UTOPIA By MES ALLEN MILLER Wishing Examiner readers everywhere Very Merry Christmas and Peaceful Hap py New Year Mrs llcCawn Mrs Arthur Dobson and hirs Vi ian hchawn ed days Christmas shopping in Toronto week Mr and Mrs Ncil Dcmpster eat Sunday evening with the race Millers Mr and Mrs Bruce Miller were guests of Mrsond Mrs John Ellis Sophia Street Barrie for the stall Christmas party Saturday night Mr and Mrs Gilbert llic Master were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Garnet McMaster Barrie Saturday evening There were ll tables of en chre players out Thursday night with the following winning priz es Gentlemen low hands Dr Murdock Barrie with ladies lone hands Mrs Maynard mens high score Nell MorrLs with 91 ladles high score Mrs utcbiason with 9i consolation rises Mary McMaster and Paul McBride By MRS WILLIAM GOLLOP FO and Mrs Brown lcy were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Franklin Higgin son Mr and Mrs Franklin Higgin Ion railed on Mrs Jock Jennett and Mrs Winyove at the Royal Victoria Hospital last Week Little Cathy ngginson had birthday party lust week Mr and Mrs Trunx of Hamilton visited with Mr and Mrs Louie Truck and ilir and Mrs ll Brownley FO and Mrs Brown iey and twins were weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Brownley Mr and Mrs Eric Robinson andfamily of Grimsby were Mr and Mrs Willier Dobson and Mr and Mrs Franklin Hig ginson attended teachers Christmas party at Camp Ear dcn last week Mrs Depster Mr and Mrs Sandy Dcmpstcr Mr and Mrs Neil Dempster and Billy were Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs John Mason Mr and Mrs Herman Jcnnett Mrs Jack Ellis and Mrs Earl Hirons visited with Mr and rs Jack Hiroas Scarborough on Sunday The Utopia United Church was well pleased with the many giits received on White Gift Sunday The Sunday Sehoolpup ils also did very well at tak ing over the service Mrs Jack McCann and Daw son spent the weekend with Mrs McCannl parents Mr and hlre Albert Dawson of Ban ne llir and Mrs John Mason spent Thursday in Hamilton Mrs Arnold Muir was at her cousins Dick Vaseys wake in Midland Friday Twelve members were present at the WA meeting held at the home of Mrs Frank Higginsna The members also exchanged their Christmas gifts at this meeting Glad In report that Mrs Don ald Melliaster returned home last week from the Toronto General Hospital andls doing very well CBEEMORE By EIEATT Mrs George Ransler returned to her home in Creemore Fri day imm the Toronto General Hospital where she underwent surgery Mr and Mrs Ron Barton who have occupied an apartment at Ken Mitchells for the past two years moved to home in Angus this week Mrs William Vilier is pat lent at the Collingwood hospital Your correspondent wishes at this time to extend Seasons Greetings to the Barrie Exam iner and its staff To the local subscribers and delivery carrier very Happy Christmas and Prosperous New Year The local post office is the busiest spot in town these days Miss Lemmon has added Mrs Olive Coates Miss Wilkinson and Mrs Jamieson to her staff for the holiday rush Mr Jack Parker was the lucky winner of two turkeys at the turkey draw at the bingo held Thursday night Another lo cal man Hus Beliinger won one the other seven went to winners from outside points Mr RanBarton is patient at the General and Marine Hospital in Callingwood Mr Bob McKnight of Ux bridge is the new accountant at the TorontoDominion Beak re placing Mr Gordon Wanner Mr Stan Egslcton is leaving this week to spend Christmas with his son and daughterin lnw Mr and Mrs Clifford Eggieton and family at Cay uga Mr Orrie Bayer had the mis fortune to slip on some ice and fracture his hip and is now patient of the Coiling wood hospital We wish him speedy recovery Mr and Mrs Proifitt and family who have been residing in the former Dr Smith home for the past two years have moved to Angus COOKSTOWN By DAVEKEN ANDERSON Mr and hire McFad den ol Tomato visited on the weekend with Air Mel McFad den hir 1nd Mrl Waiter Writh of Oak Ridges visited Saturday with Mr and Mn William Ri ley Mrs Bill Newdead of Toronto spent Saturday with her par ents Mr and Mrs Archie Cur ne Mrs Mildred Good and fri end of Hamilton visited Sun day with her sisters Miss Can rie Marling and Mrs Minnie Cooper Captain and Mrs Drew nan and Susan of Alliston and Mr and Mrs Les Harris and fondly of Alllstoa were guests oi Mr and Mrs Donald Monk man on Sunday when their in fant daughter Katharine Elaine was baptised Mr Gordon Donnelly of Ros port is visiting with his moth er Mrs Alice Donnelly Mr and Mrs Alrth of Tomato visited on the weekend with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs Airth The winners of the Legion Christmas Fowl Draw were Turkey Mr Wailte of Brant ford Chickens Mr George Sharpe and Mr Doug Hopper The proceeds of this draw went towards the annual Log loo Christmas Party CHARTER FOR BOY 5001115 group of parents held meeting Thursday evening Dee ember 14 in the Cookstown Le gion Hall about ReCharterlng of First Cookstown Boy Scout Troop The acting chairman was Mr Fred Rogerson and acting secretary was Mr Emery Baa singthwaltc The guest speaker for the ev ening was Mr Cousins of Toronto who spoke on the Re chartering of First Cookstown Scout Troop Nominations were held for the Group Committee Mr Fred Rogerson was nominated by Mr William Gadseupand Mr Don Barrett Mr Dave McMast er nominated by Mr George Farts and Mr Fred Rogerson Mrs Dugald Campbell was nom inated by Mr Dave McMaster and Mr William Gadsen Added to this Group Commit too are to be two members sp poiated from each church pre ferably members who are in terested in the Boy Scout move ment Mr Dove MeMaster spoke on behalf of the Legion and the rechartering of the troop form was completed and turned over to Mr Dave MeMastcr for tr ansmission to regional headqu on CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS AND CHRISTMAS TREES BEZZANT NURSERIES 69 Johnson St PA 670247 GIFTS FOR HER LA DE BONNAIRE Hair Styling Studio 168 Napier St CHRISTMAS SPECIALS $10 PERbe or 51250 PERMS $10 $15 PEEMS $1250 TEENAGERS $550 PA 82693 BILL LEBOEUF JEWELLERS DIAMONDS Cash Credit Layaway No interest or carrying charges 52 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 83343 GIFTS FOR HIM MACKS MENS WEAR 33 DUNLOP ST WEST PA 89641 Sweaters $395 up Good selection of viyella socks $150 INQUIRE ABOUT OUR CONVENIENT ECONOMICAL WEEKLY RATE GIFTS FOR HIM GIFTS FOR FAMILY Smith Rutter FURNITURE Free Christmas Turkey With 875 Purchase 137 Dunlap St 60245 PA 60246 Cedar Chests $4950 Table Lamp Shale $2495 SERVICE SAVINGS SATISFACTION BARRIE Stomp Coin l7 Bayfield Si Buy Him Catalogue for Christmas or Good Album STAMPS COINS Do Ask About Our Very Reasonable Giulide Rates JACKSONS DEPT STORE isarries Most Famous House of Bargains OUR MONO IS SATISFACTION OB CASH MONEY REFUNDED somersva son EVERYONE1N THE FAMILY Top Quality Rock Bottom Prices DIAL PA was 59 DUNLOP ST BARRiE ONT STENNICKS JEWELLERY 127 DUNLOP ST 17 Jewel Watches $1495 and up Also Misc Gifts DOGS PETS FREE Christmas Trees with every puppy purchased from our kennels EASSET HOUNDS IOODLES IDACHSHUND OR have fun bring your children to select and cut the tree of your choice$1 Beasleys Turkey Ranch Royal View Kennels miles north of Barrie on Highway 27 PA 89722 mere The charter will remain in the Legion Hall Mr Rogcnon gave vote of thanks to the Legion for the use of their ball it is requested that more par ents who are interested in the Scout movement attend meetings MANITOBA 10068340 33 On Tuesday evening Decemfr or 12 the officers of Manitoba lodge No 236 were installed by Bro Albert Gllroy and Part Master for 1962 Bro George Fry Bro Jar Pearson Bro lennox Rowe Bro Lawrence Copeland Chap Bro Frank Hougbton treasurer Bro Hop per secretary Bro Arnold Em Erie Dun can BroHarold Met caif of Bro Les Smith Hm Arnold Bro Mel Money Bro Charles Reid Tyler Bro John Honghton An excellent banquet was served in the banquet room with many visitors present BOWLING CLUB Team Standings Pin Busts ter Late Lena Nicholson 59 Bean Pots Doris MeKillican 46 Silver Bullets lira Wilson 44 Happy Gang Mel Bray man 38 Hopefuls Dee Gt burn as High singles men Dan Dan gers 247 ladies Ruth Pinkoey High triples men Joe Dun Can 663 ladies Ruth Pinkney 567 High averages men Bill 50401 191 ladies Ruth Pinkney Desm scores high singles Silver Bullets ms hlgh tripl es Silver Bullets 3485 WHITE GIFT SERVICE White Gift Service was held at the Cookstown Presbyterian Church Sunday December 17 The gifts were presented at this service by the members of the congregation and the Sab bath School These gifts will be sent to Evangel Hall the Pres byterian Mission in Tomato to help bring Christmas cheer to urine at our less fortunate fri en PRESBYTEBIAN CONCERT The Cookstown Presbyterian Church and Sabbath School held their annual Christmas Concert in the Cookstown Town all on Saturday evening December 16 The evening started with pot luck supper followed by carol singing by the Junior Chair led by Choir Leader Mrs Mary Church The Sabbath School members presented Musical Playette en htled The Snow Man Lead ing parts were taken by Doris Graham and Ann Reive sup ported by all the Junior mem bers of the Sabbath School un der the direction of Mrs Ch flhWendy Breyman and Lynn Solos were given by Marsha Robilard and Coleen Barrett Recitation by Mrs class The senior class did comedy based on The Night Be fore Christmas in pantomine Narration by Wallace Cu rrle Players Pat Church Mary Sheisweii Margaret Mel Pam Dugdale Donna Hughes Lynn Smith and Wendy Bray man The for the evening was Mr Mel Brayman assisted by Terry Dugdale and Larry Broiley The program ended with visit from Santa Claus with gifts and candies for all Protect Quebec Integrity QUEBEC CPlGuy Poullat president of the Quebec section of Le Raisembiement pour 11 dependence Natlonale Que bec separatist group said Wed nesday the Quebec government must protect the integrity of our national territory when it negotiates with the Newfound land government for establish ment of boundary between Quebec and Labrador Mr Pouiiot said in pre pared statement the Quebec government must not accept any agreement that would dim inish Quebecs territory He was commenting on the QuebeerLabrador border centre versy Mr Pouiiot quoted Newfound land Premier Smnllwond as saying more than $700000000 had been invested in develop ment of Labrador during the last it years and the Newmund land government expected min ing capacity to reach 40000000 tons annually within the next five arr The nassemblemeht believes Newfoundland should be pre natural rsaurces Mr Pouliot said ceacnns CHOSEN MOBILE Ala lAIlaCohches for the lsth annual Senior Bowl Alister football game Jan were named Tuesday Weeb Ewbttttlt of Baltimore Colts wlll returnfor his third year As much of the Southerners and will coach the Yanks ers Betty Coburn e1 Bet vented from exploiting Quebcs Strongly TORONTO CPI The re view lune of new Canadian magazine dedicates itself to Canadafirst policy and backs upthepledgewithumeaol copy on mntroverrinl national issues ranging from defence to commercial television The pilot issue of The Cana dian now on the newsstands lo slickpaper Journal of busi ness and national affairs with crisp format liberally illusc treted The first regular monthly issue is phoned for late February and the publish ers hope for In initial circula tion of 50000 copies The magazine edited in Tor onto and printed in Montreal was launched by Continental Industrial Holdings Limited of Calgary Continental holding com pany for several independent oil and gas enterprises In con trolled by Toronto financier Percy Bishop its executive consists largely of men who hold office in the Alberta So MONTREAL Chui Lainamalhruyearold orphan from Hong Kong or rived by air Tuesday night the first Child admitted to Canada for adoption plnposes She was met It Montreals la texnational Airport by her new parents Mr and Mrs Ros Mark of suburban Boacoasficld and the couples seven year old son Gerry The Marks are Canadians of Chinese descent Montreal welfare official said she is hopeful Chul Lais arrival will clear the way for similar adoptions The little girl emerged from the plane wearing red satin jacket blue cord slacks and white woolen cap IDNDON CP lhe Times sees the gum of nationalism in the pleas made by President Grant McConachie of Canadian Pacific Airlines for rights to fly singers across the North At In arguing nominally for Lore competitive system Mr McCooechle has advanced what are in effect nationalisticpoiots which would not give the tra veller gr freedom to choose the airline which served him best says the independent newspaper in an editorial The paper says McOonachie in his latest esdpeeoh again vigor ously claim part in the transatlantic trade with Britain without ostensibly mling out co operation with the pu OTTAWA CDSome decen tralization is afoot in the agri culture research program to assess the impact of radioactive fallout on farm produce Other targets are to train more personnel in gauging where fallout concentrates in cereals milk meat or potatoes and how its harmful effects can be reduced Such work done on cereals in the past by the department of national health and welfare and welfare and atomic scientists at Chalk River 0nt is being switched to the Winnipeg labo rotary of the board of grain commissioners said Dr Woodward assistant direc tor generai of the agriculture de partments research program directorate Dr Anderson at Win nipeg will test grain samples from across the country and it has been recommended that he be supplied with the analytical equipment necessary to build up solid foundation of informa tion Dr Woodward said Torn Lndry of Dallas Cowboys Lai Kwan Plies To Vancouver First Immigrant For Adoption Sees Nationalism In Canadian Plea Canuck cill Oedit League laymans arm of the provincial govern ment Mr Bishop purchased Satur day Night and Liberty maga zines to August He said The Canadian would operate Sept ratcly from his other mass zines at first Editor of the new monthly is Arthur Iowa Social Credit can didate for Tomato Eglintnn in the next fetich election The magazine medium pas losses exciting intimacy and should be utilized to produce much needed national spirit the editor says The Canadian wishes to be known as con Iervatlve but not complacent Ipixavocative but not irruponll An editorial in the preview to one says Canada is drifting blames the government for piling up taxes on enterprise attacks government by the professional class and lug gests businessmen could do more effective lab in Ottawa Her flight from Vancouver she found entertaining pert CPA stewardess Lult cie laecuyer of Montreal sang French Canadian folk songs for her She thought they were funny said an airlines spolcer man Mr Mark Is mechanical enlt Encor and his wife on obstetri an Chul Lei was found aban doned in Hong Kong when she was live days old The couple started adoption proceedings more than your I80 At their home they set up Christmas tree with gifts for the girl owned TransCanada Air Lines But he has attacked the pooh ing arrangement whereby the traffic is di ed on 505i ba sis with Dn sh Overseas Air Corporatio The Times adds that when CPA first made its claim the Canadian government supported it The Britishgovernment how ever refused landing rights to the privatelyowned airline The matter is to be discussed again soon by the British and Cana dian governments Earlier this month Transport Minister lean Balcer said the interest of ms and can ill not be served if in addi ti to competing with foreign carriers they are competing sch other Department Spreads Search To Assess Impact Of Fallout The impact of Russian atmos pheric tests shown in figures released Tuesday to be declin ing in Canada was nil or ex cedineg small on this years cereals crop eie ists say since the harvest was over when the tests started What happens next year de pends on the extent of delayed fallout Yet More Houses To Begin Walker OTTAWA CF Public Works Minister Walker revised his forecast of this years hous lng accomplishments upwards today to 125000 housing units started The figure compam with 106 one housing starts last year and 182000 to the record yearrlsso ills roman last September was 120000 starts in lsof WWWAYDECZLM 15 NDP Chief Douglas Is Claiming Erratic Leadership In Ottawa MONTREAL CPI In Douglas national leader of the New Democrch Party says Canada is facing prospects of declining interna tional trnde under govern ment that is confined and un decided about wbatlto do He said national planning in the key sectors of the economy effecting employment invest ment and the purchanng power of the people will be necessary to ensure the future welfare of Canada To prevent Canada from los ing its vital international trade he said there must be efforts to lower tariff barriers and seek some form of association with the EItropian Common Market Mr Douqu rejected the idea that hm wage country like Canada necessarily prices lt sell out of the world market look at the United States and West Germany he said They have not exactly been squeezed out oi the vmrld mar kets They owe their strong competitive position to their high technical skills and pm ductlve capacity Ours if we are to have one must rest on the same bass Earlier nlesday Mr Douglas told press conference lndia has made serious mistake in resorting to force to settle its dispute with Portugal Mr Douglas said he expects the next federal election to be held in either June or October of next year Mr Douglas said reports of Quebec reaction to the founding of the NDP have been en couraging and indicated that the party would be Justified nominating candidates in Que gee for the next federal nice on Maybe Santas In Your Collar or the attic With Ixtru Christmas Cash for You Bicycles at Doll Buggies Fur Coats Typewriters Skates Games and many other items are WANTEB by Examiner Want Ad Readers if you have any of the abovementioned items or anything you no longer use why not sell them last for cash with an Examiner Family Want Ad You may help make childs Christmas happy one and help yourself as well Dont delayphone in your Family Want Ad tomorrow to sell any on wanted articles Want Ads accepted up to 530 day before publication You Can Advertise Your Items insertions only $360 GET FAST RESULTS liace YourlNanf Ad Phone all IIIo Barrie Examiner FAMILY WANT AnsI actuarial2415 Servingthe Needs and Wants of Barrloond District