OUR TELEPHONE For Examiner Want Ad Tole phonic PA 314 The telephone number to call for the Business or EditorisiDept is PA 57 97th YearNo 135 SETTLE GRIEVANCES Leaders Premiers Inquiry TORONTO CF Premier Frost Friday announced three point program to sattlc the prov Inces construction Woes as strikers forced complete halt in orontos casteest subway project Union leaders endorsed plans for the inquiry but made it clear nj cc would come to Metro baitn Torontos construction Li ssln udustry until spe cific riuvanccs are settled Charles lrvine International vlccvpresident of the Operative Plasterers und Cement Masons International Association tCLCt lender in organizing immig rant construction workers said plcketing activity will be stepped up on thc housing proj ects Mrirost said several davs discussion among provincial ca binet me in hers management and unionicprcscntativcs pm ducett three generally agreed upon steps to solution special board set up on temporary basis to adjudi cate complaints special in vestigation team irom the de partment of labor to hold spilt Chocks on vacations with pay hours and conditions of work commission of inquiry with the powers of royal com mission to provide longterm solution to problems in the in Endorse dustry by investigating condi tions and recommending solu lions to managemeatvlabor dif iiculties WILL ALT SUBWAY Mr irvine said the Toronto Building nades Council and the striking unions are determined to keep the WOWsubway at standstill unless three de mands are met The unions demand reinstate merit oflt cement truck driv crs members of tho Interno tional Brotherhood of Teams ters ilNDi fired by McNamara Raymond subway contractor liar refusing to cross picket lines other grievances include re fusal of McNamaraRaymond subcontractor to sign uninn agreement and refusal of con tractors to boycott four molar readymix suppliers Mr Irvine said Mr Irvine said Mr Frosts peace formula opens the door to immediate negotiations with contractors But the whole job will have to be union he said we wont go back piecemeal Mr Frost said he is con vinced solution reached in talks will bring peace to the industry with little tolerance and for bearance on both sides MAY NOT ALWAYSJIGREE UN SeatFor Red Chinese CouldProvoke US Bchott WASHINGTON CPIUnited be increased and that West Ber Jamestown and Villianisburg States legislators meeting with Canadians have worried that admittance of Communist China to the United Nations might lead to strong domestic pres surcs that the United States boycottnhc world body Canadian legislators touching on prospects for Canada joining the Zlvcountry Organization of American States suggested such membership might embarrass the sions when Canada might have to split with her neighbor on maorpoliqz Reflecting some elements of crossborder political agreement and disagreement on world is sues the 48 members of the Canada US interparliament ary group ended twoday con ference strongly united on the view that the West must show amailed first against Commu nist aggression But the federal delegates representing all ma jor political parties failed to agree on how to approach the Communist problem in an un easyperiod of peace SPLIT ON TRADING They agreed that the conven tional strength of the lscoun try North Atlantic Alliance must SThere might be occa lin should be dofendedeven if this means use of nuclear weao ens Butthey split on the ques tion of trading with Red China and how the Communist situaa tion in Cuba should be handled On the Berlin issue they said in communique it was reel ognized that if the Soviet Union moved at any time in force to cut off access to West Berlin NATO would be ready to re spond with nuclear weapons This reference to nuclear weapons was changed later by the cochairman to necessary force but they emphasized that the delegates are agreed to em dorse use of nuclearweapoos it commanders felt this neces sary Heading the Canadian group were Senate Speaker Mark Drouin and Commons Speaker Roland Michener Leading the 24 Americans were Congress man Cornelius Gallagher New York Democrat and Senator George Aiken Vermont Repuh lican TOUR ESTABLISHMENTS The legislators are spending the weekend touring American establishments at Norfolk V3 while their wives visithistoric crossbow terrors PILEUP Mbre than 55000 letters ad hessed to post office box Freedom are piled up in themain Detroit post office he letters presumably con tributions to help Tractors for Freedomraise s15 million to after 500 tractors would sent problem it thépio posed tractorsforfreedom prl sonera exchange with Cuba collapsed James Flaherty administrative assistant to the postrhaster is shown with the pile of unopened letters AP Wirephoto CUSTOMERS ARE HAPPY IF THEY CAN SEFVTHE BEFORE THEY 91ilths 0i CentIust As Much Va While the men were nucon fercnce Friday th cruised the Potomd the interparliamentary group Touching onthe ned Chinii issue Canadians argued that the trade with the Chinese main land in oohstrategic goods builds up reservoir of good will in China that will be along term benefit to the West Some American members countered that trade with Red China merely strengthens the Chinese position in Asia and raises moral issues on which the United States public feels deeply Division in views also emerged on the Cuban issue But both sides agreed Commu nist influence in Cuba presents serious hemisphere threat The pariiamentarians were agreedthat more American de fence contracts shouldbe placed in Canada and that world dis armament negotiations should progreés so far On bilateral issues Canadians expressed concern over Ameris can legislation to reduce the tion ontourist goods to $100 from $500 OFFERS HELP LONDON Reuters Russia has expressed its readiness to assistance to Nigeria the So viet news agency Tass reported today Nigeria ouce Britains biggest colony in Africa be came independent lst October but reniains as member of the British Commonwealth Vienna Described As Hopeful Event MOSCOW Rcuters President Leonid ezh daydeserihed hopeful event the Khrushchev In the first summit reference by atop Russian leaderhrhe pledged the Soviet to do an rintarnationaf tt is moot raisedjby th iiy Khrush chev meeting Brezhnev spoke at friend ship meeting Indonesian President Sukarnodn the Krein lin which was tten ed by Khrushchev and otherJop Soviet officials The gathering was broadcast live by Moscow radio andteiovision Khrushchev smilodand air piauded at Brezhnevs speech butmaintoined silence abouthis meeting with Kennedy welcomed indooesios intention West New Guinea Khrushchev rupting said We are not only happy about it but eady to demon strate it too1511 be continued despite lack of maximum import duty exemp offer economic and technical mit meeting last week betivaen We of Marks PresidentKennedy andyPremier its hést toreaiize the apes for The indonesiam leader said thllf Russia unlike the Wést to fight for Dutehg controlled Now you see it Now you dont Thats the picture in Barrie when it comes to the advertised price for gallon of gas city feature large placards giv ing the gas price per gallon Most of them read no cents Nonerof the signs howevgr havctliprï¬itédas large fered hyPresident Kennedy for as the other numbers Some signs have the drawn so small it can hardly be seen The Examiner made sur vey Uiis morning and found Request For Full GENEVA Reuters iodia has asked Britain and Russia cochairman of the Laotian con ference toeall plenary ses sion Monday it was reported to day amid hopes for progress in the deadlocked talks An authoritative source said that india chairman of the in ternational Control Commission in Laos asked for the meeting in note Friday which regretted no session has been held since Tuesday The sources also said the chief indian delegate Krishna Menon will fly to Nice Sunday for talks withFrince Norodom Sihanouk Cambodian head of Many filling stations in the large as the 37 numerals No Matter How The Letter and station in the city with the figures 37 drawn nearly threefeet high Close examin ation of lhcvposter finallylurn sed up the9 it was one inch high Directly across the street on other station had the painted boldly in figure nearly as Wtwii askedeiiether the so petingstatlon was takingam business by use of the micro scopic digit the operator re plied Not abit im gainingcus tomers They tell me At least we know how much itcosts By Indici SesSion state who originally sponsored lipower conference here stern hopes of getting the stall conferencegoing again rose Friday nightafter 45 minute meeting between the chief United States delegate Avereli Harrirnan and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Gro myko Harrirnan delivered note to the So official from President Ke READY TO NEGOTIATE high American source said Harriman gained the impression fromhis talk with Gromyko that Rusaia was anxious for the con ference to get down to negotia tions ARK AT THE rum4 Mostly Sunnv Where The weatherman missed by mile on todays forecast The mostly suooy for Satori storms defore noon there were three separate heavy showers They oniy lasted short while how ever The rain didnt dampen the morning exodus from Toronto Highway 400 was solid ribbon of speeding steel early today as vacationers headed north The Gray Coach bus terminal was jammed with weekenders bound for all points north Thick fog blanketed many oreas across southern Ontario during the night while cool air was pushing south across the northern part of the province Forecast for tomorrow is for some cloud but again mostly sunny Thehigh humidity to day makes some Barrio weather prophets somewhat skepticaio day turnedth seriesof flash HERES ONE mother discovered her little daughter fighting with the boy next door After patting them she lectured her daughter Next tune she said dont want you hittingJohony back Rememberyoure lady Out talk him LONDON CF The Queen today bestoweda peerage on the chain store chief who is Britains biggest seller of wom ens underwear in the list of honors on the Queens official birthday bar ony was grantedtoSir Simon Marks aJowish businessman who runs the chain store and Spenc Limited The Queen also made Britains former railroad boss Sir Brion Robertson baron and honored on Africanrcliief Seretse Khama ofBechuanalanfl who was made sinOfficer of tho Orderof the British Empire The Queens actual birthday is April 21 but she marked it officially today with her honors list of 2300 names and the an nual trooplngvthe color cere many The Queenobserved her celebrated his 40th birthday today The Queen honored cross section of Britishliie and live hood Diplomats government flciais and civil servantsof his and low rank werehonored Amnng sportsmen motorcycle racing driverJohn Surtees iioy and race horse trainer capt Charles Eisey were rewarded busin es 11 who has been climbings adin th top rnotionai footballer TomFiut Sir Simon iliarks lsvan astu big business in Britain Through his 200 department sores scat tered across the kingdom Sir Simon has made his trademark St Michael household word with every British woman Opera singerrJoan Sutherland was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire more novel musical award went to bandleader Victor Silvester whoruns strict tempo hail room orchestra and has spent lifetime ch in gBritoos to dance He was granted the OBE MayGen Henry Templar Al exander Briton who as Gha nas defence chief headed the first United Nations troop can tingent to The Congo was made Companion oftho Order of the Bath special honor went to Dame Evelyn Adelaide Sharp 50 Brit ainstop woman civil servant She was made Dame Grand Cross of the OrdeEofithe Bri ish Empire equivalentrtohig ranking kn gh thou Danie Sharp is permanent secretar of the housinggland local gutter meat ministry Among distinguishe Selle knighthoodsl went Queens Birthday List Honors 2300 subjects after marrying white woman in 1956 be was allowed to turn to his homeland anti this year he stepped back into the colo public life by ning election to the legislative counr cil Footballer Finney lso goLthej OBE He is one the finest as represents inander of the same both for their sex Eisey saddled fore his retire LOCAL WEATHER Mainly may tomorrw lit tle cooler Winds light low to night urinal Sunday 63 For full summary see page two inter tiuual soccer forwards oi Not More Than 7o per Copy12 Page Baby Recovering From 20Foot Fall HAMILTON CF 17 mootbold girl who fell back ward through secondstorey screened window Friday was reported today In hatisfactory condition at Homilton General Hospital Tammy Taylor only child of Mr and Mrs William Taylor suffered head ioluries following the 20400 fail Queen Instals Chancellor LONDON Reuters éucen Elizabethin Saxon blue robes and glittering diamond tiara Friday attended tho ni service of the Order of Saint Michael and Saint George of which she is sovereign to St Pauls Cathedral Prince Philip accompanlcd her congregation of 2000 com panions knigth commanders and knighu grand cross of the order heard the Queen instal as their new chancellor Lt Gen Lord Norrie former governor general of New Zealaod and former governor of South Aus traiia gallonhating University of Erit lsh Columbia student may shortly be released from Jackson Miss jail where he was sentenced for eating in the Negro section of bus depo restaurant But said Michael Audain of Victoria in telephone inter view from Jadtson Miss Fri day if was released today would re enter the colored facilities of the bus depot Audain 23 year oldsociai science student was jailed Wednesday when convicted of charges of breach of the peace He was touring states to study Nego social conditions Great grandson of James Duosmuir one of BCs most colorful premiérs and lieu tenant governors Audain did not elaborate on plans being worked out by the federal jus tice departmentto free him dents that led to arrest convic tion and sentence of two months plus $200 fine was arrested in the colored section of the restaurant sat down and ordered my meal Four minutes later they asked me to move Several times said was an interstate pas senger and wanted to finish my dinner Jackson eity policeman asked me tomove the white section imagine they the police are on duty at the bus depot was arrestedand taken to city iailJ Not RIDER Audain said he was in cell 1d Audain described the iwitb iaotber white students He 3750000 Bu Canadian Grain To Be Shipped OTTAWA CP Sale of an other 3750000 bushels of wheat to Poland on credit basis was announced in the Commons to day by Agriculture Ministcr Hamilton He sold contract for 100000 tons was signed between the Canadian Wheat Board and of ficlnls of the Polish national trade organization contract for similar amount was an nounced earlier this week Mr Hamilton said the total amount under the two contracts Ia 7500000 bushelsall to be shipped during the current crop year which ends July at rife sald tbe terms are the some as for the first contract 10 per cent cash with onethird of the balance payobla two years after date of shipment the next third years after shipment and the remainder three years after shipment The Crown owned Export Credits insurance Corporation had been authorized by the gov ernment to provide insurance for the credit arrangements Poland is the fourth Commun ist countty to buy Canadian wheat this year The others are Red China Russia and Czecho Slovakia Canadian Students Sentenced EFor DeiyingSegregationLaws VANCOUVER cma start said was not amembor of the Freedom Riders wont travel with them be cause do not consider myself part of the movement There are about 70 to 00 riders in jail in Jackson including another Canadian university student Jack Travis Mississippi pros ecutiog attorney in telephone interview identified the student as James McDonougb 22 of Huntington NY who is on roiled at the University of Tor onto Travis commenting on Au dains arrï¬t said The boys father had friend one oi the biggest bankers in the state trying to talk to him We as sume he wants to sit out the 60 days Audain described the Free dont Riders as great bunch of people admire their courage es pecially that of the girls At night in our cells we sing We sing hymns and the Freedom Riders songf Taylor Extending Brewing Interests LONDON CPlThe Evening News and Star says Tay lor of Toronto seeking to ex tend bis brewery interests Britain has offered nearly £3 000000 for Cornbrooli Brewery which operates 270 pubs throughout Lancashire Taylor having built up in Canada the worlds biggest bre wery Cana an Bre cries now is the go sp the UnitedBrewe as group of New INffA NUTSHELL or Year Canadian Homeand SchoolFed ays of heated debatevon nuclear