OUR TELEPHONES For Examiau Want Ads Teta bonc PA 024 The telephone number to all for the Business or Editorial Dept in PA 66531 97th YearNo 29B HAPPT Irs floss Mark of Beacons field town near Montreal haltls Illycurold Chill Lai hwan of Hong Kong the first rclugcc child ever admitted to Canada for adoption Look ing on is Mrs Marks six arold son Gerry OPMs To Meet OTTAWA CPlAnnual con fercnccs of wealth prime ministers are In the off ing and the next one may be held outside Britain before June Thats the view of Prime Min istcr Dielenbakcr who passed along few of his thoughts about 1962 to reporters at press conference Wednesday His references to prime ministers conference grew out of statement that no definite plan is fixed for meeting be tween himself and Prime Min ister Macmillan He hoped for an early prime ministers meeting he said rclt calling that he has urged annual meetings and that the last one washeid in March Give or take couple of months either way another probably would come along about year from the last one UN CAN PLAY PART On international matters the prime minister had these other remarks The United Nations could have played part in prevent ing bloodshed that resulted from Indias invasion of Portugals colony of Goa Russias veto of ceasefire resolution in the Security Council showed the Soviets use of its position there for its own purposes The events in Goa had harmed the UNs j1 Soon Diet Says He hoped events in New Guinea where in do csin is threatening to take over Dutch territories would not be re petition of Goa The world passed through stages of hope and frustration on disarmament and now was in period of renewed hope The prime minister was ra Ihcr less informative on such domestic questions as the next election expected in 1962 Was one just around the cor ner Thai depended on where the corner was he replied Nor would he indicate when byciec lions might be called to fill three vacancies in the Com mDhS Ratification of treaty with the United States on develop ment of the Columbia River de pended largely on British Col umhla He expected Finance Minister Fleming would shortly write to BCs Prcmlcr Bennett and he hoped as result negoA tiations might be continued He couldnt give any hint on when the next federal budget would be brought down The second volume of the re port of the royal commission on transportation was being deliv ered to the government and once the cabinet had given it Iuil examination he wauld be in solidarity gth prestige and authority Tshombe position to say what action would be taken Concedes LEOPOLDVILLE AmTho President of Kstango lifoisc Tshombe agreed today to end the secession of his wealthy province from The Congo but indicated that his supporters in Elisabethvillc must approve be fore the agreement is carried out Tshombe and Premier Cyrille Adouia of the central Congo concluded the pact to restore unity in The Congo after more than 15 hours of negotiations at the UN military base at Kitona They promptly flew off to their respective capitals of Elisabeth ville and Leopoldville Tshombe before leaving Kitona told reporters the dec laration would have to be rati fied by his cabinet and the Kntanga assembly But UN spokesman asserted As far as we are concerned it is signed sealed and delivered There is no question of ratification OBSERVERS WARY Some observers in Leopold vilie adopted waitandsce at titude They recalled that Tshombe made similar unity agreement in Leopoldviilc last June while beln held prisoner by the central government and repudiated it as soon as he re turned to Elissbcthville This time however UN troops are in control of his capital after twowcek war ISNT SATISFIED Arriving at Ndola Northern Rhodesia en routehomc Tshombe indicated he was not satisfied with the outcome of his talks with Adoula at the heavily guarded UN base at the mouth of the Congo River He told reporter that any decision on the Kitona discus sions would depend on his re port to the Katangan cabinet and National Assembly and dc clined to state whether he would order an immediate ceasefire in the fighting against UN troops UN Acting SecretaryGeneral UThant had ordered UN troops in Katanga to observe cease fire while the talks were under way firing only if fired upon Asked if he was satisfied with the agreements the ltntangan MONTREAL CPIA revolu tionary freezing of the labor force at the 1061 level will be the prime target for Canadas 110000 non operating railway cmployccs in forthcoming con tract talks spokesman for the 15 mo affiliated unions taking part in the negotiations said Wednesday night the employees also will seek an immediate nAecnton ltour wage increase over two year contract much more than previously expected Frank ilait vctcran chief ne gotlalor for the unions is ex pected to give further details of the demands at press confcr encc today There was no Immediate com mcnt from the major railways on the new demands The labor freeze proposal be lieved to be unique in Canadian labor history is the key to the unions job security proposals It already is shaping up as Macmillan Meets IFK HAMILTON Bermuda AP Prcsident Kennedy fresh from his Irlumphont South American visit but saddened by his fathers lllncss begins wide ranging discussion of world issues today with Prime Minister Macmillan The US president and the Britis prime minister were ex pooled to devote much of their twoday talks to the critical problem oi fashioning it com mon Western policy to present to Moscow on critical issues and particularly the central problem of West Berlin The two leaders are expected as the crisis over Katanga the impact of lndins blitxkricg con quest of Portuguese Goa the The European Common Market and other issues But the big gest problems centre on Berlin and an allied approach to Mos cow President de Gaulle stillis clinging doggedly to his oppo sition to formol allied negotia tions with the Russians on lacr lin The British believe negotia tions are necessary to prevent the crisis that would result it Khrushchev out his leadcr shrugged pursed his throat to sign separate treaty with Communist East Germany to tail also about such mattcrs Barrie Ontario Canada Thursday December i961 Level lit 110000 Men Of 1961 the critical point of the forth coming negotiations CITES LAYOFFS The union spokesman said the move was made necessary by the radical number of layoffs on railways in recent years be cause at changes in operating procedures and increased effici cncy Under the proposal the labor force of employees with ii yenrs seniority could be re duced by not more than one per cent nnnuolly in any class or craft in the railway system For employees with less than five years seniority the unions will seek supplementary uncm ploymcnt benefits to he added to any unemployment insurance allowances to bring the total payments up to level of the cm ployecs previous wage The demands also included several fringe benefits including improved health insurance al lowanccs Last month Mr Hall said the first aim of the unions would be to close the gap between the nonops and the socalied dur ahio goods standard IIIST LITTLE HUNGRY LAMB BRANTFORD CP This is the story of little lost lamb with wnifish appetite passcrhy stops in front of local restaurant He ques tions shivering little boy The little boy looks up and answers Im waiting for my mother and father Theyre in the beer parlor The passcrby fecls sorry takes the boy into the restaur ant and buys him hambur gcr and bottle of pop The man leaves Later he returns The boy is still outside shivering The passcrby gets angry and rushes into the hotel He can not find the erring parents He confronts the desk clerk with the story The clerk smiles His parents arent here This is the fourth time that kids gone into the restaurant with people who fall for his story ives Up eccession lips and gave and downward glance Not so good not so good said Katanga Finance Minister JeanMarie Kibwe who accom panied Tshombe to Kitons v5 LIKES IT US Ambassador Edmund Guliion who arranged the talks at President Kennedys request and who conferred with the ri val Congo leaders during the last hours of their talks de scribed the accord as states maniike agreement Gullion told newspaper men it promises to restore peace to this tormented by Christmas and to strengthen the republic of The Congo against division am sure the president and the people of the United States will view this achievement with joy and with warm wishes to Shepherds Give Lamb To Pope VATICAN CITY Reuters Pope John Wednesday received two Christmas presents and told pilgrims that in his Christmas message to the world Thurs day evening he would speak like family father to his chil dren Two shepherds from the bleak Abruzzl mountains of central ftaly in lambskins and with cone shaped hats presented him with live lamb in basket adornedeith red ribbon at his general aflionce the Congolese people for the building of nation in the new year and the years to come Informed sources said the agreement stipulated Tshom hes acceptance of the princi ples of me Congos fundamen tal law or provisional constitu tion providing for united Congo The accord also called for meeting of the full Congo par liament inciuding Kstan gan representatives and for economic unity throughout the state Without revenues from Katangas copper and cobalt mines the rest of The Congo is bankrupt HERES ONE MONTREAL CWPolice swung into action Wednes day as frantic post office employee telephoned from pay booth to report his threeton mail truck stoken He telephoned twice more as radio patrol ears in the downtown area were being alerted Quickly he imploredh you want me to lose my job Some 15 minutes later constable called to report the truck unharmed just around the corner from where it had been parked roadsdepartment crew had found the truck blocking snow removal and towed it street away 112 metric Examiner MENON GOES TO DEFEND INDIA AT UN Take Over Goa Mines NOVA GOA Goa Reuters lndin today bolstered its lnva sion force with police as admin istrativc power switched to in dlan hands after more than four centuries of Portuguese rulc Indian Police lnsppctor Gen Handoo has brought in 1100 police in the wake of the 25000 man Invasion and another 1000 policemen were due to arrive here lntcr indian officials putting into effect detailed administration plan were expected to give top priority to development of Goas ironore mines the biggest in Asia Indian customs posts will con tinuo to ring Goa and the other captured enclaves Damon and Diu for some time to prevent stocks of luxury goods filtering through Meanwhile Portuguese Gov ernorGeneral Manuel Vsssalo Silva was under guard and be ing afforded normal courtcsies and consideration appropriate to his position it was announced Au indian spokesman Wod nesday said he was taken pris oner when the cnclavcs last pockct of resistancethe port of Marmngaofcli to the invasion force at the end of the twodny Indian attack The governor general offici ally surrendercd the enclave to lndia mosday about in miles south of here near Fort Vasco da Gamanamed after the For tuguese explorer who come here 451 years ago Reporters who saw the gen eral shortly before the surren der said he looked haggard with tears streaming down his face The day before Vassalo an nounced he would resist to the last and earlier had joked con fidently with newspaper men Economy Replies To More Spending OTTAWA CPLThe Cana dian economy responding to rising consumer and governlt ment spending moved ahead strongly in the third to with gross national product ex panding 27 per cent to an an nual rate of 587361000000 The expansion from the sec ondquarter rate of $36306000 000 was reported today by bureau of statistics which said it was the largest quarterly ad Vance for several years Virtually all the gain was in physical output of goods and services The bureau said over all prices remained relatively unchanged Todays report with figures adjusted to discount seasonal variations showed labor in come up 22 per cent the strongest quarterly gain since lashand corporation profits to per cent higher than in the sec ond quarter INVESTMENT RISES Capital investment bellwe ther of economic recovery rose 59 per cent to reverse six month decline But there was only minor buildup of busi ness inventories and the Wests sharp drop in grain crops has cked about $400000000 from oi years production values Meanwhile official sources in dicated that 1001 as whole may see gain of around two per cent in gross nerlionslpro duct to an annual average of $30700000000 01 $303000ii0000 compared with just under $36 000000000 last year The thirdquarter figures in dicatcd thcre was or good deal of unused consumer purchasing power available to help spark further economic growth Labor income rose 22 per cent to an annual rate of $19 408000000 and total personal Ili come advanced 29 per centto rate of 520720000000 But consumer spending rose more slowly up 16 per cent to 524550000000 and the rate of personal savings was the high est in the last year Spending by all governments however advanced rapidly up 26 per cent to an annual rate of $7376000000 Smoke Kills Two Children lind Father HAMILTON CPlA father and his two young children were asphyxiated early today in their burning home while the mother worked at part time lob to make extra money for happy Christmas Dead are Jack Boniface 31 his daughter Jacqueline 11 and his son Danny who marked his ninth birthday last month Fire at the small stucco house in Hamiltons east end was well under way before the fire de partmentonly block away was notified Miss Dorothy McIntyre nextdoor nelghbon said fire men arrived at the scene two minutes after she called them An unidentified fir it into the smoke drcnchcd home as other firc men sprayed him with icy wa ter in an attempt to rescue the family His heroic effort was in vain as the trio were believed to have died in their beds Cause of the blaze is still un determined but firemen said they are suspicious of Christ mas lights which were strung around the front bedroom win dow LOCAL WEATHER Variable cloudiness becoming overcast with snow Friday af tcrnoon law tonight high tomorrow 25 Not More Than per Copy16 Page HUGE RAILWAY FIGHT lOOMINGI OVER JOBS Railways Iisked Freeze Labor NonOps Want Guarantee Iobs And Wages For Lile OTTAWA CP battle royal is shaping up between Canadas two big railways and their 110000 nonvoperatlng om ployccs The is nonop unions have apparently decided to scck lab security agreement with the CNN and CPR that In effect provides lifetime guarantee of 1th or wages That kind of demand is al most certain to put the rail ways with their backs to the wallwith the government slt ting on the wall If lhedlsputc follows the time tgblc of past rallunlon contract lights it may cnd up in the lap of the federal cablnct some time next summer or falllust about the time Prime Minister Dieicnhakcr may be going to the country for general clcc tlon Observers here believe great deal will depend on how much giveandtakc shows up in the secret bargaining sessions be tween rallwny and union nego ttators HOPES WILL BARGAIN Labor Minister Starr has cxv pressed hope that the disputants will bargainthat is that they will compromise and settle without forcing the government to act in the face of national rail strlkc threat The non op negotiators representing Just about all rnll do not operate apparently oimcd their sights at full job security Their demand for what one union spokesman callcd re volutionary pact protecting rail jobs apparently stems from breakthrough agreement signed in October by the Order of flail road Tclcgrnphers and the Southern Pacific Railroad in the United States The Canadian man said the lob security provision is necessary to cope with the radical number of railway layoffs in recent years Between 1952 and 1050 the railway work force op from about 100000 to 5000 tapercent declineand it is still dropping Thc railways con tcnd they must streamline their work force lust as they stream line their operations to fit freight lrofllc needs GET GUARANTELS Faced with similar cuts in telegraphors Jobs on the South am Pacific the Tclcgraphcrs unlmi won Job guarantee pact that preserved jobs or wages for some 946 regular telegraphic employees Basically the agreement provides that all present rclzu lnr telegraphic employees will have permanent work or wages lohs can be abolished in the future only if the necessity is proved and enough vacancies are created by death retirement or othcr normal attrition and than by no more than 20 jobs year In csscncc this is twnper cent attrition rate compared with the Canadian demand for coopercent attrition rate IN NUTSHELL Havana Housemaids Man Taxis HAVANA AP Sixtyfour former and pink uniforms retrained as drivers housemaids in grey began operating used American sedans as taxis Wednesday in an attempt to case the transportation shortage Adoptions Take Display Ads TORONTO CPI The public welfare department which three years ago began running classified advertisements tell ing of childorn available for adoption this week is carrying the procedure step farther by running display advertise ments in daily newspapers throughout dren available for adoption Ontario listing 25 chil Scatbaclrs Not Coming Back CAPE CANAVERAL Fla AP The United States Air Force gave up the search Wednesday for tiny monkey nam ed Scatback who rocketed 600 miles into space and landed in rough water in the South Atlantic had been fighting heavy waves in hunt for Ocean ship which the monkeys capsule called it quits when darkness fell in the impact area 6000 miles southeast of Cape Canaveral Councillor Dangerous Sex Offender TIMMINS GP John McLaren 50yearold member of Tisdale Township Council was sentenced to an indeterminate term in fender penitentiary Wednesday as dangerous sexual of McLarcn earlier pleaded guilty to charge of in decent assault involving young boy and nine similar counts Quebec Has New Minister QUEBEC CPI Lucien Cliche 45yearold lawyer from the northwestern mining town of Val dOr was sworn in tvednesday as municipal affairs minister in the second change in the Quebec cabinet since it took office Liberal Senator Leaves $220000 COCHRANE Ont CP Bequests to religious and edu cational institutions are contained in the will of Senator Bradette who died here in September who lived in Cochrane The Liberal senator left an estate of $20000 $71000000 Wheat Deal Signed OTTAWA CPll Sale of further 571000000 worth of wheat and barley to Communist China to be shipped from west coast ports in the first five months of 1962 was announc ed today by Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton Montreal Lumber Yard liiire MONTREAL CP major fire was burning early today in massive lumbcr juries were reported yard in suburban St Laurent No in Landlord Tined For Bribe Try TORONTO CP young suburban Toronto landlord was fined $1000 or three months Wednesday for attempting to bribe municipal official to keep quiet about multiple occup ancy at hishousc bylaw violation Hijacked Cigarettes Found GUELPHiCP combined squad of provincial and Guelph city police today raided between $5000 and 5600 in bi man who lived there nearby farm and seized jacked cigarettes and arrested