Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jun 1961, p. 11

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annotations AUTOMOTIVE IO HELP WANTED an WANTED BOATS MOTORS nosoruxs um and mu on ru on rs Wierroxtnumu33uun SI JOBNION Knot II root wood lull Ind Iroiitr All or more Telephone PA All Honor ror saer statuen mu din bolts Tomlin PA 10 curs NARI00 ei layer the Toll hnnl PA at article mag 30 DHIIBD It as CANOlr Jeizralcrouhnncdmw on In our No Iguunsble niitr itfllfld Div Ann Street JDKMIDN Outhosrd 5i rave denim IdIllph°nl PA 547 NOT oaunu Deck Ends sling Bnll with controls ll motor and trslisr campfire as seen Bsnhs Telephone PA your mucus lit iully squlppem II me or Holsmu wheel Tint sitar rmpoon rA seioe sunn lid Unit MAHOGANY Doicrsit host 7s np Iohnlon Couelo an dome Allenqu xiii cor EmailI PA sens FRUIT VEGETABLES 000D EATING Potato or IIII Telephone Stroll IIRIL POTATOES ior nil and usiity flavored ssbaso Petsroee 3mm rm Mluly Ha Nam drawn scuttler mini Inn condition All LY Allin Hahn all uses one um FLOWERS PLANTS BO OIS now ready at the nun ilnxcd snnusl plum torn uehu girlish 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK PIGS FOR SALE We did Apply Kiementu an Min nos lelophone as Isthmus II PIG FOR SALE weeks old well mme Tellnhbns mm Elmvsie liter Dim Ii PIGS lverflllll Ibolrt GI lhl eseh An to Gear is Moaledrey 351an yOnt or elephan ivy EOLHIEIN BITE dill Yune ll vminme end To tested Good ma sud unlit Apply to Goa an Rlx iroud FARM MACHINERY CHARLES omen FARM SUPPLIES 6r SERVICE Cue New Enlllnd DlVid Brawn liet Farm Eoulnnunt I76 BUR AVE PA 52373 nun son HAYING EQUIPMENT one Rskon Mowerl Harvesters Ind ans ALL AVAILABLE ow CASHTRADETEEMS SHAKELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY STROUD PHONE 78RIII Manufacturers oi llee Connyn iartshis Docks emote hitch irsctor csrrlere BUY DIRECT AND SAVE CASE MOTOR Driven Es also Core Power hiowsr Side 191 iii as so ton 1Pmcit 3100 Talophonl Infill Moonstone Lander No Massey Harris also one Mosley ply to Walter ly Telephone menu onions BARRED ROCKS Still herd to heel or eggs and mssL in yurs pcnonli nico tlan behind our cloud flack Eel lltared hltehery Accredited lock 9th chicks started chicks Ind espooe TOM KENNY SHANIY BAY FEED SEED GRAIN also sources or me Apr Klnlmer Lot Concorslnn II Innteiil AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE WVIAU LTD RAMBLER HOIOB CABS FOR SALE more as tradeIn um me loath to elm this TRUCKS TRAILERS 131 PANEL Nth on hflkuxhhfl MOI points III II No lullbl of MIG Tolovhsne PA um MOBILE HOMES POI SALE OR RENT MOBILI III 41 not III ru miles Show Big sense on mass lied nelsonbio persousts FAMILY Oill SIX CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION Sonis time In secured the fleet In or lulu oi VI chit ll through thin column New we srl too or the rare Ind wonderful coups who would adopt hth of slx sppesiths omissione siltlrvol it one Av LNLE Ind 10 In nl All In truly flhOlonunl man healthy children In Ii LL urea wsnv cg USA and Iidut are making school Drams The In slweys our the to cross the younger dun have norms tnteiliseoce it Is so im Pofllht Ihlt In children grew up toniher since about each other so would be more tilln delighted to bur tron Innrelied mutant eou its rixinc 23513 BUILDNOI TORONTO BLIND LADY rs Iliru Ind eons fshlon to trove with her by nln to Vlllnlpel nut week on way isre will be Plld Telephone PA 61390 cAnn AND mcUP needle by sin Cogr igofipsolntmlanfisoa on no nsecone floor Ant No Dunlap at Elsi PA um WOMENS COLUMN elm by ElltLded hllrdnn your own home thno Berni It PA MBA or PA N5 LOST FOUND HEREFORD StIIl Call ltllyld from Iltlua th lllt week In idly Inyono hrowins th where lbouts yin phonl Pam Eon ney PA REWARD or Wormltlon the person who took our on June or to volt bstte and new ran from Lot is Concession ls inmost Contact am Eahumsohsr Strand sum to HELP WANTED MALE sans MEAT DEFARIMENT MANAGER roi approximately in ammo to nunu melt department in new In erlnIiset at Con Borden Apply nun Clover mn Mm kot Csm Borden stating up lance ss Juliea etc An replies on don si EXECUTIVE SALES REPRESENTATIVE tinny anaemia mammalian dining and mu PRISOONTRACI TRAINING to live you time in make your decision hafornxou leave your present position dvsnumant or nortunlty Sllu ox eriIn hlipv All but not until flop con fidential Give lull plrttcul to BOX 91 BARBIE EXAMINER PARTTIME nun tron June so in Slpiemhlrlor Mondly and Tuesday delivery Must own re lllble clr Wiles plus mllslle Write En El Elrrin hammer SUPPLIES comma CEMENT AND MASONRY 01321qu FOR SALE AT sham GENERAL srorm STEOUD PHONE STROUD LANDSCAPING BAREIE LANDSCAPRIG son SUPPLY rm alumten inumunrzfla low maintenance Sodding sse wr PAY you TOTRAIN roe RETAILSTQR MANAGEMENT will Clgdiln l0 Vtih etc can to coast has Immediate tor Minutemen ieeliore Ilsanun wlth In mum in on Otflo Ind fiininnti positions Alu no to lo desirshle but Winks 21 mo em unsri Chitin uilry depends upon the sod parlornnrm at an mlgdlllL IAllfflru II sns es on on uprurd rum minimum Ll to over 031000 snow ulsrisr de on nation And 92 work chainnot session rerun srvtssd tr nanImum unpeftufil motion bus or PM noon indie not perromance Dania botIll include Pen sisn Allin Gmlln Ill Innib In And Health Pills Pr lit Baliins Summer Ind Wiser Vlestivnu QUALIFICATIONS Ohlasnhlp ehlilly QM iesrt High School sducs tien or boilr Attractive ltllt Ln Illrill or hoth mlh lehooi end Univrem undu etu Wiiiilunus to Inca Ptrladln expensepole trsnsisrs during trsinlns RIPLY ltltlnl Nil plrtionisrs Nam drou lehnlll nun mlfltll suit lanes and Drvlolll work pub BRIGHT FUTURE With Clllldls mDflrIPidiy ex uding or finance Ill xstion intensive tnlnin film insures romoilo to stiller Sell or nu ills II to IE welllroomed In to meet public All male en on this Inputs ltIilt coho liltiIL LY sex so Milne taxman lwo required to rs resent lull or snirstian ust he between 25 on IE ambitious r9 er married but would consider single residence in Iran or yam sad own your own car we In willing to tvilin Ind ilnlnca muslin csndidstes 00 startins llilry dIDIn upon Eulllfltlualll Future open In mliilllnlent so inclined Box Elm Blminu EXPERIENCED Bswnliil Plums Letroy 1H evenings Mute PDhmDN open or young regressive Illa Will or soods sod entill and lull Apply in writlnl liv Iigpllo°nerplriecfllndr pfllcn mo on In Awning Co Ltd Blyfleld St SALESMAN wnntld for snsbllshsd specialty ted company Shouid hsve recent agriculture emeri ones and own car This Posh lion oiters mun insurance pol tey tunicl medical Ind helpl tli bureau with hittnl thin IV arise Income Write to EC Box London Ont fivllll Dhnrll number and mu pm colrs FEMALE HELP EXPERIENCED COOK required garland restaurant Telephone PA help ELDERLY Gentlemln requires is t°iiii3ol in er an nedisieiy leiphanl PA 85130 CAPABLE TYPIIT sud eHle lv Wanted by consultlrrl enlinlair Arm in Barrie Good lsisry sr Dillslnt working conditions plyan Bhiril Exllllinar BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low RatesBy Month or Year Telephone she2414 sawma DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly or disposal VTeiephnna Barrie PA 93775 Long distance Zenith moo our expense SED PECDNI AND SON LTD ORILLIA mm mmcmfiooox mumwnflnnkfimlfefi Wmerrgree to mummonmmm Please write vins run pom mmni£i MAN NATIONAL hummer navelman memo 11 oNrAnrb milll ACID Hawk for viewers house ifwrmsa Is sum In POI MY AND Alslufl II All in dnflnl nsuisr Ital hoiifllyh Ik Plfllnfld invoking Ind NilIN machine vwylr Strangles lllss MI mmmmmn lphonn PA mu BELOW WANTED wm LOOK Arm Children its own home Will nil IIlo ghonl PA 513 COAmOIAN uiuildl rs yuu uperisnee chain drug downtown Toronto and Hedicsl Arts clssn nut one efficient Box Esme or eoonmsn Arsenalht and billion lens Lain filth Strait PA ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS Anyone hsvlnl tall Clliml Illlnll rmer or HENRIEIIA JANE RITCHIE late or the city or Barrio in the County or Simeon who one on or about ths 1th dry oi my rm must at the ssme with on dersigned not in then the rain as at Jun mr slter which hdistrlglltlen or on estt no mm or Bsrris Ontario this me or an AD Mi To cunnm Wilson annulus Barrie Ontario Solicitor or the humid Bonnwuss em rlt Vomi nirvanagrowl 13 AUCTION sALss AUGIIONEERS ANDERSON room an Downs urn TWILIGHT SALES win WAYfiiiNEu PM SHARP AND MY mason mo 1mm Auouar SALE 91 ELMVALE LTD nnmn Ontario 10 PAlao Atil WELD AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY EVENING mm as 30 PM SHARP Allen hi hold finial liarI PETER VICKS Al Lot 14 Contoulanil Innildi iniiz house pm Henrys Cabins WE CAIN No urv house is sold JERRY OOUGHIJN AUCTIDNm Oiiicer Charged In Tower Collapse WASHNGTON CFIA court martial was ordered Friday or C0 William Ii Banks on charges arising from collapse of Texas tower radar struc ture oil the New Jersey coast lest Jen ll All no man on the tower died when It toppled Into the Atlantic The charge on which Banks In to be tried is that he was dere lict in duty by failing to keep airmen Informed oi the situa on Banks was in command oi the Boston Air Defence Centre at the time oi the disaster The tower was under this command W0 NEWS scuwznszs ILL Glbon Remb lie AmDr Albert Schweit ser as was reported iii today stlhis iunsie hospital outpost Lombarinsi lhs Nobel Peace Prhe winner has been torcod in rnmsiu in bed or several dsys His illness was not serious ARCIIBIKEOP DIES BEGENSBURG in AP Archbishop Michal Buchbergcr oi hamburg sco lor Roman Catholic bishop oi Germany died early today two days liter his mo birthday HA AUTHOR DIE MELOURNE AP Mrs Aeness Glenn Di one oi Aus tralias berthoown suihnrs died Friday Shs wrote the childrens classics Her lhs Little Black Princess about nomadic abor iginals sold mars than 750000 copies AIRMAN PASSES LONDON APJIiaj Francis George Meusdelhompson 84 oldest sir pilot has died Friday at his suburban home vei erso oi the Boer War at the turn of the century he gained his pilots wings lrr loll in Bieriot rooonplane and flew his own plane until three ysars ago CLAIMS WORLD RECORD SINGAPORE AP your Muthukttmaran 78 com pleted 122 hours nonstop cycling here today and claimed world record The ionnor milk vendor from India topped the 120 hours set by Swiss cyclist in Rome 10 years ago FAMILY SENTENCE BERLIN APA family of three has been sentenced to MEWWMWBDAYJUNEIOM DAILY CROSSWOIID alumna allInllllz Ill ilA all HananInnu ilHI total at as years imprisonment ior espionage in East Germany private Western intelligence agency reported today inior motion Bureau West id the DREAM Roomy enhlll double bunk with team robber mattress Dinette with orboritc lop seats lour and converts to had ior pereon Arboriie counterwith plenty of storage below Cockpit very roomy for tishing or cruising Largo pilot can control tmnhognny spoked wheel single layer motor Rostocir district court convicted Karl Walter 60 his wife Anne Here 40 and Monika Aschrnlnn 19 Mrs Walters daughter by prevlous marriage This beautifully finished 21 Teamalt courses is truly the boat owners dream It has oil of the latest up to date features You can just picture yoursell and the family skimming along over the waves in this luxurious boat Dont be left out slimmer lun drop out and see this beauty ridlt away at fliislow price it wont last very long Hard chine hull plahked with as marine gildc mahogany Decks clear cedar planking coated with clear plastic for iiiellmo or minimum maintenance Cabin root iibergiess covered License No 69061 DISPOSAL ACT 335331533 iimfo arm Pals under the stage Act FREE REMOVAL Phone comer BARRE PArkwny axon GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE ucnzvsn once INSULATION hAirtite Insulation In as on to coal noélrwifonii $3553 Almig bosrd stain is in lostllic with Siyro ammdsi In eight colors HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 cowsN smear on em MOTORCYCLE or sale lay Dividlon modal condition PA 8417 res PLYMOUTH station Dsndy lor the coitus real odd runner in nice shape PA un 1mm in as Hedge sod Evérgrgsn Incl lty Kentucw or srion om us also told lod delivered nnyw Eessonlbls rater TELEPHONE PA 61555 EXOAVATING FILL GRAVEL son SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED holytin Ina audios wm neuvery crusho none Hair lisrd Bunkho or hire DENNIS MORAN so Ann Street PA wow comma aquarium TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR nm Tent Ind ll Comp Cats and 3W Cooler Complete with flying bridge and running lights on rs START JOHNSON comm WITH 25 HP ELECTRIC 1m nurcx 55mm us down OUTBOARD MOTOR and taks ovur ants TI phone PA was Fm II CHEV and running on Just til tiltiut or runninl around In this summnrlfi down 18 par month PA ran some omen nun Should sell at rm tfltl use Needs some work but good dollar Vslue PA was Burris Ea CHEV dong ll cylinder suit matia Blscnyne edsn will trade or cllh Ind 1958 or 1969 Chev nl Ford Phnhl Truck Ioievilone Clmp Borden 1061 WANTED Late model car or sts fig wagvevfiirillust be 1iln Ar can on sy on or own groper Tolhnhen oro ml or in her dstsiis VoLKSWAGEN Deluxe rust finish wmr Installing nut sud beige mum load condition Used mone csr Tole hons PA H711 or apply to 113 NIpier st Ill PLYMOUTH III hssuty bille Ind ivory two tone rsdio good tires or lsmos Body snd motor in very good condition than any on non wlli handle PA H562 BARRIE TENT AWNING CO LTD linonnwee UPBOLSIEE UPHOLSTERY Slipcovers Rugs Drapes FREE ESTIMATES CALL MAYFAIR PA 6I6I2 Try An Examiner Want Ari udlns aluminum inflow sad anIn TRY warn DIGGING co swoon you 503qu WELLS DRILLED ems iNSIALLED av LICENSED amass men EsmttAiEs Coupldnd Drilling rut No BARBIE PAIR 7646 143 ANNE ST is

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