783 mm EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC an wuss DRIVER or MONTH aware $25 cheque was presented to Mrs Gordon Myers Driver of the Month Award is prc sentcd each month by the Barrie and District Insurance Agents Association Mrs Myers won her award by al Inquest Jury eels Motive Is Apparent coroners jury implied yes terday that the apple carbon monoxide death of 24ycorvold Douglas Mcsfonn oi Barrie In volvcd motive but then re ferred to the incident as an ac cident The jury said this case Is one with tile appearance of motive This coroners jury feels that the general public as well as the police should be alerted for vehicles parked on highways and in concealed parking places to help avoid such accidents The jury returned no concrete verdict as to the possibility of suicide despite suggestion by crown attorney William Thomp son that this was the case Mciliann who worked for Barrie garage was found dead and Linda Willls sclous in his sedan delivery truck Oct 11 An apple was plugging the exhaust pipe REMEMBERE NOTHING Miss Willis testified earlier prior to tho inquests adjourn ment Dec that she remcm bercd nothing of the events of Will Define QueLabrador Boundaries QUEBEC CPI Le Soleil says highafiiciai of the na turalresources department has hinted that an intersprovlncial commission will be set up to define the Quebec Labrador boundary The official not is quoted as saying that such commission would be the ideal thing to deal with the dispute He said nearly every time there has been boundary dispute be twch two provinces the prov inces have established such commission and it was possible the same procedure will be fol lowed this time Quebecs Premier Jean Le sage met Newfoundlands Pre micr Joseph Smallwaod nles day In private talk believed to have been about the bound ary question Quebec has never recognized the bgundary set by the British Privy Council in 1927 and no Labrador has ever appeared on maps printed in Quebec prov lacs 18 uncon lowlng heavy traffic to clear at the intersection of Toronto and Dunlap streets before proceeding Mrs frank Mar by of Midland reported the Incident and receives an award of $5 the night In question and that she didnt even remember go log out with McMann She said yesterday that she remembered meeting him to get back ring she had given him She added she and lifeMann had previously terminated roman tic involvement Fred Lloyd it of Barrie said he had last seen McMann on Monday Oct He testi fied he had been parked on Iho main street with Linda Willis and that McMann had driven up and threatened him with wheel wrench for being out with Miss Willis Ernest Emms who worked at in Barrie garage with Mc Monn testified he and McMann had consumed quantity of gin on the fateful evening but when he left McMann he was all right He said MoMann had been at the station that night and next morning length of tube of the type used for ex jhaust systems was found miss as Chief Constable William Brown of Innisfil Township police tes tlftcd that when he arrived on the scene he discovered leng th of the some type of rubber hose attached to one of the tail pipes or the truck and an apple lugging the other The tub ng he said was ripped off in dicotng It had been longer This exhaust pipe came out be neath the front door part Escapes Pen ls Arrested VANCOUVER CPI Henry Patrick McBryan an escapes from Collins Bay penitentiary pleaded guilty Wednesday to two charges of armed robbery shooting with intent illegal pos session of firearm and pos session ot an unregistered wpa p011 He is to appear in police court today for sentencing McBryan 29 Wednesday gave the court long recital of his brushes with the law and blamed society for turning him Into gunman He was captured by citizens Monday while fleeing from Guaranty Trust Company Dur ing the pursuit he fired five shots one of whichhit Robert King 23 in the knee He also was charged with reb bery ot Trans Canada Air Lines office He obtained noth ing from either robbery 1849 keenly interested ln sports and $20000 IN BLACK CAS Points To Surplus Sees No Status Change For the first time in its ycar history Tbs Childrens Aid Society of Harris and Sim coe County will this year show reduction from the money spent in the previous year surplus In the neighborth of moon anticipated when 1961 operations are concluded at the end of this month This was revealed today by the societys mans ng director Don Jackson as comment ed on the decision of the CA5 directors not to become In volved in controversy concern ing Simme County Councils request for rovincial legisla tion that woud permit forma tion of county unit to admin ister all lghases of welfare in cluding at now under juris diction of the CAS The countys proposal will be submitted to special advisory committee set up by Hon Louis Cecile Ontarios minister of welfare at Toronto meeting Jan 25 It will also likely come up for discussion at February gathering of CAS dir ectors and presidents Directors of the local Chil drens Aid Society are unanim empty bottle of gin was found In thel car by police along with al thermos containing traces of WIFE PRESENT McManns wife who began divorce proceedings against him several months agowas at the in uest today The inquest was adIourned Dec ti after she call ed from Orlllla to wanted to attend Crown Attorney Thompson said to the jury at the conclus ion of the hearing There is an obvious suggestion of sui cide but unless you are satis fied that MoMann committed suicide dont return verdict as such He added he could see no reason why MeMonn would endanger the life of an other person particularly when he had an emotional attach ment for her Coroner Dr William Little said think the police have Investigated as much as Is necessary There is no evi dence of foul play on the part of other people OBITUARY REV ROY MONAHAN Very Rev Roy Monahan Dean of Scarborough since 1957 died In St Michaels Hospital ï¬tter brief illness He was say she Born in Toronto Father Mon ahan studied at the Holy Fam Ily School St Michaels Col lege and St Augustine Semin ary He was ordained in St Mich aels Cathedral by Cardinal McGuigan on June 1939 He first served In the diocese of Victoria then returned to Toronto as assistant priest at St Marys Parish He served at St Margarets Midland from June 1947 to July Father Monahan was 0Y0 activities in Midland in 1851 Father Monahan was Iappointed pastor of St Pat Stayner and in 1955 pastor of St Boniface Scarbor ough He built the church and rectory and during his term of office two schools St Boniface and St Barbara He leaves three sisters Mrs Beaune Mrs Traf ford and Mrs Cranor and brother Vincent Mon ahan all of Tomato our in the belief that their su tharity will remain unchangmi despite the petition of the coun ty This confidence stems not only from the societys strong economic position but also from the strong representation the county now has on Its board with seven of the la directors being county councillors and two others Harris aldermcn The stand of the CAS direc tors was reaffirmed at meet Ing last Tuesday There can be no doubt that the countys interests are carefully and dill gently protected declared act ing president Hersey This is proven by our record We certainly don throw money around recklessly Major Hor sey first viceprcsident of the CAS is acting as president in the absence of James Fawcctt who recently underwent son lous operation and is now re cuperating at home in Coiling wood MIBCONCEPTIONB Directors agree there has been widespread misconception concerning the portion of cost being borne by the county They feel considerable confus ion Is caused because while payments to the society are made through the county pro vincial rebates are paid direct ly back to the municipalities In volved Mr Jackson said the county actually contributes less than half of the net cost of the CA5 though he had heard the figure wrongly estimated at as high as 90 per cent ffe added that the county contribution of ap proximately $149000 year for care of child words is reduced to about 390000 by 40 per cent provincial rebates to municipal ties An annual grant of $19 000 for preventive measures is paid wholly by the county Contributions are made by the city of Barrie an the same has is as full partner SUSTAINED EFFORTS The managing director credit ed ihe societys sustained ef forts at prevention with being largely responsible for this Barrie Firms Build School Honey Harbour The new $60000 public school of SS Baxter Township Illus koka District at Honey Hor bour was officially opened by Kennedy Toronto assist ant supcrlntcndent of Ontario elementary schools Contractors were and Kennedy Barrie and the arch itects were Salter and Allison also of Barrie Construction was started in midAuglLst and finished In nearrecord time Among the speakers at the official opening were Dr Rynard Oriilio MP for Slmcoe East and Lloyd Letherby Cold water MPP for Simcae East The school has two rooms and Is electrically heatedTca chers are Mrs George Grise principal and Richard Ren dle Ross Birch ls chairman of the Baxter school board uuunuwmmmmsurmml THIS CHRISTMAS DONT PAY DIME PAY IT ALL on TIMEI With Your Convenient international CREDIT CARD Availapr at MOSTYNS MENS and STUDENTS wean so Dunlap St PA 61701 THE BIG RED ROOSTER RESTAURANT HWY NO 27 MILE SOUTH OF ELMVALE years reduction in es despite other ston rising costl and inmasa mchgd pop on as surpas rise in the population as whole We dont remove chil dren from their homes except as last resort be stated We will make every effort to rehabilitate and units families before we will sit in and take over care of chld It is far more desirable all around for the child for the parents and for the taxpayers While it costs $185 day for us to take over and care for child we can care for the same child for dltur only 85 cents day if it remains with its family Fast Talk Pair Out $850 Savings ORILLIA CPI pair of confidch men posing as fed eral revenue officers fostvtalkcd an elderly couple out of $860 Ln savings police said Wednes ay The name of the defrauded couple was withheld by police order but provincial officers said the swindle worked this way Two men called at the cou ples home Tuesday told them they had information that the couple had counterfeit bills and asked to see all the money in the house The couple brought out their savingsall $860 of it and IllfnCt it over The men picked out several bills they said were bogus then said they would have totake all the money to bank for closer look BBG Tums Down Station Licence The Canadian of Broadcast Governors at Ottawa has turned down request for radio station licence submit ted by William James Bromnh of Midland and Toronto The station was to have been estab lished In Coilingwood The EEG recommended that the licence be denied by the Department of Transport be cause it felt the licensing of station In Coilingwood would not at this time assure the resi dents of the town of Collingwaad satisfactory local service Secondly the board held that if the licence was granted it would adversely affect the standard of service in the area generally The application was opposed by radio stations in Barrie Owen Sound and Midland all of which claimed to serve the Coi lingwood area IIODGSON WIN CONTEST Nancy Hodgson winner of over 12year class in The Ex aminer coloring contest and Heather Brenneman In the under12 class will both re ceive $10 for their artistic ef forts Ovor 75 children in the district submitted alored fol trlhesrls to be judged In the con SIVEET SPREADS Preserved fruits used as spreads or toppings often called jams may include preserves conserves or marmalades Rush Rare Blood To Man In 400 Kenneth Doyle of 39A Glen elg Street Lindsay is in cri tical condition at Royal Viclt torts Hospital today after an accident early yesterday after nooa on Highway 400 four mil Molests Girl Police Hunt For Man Harrie police are looking for middleaged man who com mitted an indecent not against an clghtyoarold girl on her way to snhool yesterday after noon The girl accompanied by nineyearold companion was walking through grove which leads from Blake to Amelia Streets when the man took her Into the bushes Tron the man released her the girl continued on to school and took part In school play and did not tell her mother about the incident until 330 The following dcscrIption was given to police man aged so to 40 with long black hair and unshaven iPolice Chief Ed Tschirhnrt today advised all parents to tell their children to go directly to and from school and to ad vise the pollcc department im mediater if incidents occur Injured Smash cs south of the Hayfield under Pm Mr Doyle was taken to ho pita suffering from multiple in juries consisting of fractured leg and undetermined internal injuries lt An exploratory operation was done immediately to detcnninQ the nature and extent of his his teroal injuries An OPP police car was diy patched to the Toronto blood blank to get le negative plaslt ma for tho injured man There were only three bottles of the comparatively rare blood type on hand at the hospital Mr Doyle was given 10 pints of blood during the night but hospital authorities said this morning that his condition silll critical The highway was snow cover and slushy when Doyles small German car went out of control and hit an abutment No official estimate Is avail able but the vehicle was dam aged extensively The accident was investigated by OPP Constable Robins of the Barrie detachment nanmahgnAI Commit Husband TORONTO CPI Annlol Puchalski was committed for trial Wednesday on charge of noncapital murder in the death Sept 27 of his wife Anna Pathologist Roderick Ross said It woman suffered fractured ull DYCKS FOOD MARKET lb Loan Hamburg Steak lb Link Sausage lb Wiener Sirloin and TBona Steak Rindlass Bacon Sub DYCKS FOOD MARKET ISO Collier St Phone PA 85339 For Delivery JANUARY DAY CLASS HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO BEGIN OUR COMPLETE BUSINESS DIPLOMA COURSE either with or without shorthand In our new day class beginning Wed Jan 1562 Be ready for better job with good pay by the end of May This course includes Type writing shorthand pld Calculations Bookkeeping Business Correspond Spelling and Writing once Filing Office Procedure Ros GET THE DETAILS NOW And Plan To Join Our New Day Class on January 3rd I962 66 TORONTO ST BARRIE DIAL PA 84781 OPEN 100 pm to 800 pun Sun Dec Mon Jan FEATURING Delectable full course dinner STEAKS TURKEY HAM CHICKEN with Salad and Dessert Her ADULTS $250 CHILDREN $125 Cull collectELMVALE 1364 for reservations TAIN CORAL GLEN DINING ROOM ENJOY THE LIGHTER SIDE OF LIFE WITH GOLDGREST GOLD CREST THE LIGHTER WHISKYIT Mme it WNrWMv Gold Crest sets the mood for pleasure For its matured 51 3K to bring out the light smoothflavour everyoneprcfers 59 So when its time to relaxenjoytho lighter side sgpagssa of life with Gold Crest the lighter whiskyl WA LKERS Rejoice He is born in Bethlehem We wish you and yours great peace and joy Closed Christmas BARRIE PAINT and WALLPAPER 109 Dunlap at PA was storalciosed at pm Saturday Docembcr 23 and will remain closed until January 1002 HIRAM WALKER Sr SONS LIMiTED WALKERVILLEJANADA DISTILLEIIS FINE WHISIIIES FOR OVER 100 YEARS