Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jun 1961, p. 2

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KRAEMER LEFT SUCCEBDS COL COOPER AS NES MANAGER HERE Local NES Manager Ends 14 Years Here Col Cooper OBE of the National Employment Service olfice 40 Owen Street Barrie retires June 20 terminating 14 yours as local manager He will be succeede by Bruce County native Kraemer who comes from managership of the Waikcrtcn office and six years service lnthe capital with the department of trade and commerce Col Cooper who lives with no wifesarah fary at 162 Toronto Street has been in ill health over the past year var or we wens lie is veteran of both Great Wars in the first with tho Brit ish Army the second following emigration from his native Dublt lln Ireland in 1021 with Can adian forces Onaofnfamllyofslxboys and girl Col Cooper received TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlap st Barrio INDUSTRIAL Alboxto Abitlbi Allan Steel Aluminium Alaert Gu Atlas Stool Bk of Montreal Bank of N5 Bell Tel Bruntn EA 011 RC Power Cdn Bk of Corn 111 Cdn Breweries 48 CPR Cano Cement Can Chemical Can 011 Con Min as Sm Con Paper Comumen Gu D11 seas Dom Tar Gt Lake Oil leatt Nonndl Dom Found Dom store Exquisite Pfd Famoul Play Gut Pow Harden Farm Home Pit Homo Oil Hudson Fulfill Imp lobloco Anna Inland inlet Nickel interprov Pipe 72 Jockey Club Mic Powcll Riv Manny rem em Nor Ont no 70 Home Corp Olhlwn Pacific Pete rem Pi is Que Na an Roe autumn Itaynl Bank St Law Co Sllndl sutrr 152 sun sonl St and Mia Steel or can 61A steinaarg TnlDDmBX Trans Can Pl Trans are mum sin Texaco Union on Walker saw 113 11 19 11 so 16 375 1055 53 MINING Can Husky emui Chib Con 211110 Con Dcnlsnn Con Hall Sullivan Ptlcanbridxa cm Mines Holltngrr can win 111 52 21 Lemqua Nometnl opemish Gunnu KoraAddison Long Lle Mlfltilnu ls Quemont soar Gordon steep hock United ou Venture WW nvn MOST Acnva STOCK Anacon Cons Gas Dominion rar undo Wurny Trudeau Finance DIVIDEND nacunanom National aim car Ltd ch Plllblc Juli Ocean Cement and Supplies Ltd mc Fly 19 July 14 Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce toe on dcnd June 28 11 ex dividend run 26 ex dividend June Aug ex divi nowlorllza NEW YORK AVERAGES Industrial up 1m Rails up 12 Utilities down 06 mnoNla srocx BxanNGB INDDK Industrial up 52 Gold down 09 STOCK MARKET mum up 09 all down is Industrials Up Volume TORONTO CP The stock market recovered from its morning uneasiness and was higher during moderate trading today On index industrials rose 62 to 57900 and base metals 09 to 19184 Golds fell 02 to 8103 and western oils 18 to 0721 The 11 am volume was 508 000 shares compared with 463 000 at the same time Thursdayu Gains were scattered through out the industrial group with no definite pattern Loblaw was up Vi to 43 while Abitibi Atlas Steel Imperial Bank of Commerce and Molsons all mse In light nuning trading Inter national Nickel Denlson and Consolidated Mining and Smelt ing were up fractionally Gold trading was light with Dome off 36 ta22 NOON DOLLAR NEW YORK CPlCimadian dollar ii lower at $10 316 in terms of US funds Pound ster ling unchanged at $279 MONTREAL cmThe v5 dollar was at discount of 316 per cent in terms of Cana dian funds the Bank of Mont real reported near noon today Thursday the noon rate was 90 yPound sterling $275 1110 up At Rises The market lost ground in moderate trading Thursday el Company Dominion Foundries and Steel Atlas and Burlington all dropped heavily and Imperial oil was also down On the exchange index indus trials fall 131 to 57000 golds 21 to 8190 and base metals 130 to 19175 The final volume was 2657000 mares compared with 2180000 Wednesday Mining trade was heavy es pecially in some of the specu lative mines ConKey turned over more than 340000 shares in late day trading and ad vanced Among seniors losses were heavy Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting lost more than point while Falconbridge Consoli dated Mining and Smeltlng Quemont and Noranda had frac tional losses In light gold trading McIn tyre Porcupine Giant Yellow knife and Kerr Addison all fell alllie Hollinger was up to both the MSM and Long Service and Good Conduct medals His career totalled 30 years sarvtce lncluding four years active in World War ov erseas and full active service in tlVorld War II Ihrough the dura on He was manager of the NES office both in its Dunlap Street and Collier Street locations prior to construction of the new city federal building His son Capt Frederick Wil liam is with the Royal Canad ian Army Service Corps on tho Ghaza lp daughter Mrs Martin lives in Bramp on CONTINUE HOBBIES Col Cooper says he will con tinue both stamp collecting and gardening hobbies after retire ment Mrs Cooper is mem ber of the Royal Victoria lins pltal Womens Auxiliary Mr Kraemer comes from ex perience with the NES in Kit chener as supervisor of insur ance operations and prior to tth in london Ont He was born in Formosa near Walkhrton and educated at St Jeromes College Kitchener Following was course at 0t tawa Vniverslty lie and his wife Eileen have children Mary 16 Raymond 14 Eugene 12 Gerard Mich ael As yet the fwhave not found rcsidnoe arrle Mr Kraemerwill manage staff of 15 in the local office WEATHER Synopsis weak disturb ance will move through north ern and parts of Central 0n tarlo today In the south and south central parts of the prov ince sides will be mainly sunny Skies will clear in the north and the entire province should enA joy fairly fine day Saturday Northern Lake Huron south ern Georgian Bay liaiiburton regions Cloudy becoming sunny by noon today Sunny and warmer Saturday Winds northeast 15 becoming north ls Saturday afternoon Algoma northern Georgian Bay regions Sudbury North Bay Sault Sta Marie Sunny to day temperatures about the same as Thursday Becoming cloudy with scattered showers this evening Cloudy Saturday morning becoming sunny in the afternoon Taming cooler Satur day evening Forecast temperatures Low tonight high Saturday Windsor 55 60 St Thomas 80 London 00 Kitchener 80 Winghom 70 Hamilton 80 St Catharines 75 Toronto Peterborougb Trenton Killaloe Muskoka North Bay NET EARNINGS By THE CANADIAN PRESS Canadian Devonian Patrols uma Duh year ended Mar ill 1961 $11471 1960 $772160 75 owA l96l lNNISlIL no in Cool Thinking Beats Tire Dept To Punch By IL 301 SPACE HEATER Mrs Purl Deflardinu who lives in the subdivision at the corner of Ilderoed and 14th concession called the fire delt partxnent after struggling with on overheated space which she had reflghted after some days out of service The fire burned up over the stove and around the floor but by shutting off the oil and rm ing salt on the blaze aha had the fire out When the fire truck arrived mllk driver who cal led at the door was asked to al sist but he made fast exit Mrs DesJardincshad to run some distance to reach phone to call the firemen Within minute from the first blast of the alarm siren at least seven of the volunteers had manned the two trucks and with accompanying cars made the trip in an even 15 minutes Slight damages were caused to the floor and walls near the heater COUNCIL ADVISED Clerk Allan Ireton claims that be had advised the council that the assistant clerk was to leave for definite raise in salary in his new position with annual in creases to follow Ha states that ha approached the young man John Gilbert when he mentioned the change and asked him if raise in sal ary at Innisfil would change his mind He was informed that the indcllnlte manner of salary ad vancements in Innisfil was such that it meant special meeting each year to get raise Clerk Ireton says he told Mr Gilbert there was an opportunity for him to become his assistant but this did not change his mind am instructed not to en gage replacement but there has been no salary arrangement specified Mr Ireton states No one is officially hired for this year so far he stated Mr Ireton claims that couple of years ago salary schedule was proposed to council which would allow for an annual increase to regular employees This was not accepted Mr Gilbert took the Ancaster Township offer where he was to receive an additional $9000 and an iannual increue He had shownwbisf abilityE andhat the same time was replacement is in sight in the Innisfil office FIRE VICTIMS SHOWER Residents around 15 sideroad and the 8th and 9th lines met in Lakelands Hall on Tuesday av enlng to bring shower of use ful gifts to help Mr and Mrs Ellia who suffered loss by fire month ago when their home on the slderoad was dam aged The kitchen stiffered the worst damages and new re frigerator was destroyed as well as all the dishes silverware and cooking utensils The gifts and cash donations brought to the shower would replace some of the loss In thanking the donors for their thoughtfulness Mrs Ellis said she had been back to the house which is being repaired udying to 7lfi crease his knowledge So far no but lust had no heart for doing much when she thought of her lovely things that had been lost NIGHT TRADE SCHOOLS em of the BDCI Board Iént delegates iaBrent ford recently to led the trade schools in operation in that civ These Ichools train unam ployed adults during their off work period so that they may better their positions or qualify for position for which they had no previous experience The trade schools use the suns lac illties as the vocational schools but students come for training at night finishing up in the car ly hours at the morning Chairman Clifford Iockh rt told lnnlsfll Council that in his estimation this was one of the most worthwhile programs the provincial and federal govern ments had launched so far MANY APPLICATIONS When school area board num ber two was lrJt with vacancy on the teaching BIBILIIIO secret ary Bert Laugheed went oyer bis file of previous applications and the committee selected Miss McFadden of Barrie However applications by well qualified teachers are still com ing in to the board one of these being girl holding her BA and with two years experience in the management office of BICI She had up until few days ago been unable to obtain position The secretary told of member of the south area board being down at Teachers College and finding the room filled and many waiting in the hall for lterviaws with hiring trtntces certath would have liked to see that Trus on Bruce cha commented remembering the days when the Board had difficulty obtaining their requir cments COULD CUT MILK PRICES The owner of restaurant told council that he could ob ers ready for sale at his store for several cents less than the local price He asked that he be allowed to retail this product llis lic ence was allowed for store Mica lie claims that cannot cool and sell milk for the one cent margin allowed in this area lTDll Nominaies Barrie Florists Twolocal florists were norm lnated for election to the execu tive of the Ontario unit Flor lésls Telegraph Delivery Associa on Both Art Harris who was nominated to the attics of chair man and Mac Fendlay who was nominated to the office of dir ector noth zone attended an executive meeting at the Brant Inn Burlington June Final plans were made lorthe annual meeting which will be at Prudhommes Garden Centre vineland June 21 Barrie Firms NotYet Affected By Campaign To Gain llS Pacts provincial governmmit cam paign to mist manufacturers to obtain new products for fabrica tion through manufacturing ar rangement with US companies has not reached Barrie Only one local firm Delaney Boat Lines and Service Ltd could be involved in the cam paign under the boat classifica tion Firm president and gen eral manager Dean Arbuthnot WE HAVE said this morning he has not heard of the promotion to date The Delaney company pro duces about 100 units annually including moulded plywood boats mahogany plank run abouts and both inboard and out board flying bridge cruisers ranging up to 24 feet in length Mr Arbuthnot called his firm mediumsized one in the me arcades Every prescription we dispense II permeaentls recorded by number dltsummu Pbyllciln and patient was this emu inan your prescription nu cord in niwcy available to you ocpyour pbyclclnm Tau information can brplrtloululy nelme when determining medical expnnsell Mkmlrpnct regard Ind taxes your DOCTOR can medicine Pick up nearby or we will charKl mlt lylnur prose PHONE us when you need riptlon if morphs or promplywltbout extr mlf People Enlrult uswlth their orecranium Mly compound yam taln grade one milk in containl storelieepers 011 Expect Storm On Prairies Over New Shipping Policy HDONIIANRIGRI CundlnnPrGIIBthrller MTAWA CPiNo Liberal MP niggested Thurst that the governments new inland shipping policy may create the economic weather on the Great Baku that will produce storm on the Prairies Lionel Chevrier and PlecrsgllI sold in the 00m mons that the policy could lead to shipping rates that will give American wheat growers competitive age and thus endanger Canada United Kingdom wheat market They raised the issue during debate on transport department estimates debate that in eluded the new policy of re stricting coasting trade in the Great Lakes and lower St Law rence River to ships of Caner Genuine Lions Roar Didnt Faze dinn registry so far as domes tic traffic is concerned Mr Cbavrlerformcr Liberal transport minister quoted the Saskatoon StarPhoenix as say ing British ship could move iron are to an international put such as Cleveland then move on to Duluth Minn for cargo of American min to be delivered to In inland Canadian port This would mean hardship for the Canadian Lskeheed ports of Fort William and Port Arthur since the British ships could not go there under the new policy and thus would start taking Duluth grain to pom such as Montreal Quebec and Septlies liansport Minister halcer said the Canadian shipping coin panics had sought the federal action and be was quite Children At Daddies Banquet Munbers of Barrie Lions Club and their children got together Tuesday night for super 3111 per planned for than by the Community House management In all 79 litanded includinl children Lion president Myers call ed on versatile Lion Bill Bell for singsong bit shy at first the Lions soon joined in He then called for genuino ions roar which came with ck tra volume and added motions Not even startled the young sters Laughed to see daddy let loose All in party dress the children roamed around while It is not considered good prac tice to write dragon on bank at which one has no account Banks and law enforcement ag encies take dimvlew of such activities But there are such banks all over the country including Bar rie where one can draw free on an account to which he may not have contributed Its free until the nocount runs dry Then it may be fatal The logical thing to do lt would seem would be to invest some capital in the fund before one needs to borrow from it Its less risky This preamble is reminder of the blood donor clinic planned to replenish the aforementioned fund Monday June 12 from to 430 and from 630 to pm at Trinity Parish Hall in Barrie BLOOD IS FREE Mrs Gwynneth MacLarcn secretary of the Barrie branch of the Canadian Red Cross Soc iety points out that despite pre sistent rumors to the contrary blood is free at the Royal Vic toria Hospital Even the service charge of $5 is covered by the Ontario Hospital Plan She pointed out that several babies have been born with an RH negative factor at the hos pital since the last blood donor cl For those occasions blood was rushed from the Red Cross Depot in Tomato to give these babies complete trans fusion Demand for blood has doubled with the practice of giving transfusions before operations as well as after few exceptions when blood is not accepted at the clinic in clude those who have bad laun dice or tuberculosis heart condition or is presently taking allergy shots for hay fev er Age limits are It to 65 the daddies wen trained help ed to clear the tables away and Mplaee the chairs 0y Leone Toronto mae ter ventriioquist with an assist ant cellcd Hppy brought out clever line of patter with vocal acrobatics and clever dialogue finishing with duet with Happy The assistant was then packed away in his b0 protesting to the last delight ing the children ymmg and old Mr Lelinel la enthuiastlc about our lake region and has summer home on Lake Cou fhioblns near hams Indian v11 age SOMETHING rOn mar BUT Dry Account At Bank Fatal Generous Deposits Needed Quota for the Barrie branch of the Red Cross is 1200 pints year Demand locally has risen sharply in the last year The new hospital addition and the resulting rise in the number of patiean will likely tend to in crease the need Ercsb blood is ordered from the Red Cross Depot in Tomato weekly In tbg caseof rare ll ll ll INTERNATIONAL Moron mucus and Cylinder Models PRICED FROM $233500 1960 ENVOY Sedan 67000 miles loss anvnonEr Piusup box 1959 CHEVROLET Pickup 195d FARGO 15 Stake 1956 FARGO wheel base fl cylinder 1958 CHEVROLET 1700 series 1956 INTERNATIONAL Pick PHONE PA 83026 DUN LOP cLovrkLEAr TOW TRUCK AIJGNING BODY REPAIRS they look forward to substam till increase in their Ruin car riage from the kitchen to lower St Lawrence ports MUS OPERATE CHEAPER Mr Pickmgill manner for Banevistn Iwllllngslc aid if the Canadian companies might luch action it must be bcuuso the British vessels operate more cheaply in future this would mean lower rate on grain from Du luth to any Bale Comeau Que than from Fort William to Bare Comeu This would be highly detrimental to Western farm era at the Lekehead ports and the minister will hear about it he should make no mistlke about that Mr Plckersgill Inked what steps the government will take to see that Canadian shipping companies keep their prices down to the levels offered by British or foreign carriers Mr Balcer answered Ever since this policy was announced we have received absolutely no indication from any shipping company that there was any intention of in creasing these rates think the shipping companieS especially with the advantage they have It the present time with the subsidies and the clos ing of inland waters will be in very good position to give ex cellent rates to the shipper from the West ACTOR DEB PASADENA Calif AP Henry Sylvester 79 veteran actor who appeared in char acter and comedy mlcsrln mm tian pictures after 29 years in vaudeville died Thursday Iypetehbloodnanbenlllcdlo Barrie within two hours great proportion of the local hospital patientsare from the rural areas around the city Hence rural residents an also asked to contribute to the bank Monday Failure of eligible donors to respond to the call could cost someonesomawhcre life lost FARGO saunas with meter $1500 1951 INTERNATIONAL Tin dem $2300 195 canvaonnr nuiup 1952 soon now 1952 INTERNATIONAL wheel base speed FIAT Sedan RES10 INTERNATIONAL air controls 51150 um NIGHTS PA 83139 ONTARIO oiVIsIoN HOMEMAKER SVERVICE OPENING IN BARRIE MON JUNE 12 on Insomnia CALL surrawsoa HOMEMAKER same The murmur RED cross scurry PA 84134 MRS FERGUSON AIMS To provide capable homemaker who will care fur the family while the mother is ill at home or in the hospital or other emergencies To give service toall in need regardless of race creed colour or income To permit the father to continue with his work as aured that his family is well cared for HOMEMAIIEBS DUTIES Care of children Plan buy and cook nourish ing meals for the family Keep the hme in order Light laun ryv Simple bedside care under direction of doctor and nurse ANOTICE rmsr INSTALLMENI or TAXES 1s Dim an sermons man in as commacn Aim To recurring rar MENTS ma om omen Win an ornn ran F9LLOWING nxran HOURS shinny man nap autonomy JUNE 109 arn ruse annur curcu Be Saferl See DANGERFIELD MOTORS d5 Collierstl PA 51487 cAanatLS DRUG STORE Doug Hmth to 830pm Geo Caldwelllhm snnvrca Is GIVEN Mommy ro FRIDAY SATURDAY aMrr na to 1200 Noon CESSARY HOURB USUALLY BOOAM TO PM WITH ONE HOUR Cor Owen and Dllnlop so 3351 13310 DURING THEFDAY Please Bring 0r Mull II Gable Complete Infill city Treasurer The Homemaker is capablc of managing the household during the emergency Fees are adiustedfiu consultation with thcRed Crass Supervisor and are Confidential

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