suggestion is in on er When them are small fry in the house the wtopening ritual cancreatochaostoputlt miidJyl You can maintain degree of order if you have on hand couple of cartons aim big ones In which the youngsters can dis play their treasures during the holiday season Remove top flaps from ear ton and spray inside and out with color Add few ribbons or holly sprigs and the implo vised toy chests will be decorative as they are useful can garrick HAIR ETILISTE announce Egg 13 for nutinns FROM 15 Special student RIMn By appointment only PA M661 as Maple Arcana SAVINGS ON TOY SPECIALS so Doolop St PA 64351 CHILDR AVAILABLE OTION The majority of Childrens Aid Societies are FOR AD Many suitable older and handicapped childre are available for adoption Happily married couples who are interested in any of the boys and girls below should apply to the Minister of Public Welfare Parliament Buildings Toronto EVELYN has Expeficooedabock and tragedy in her short years of life and needs understanding warm and patientpurzutstohclp annuityum motionaliy She is an attranivn girl with dark brown eyu and hnir Sbn speaks Dutch and English and is of Dutch cxulctlon Rcligion Roman Catholic DENNIS will be year old in February an racial origin is Danish and Negro He is sturdy well developed baby with blue eyes blonde hair light brown complexion and Negroid features Responds well and is placid and happy baby Dennis would be happy with white or coloured Prdlcstant parents LUCILLE is good natured year old with pleasant disposition she is sturdy little Fnucnmadian girl with brown eyes and hair who developing at normal pace and speaks boLh French and Enghsh door mu girl awaiting parents Lucille will makna Roman Catholic couple very h=ppy ptrents DIANE ROSE is little year old dainw little girl with brown eyes and light brown hair Her racial background in Polish French and Negro Her complexion is light brown She Is smart attractive little girl and needs coloured or white Roman Cathch parents MAY and JUNE are year old Roman Gsthoiic French Canadian twins They all fine bound with blue Gym and lighLbrrwm hair They urn healthy attractive looking childrw witb blight alert pcmnnlitiesThcse making determined alien to provide perma nent homes for some of their words Every attention will be given to requests for these or other Children ONTARIO twiosnreindincdfobeshynndnood understanding happy puma PAUL has large brown eyes and fair hair He had slight cusp of cerebral palsy which now minim no treatment He is years old and is inclined to be shy and slow in development but lsa most appealing and likeabia youngster who needs loving and understanding Roman Catholic parents gt ML is 15 year old Roman Catholic of slight build with blue eyes healthy girl with poor school record but responds to alloc tion and praise She is quiet and shy Roman Catholic parents desired JOSEPH is sturdy well developed little Roman Catholic fndinn boy of ycarsJIeisprogresslng atanormaf rate for his age He is affectionate and attractive with dark hair and cm He likes attention and is most endearing with his ready smile MARILYN has black curly hair brown eyes tall for her years fair wmpicxinu and Roman Catholic of AngloSaxon and Indian descent Shnisnuaflectionalnchiidbutquick tempered distnnllui of smokers and new simauuns Roman Catholic parents are hooded whn mu gain her trust and love SHEILA isacbubby little year old Pmtestanlwithhrowncyesnndblack curly hair He complexion is medium brown as her racial hullago is Indian and Negm She is normal healthy but good natured and ar fectionatc child rah unusually pmtty little giil needs parents Protestant brother and simi to be adopted together SUSAN years old large dark eyes winning smile good natured humorous quick and very smart DANNY Syears old appealing and rosfouds to affection and coooumgw meat but lacks confidence TED yrurs old easily upset has good sense of responsibility and anxiqu to be placed and iovcd JUDITH is an it your old Roman Catholic Hungarian child with blue eyes and brown hair lady has mild cerebral palsy and wears braces is hoped with one mm operation she may walk without those braces no am has good intelligence and needs loving understanding parrots KEITH is tail slim 13 year old hailhy Canadian boy withbrown eyes and black our Ho has charm and usuranec is even tempered and aninterestingandbrightboyleitlll own desire is to be adopted He wishes Protestant parent who will understand and isvabiuu KENNY is an year old Anglo Saxon Protestant bay of slender build with sparkling blua ayes and brown hair He is an attractive thoithy bright boy with dwinning personality Kenny needs active liver Protestant pinion GERALDINE is 12 years old and doing well at school She is pretty and attractive with blue eyes and brown hair highvstnulg girl nccd in attention and aflcctiou She is an Irish Roman Catholic and would happiest with wum funloving ntlectionate Roma CLhoiicpar=uta RAYMOND is 10 year old Protestant Canadian with good physique and brown eyes and hair Ill is cheerful arid afleaionnle but slow in his school work and move menu He needs help from patient uddcrslmdinand warm puma WAYNE and DOUGLAS are handsome robust Canadian Protestant brothers of IO and 11 years to be placed on adoption together Both boys are doing well in school These lads need parents who can understand and love two active mischievous um neural boys FRANCIS has ready smile impish look and is most appealing He is active busy and bright Francis is Roman Culbqu FrenchCanadian and Indian with our an and eyes one feature and medium dark oom plcxion Holsnntzudefring weo boy RICHARD Ind JOHN are year old Protcstant twins husky and well built with blue eyes and blond hair Ono twin is more advanced in hisphysicainud mental developman Both are attractive active boys of German French and Scottish tian LARRY big boned husky year old Indian Protestant boy with dark eyes hair and complexion Ha has average intelligence and is in good health He is shy placid child and needs Protestant pmnls who will be proud of his Indian heritage womanpr wmmmmmanummy Wmmhmhfiemfifiemfiomflofduifimt Honoumu ours CBCILB Minister DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WELFARE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO James BAND Deputy Minirrw

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