HelpSanta Sell Those Not Needed Items ran mania EXAMINER niunsmr use m1 REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTHS uuuuu Rn Vlb lnrln liospllal 511119 on nrcuioy December I9 1961 In Mr and at Alvin Hubbcrt nil Bari1c drughlrr ruler for loulrc and Timmy PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS of the Blessed Event can be announced to your friends and relatier for only 5150 Just telephone PA Molt EATHS wiurcsmc Passed rwy at on home not Concession Townmlp or our on Vcdncrdly December 10 mi William Al hen wniicsldc beloved husband of Isabel Prtrruan nnd our in tllcr oi nor can Iilin cordon smith iirr orlc lurr Lorne Morrison Re In nnd Velmo him John collouxncrl In his sird year Resting It nio home until noon Priory Dcccmbrr 21 ser vlcc in St Andrcwr church AI llrion at pm lnlcrment Allis ton llnlon Cemetery Casket will rcrnoln open In the church iron pm until commencemcnl of service COMING EVENTS slrooma MATCH for drvsséd ducks Saturday December 11 noon shotguns only snciir rup plied Harry FrIch Mincrlng nn lltghwy no Phone hilneslnl It Bus Driver Sings Signs NIAGARA FALIS Ont CP Niagara Falls singing school bus driver who wroteChrist mas songs in school basement and song them to pupils in the bus has signed recording contract with Toronto music company George Bailey guitarstrum rr bus driver and caretaker at Niagara Falls Victoria School has already recorded two Christmas songs with group of Buffalo NY instru mentalists The discs are being played on Canadian radio sta tinns Before recording the songs Mr Bailey tried them out on the pupils They liked them He also entertained regularly at Home and School Association meetings Bailey wrote the words for both songs in the school base ment between caretaking du ties Music for one was written by the school board music di rector in suburban Stamford George Hannahson Titles of the two songs are Happy Happy Christmas Day and Christmas Bells are Ring ing If thcy are popular with Canadas disc jockeys and their radio audiences Mr Balley wants to roiecord them for wi der distribution next Christmas Only 1000 discs were cut this year BARONS SUMMON AID CLEVELAND AP Cleve land Barons of the American Hockey League Tuesday called up Bob Forhan from their Greensboro NC farm club in the Eastern League to replace injured Dick Van Impe Van Impe suffered strained liga ment on the inside of his right knee Sunday in game against Providence Reds and is ex pccted to be out for at least three games CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed andclassificd adver tisements are inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times so per wnrd for three four or five times and Woo per word for or more insertions 10addi tional diarge if not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 961 EUR TA WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS oa CORRECTIONS Advertiser reminded that on phonn inrcruon ordcll urn occe pd us convenience to you Lira advertiser Tnnrerorn cbo Classlilcd Advertising noparcmcni requires all advertisers to kindly rcnheclr choir advertisement lmmcdirtcly liter first insertion in order out any mars or omirsidm mo be reported More ur in order that same may bu rcclldcd tor inc allowing days Lnsutlpn order Wu wish to nineout Lbri The er Is responsible or only can incorrectly printed maroon on any ndvcrurcmcni Epuoihenxnnlg tihlcn cxlcni or Volvo tbs mlsprlnt Errors which do not lessen the voids or this ndvorilsc man or not eligible or corr can by makn gondL Coming Events so per word minimum charge $151 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words so per word extra In Memoriam No tices $150 if verso used 3E9 vnrd extra BLIND inrnn REPLIES IMUIIIJBLIHD rsgnrdlng Idvcrtlserl using nlind Letter Box Numbers for Replies ls held strictly conï¬d cntlal Replies to Latter Box will bu held only to days after last day of publication Classified advertisements and notices for these pages must he received by pm daypre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classiï¬ed Display rndvcrtlscmcnts which must bu in by 1200 noon preceding day lulu slid typs clyico lnl rcml jnlrplay clrulnodr may be ob lllloulh Till hlmlnsr Id Vlrtlllnl duplrtmonh Birds Examiner PROPERTY FOR SALE ROS REAL huts unuxzn Tinm mm wall CALL DAY on EVENING PA 82379 is be iii In homo and putrid Roll ism Baud OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY ERII ESTATE SALE 100 acres of level clay loam situated on good road near Stnyner mom brick holise conveniences Burn Implement shed largo chicken house Ask Ing price is $14000 with 94000 down As this estate must be settled offers to purchase will be considered Mrs Eleanor Maw Oscar Bales HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER srnm PHONE PA some 103 VANCOUVER Located in the east end of Barrie among otherlovely brick homes Three bedrooms Features large beautiful bright kitchen Walk in garage to basement Owncr transferred Offers quick poss ession if needed NRA terms Cull Rita Scondrctt EVDIINGs CALL RITA SCANDllm PA was DOROTHY VIIKJOX PA out PERCY FORD PA Mylo EMERer SWAIN PA dslod lilomhcr or home and District And Ontario Rcal Erintn Bands Keith MARSHALL Realtor and Business Brokers 15 CLAPPEETDN ST BARRIE hioullEPA moo FRANK WPA Mass OFFICEPA 32592 Member of Barrio and District Real Estrtn pnrrd CARSON Al 45A DUNLOP ST Next door tn tho Imprrill Thank PA 66481 hlcmhcr of Borrlo and District Rodi Eslrtc nonrd MOVING For complete moving service saferand easier Call COOKE CARTAGE C7 STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES AGENT 43 Essa Rd Barrie PArkway 85575 Want To Buy That Home This Year Look in the Classified Pages on December 27th for our special page of bargains MOVING Dont forget to transfer your INSURANCE and if you need extra coverage of any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 61801 OR PA 61802 113 Dunlop St EIGHT ROOM House for shl= fully modem 22 ncrcs or good land Close to Camp burden and Alllston $5750 with $750 down or $5000 cash Telephone 574911 BUS OPPORTUNITIES Two BEDROOM Housc for rent with attached beauty salon Pm 1y coulpped Located on Centre Street Angus Garage also includ ed Reasonable rent Telephnno BE c5117 MONEY T0 LOAN PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Pay em off with lowcost lifeinsured seem PLAN LDAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA MORTGAGES Immediate IST AND 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS Unlimited private funds avail able for any type of dwelling or construction anywhere Free consultation No Obligation CALL PA 60981 MORTGAGE FUNDEIGI 129 Dunlop St East OVEI SIMPSONSSEARS WANTED First Mortgage 511100 to upmplctn now home In Angus now rubdlvlslnn erth Box 10 522 nuvs well secured second mortgage ethanol hearing Inten cii an moi due In ovayour ROGERS REAL our DUNLOP PROPERTY FOR SALE CONNELL TORS mmm First in Barrio Borne ShinForemost to Quality of Sonics PA 85568 EVENINGS CALL III MOOREPA lln ROGERSPA $3531 TRUNK LINES com 16 CONNflJoPA If mumsuaansrplsraicrmhmnnaom CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 fllGH STREET BARBIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 60141 ucmnor oi In norm acrl mm nous smith emphcuPA uses Peril11 GarveyIA am Join hagPA Hm Chullu RoddPA mu CORBY Phone PA $2418 ABEL MARSHALLPA H430 Norman DUNLOP ST 60 of Value Evening clo Louxtln PA W45 norm shouwcu Oro 2711 MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE NO BONUS Payments insured against accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST BARRIE PA solos MORTGAGES1st and 2nd ooughL sold and unused Commercial Ind residential nonn Iclncd on existing mortgpagu Irrlii Mort lingo Emilrs mu RENTALS Low Cosr sPACB or rent Cicna modern bulldlnn suitlilo or commerclrl nr 11th lnduitrlol Tolephono PA 66575 NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN NURSING HOME nuilr tor thlr work Sliml and private rooms kind mining core gnod food TV moms station wa znu iorouilnls Telephone mu siroud OFFICES STORES RENT BROKER aiunrci dmmYPA 6638 REAL ESTATE BROKER First Mortgage hiindsAvaiIable Interest Howrd Norm PA REAL ESTATE 98 Dunlop St COREYPA um SheIsweII PA 89961 PA 68742 No Fees Charged CIII Jock Wiiiron PA Hell Norman Shlhwell Pit 39961 $546 RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT ANGUS Falll room housu with bath unturnirhcd Milli to at kohortlou tulaphonn Noll AvnIIIhlu lmmcdlnloly Molian three room bunglow close to ichoolr rnd our ciop 01 around For further pmiculm telephona PA um aftrr FUILleiilzn novel or rent Modern two hcdrooms oil lidted Avllllbla or January and Febru ary only lcicphono PA on LARGE nominal hosted on rncnl now nvnilnhle Central oni plcicly selfcontained Ample rial gigu monthly Phone PA mumsmtp our room rall conlnlncd apartment for rent fluted Tclo hone PA Mail after 510 for In or information Two BEDROOM hutcd apartment in modcrn triplex $85 monthly Closo id rcbnnls and stores North cut end Avullrhln Juriqu Tnlcphnnu PA 89201 UNFURNISIIED hcnicd mom for rent Pour rooms 111 sunporch mo nun overloo nil llkc Control location Avdumo how Telephone PA 85082 pm rpm Office Space Large or small office space conveniently located downtown on Collier St Hot water heat ing adequate windows provid in natural ventilation and lighting Private washrooms Contact Slessor 19 COLLIER ST PHONE PA 85934 APTS HOUSES TO RENT ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apart ments complete with stove and refrigerator Use of washer and dryer Redecorated annually PA 61068 $75 MONTHLY Heated five room unfurnished apartment downtown location private entrance Available at once TELEPHONE PA 83588 Two ubnllaonr Mobuc Horn for rent sully cqul ped Lucnlcd lso hurton Avc Tn npboue PA iisood or PA 61249 Two BEDROOM Apartment New retrlgcrntnr and stovc washer and dryer New building ivUnqu 1m mcdiotely Telcpbonn PA 152 THREE noolll Apartment rcpt private hrih refrigerator and stove overlooking lukc lai mediate Passssslnn No children golï¬ng PA 32516 ror lurthcr lol LIVE in LUXURY New rpnclour ultramodern live room apurunchls with rtovc nnd rcrrlgernlor op rindl Tclcphonn PA lusts or PA 89d57 evenings mar nooM sell contained apartment with stovc Ind rcirlg erator Plenty or parking space Available lmmcdioiely East end locallon Tolepbonn PA 51093 PIleslmn winterized coltgs for not at Miamis Point 355 par month Locnlcd about two blocks from the bench Telephnno PA Mail for further details Timon nooili unnunirncn but cd apartment to rope Sellcori tallied separatn entrance sss prr month Available immediately Telephone PA mm or PA oasis Two cozy chrnn room fum uhcd heated apartmcnu none rusonuble Applf Cnlghurst Gea crrl star or to append PA cosIs for further dctnlls oresn oopnox Torrent Flva rooms and min Private entrance Selfcontained Heated No objec Egg to ono child Telephono pA NEW THREE Bedroom Ranch ston house Gang and procra wcy oil heutcd All mndcm con vnnicnccs ram miles south or Strnud or nidnwoy ii rclopbhno 73ml slmud new lionsrm two bedroom cpnrimcnt Living room kitchen huthrooui and laundry room with use or drycr personole not Telephone PA 615 or Author Iniormnilon TWO unnnuom Apartment ror rcpt upper floor completely pri vatc Contra location Hot water hcried unrgc iiondy to rchnol Available Decclnber ll PA oTosz after pm Two nannouhi unturnlshed and incut in modem npnrcmcnc bull ing in ascend ncrrlgcrntor stovc heat water storage ark inp and laundry acllltics vall able now Telephone PA Mm OVERLOOKING this boy and Do lnlonShopplng Contrc Two bed om unfurnished mmcnt all Igclllucs in new prlex Avail nbic January Tcluphope PA 5054s NEW MODERN centrally located twn cdroom upnrtnicnt cur rent Refrigerator stnvs Ind laundry tncllltlcr Available Immediately smitor rcrvice Teluphonn PA 66092 or flirthcl WormMun noun ROOM Apartment tu hsth unfurnished stovu nnd rc rrlgerntor su plied Cantully lo outed No dreu Avoilnblc iiu medlstely For turthcr lnlorma tton telephone PA MIMI ub goth UNFURNISIIED upstairs moat three rooms prlvutu Central location 011 hunted Pri vote no water Irnk ln privoio homono othcr tenants Availv chic now Telephonl PA solsl NEW LARGE Apartments or rent In new apartment building On and two bedrooms Stove and re mgentor laundry facilities rup plied Queen Strep ml PA cools alter pm Two BEDROOM Bungalow for rent Tastefully decorated Oll heat Aluminum storms and screens All conveniences Writ Box 53 Barrie Eximlncr or phone VA 74800 Onklec NEW AND Modern one HG two bedroom apartments overlooklul rccnio Kcmpenielt day But wu ter uktni uid Ilnltor servch tucld ed Auinmnuc wubinr to CIIILIIS PA Will also nannooni Apartment Owen and Grove streets iron Ampld storage parking laundry room with dryer Avatlablc Johnny Telephone PA osssl or PA 34433 or PA cum mumsm one and two hud rnom warmlenti hcated Ceptrul ly located Kitchen with builtIn nupboaldl Rent as monthly and up Telephone PA 81430 utter 630 pm PA 33695 wanna ROOM ground floor rpm rhenr ceprrutc ontrunco And both best an plied aloud to rcbool Also ea room modernly dc corntcd rraocnt with nlusuy Each uvainbld December Tole phohc PAoowi Punlvlsirnu Apartment rulirhlo ror two bnslncss or professional women Two bedroom living room kitchen with buIIHn cup bnnrdo Frigidaer rinvelaud re rrircrnlor Dishes cutloly boat light and water ergc attic for stornvc Loss than five minuier walk downtown or collerlric nhd public rohool Telephona PA assoc ROOMS TO LET SPECIAL CHRISTMAS ma oudr CHRIETMAE mallsl Spruce and ACCORDION for In Accordions 13351 BUY hr pruned Scotch Pins RENTALS ROOM BOARD MAIY tram Vicinity Boarn lld bound Gentleman lama Clo to dointon nu luck lunch Koala mirth am no usury st or llllphm PA ARTICLES For SALE HANDY HARDWARE nth Line lnhhiii Alooua Beach Road OComplcts matchbox model series lSkafcs tobbogans tricyclcs wagons IFull lino of EEO toys oGlftwares OBeatty Appliances CASH OR TRADE on Skates Appliances etc FURNACES FOR SALE FORCED AIR OIL OR GAS NEW $110 FINANCE RATE Phnno Collect Stroud HRS WOODWARD SONS Heating Contractors RR Stroud NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes 32x18 deal for lilllog hon houses attics garages etc Perfect insulator 25 PER DOZEN Apply Tho Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario HOLIDAY SPECIAL Delicious Nutritious Excitineg Different CHOCOMINT MARSHMALLOW Ice Cream scale Now available at your Favourite Store You know its BEST when you serve SEALTESI DOMINION DAIRIEs LIMITED FA 46404 ORILLIA STORE OWNERS Assorted quantity of old stock COUNTER SALES BOOKS SINGLE CARBON AUTOMATIC These books are in per fect condition buthave l95 on the date line REGULAR PRICE FROM Hero 20 Clearing at 9c ea ills PROVINCIXL SALES TAX Commercial Printing Dept Barrie Examiner Phone 66537 monsoon scr sale care includ ed Instrnmcnt In good condition mphbin price Telephonl PA this wank Choose your mood Scotch Pine at Inn on hwry is so cents to 5100 Burt Maw Mlncsillg Phone 323 Minesllll ARTICLES for SALE on YITINAC for rule smuhld lorunnmmhoumlnlnlm allied Talcvllona com RADIO TV HlFl McFADDEN Appliance 128 Peuctang at St Vincent FM STEREO RADIO by ELECTROHOME PEONE PA cm DOGS Ir PETS lsAln analu lu moult III col on uni or iconic ii For up arr Information MIGPIIUII PA Pumnnn Corker SPInlIIPUP pie for mo week old blocks and niondcu Apply 1V urbant rowdy fl Thornton LION mzu Remand Dachshund Pu py loll Bloch mm tall female and wocbr old Ttlb Ih pbouo PA Hits Two acnomuhuz 1ch Push pin for mu Guaranucd for mlnn on door Porrch hill or that huplar Apply non Hawkutflpl On 15 alter pm ARTICLES WANTED TAPE unconnza In good condi tlou wanlod Tclepliauo PA Mm AUTOMOTIVE VIAU MOTORS LIMITED Rambler 8r HiIImsn 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN ST PA 66483 nu molt Sedan in condition rnow um $237153 am pm IA Station Iï¬lh way 11 we mllu noun or sinus in PONTIAC Ecoii tinder In good running order poi cull ouor solophon PA 13 um run ml with four door udli cun tom did In Lira In Ixulllat condition hill Ht 500 lfllnla ï¬nance ut nlo phone PA HASH cAnmLAc Sodn for Illa owroom condition In life trounmiuion wor maria cod tlm 508 No down meat to rc mini is hnna PA oi from um pm MOBILE HOMES 1m nun miss licbll Hum 10 NodhsdroomsPllrfl rr or an ovo irnb cull rolcpnoo PA disco WANTED Ops Iich duly Rout er mo and Electric Kolot Tole hono PA on for nilthu iii ormatlon FARMER5 MARKET DEAD STOCK Highest prices paid for dead or crippled cattle and horses Small animals removed rec For fast service phone BARRIE PA 37151 collect or ask for ZENITH 91130 NO CHARGE ii noun soy1 our wont ICKS DEAD STOCK RR Foxmcad Ontario License No 139081 PAsszNolm sLBlGIl for role IL pnmnngcr lullbio for ham or pony Iiict clans condition Runn Ihlr ply nonIo iron Works ll Him mt Telephone PA MM LIVESTOCK nzbl cows for me two nerd due to trashed this month iclc phonu Paul Bertiam 720111 Elin nunz Travel Traller to smith with 01 ll IDOL HINT ii can leil mirror rod mm LI ed Torpbcno PA LOST 8r FOUND rouNn in burni Fur Ncchplrco Owner any came by plyin or this dd after or Iiin glcatlon ADM Burl all LOsT Iuudw morning in via tnlly Thomson Strut brown black and white Collie pupPB tivo months old tumors In by Telephone PA Main LOSTMondlÂ¥ manila In WM and Vlclnl VI months old brown earl white black Ind brnvrn body Amwlll to Blinbfl ledpboue PA 01666 Reward ITBREPOILDJIKBR Around 700 and cut out of let our Itnysd mm for ii Concussion ii Vu ï¬n Township Contact pour Day ow Lowell nxcumoon in arm uon ro vcnlble Inpcoi my 12 In Ssrgclntl lieu Comp poidon Picco contact Norman ascArLbur II Markdt Siren Colllnlwood or talcphone Pmaun Holstein Heller duo Member 20 illed by and brcd to ouirludlng unit bull ltcglltcrzd nnd quy Accredited Stem prorhcn Conkltown no or 5547 canLn sou sacs Reghtorcd shorinoru auli yom old You lln and Cows also ulntlty of no nu Outs ly Mchon old It rill aria Tcleplions liioonrione minis FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES and SERVICE Case New Holland David Brown Beatty Farm Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 82373 Seasons Greetings To One and All Thank you for your patronage in the past And may we have the privilege of seeing to your needs in the future Yearend clearance of all equipment in stock CASH TRADE TERMS POULTRY 3r CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultrymen are choosing DEKALB PULLETS Started ready to lay and day old chicks Order now for early order discount For service or help on your poultry problems call Craig Hunter HUNTERS POULTRY FARMS smoup PHONE 71 WASHING Machine in and run nIng sondltlon 20 Two 75014 Snow Tllu SIDWill exchange $19291 No 610x15 Telephonn PA TYPEWRITER ior rule Undcn wood stationary would mnks raged Chrlséliiau llftuforT tutiilellt can on cc PA 84511 FOR silo CASE you are the own er or complete rat Photo Equipment consisting cum eras cnlarger lug trays expourn not etc 617 Carri LOANS4500 at or month Telephone PA on $952311 Flames Dunlap St cs Balsam sue to For turthcr in iormtlon telephone PA 341204 or apply 19 Bowman Avenue 120 limes $100 or but offer Hardly Iliad APPLY at 42 Park street or tslephonn PA 04110 all er pan Chrlrtnin trees $1 at sum or $115 do vercd vflert Mow tale agar Mincnlng or Burrid PA canlsrlvuis TREE for rule to lo cholco nrurm Spruce and Scotch Pine 75c to Apply Conrads Fruit Market mhwoy ii or telephnno 0rd ms scoTcn PINE Christians Trees Inigo quantity to Choose from special price on quantity pur chusu Aply AIvln Thompson Barrie on Cemntcry camcr ul tclnphorlo PA 66132 Timur BDDM tarnished spart ment for Nut Hentcd nemgerp tor heavy duty stove hardwood floors salt contoured Avniirhlo Immediately Armstrongs Hud wnre PA Midi UNFumsldEh two bedroom ml dcrn brick bungalow 011 huntinll Rccrcuuou room and garsen $15 per month Located on Innlsfll Telephone PA lam Struct Avlllsbl IFuhniury Telephone PA osraar FURNISHED nannnolvl with lun chu packed ll desired Llund clutter Telephone days Moll evenings PA 51021 humanist heated bed rlttln morn ror rent with rlngntte an Ilse or refrigerator Central Tele pliollo PA 1550311 Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PAS241d CHRISTMAS TREES or onto good gitlily scotch Plan IflGlOml rucn Apply Euuell Church Mo hln Homes 170 nurton Avenue nghwny 11 South or telephone PA 119855 EUR WflAPS Jackets and Costs for min or exchange ncpunnl rellnlll and remodelling Moder lls Pr cu APPly hillhurrl nn Son in Dunlo Street wen amid Telpliant will loo ENS on year old or In Deknlh 65¢ each Telephone MR2 Strand AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE FREE Snowtires and 1962 licence plates with any of the folv lowing purchases 1961 Ford Fairlane $1990 1961 Pontiac $2550 1260 Chev Biscayne $1725 1959 Buick Hardtop $1880 1959 Chev $1890 1957 Pontiac $995 1956 Chev Sedan $680 1956 Ford Custom $595 1955 Oldsmobile $587 All cars reconditioned and guaranteed Some with automa tic transmission radio and snow tires MI DTOWN USED CARS 41 ESSA noon nov HAWKINS 1955 police for sale four door Clean throughout Iudlo Im new um Tallplimio Ora had after Ii pun loss PONTIAC for solo in and running order two new lres Tclu hone PA 399 or unhol deta Ll 1951 MODEL can cxcolicut for loudly urc loony extras Will trade for Volkswagen British made or Europclll car and my dlrrorcnco Tolcppndo Ora uni I0 HELP WANTED MALE HELP sxranrnicgn ertnl licchrnlc Inborrd nd ouihorrd Quot oi mentions rciercnccr Ind expect od wde eru to iirlnc box sis Parry sound out Girls Praised lls Detectives ST CATHARINES CPlNn 13yearold girls have been presented with certificates of merit by the police commission for detective work leading to the capture of two safecrackcrs here two months ago Janis Chamberlain daughter of Coast Ivan Chamberlain and Janis Hennessey daughter of Richard Hennessey spotted the two men loitering in the area scratched their car number on 1title sidewalk and gave it to pc ce BUSINESS With Want Ad PA 82414® Trinidad Recalls Two PORT OF SPAIN Trinldnd CPI Trinidad has recalled two of its three remaining mem bers of the West Indies federal Parliament in move that could bring all end to the falter 158 West Indies federation Ronald Williams and Donald Pierre worn recalled by Pro mier Eric Williams and nanltd Trinidadian senators Both an members of the nillng Peopl National Movement party Works liliuisler Andrew Ross now Is the only PNM member in tho federal house located in Port of Spain Reliable sources now say It is unlikely Trinidad will take part in any form of West Indian fed oration By ALICE BROOKE EASY TO KNIT Pr tIcai handsome Protect and please the media your life with these smart sets Easyknit Snugfit helmet noseprotecting ski mask mit ten sets are Ideal for sports outdoor work Pattern 7137 siz es small mcdlum large lnclud ed Send Thirtylive cents coins for this pattern stamps cannot be accepted to Alice Brooks care of The Barilo Examiner Needlecraft Dept 60 Front St West Toronto Ont Print plainly NAME ADDRESS PATTERN NUMBER NEVERBEFORE VALUEI 200 yes 290 designs to knit creche sew weave embroider quilt our new 1962 Needlecraft Cata log ready now She Beautiful Bulkies lo complete fashion section plus bedspreads linens toys afghans slipcovcrs plus free patterns Scnd 25 nuwi SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yalsr Telephone PA 82414 APPLIANCE SERVICES TONYS APPLIANCE AND TV SERVICE 24hour service 147 DUNLOP ST PA 61142 CARPENTRY NEW HOMES Remodelling stiingling porches recreation rooms Complete trimming to houses and garages BRUCE CAMERON PA 66071 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES EHIEST DIAPER SERVICE Twlcu weekly plulnly Gemini FRANCIS 9T REAR PA 68551 Le than pack 92 Irottu dry EXCAVATING FILL GRAVEL TOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMP ED Excavating and Grading Water Delivery Crushed stone Ralf yard Backhoe for hire DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna Street PA 450 PLASTEMNG STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS ARCHWAYS carcass FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRICK anov 60M PHONE COLLECT Barrio Try Ail Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 81414 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Since 1920 RR Barrio PA 66953 MASONRY If it can be built with BLOCK ERICK 01 STONE CALL SPROULE MASONRY CON TRACTOR For guaranteed workmanship at reasonable prices PA ooods REFRIGERATION STANl BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Ciappertol St PHONE PA 84562 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been Uceosed to re moveyour dead and crippled gratin animals under the abovo FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARBIE PArIrway 835 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE ascoi snow PLOWING SERVICE Snow Removal Driveways Parking Lots Cleaned lrucked if necessary also WATER DELIVERY ED TAYLOR PA 683 I7