Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Dec 1961, p. 13

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY MANSFIELD By EVELYN ARNOLD An election was held on Mon day or the ratepayers of Area No of Mulmur schools to elect one trustee At the regul ar nomination law were elect ed by acclamaiion and tho oth ers failed to qualily leanng one trustee to be elected The re suits were Dawson Gallaugher 164 Anna Sawyers 77 and Earl Greer 26 Mrs Bert Murphy is in oronto hospital Iol Xrsy and treatment Vesper service was old at the United Church evening by the girls of the CGlT and their leader bits Ireland There are nine girls in the group and they are enjoying the work under Mrs Irelands capable leadership Elliott Anderson has been patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital The pupils and teachers of the Presbyterian Sunday School held their Christmas concert at the eh vrid1w evening nOUD The United WA and WMS met in the church Sunday School room with large attendance The meeting opened with the WA theme song The devollonoi period was tak on by Mrs McLean and Mrs cumming on The Christmas Story The WA meeting was opened by the president Mrs Wright welcoming the members and visitors Several committee reports were read Business included appointment of an honorarium committee some purchases to he made by Parsonage Come mittee and profit reported irom sale at Christmas cards $21 The WMS mecting was open ed by the president Mrs Wai TELEVISION PROGRAMS lace and roll call answered by scripture verse on Joy Splendid reports were read from the sererai committees and all were thanked for as sistance in packing the hala oi clothing tor Toronto and overseas The altering was received and dedicated in January 1961 the WA and W5 will be mmbined in one organisation known in The United Church Women Al this was the last meeting oi these two organizations interest ing resumes ol each had been prepared and were read by Mrs Goodieliow on the WA organized in 1898 and by hire Black on the MS organiza ed in 1913 This meeting closed by sing ing hymn and prayer Altar this the Mission hand of 21 members and their mothers were guests at supper pre pared by the WA and WMS ELMVBLE Eimvaie Home and School Association met with splendid attendance of parents present to hear the diiierent courses of study outlined by the teachers Mrs George Terry President presented to Mrs William Crew ord cup and saucer for her help in the association and in the Day Camp Mrs ic Bell was the December winner at the Home and School Maga zine subscription During the business period 11 Lynn led in sing song The program topics varied on Childrens reading and snitey Eimvaic llos lire Brig Dick Columbus gave some very important safety hints on Christmas tree and de corations and urged all to buy only CSA approved tree lights and so on Mr Columbus compared the living room to pail of gaso line and stressed that it requir cxva CHANNEL eAiuus THURSDAY DEcaiuntza 00 The Womens snow Lets Look nnrzio Drui Dicit Tracey Newl Headlines Man From Mars Farm Market Report News Don Jamieon Weather Sports Plane Berton Tho Flintstones The Real McCoy Sir Francis nroko lily Three Sons The Defenders Country Junction one Step aoyood macTV News The Weathermln Today in Spam community New Naked city FRIDAY miniminim 22 1045 Test Fattem 1100 Romper Room 1200 Popeye and Poi 10 Noonoay Report News Weather Short Form Report coining menu Movio The Paris Express Open Hous Pot and Ernie Friendl Giant sing ng Around The Womens Show Tim Fraser mute Dorrie Popeyor TV Party 600 601 120 15 us 700 no 800 530 who 030 1010 1100 1115 New tiedunes Popeyor TV Party Farm Market Report Nev non Jlrrlexon Weather Sport Piorro Berton Father Knnwl nut Donna Reed Show Country Hoedown Car 54 Tommy Ambron Telephone Hour The Detectives Cac TV News The Weatherman Today in arts Community ewe 1135 Movie Blind Spot SATURDAY DECEMBER 140 Test Pattern 155 News Weather 200 CrassClonal Curling 400 uowung 500 Living world 580 augr Bunny 600 countrytirno 030 News Weather Sport oo0 Jim coirmrn 700 Dennis the flannel 70 tioan Road 800 Have Gun Will Travel Peter Gunn NHL Hockey Juliette King Wbyte CBC TV News Weather News Movie Frmed 830 000 1015 1045 1100 1110 art 1115 cho CHANNEL TORONTO THURSDAY nncnnmun 21 400 Prnlcssors Hideaway 500 Man From Cochin 530 sports $40 Weather There is only one WELCOME ooeiouomnoeuuonounoo ao ream of experience fostering good will in business and community life For information on WdoomeWagon phone PA 66302 6145 Plan Exto no Showdoswn mm are out can has 1000 Sin Ala with MI 00 Neva Welhgthel Sinful 15 Men DalIn 112w Bettar Late FRIDAY DECEMBER 22 1030 NGWI 035 Free and 120 Puhouse Channel Theatre The Bride em wad News rrotemrr macawy Men mm Cochise spam Weather Pierre earton ewe TBA West Coast Wild rein am Gun Witt rum Country Styli kw and Mr Jones 11 Wilyfllefi Sparta amp run Better Late Fridny Night roea 31034 on the Sun SATURDAY DECEMBER 1000 Hoys Gills House 30 Prolenors PW om College ewe Weathar arm ovia Fair Winds To Jam Movie Miracle on Mth so wmtunii Learn To om Cutonn Time HI Time Within Four Walls Sports Weather New Ptinch and Johnny The Flintstones Route to Naked City Jack Benny snow Fight arm Week Johnny aim Show Cross Clplda am one Saturday Night Movie Tree Grows 11 Brook sonsdearlrrms FFEE sssesessnessass CARRIER MISS YOU If your carrier has not arrived by pm please phone PA 82433 Ag And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE is NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE your an DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TRUCKS the same care and the same haurd OPP Cp Kenneth McCuteheoa of Elmvale and Nonnan Crane Ontario Motor League expressed their views on the excellent work of the schools safety petrol Cpl McCuteheon urged par enLa and teachers to teach chi ldren to obey and respect the laws oi the road He stated that motorist are not expected to stop tor the guards but simply pass on slowly allowing the guard to take the children across when the road is clear Principal Rose stressed the importance of reading and how it helps to develop appreciation ol good literature and better judgment of everyday occur renccs Mrs Morley Jamleson present ed some views on good books suitable or children and par ents were invited to examine the books on display The eveo ing concluded with Christmas cookies and tea served by Mrs Hugh Ritchie and her lunch committee COOKSTOWN CHRISTMAS CONCERT The St lohne Anglican Ch urch Sunday School held their annual Christmas concert on Saturday evening Dec 16 in the SundaySchool room pot luck copper was well at tended by Sunday School mem bers and the Church congrega tion Everyone joined in carol CONTRACT BRIDGE singing followed by the appear ance at Santa Claus who dil tributed gifts and candies LEGION CHRISTMAS PARTY Ninety children attended the annual Lesion Christmas party at the Legion Hall on Saturday ailemoon December 16 Moving picture were enjoyed by all iotiowed by the arrival oi San ta Claus to distribute bus of goodies to the children Santa Claus then visited the children who were unable to at tend due to illness Mr and Mrs Norm Ryan and Eleanor Ann and Mr and Mrs Prank Ryan visited on Saturday in Oriiiia with Mr Ryans mother Mrs William Fraser Stratas conneas By DALES very Merry Christmas to our Editor Stat and readers Miss Mary Dales Tomato spent few days with her par ents Mr and Mrs Earl Dal es and John Dales spent the weekend at his home here Mae and Jackie Rumble spent the weekend at the home their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Ough Barrie Miss Aileen Gardener Russell and Howard attended our prise party at the home at Mr and Mrs George Brown Seotdi Settlement in honor of Mr and Mrs Frank Browns 40th wedlt ding anniversary Saturday ev BY JAY BECKER West denier Neither side vulnerable NOB Ala OQJG 19653 EAST AKJIOJ 98732 7353 KIDB 242 ¢eea 801 VQD QAKIOR +KQ10871 Theblddlng Welt North East South Pass Pass Pass 14 1A 31 an 51 Opening leadking of spades The deciarer is on his own during the play and has no partner to cooperate with but the defenders can and should work togcdter closely as team Here is type at error in defense that occurs too otten South was in five clubs and Wat led the king of spades East played the demo but West ignoring his partners re quest that he shift to some other suit continued with th ace Obviously if East had want ed West to lead another spade he could have indicated this by playing higher spade to com mand continuation of thesuit Hut West went blither ahead without paying any attention to the deuce DAILY CROSSWORD Below nauL longing tooling Group of shackled convicts Heather Bugged mountain ACROSS Benintn ii Quoting lath niflib 12 Eagloa claw 18 Anth archaic 14 ml 15 Circus noun Jumhied tyre l7 Kiddo DOWN Springer oreooker Story Hind Quarter of Beef Side of Pork GUARANTEED finnale nlneil only anon none all on DYCKfs FOOD MARKET Top Quality Fronts df Beef DYCKS FOOD MARKET 150 Collier 59 Phone PA 85339 ForCDeiivery South rolled and then proce eded to make the hand by tak ing advantage of the lapse in the deiense He cashed the AKQ of diamonds and then put East in the lead with trump That disconsolate soul was thus placed in position wherehe had to return sp ade or heart either of which would give declarer the rest oi the tricks So South made iive clubs If West had shlited to heart at trick two as should have the story would have been very different South would have gone down one it is interesting to analyze declarers bold decision to lead three rounds of diamonds be fore tackling trumps Oi course there was some danger nitaeh ed to these playseither oppon ent might have ruffed one of the diamondsfbut it was necessary risk justified by the circumstances South realized that West had passed originally with spade suit headed by the AK This made it unlikely that West had either the ace of clubs or king of hearts and this view was strengthened by the probability that Easts raise to three spad es was based on possession oi both those cards So rather than pin his hopes on heart finesse that seemed destinedto tall South staked the hand on the possibility of successful endplay in this he couldnt havebeen more right Tomorrow Balanclng DONALD oucx ammune nick name name 2125 ee heir note Belf mono Iuhrdare Annui VLIoh 32anth the Mala rate of student 29 an island in 02 mm vino mail 85 Plant outtaM ID Oriental ta 13 lb 49 lb 39 lb To narrow JULIET JONES LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER MUGGS AND skesrsnj musMs user 10 come nusma an Hue AND KISS waits MPosmVE AND IM NUlAUDlTloNlNE Rm cream THIS DANK nuns BOUGHT BOOK on JNE TALK Now CANUNDERSTAND THESE KIDS ALL WANNA 70 I5 YOU CHIMNEY WFOK Mill VERFLOYD Tu PARTY is GONNA as rMOnizow YDUMAYWNDEMWER wusorrnvson ins MINNER5NISBEUE THEREAREHMESWMEN 2100 wearer WHAT we OF mm is may sxesrse vpomzfét my innuendo ear ANWuEN YOU come BE suns AN aiziNanowz LillLE BROTHER quroa no your wrcmnon LITTLE SKIN iLL LOOK us AUNAYS MAKESTHJOB CLEANIN UP EASY DEMOCRACY FREEDOM ALLNEW TD JAPAN 1cm OLD F0 YOUTH NOTtISTENWI$lt 1D THROW OVER TiME HONORED TRADmOllS COHETESIES GEE YOURS TH JUNIOR l5NDTAMUTTHE$ MSTinan MutANP DONT CALL HIM GUY WE EVER SEN DONTvotl TOUCH 5ch you DARE LL SCREAM MY LUNGS ouT IFNU so MUCH ASTAKEASTEP MY DiRECTlON Wink it NEVER HAVE Timow our AeruiNG WHEN asks ARDUND THEY EESILESS FULCOF nzw ioEAS anemonestitan SOMETIMES TliiNK NOTGOOD 100 nucu FREEDOM gfiggfljfiflwr Sllcli TROUBLES ARENOTFEEulIAR wt deAPAN$lRWE lNAMERICAliAVE BECAUSE LAST WEEK You Earn WHEN CALLEDYOU 705

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