the iï¬arrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers united 16 Bayfield Street Barrie ammo PAGE FOUR SATURDAY MAY EDITORIAL Welcome Coming Tourists With Friendly Courtesy Although the weather has not been too friendly to Barrie and simcoe Coun ty for some weeks with some optimism we can forecast that within few days there will be invaders from south of the border few invaders have already hit Ontario from the us in search of fish but found the generally in the same frozen type retailed in tins All this is to change About two weeks from how usually corresponding with our Victoria weekend holiday many thousands of Americans will hit the highways north seeking holiday relaxation One of the se days someone will spot an the main street of Barrie licence plates roading Ohio or Pennsylvania maybe even No braska Are these thousands of tourists and many of them will be from such can federated provinces as Quebec and Ma nitoba going to remember and talk about Barrie when they return home This will depend largely on the recep tion they may receive while they are in our city the newest city in Canada stilli Each year the newspaper people in cmopeiation with the Ontario Depart ment of Travel and Publicity bring in many US editors for rapid tourof our province and they invariably re turn home to write glowing accounts of the beauties and opportunities of Canada This brings many visitors north of their undefended peaceful border SO what is the reaction What do all of us do The Chamber of Commerce in the past has striven to hang out the Wel come sign to our many visitors and no doubt the same will he done this year SeawayNow Going Concern Disappointment has been expressed that the tonnage carried through the St Lawrence Seaway has been loss than the objectives set by toll committee in 1058 These tolls were set so us to pro duce sufficient revenue to pay off con Jstruotlon costs in 50 years different view is taken in the cur rent business review of the Bank of Mon treal which believes the estimates for an annual movement rising from 25 mil lion tons to 33 million in the first three years should not be considered as arbit rary standards That the experience of the Seaway in its first two seasons has fallen somewhat below initial and nec essarvlly conieotural predictions is scar cely cause for disappointment or alarm the Review states The Seaway has had some technical difficulties as was inevitable in the init ial operation of such an extensive en gineering project Notably there were serious delays inApril 1959 as hundreds of ships waited to enter the Seaway for along with the coopcratlon of person nel of stores and restaurants Visitors to some citiu in the United States and few in Canada have dis played keen interest in the welcome sign they received from the police which has resulted in much favorable com ment on the part of the tourists in cluding letters of appreciation to the municipal authorities After spending time visiting stores or dining in restaurant they have returned to their car to find ticket on the windshield indicating they over parked or violated some other traffic regulation in the particular municipa lity they are visiting The sign of the ticket usually darn pens their spirit Not is the case in some communities ThEy pick up the ticket with some misgivings but find on it message of welcome and ex pressing the hope that they areen joyingthelr visit to the community At the same time the ticket points out that they have violated one of the traf fic regulations but as they are visitors no penalty will be imposed Immedia tely the tourists take more friendly view of the community and tell others what nice place such and such com munity is and the reception they re celved It would be nice to hear about Barrie being extolled in this way And we be lieve it could if the City Council and the Chamber of Commerce could get together with the police department and work out similar plan to that which has created so much goodwill ni some other cities in Canada and the United States the first time Both ships crews and lock operators were inexperienced at first and there were some accidents But the Seaway has steadily improved in effic iency and safety and improvements are still proceeding with transit times through the locks being out sharply The Review thinks that the seaways early record provides reassuring evid ence that this enlarged maritime artery to the heart of the continent is already despite inevitable growing pains ex panding and facilitating the flow of trade and that it will continue to do so It recalls the official opening or the Seaway by the Queen and Mr Eisen hower two years ago and points to the contrast between that coremonlal occa sion and the admittance of waiting ships to the waterway at the start of the third season on April 15 The routine passage of regular cargo vessels indicates clearly that the Sea way dream which took more than 50 years to become reality is now going concern IViews Other Editors WELCOME PEOPLE Sudbury star People who look on tourists as dollar signs have been given new concept by Hon Bryan cathcart Ontario minister or travel and publicity The minister told the North Bay Lakeshore Resorts Asso ciation that the tourist industry gives to Canadians the opportunity to build friendshipbetween nations Through visitors to our country we are enabled to judge the qualities of others as they are able to judge us Sure 1y this is one way we can help build world peace through our mutual friend ship Mr Cathcart makes point that many Canadians can take to heart Too many do not see tourist as welcome guest Rather they turn Xray eyes on his poc ketbook and figure out how much money they can take away from him before he moves on to the next point in his four ney Why is it that tourists will return year after year to the same place Why is it they will visit an area one year and avoid it like the plague thereafter In arnumber of casesit is the greed of the tourist operator or the resort area to bleed the visitorofhis vacation money Like communities that operate speed traps for revenue purposes it doesnt take long for the word to spread The brand of tourist prices is stigma Perhaps many will get the message from Mr people and that they come to this coun try to learn about us If the gospel is spread that we are more interested in them than in their money tourists will find accommodation in short supply 7Paidgrap1jiiea11y Speaking What would you do if the world were to come to an end asks writer Wed enter into the spirit of the occasion and come to an end along with it The Barrie Examiner Authorized auéconu clnl mu Post Office Department Ottlwl Dilly Sunday ma smulory Eoildoyl excepted more wane enema amen anionr General Manager nanny CONN aucnes Manning mm CHARLES wanna noaeur snared Acvnu JOHN HOLDER CHCHIIIIE Mxnue Subscrl tlun mi do slazo yenr Single can 7cy Emluaid first mo year surn ux mo nu month uuid ant3o relic Wain Idl $1000 year adieu in University Ava rumin my street Montreal my wuc Georgia about nm an inning outer and aim in of republication or The farthestout worry wart we know about is man who spends his week ends worrying about impending Mon day morning It probably wont be long before the pilot of jet plane flying west will have to carry watch that runs backwards As rule person who laughs lot is highly intelligent says psycholog ist Not necessarily it may be that lotof his associates do dumb things tornado leaves community in al most aswlld disorder as does aleyear ldboy when he leaves the bathroom ftertaking bath rutany Shot Man Names muons Iitica NY Daily Press In doing so he risked making his assailant mad enl ough ll him again Cathcart that visitors are gest buyer of Canadian grain BLOCK BUSTER Till WEEKS news Astronauts Agre What Beautiful Sight By JOSEPil MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer Alan Shepard first American astronaut rocketed to the edge of space and do scribed his historic voyage in the same joyous terms as first Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin What beautiful sight cried Shepard 37 as he streaked along at 5100 miles an hour on the flight that car ricd him 115 miles into the heavens The Redstone booster rocket carryingssheuardsspMe cap sule blasted off from Cape Canaveral at 1034 am EDT Friday and the pickup was made at sea is minutes later 302 miles down range The astronaut was reported well and officials said he had performed his various tasks during the flight The successful shot ap peared to put the United States back into the space race with the Soviet Union Soviet scientists took the first prize 23 days earlier when they boosted Gagarin the worlds first space travel ler into leamilehlgh orbit nd returned him to earth 1011 minutes later Gagarln also described the view from space in ecstatic terms Shepard had to go through an unscheduled ordeal when his blastoff was delayed ior time Friday morning giv ing rise to fears it would be postponed again aswas made necessary when weather turned sour SHIP SINKS The storm that imperilled the space flight brought tragedy to an alderinfinitely oldermode of travel when picturesque sailing ship fourt dered in the Gulf of Mexico The 9th brigantine Alba tross used as seagoiug school for ieenagers went down in gale carrying six persons to their deaths in cluding one Canadian Chris Coraline lil of Montreal Vser CONVICTED British diplomat reported brainwashed by his Commu nist captors in the Korean conflict was sentenced in Lon don Wednesday to 42 years in prison for spying for Russia The sentence against George Blake 38 was the sulfest such penalty in mod ern British history Blake pleaded guilty Blakes offences were not published in detail but it is understood that the former vicoeonsul in Seoul Korea divulged important secrets of Britains intelligence service CASTRO CANEPAIGNS Cuban Premier Fidel Cas tro newlyvannounced winner of the gain peace prize waged bitter campaign against the Roman Catholic Church describing some of the clergy as Spanish Falangists or Fascists He said in May Day speech Monday that Cuba is socialist state and elec ons were not necessary to demonstrate the solidarity of his government with the people WHEAT SALE The Canadian government Tuesday announced the sign ing of ash year agreement flhatw make RedChinasec and only to Britain as the big Credit aspccls of the agree ment came under fire from Liberal Leader Lester Peer son and CC Leader Hazen Argue after it was announced in Parliament by Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton who visited Hong Kong to con clude the deal Starting June and ending in December 1963 ihengrce ment calls for shipments to the Chinese mainland of iBS 700000 bushels of wheat and 45700000 bushels of barley worth about $3620000 The sales will be made for sterllogmn tcnrls7of 25 per cent cash with the balance payable in 21 days on each contract under the agreement OPPOSITION H115 Pearson described the sale as an ruiusual windfall We sell wheat to our friends for cash We sell it now to gov ernment which we do not ree ognize tieally for credit Mr Argue charged that the agreement is onesided deal under which most of the grain would be stored by Canada without Chinas commitment to buy it ASIAN FIGHTING There appeared to be little leiup in the manypronged Communist drive in the small countries of Southeast Asia The job of nailing down ceasefire in Laos the Budd hist kingdom torn by civil war was confused but seemed to be making some progress sixvman government mili tary delegation flew into the nomansiand near the rebel front Friday in the hope of arranging details of the cease fire government spokesman reported de facto ceasefire 0n lldvrsory Stall Montrealborn Dr David Robinson 34 was named member of President Ken nedys advisorystaff in the United States in April 1961 Dr Robinson physics grad uate of Univers ity and specialist in optics had become United States citizen His parents Judge and Mrs Benjamin Robinson lived at Wesimount Que GP Photo CAN GEI VISA UIIAWA CF Canadian sportsmen have no trouble get ting vintors visas for Poland tourist promoter from the Conununist coimtry said Fri day They can carry their guns right to the border audget visaon the spot said Stanislaw Marianski head of the govern ment travel bureau in Warsaw On Space was in effect throughout the country And the government called for general recon ciliution meeting May 10 An Indian CanadianPolish commission meanwhile wait ed in New Delhi ready to supervise the ceasefire when it actually took place But in South Viet Nam neighbor of Laos Communist guerrilla warfare against the government was causing CUII fern particularly in Washing on QUEENS VISIT Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip in their state visit to Italy visited Pope John in the Vatican Friday and spoke privately with the head of the Roman Catholic Church for is minutes The Queen temporal head of the Church of England heard warm words of tribute toflritish siaiesmauship from the pontiff who also spoke of the loyalty to the Crown of Catholics in Commonwealth countries AGREEWNT REACBED The CNR and CPR did an aboutface Thursday night and agreed to give theirlll000 nonoperaijng employees wage increases of 14 cents an hour as had been recommended by conciliation report Fifteen unions called off strike scheduled for May 16 But it appears that negotia tions in the knotty situation will be under way again be fore the end of this year WEEK IN ONTARIO Toronto police already bardvpressed by reports of or ganized crime and gangster ism in the area were faced with savage beating that defied explanation Two men forced their way into the sub urban Etobicoke home of United Church minister and beat him and his wife Rev Raymond Hard set off fur are by saying he thought he was attacked because of his strong stand in favorof re ligious education in the schools Police groups op posed to religion in the school and even the ministers wife disagreed with his theory They were however unable to come up with any other explanation for the assault The first nan Canada Rally gruellingcrosscoun try grind for both cars and drivers was marred by Minor crash near Port Ar thur that killed William Roscoe navigator and in jured three other partici pants Both cars were on the last leg of their journey from Toronto to Port Arthur com peting in the 4100mile drive to the British Columbia Trade Fair The fatality was the first in the millions of miles Of Canadian car rallying Cancer Friday claimed the life of Max Kaminaky former American Hockey League coach who led St Catharines Teepeer to Memorial Cup vic tory in 1960 Kaminsky took over coaching the junior team in the 195960 season He was forced to give up the job after less than month of the 155151 season had passed when he entered hospital The soft spoken hockey veteran began lils career in minor leagues at Niagara Falls Ont and turned professional with the old Ottawa Senators of the National Hockey League in ii Reports Of Mass Terror Seep Out Of Cuba Despite Censorship MIAMI Fin AP Report of mm am against eats of Fidel Castros regime are seeping out of Cuba dupite curtain of total may in new communicaqu and null These reports tell of suffering arming thousands of detained rounded up in the wake of the abortive antiCastro invasion of mldltAprlL They tell oi thou nnds inhumlnely crowded without food and sanitation in detention centres of uprisings born of desperation among the cleaners bloodhound and po ee dose used to threaten the prisoners it now is conï¬rmed that the regime has imposed complain censorship on all outgoing news messagu which must be cleared through the cbief of telelt communlmiiens Mail censor ship long in existence behind the scenes now is out in the open Huge piles of mallawait censorship at the office of the telecommunications duel ap parently in charge of that job too ROUND UP FOREIGNERS This is the story of what has been happening to the thousands suspected of opposing the re gime as pieced together from the reports from the island Between 5000 and 40000 Cu bans and foreigners including number of Americans were rounded up in Havana alone after the invasion The detain ees were herded into requisi tioned buildings such as the Sports Palace and the Blun quita llienire At the Blanquila there were between 6000 and 7509 pnsanen loomed into the auditorium without any ar rangements for food or sanita tion The only food available was that brought by relatives of persons held there Midway through the first week of their detection prison en were screaming for food and fighting their way through litter of ï¬lth and excrement for chance to use the few toil ets Many became ill At least three typhoid case were re ported rune um caowo Report from those who saw if in person say that at one point the prisoners tried to rise up against their armed militia guards Several shots were fired into the crowd Na prisoners were wounded but this failed to quiet the detainees Then bioodhounds and police dogs were paraded across the stage and the militiamen threatened to turn the dogs on the pi rs if they failed to quiet own The prisoners attempted an other uprising overwhelming some mllitla guards and seizing their weapons But later young Castro militiamen entered the Blanquita to serve as guards and met no trouble ï¬nally in desperation the in threatened to burn the theatre and everyone in it if they were not given food and some decent sanitation Shortly afte rward Castro authorities began freeing some of those under detention and taking others elsewhere lacqueline On Road To Success In Her Hand Ill High Diplomacy By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Prue Staff Writer Little Caroline has virtually disappeared from the headline making world of politics but her mother has stepped in to try her hand at high diplomacy Jacque line Kennedy appears to be the road to success President Kennedy is makins special effort to win support of the new and small countries whose voices normally might be drowned out in the shouting hy steria of the cold war Visiting leaders are welcomed at Wash jngion airports with an unusual flourish which now includes the presence of the presidents wife When the presidents pert little daughter threeyearald Cero line began showing up in an un usual number of news photos of the president and became quotable White House figure she informed reporters once that my daddy has his shoes off doing bottling there was some criticism that Kennedy was using his daughter for poll tical purposes This criticism is unlikely in the case of Mrs Kennedy handsome brunette talented in art and languages she may prove welcome asset to United States diplomacy Mrs Kennedy made her air port debut May in assisting her husband in welcoming Presi dent Habib Bourguiba of Tu nisia and his wife She was able to putibem completely at ease by addressing them in the lan guage they use every day French Jacqueline is to accompany her husband to Ottawa May 16 and to Paris May 31 in meeting with French President Charles de Gaulle Kennedy is under stood to be planning to use his wife as interpreter on lniopnal occasions The painstaking attention and courtesy that is showering on lhe small powers became evident in his welcome of President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana March To some ex tent Nkrumahs policies seemed to lean more towards Moscow ihah Washington Kennedy went all out to give him lull red carpet welcome It was the some with visiting premier Constantine Karamen lis of Greece who held an em bassy party on April 17 the very day the Cuban invasion took place aron Shawcross an ex lawyer who has been Labor party supporter all his life was appointed bylbe Conserv ative government to head an investigation of monopolistic treods in the British newspap er industry in April 1961 Bet ter known as Sir Hartley he was attorneygeneral in the first postwar Labor govern ment and principal British delegate to the United Nations 194549 CP Pboui QUEENS PARK WhyNot Picketing Without Striking DON ouEAnN TORONTO Thoughtwhlle walking through the Royal York while the strike was on Why couldnt there he picket ing without striking It is powerful publicity weapon for labor At present it isnt used until the employees walk out Might it not be valuableand mean savings to both industry and laborif it were permitted at an intermediate smge in dis putesr CCF ALIVE In Toronto Beaches with Tommy Douglas as drawing card the CCF pulled out more 11 800 for nomination meet ng Let the Liberals beat that And dont think they wont be breaking their ueclu to try to News that Mr Douglas would take the New Party leadership has put lot of steam in the localCCFers Steam thatwas bemnning to be badly needed The Saskatchewan premier has lot of life and outstanding ability In this instancewbe also showed he hassome mastery of demagoguery He was preaching taking money from those at the fluff abdgiving itto tbosefat the bottom lot of spool to that be of Butit doesntwork out math ematically Theres not enough at the top When you dlvvy it up among those at the bottom it doesnt buy many cigars WISE MAN And strange note from Lon don Ont Dr Hall president of Western University admits hes in quandary His university is jammed Soon it will turn away students ntl the president says he doesnt know who should be let in and who turned away He says he doesnt have the answer to the question of who should go to university An amazing admission For Dr Hall was one of the fluoridation committee commissioners who felt sell wise enough to rewrite the max ims of democracy Come come Dr Hall surely we can do better than thls Or should we appoint corn rniitee BIBLE THOUGHT Thou hast set my feet lna large roamPraline 318 Have you exhausted the para sibllities right at hand You will move to larger room when you have