BRING CHEER TO PATIENTS Ililss Golle Carmichael Mrs Reach and welcoming scr geant SidneyRoach of Barrie Salvation Army pause on the INNISFIL NOTES steps of Royal Victoria Hospi tal before beginning their tour of the hospital words last night during which they dis FM 91 61 Council Adjourns Appoints New Clerk Dy ncs Reeve Charles Sproule and hls mot council faded out of the plcture about it oclock last inlgbt when motion was pass jed that they ndiourn sine die leaving all committees and ibusiness in the hands of the oificlnls until the inaugural mceting of the 1002 council on Mondoy inn From then ReeveEiect Joseph Cochrann iwlll pilot the township through two years of administration nusiNEss APPROVED Ono oi the largest financial statements that has ever been passed at one meeting was ap provcd by the present council Bwhcn finnnclnt chairman Coun joillor Mary Law presented her ycarend statement It totalled 523521020 and covered out standlng obligations up to the and of the year Itecvc Sproula stated that heretofore many of those pay aments were left over until the first meetings alter the new year breakdown of this statement will be given in ter issue One item not forgotten was 1593350 covering 15 meetings 30f members of council during Athe past three months Six of tthcse were regular while the vothers were special meetings slhe Barrie and District Colleg riatc Board is to receive 550673 $11201051 NEW CLERK Richard Groh 23 was at llciolly madc clerktreasurer of the township when bylaw was possed appointing him and some other officials previously not officially covered by bylaw Mr Groh was born and edu cated in Windsor where he ma trlculotcd from the Windsor Collegiate institute and is sin itle He came to innlsfil from the township of London and had previously been in the employ of the cit of London His ex perience London Township gave him good start in acr capting the position in Innlsfil which was as assistant to the clerktreasurer the late Allan ireten The death of Mr Ireton It GIIOII gand tho county levy will require short time after Mr Groh came to Innlsiil gave the as sistant an opportunity to show his ability and together with Miss Mary Sloan he took over the affairs of the township His ability in bringing all the loose ends into place satisfied coun cil that ho was the right man to take over officially Salary was not discussed and at present he is receiving the salary set for the work he came to handle It will be up to the incoming council to dccldc on the salary he will receive as to salaried official of the manic polity Asked how he came to hear about innlsiil Mr Groh said it was from chance remark made by friend who happen ed to know that innlsiil Was looking for replacement for former assLstant clerk John Gilbert who left to take posi tlon at Trafalgar Township Mr Groh is at present taking short course on municipal ni lairs by mail from Queens University N0 COMMENT Following the motion of ad iournment Rccve Sproulc wearing his blazer with the county crest was asked for any comments he cared to make but apparently he had no de sire to add anything to what he has already said Councillor Mrs Mary Law said she had no regrets about leaving the council Shorhad enjoyed the work and now her husband feels she should get job in order to keep busy Councillor William Gibbins who has completed seven years service is retiring to devote time to curling and will take life as easy as possible The meeting was attended by Councillorelect Jack Torrens who sat and listened to all the discussions from seat in the visitors section When the subject of the new building was being discussed on which Reeve Sproule had had abid of $300 for con ncctlng the wiring between the office building and the school Mr Torrens who is contrac tor stated he thought the price for too high Asking the reeves permis sion to speak he suggested it might be better to get overall bids from contractors on all the work to be done so that it would be known that the best and most economical plan had been adopted Councillor Msr Law said she was certainly not going to get into an argument again over the building and agreed that it be left for the incoming coun eil to dcal with An account was received irom the contractor who moved the school from Nleolson to Straud and placed it on the present site with foundation under it lho amount of 0145000 according to Councillor Glbblns was con siderably in excess quota tion received at the time of par chasing BARRIE trounce The Turkey Youll Enioy Most At CHRISTMAS Fresh Oven Ready 45 lb 50c llo Frec City Wide Delivery Call John Patterson At BARRIE BEAUTY runst FARM FA 68542 tributed gllts to all the pat tools The Armys band and choir sang Christmas carols in the lower halls of the hos pital Examiner Photo Holiday Closings By Local Banks Boxing Day observed as holiday in some communities and not in others will be bonkhoiidny in Barrie this year To compensate for the clas ing of banks on the day after Christmas the banks will open on Saturday Dec 23 from em to 11 am The day after New Years will be observed as holiday The question of whether the day after New Years and the day after Christmas would be holidays was causing some con fusion in banking circles across the country The situation as outlined by the Canadian Bank ers Association on Wednesday is follows if Boxing Day is observed as local holiday then banks will be open the Saturday before as in the case in Barrie If Boxing Day is not being observ ed as holiday banks will be closed as usual on Saturday and open normal hours on Boxing Day if the day otter New Years Tuesday Jan is being ob served as holiday locally then banks will open on Saturday be fore New Yoars It the banks remain open on the Tuesday at tcr New Years they will close Saturday as usual DEATHS Newmnrkct DuhMaj Ana tolo Pieregorodzkl 55 coach of the Canadian equestrian team which won gold medal in the 1050 PanAmerican Games Montreal Mrs Thiboudoau Itlnirct 79 wife of the iormer chief Justice of the supreme Court of Canada Badly damaged car Which hit abutment on Highway 400 yesterday was removed to Wreckers Driver Kenneth 1Doyle of Lindsay is in criti caleondltion at Royal Vic torlo Hospital DIES IN MACHINE OTTAWA CplRomeo Ber ube 25 of Points Gatineau Que was killed Wednesday night when ho was caught in an elevatorytype machine used to lower workers into sewer tun not on St Laurent Boulevard TEE BARRE EXAMINER THURSDAY DEC 21 III Man Is Charged With Mail Theft Robert John Thomas tem porary Christmas helper at the Barrie post office was charged today with theft from the mall Section 2985 of the Criminal Code specifies the charge again It anyone who steals anything sent by post after it is deposit ed at post allies and befor it Is delivered The section states that it is not necessary to prove on trial that anything in respect of Christmas was described as just one big headache from the time it starts until it fin lshcs by Thomas Kerr Fost inastcr of the Barrie Post Oil cc Mr Kerr estimated the total number of letters and cards to pass through the local post oli icc during the three week Christmas rui this year as bc ing 650000 Ilo post all of the Christmas cards ooehalt million two cent stamps have been bought from tho main post office alone said Mr Kerr He pointed out that there are also live subpost offices in the Bar rie area Seventy cxtra Christ mas employees were hired There seems to be how ler parcel mailing this year By THE CANADIAN PRESS winter checks in oiliclally to day and across Canada it brings the customary December miscellany of snow rain and cold For the shortest day of the yeartho exact moment of ar rival is 920 pm ESTtho weathermnns predictions indi cate widespread snow along the east coast cold in central and Prairie regions and rain on the west coast The coldest temperatures are forecast for Mayo in the Yukon where residents post poned childrens Christmas party Wednesday when the mercury hit 60 below zero Theyre waiting until it warms up to 40 below The British Columbia lower mainland was hit Wednesday by strong winds Gusts up to 20 miles an hour struck Victoria toppling signs power lines and trees Vancouver residents saw snow which fell earlier in the week turn to rain as warmer weather arrived Arctic air which hung over the three Prairie provinces Wednesday and plummeted the mercury 80 to 40 degrees below normal is expected to stay while in the western suction Con Danison AT THE CITY CAFE WE OFFER YOU THE VERY BEST IN DISHES COME IN TRY SOME Take out Service CITY CAFE 29 Dunlap St PA 60283 Linke with Canadian growth and one nose regress GASOLINES MOTOR OILS Hall Million Stamps Bought To Despatch Christmas Mail which the oilencc was commit ted had any value The charge was laid after an incident at the post office yes terday Complainant is Post master Iom Kerr Thomas will appear in Barrie magistrates court tomorrow It was learned by The Exem incr that only one item was in volved in the alleged thelt and the apprehension oi lbomu followed shortly after said lllr Kerr The only prob lem with this is that everyone seems to pick December 11 and It to mail them he said Despite Mall Early cam paign itir Kerr said people seem to mail little later this year because of Christmas loll ing on Monday The lit letter carriers on staff who are normally employed in side for latter sorting during the Christmas rush with some of the temporary help bearing the letters and packages to the homes are going out half days this year To balance the situ ation approximately 20 night sortcrs have been employed to work from 10 pm to 630am As soon as this Christmas is over we start planning for the hex Mr Kerr sighed and with it nearzero tempera tures in most of Alberta and Saskatchewan may warm up to 15 above in Manitoba the first day of winter is expected to bring milder weather In Winnipeg it has been below zero since Dec 17 Todays forecast high is five above Scattered snawfiurrios and slightly lower temperatures are predicted around the Great Lakes Southern Ontarios elu sive hopes for white Christ mas may risc but accumula tion is expected to be source high oi 20 to 82 is forecast for most of Southern Ontario Compiled By Flynn Asbestos Abitihl Aiaoma Still Ainmtnium Alberta Gil Atlas Etch Bk otniontraai Bank of N3 Boll Tel Drlllllan Dali Oil ILC Power Cdn Bit of Com can arewariu CPR Dora The maulits Likes Glt Pow Horn PIL Home 011 on In Ascot inland Canoda Cement mm mm Can Chemical Can on Can Min 555m can Consumers Girl on Sell ststt lIc Pewali Nonndl an Gunnar gigipHcatb ms Hoillnlor Con bat an 710 KerrAddison IO lelqua 41 Long Lao a1575 Mumsis iu any Can Hall Sullivan Falconbridfln Geeo biincl Nonnntal Opemllkl Industrial up BG Goldl down 09 luxury Iiicwel Watches Set with Genuine illsde lheyzfsll otYovr toys An The Tires MsksJisrdemond drums WITH THE NEW BULOVA prion alert at on slowing the at tho diamonds All this plus Bulovl quality and accuracy truly nunnoi combination yawn cherish for aiwlye Preferred Credit REEVES JEWELLERS LTD 7H DUNLOP ST Fomolll Plly Harden Farms It Hudson any Min imp Tobacco lnterprov PI Jockey Club Itillsoy Ford Sit EASYVIII OWN WWII 5i WEEKLY Members of the Montreal Canadians hockey club visited childrens hospital and had to via with Santa Claus for the childrens attention Do 101 Man Winter Arrives With Snow Cold And Rain Montreal and southern Que bee expect the snow that started falling Wednesday to continue today Six inches ac cumulated by Wednesday night will be preserved by Megrce weather Nova Scotlans are looking out on on even foot of snow in the Annapolis Valley and more snowflurries are expected Snow blanket most of the Marl times with an average two to four inches across southern ltilcw Brunswick and Nova Sco Cape Breton Island and Prince Edward Island escaped the brunt of the storm TODAYS STOCK PRICES 03 Dunlop St Barrie modsrout Darn Found Dom Store Nor our NG Moors Corp Oshawa laciilc rau Pom Pipe Que Nut GII Bo Itothrnanl litle Dank RioAllom Sllldl Shirrtil aim son Sta lard steel of can Steinber Tor Dom BK Trim Can PI Trans Mt rm Traders Fin Texaco Union GII WIIItIr new 05 10 Pro 12 Riv MINING Quomant Sher nnrdon steep ltoek United 011 Venture WIerV FIVE MOST ACTIVE STOCKS Bell Telephone Copper Rand len Duiuult Massoy Farm Wiltsfly DDWJONBS NEW YOItIt AVERAGE Industrlpll down 10 Ralll up 07 Utlllticl down 39 rnRoNrn sroco EXCHANGE INDEX MetsLs down 44 011 up 31 DIAMOND DREAM llauIslllly same In All hold Iwn Inlmmuinl channel 17 lowll III lint or while 39 DIAMOND DIIIAM Till list all COME SEE OUR COMPLETE BULDVA DIAMOND WATCH COLLECTION The gorgeous dulln of the watch matonu DIAMOND I1 rmrs is iial fl imi in 5115 PA ID ionccman Lou Fontlnato signs an autograph book for WEATHER Synopsis disturbance mov ing rapidly eastward from Illon tone is expected to bring snow to southom and central Ontario by Friday afternoon and to the northern regions by rid ay evening Lake St Clair Lake Erie Ni agara Lake Ontario regions Windsor Hamilton nto Cloudy today and Friday Scat tered light snowtlurrles followed by snow Friday afternoon little colder today little mit der Friday Winds northwestcrly 15 to 20 today light tonight be coming southcasterly 20 to 25 Friday afternoon Lake Huron southern Georg ian Boy regions London Cloudy today and Friday Occasional snowtlurrles followed by snow Friday afternoon little colder today little milder Friday Winds northwesterly 15 to 20 to day light tonlgh becoming southeasterly 10 to 25 Friday afternoon Hailburton region Variable cloudiness becoming with snow Friday evening Col der winds westerly 15 to 20 becoming light tonight and southeastcrly 15 to 20 Friday afternoon Northern Georgian Bay Tim agaml regions North Bay Sud bury Variable cloudiness be coming cloudy with snow Fri day afternoon cold Winds northwesterly 15 becoming light tonight and southerly 20 to 25 Friday afternoon Sault Ste Marie Algoma re gion Cloudy with scattered snowllurries followed by snow beginning Friday in log Cold today milder Friday Winds light today southeastorly 20 to 25 Friday Cochrane regio Cloudy to day and Friday Light snowtlur rles ioliowed snow Friday evonln cold Winds northerl TRAIN soaps SANTA VERSUS FONTINATO bedridden patient as Santa looks on FORECAST is becoming light tonight and easterly 15 lo 25 Friday Forecast temperatures tonight and high Friday Windsor 20 St Thomas London Kitchener Wlnfliam Hamilton St Cathari Toronto Peterborough Trenton Klllaloo Muskoka North Bay Sudbury Earlton Knpuskasing White River Moosoneo Low 40 40 IS 35 35 35 35 85 30 82 25 23 22 22 20 25 16 YOUR CHRISTMAS PORTRAIT INTRODUCTION OFFER Free 8x10 Portrait with Each sitting CAMERA CRAFT STUDIO Fred Grant St rs ssm PINGPONG TABLE consensus wrra sass Axaxli onlyl$498 famous over earns 130 am to 530 pm Eat to loan to SPACEMASTER FOLDING DOORS Made by the manufactur ers of the Internationally Modcrofnld doors 2an priced from only $2000 AuAquts tumour ondIFUEL C0 sssa no an asset