mazmmrznrgm MILLION DOCUMENTED SALES FOR AN ADVERTISING EXPENDITURE OF $4300 In all successful advertising there must be messageof Public interest suggeSLEd advantage to the reader that will promote favorableTeaction Daily newspapers provide an interested audience for advertisers at the lOWCSL adver gt tising Cost of any medium An interested audience plus lowcost cnverage makes daily newspaper advertising the cheapest and Inest effective form bf advertising Recentlya member of the CA AA Placed an advertisement for large ï¬nancial instiV tution in CDNPA member newspapers at coSt of $4300 Thisspeciï¬c advertiseinEnt contained Icoupon and invited interested newspaper readers tp ï¬ll in such coupoh and send an accomRanying chqu subscribing to the securities being advertised The advertisement in question produced cdupons with cheques attached vvith an approximate value of $2 million CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERSASSOCIATIONj Tbesefacts are vouchadï¬r by the Canadian AssasiabioniqfidvertisinéiAgencies