Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1961, p. 10

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lit Clinic Opening picked up on vagrancycbaxge Spring Is Home Improvement SelIOr Bu ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BIRTH Phononr POETSALE bliOLxY At Royal Victoria rinipiial Danie on Wednesdhy tiny ml to bir and Ilcrvyn Broiey Iei bndiord street Barrie son John Der vyni brother ior Debbie CiulrPm Al lioyei Victoria liospllai Barrie on nlday MI to Dr and Mn Willis chappel nee Ethel Held In Duodenaid street Benin dxugbter RODGERS At Royal Victoria iierpital on Wednesday lily IBM to 351 and Mn Roll Dodson lob Toronto street nan rie me John Iudront f4 coon NEWS small When ou announce the birth oi your churiln The barrio Examiner elipylnxb or the notice ore hvxllahil in more poor Family Tree Records and io mull your mood and natives in To pilco Ill Call her PA um these or awe plugs epobuncemen alterbirth lie Examiner Clmilied itiALcoilSONOh Iridny May tool at Danie Ontsrio Andrew hlnicorruon beloved hus bsnd of ion llay skinner dear mother oi liergaiet thin siennsl Jenn MIg Erskine snd William naodrsther oi Janet and Andrew blaicomeo brother oi lnnkie Mn It Sutherland Resting at the stochlcy Pullerl liome Wort ley street Blrlle ior tended on liondey iley at 110 pm In telinept Barrio Union Cemetery ENGAGEMENTS nAnIub TRACYbk and Mn Neuon Innis oi Blfll Willi to announce this engagement oi their ouuohtrr Doreen Shirley in hir newron Iteymond rney Inn oi Mr end ltln ilohert many oi Utopln The morngo will tolro leoo it St Groueg Anglican hurcb Allondalo on June mi IN MEMORIAM AllDELLIn loving memory or our mother Ida nae Arden who puscd ewey May less silent thought secret tear Iieepr her memory over dear Tlrnu talicl awry the edge oi but Temdry iurol beelc every ea 4n remembered by the im MOOREIii lovlnz memory oi nom hlnnrewho passed IIwa Oct In leis done but not lorgotlcn ENcr remembered by and Bill REMEMBER MOTHER She Never rorgot ior lemuch who wish to oey tri buip to thelr departed Mothers rho some IJumiiier hu on hie mooy hetutuul yero oi which mllly perfectly parky your Icel Ingr ii you wlrh to piece so MmIORIAlti FOR MOTHERS DAY Dorothy pieuse clll PA Mill and heir ior on ad writer or you mly Come Into our counter it you preior to mull it In addrels your letter to The barrio Examiner Cllui ded DepL lo bayheld street Copy must be In by hidy iiey lath COMING EVENTS FLORENCE IGHTI NGALE TEA Sponsored by WOMUIS HOSEPSEL AUXILIARY TRINITY HALL FRIDAY MAY 12 230 TO 5100 Ill TICKETS 35c A150 BAKE SALE Donhilons of bhkinl welcomed from soy lnterestcd Individuals THIS is YOUR HOSPITAL WILL YOU SHOW YOU INTEREST CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN Sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society APRIL 24 MAY Procllilinedb City Council Pleoeo coopera to make end tree our oil clean barrio board 01 orks pick up debru nil over Barrie THURSDAYAND FRIDAY MAY 4th AND 5th Place rubbish in combine Leave everything on boulevardnot on Strut HELP MAKE BARREE BEAUTIFUL Patient Oiliciaies TORONTO CPI patient cut ribbon Friday to open $300000 addition to clinic for alcoholics at the Ontario Relax mhtory in Mimica The project adds 120 beds to the existing 30 beds and cre ates the largest clinical service in the world for the rehabilita tion of convicted alcoholics Reforms Minister Wardrope said the clinic has already treated 3000 persons in 10 years and rehabilitated 39 per cent Only one mun has tried to es cape although the clinic has neither bars nor locks Under new committal proce dures is first oilender may go in the Clinic voluntarilyior 90 days third offender must go for 30 days CATCH WANTED MAN MONTREAL 0P rlhcnués Lovasseur No man ontlie Montreal police list of fugitives has been arrested In Miami Fla and is to be deported here by United States Immigratinn huthorities ext week it was learned Fridaylhe 23yenrold Lcvnsseur sought sincet III in the Florida report Thursday NORMAN but STATE Doom Dunlop strut zen PA 8996 OR 68742 EDGE OF TOWN living room bedroom and hllchen iour room For our In call curd oriis NEW HOMES SPLIT LEVELS BUNGAIDWS Two mum TUitAiLY DISIGNED oil COLONIAL FEATLIUN MANY EXTRAS DOWN For more ceu Joe Longtin AN APARTMENT home to the area call tm Lemon to lnrpec FARMS wtlson lor iurthcr detclla 09500 FULL PRICE ior loo acre room brick home llrlle with large brick home and hang thanuvengn buildings EVENINGS CALI Ico Lamp Everett shelrwoli nowrd Norris lock Wimon Jim Lemon Norm sheleweil STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA E5901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS READ THISI pulls and many other extras STRICTLY FOR TROUT FISHING see trout pond We enn gun wltenl AND 000 mm hung LOTS to here lot has early growth Only $5000 each Ilut outiidd the to sidemad in riled bulldan On Concession we have dollinl It $150 nhcb present it ior acceptiii Members the Barrie and District itcal Esiltn Eond Moiv GouldOre 2510 Dori NuttycombePA 85901 Editii Gould0m 7510 SlesloriPA 00678 THIS IS NEXT DOOR TO SCHOOL bedroom older home our old Totbi carrying mortgage hlzii uhonls AREA nta units Bowling Alley Well Excellent telms GRAYDON KOHL REA ESTATE BROKER PA 0425 ll DUNUOP EAST INFORMATION BUD ALLEN PHONE PA 428I ZREALTOR Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member or bnrrlc and District HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 65453 Iii Viioflr Elli ESirimi mums CALL nonhuman JOEyPALm om BBDROQ blthrnonuy Collalllle of Bull Iiow oil hell Vii Sheiswell $10500 New tilI roan bilnnill two higo modelI piece bathroom lorctd llr oil hut torus Anti unen oh all windows Grand view of the City And the Dhy ction appointment THREE BED ROOMS AND POUR nEDrloObis Trim Hollis All Allch MODERN COULD BE UOUOHT FOR As Low As 3600 lnrormatinn In the bucment hi this room bungalow will help to carry the 315 montth payments oi his heot cook and Meiroso 0M0 FULL PRICE or 70 Indie acres at shanty ilsy two hard Ind room brick home Chli IocIr $27500 or lures rICIr Ailistnn PA 7708 Oro me PA was PA Hm PA Hllh Plt Midi We have hnnlu on Bill Street with lovely view or Kclnpcnieit Bey thot must be sold so present owner can be reunited in binn treal $1600 down will buy till brick Ind wood Ipllt level bomb with builtin Inn pulled drive Approximately lets acres with this ante there are hsh in them thar real There an only our lots ion at no Ehch lot is to acres and one roxlnt duly 3000 Christian trees It thelr limits on No lntl at $1300 cools Inrlisfil Town Ibip we have in lots oi I00 150 lots on Santoid street Maire us an offer on these and well Five room brle bungalow dvo charges eluding principal interest end taxes only $6432 per month Close to public and THIS IS IN COMMERCIAL iiAVE LUISWOULD isnnlD HAVE HOMES WILL SELL NEAR SCIroots AND srones CALL 0mm non MORE CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Rul Ethic Board PA com PA out mowronsrm PA was PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP hlltlJEI EAST lul= ii IIDORDPA um donutsPA use Mm First in barrio homo ShinEmmi to Quality oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENmGS CALL PomPA um CONNELLPA Wu 3175 built Distinct mi MATE hOAliD CLIFF BROWN Punk REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BAREIE PHONES PA 5W PA 60242 We have otbenuu tn Illyunie zvciuirblirid IN REAL mTATn AFTER HOURS CALL smith Cam bellPA mm leePA med John LongPA um Perm GarveyPA 01m blemhers oi the tianie heal rstste boerd ROSE REAL ESTATE Imam 1E Tin1N Sntm ilAIiIuE 27 HIGHWAY SOUTH bedroom bungalow only Iv yum old llviiiz run kitchen And pitta bltii lull liemcnl 100 carries ior $590 per month luv loses Down pwment about J00 $980000 PEEL ST WEN mu Price bedrooms liv log room and kitchen lull base ment new gas heating ioroed air close to Ill schooil Temp EAST END 500 is the iuii price or this edmnm stucco home located in the east end Living room with fireplhcr large kitchen oil but in rule tread lot Currie or $50 monthly plug tam Cioso to stores PENETANG ST $1090000 bedroom brick bunzblnw Living rnoni kitchen and bath iuu hone moat poured concrete ioundotioh lotcod air oil beating laundry tubs ntiiy landscaped lot Full pitc anw $10000 Term BLOCKS TO POST OFFICE 0900 lull price ior thlr two bed room liImEIiIDW locatod Ibnut blocks iron the Barrio Post ice Livlnl mm with fireplace Iritehen and den piece bath iuii blumnnt hot WIIEI halting II ilthed gauge lilnkti an nppolnb hunt to arrpoet this home now CGE AREA lion bedroom home JihanhEXzI mlttd on IAIED IDS Ti 219 Creed hlt oil lichtinl down pument only $200000 SOUTH OF BARRIE bedroom homo only Ibbnt ycln oldthog room urge bit then bathroom full linemen ioreed air oll belupz atteehori garage lot mu 150 Poll enc oniy 31030000 CALL nor on EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Darrin nnd District Roll mold Board CUSTOM HOMES and APARTMENTS EUTLT Di STOLLAR CONSTRUCTION LTD For lurthel inrormetinn PHONE PA 87204 HENDERSON REALTOR i0 COLLIER 5mm PHONE PA 82678 nvmiNds CALL RITA SCANDillrir PA bless PERCY row PA 5790 Member or Barrie and District and onterio iIenl astute Board TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AND bUsles BROKER ISVCLAPPERTON STREET BARBIE PA 64761 EVENINM PHONE AL FOSTERPA 61555 GENE MOORE PAI 32360 MEMBER OF TORONTO AND ONTARIO REAL ESTATE bOAiiDs About In miles South of Barrie complete with bathroom Plropllice in den Low her and down plymcht Coma end nuke on otter T00 GOOD TO BE TRUE iiiodern brick home IEVED room one two hutbrooms my be used an M18 dwelling or two repute Opposite Kumpenielt lisnilschped BOAKE REALTOR ibi neuron 5mm BARRIE PA 0538103 PA 05833 snu ruling lam to rarmen ior arming Clare WokemnnPA Mist Ralph BokaPA M803 Ben Estate boned MOVING For complete moving service hier and center Clfl COOKE CARTAGE Cr STORAGE LTD YOUR AILIED VAN LINES AGENT Is Essa lid Barrie PArliwIIy 05515 PA H1 CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONEPA 82419 his DELHI PA dries WEWEDCOME ALL TYPES Ndrtg Tollphono PA 0M loreed air on hosting lot 75 xi Members or barrio and District HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE 15 Owen Sin Barrie PHONE PA 36503 halibut pAriliu rdiAl ESTATE BIG BAY POINT Kitchen lotso living room two bedronms and bath Large fenced lot private well completely win teriied home In immlcuilie con dlilun Pull price 30500 Down payment at $2500 NO HIGHWAY 55 MILE FROM CITY LIMITS Lmdsclped Idt Ample water supply Largo living room dlnl room two bedrooms hitchon on three pieco bath flange and workshop Pull prImJBM with H500 down Peymeots to be an ranged with vendor TOLLENDAL SUBDIVISION lots ringing in the 1mm 00 ioot to 90 iont troutge wooded lots Price $050 each NOTE WE ARRANGE VIG TORIA AND GREY TRUST MORTGAGES After hours manna Paddy MilesPA 05200 Bcb FlewellingPA 05888 BUILDING LOT Duiidln lot ior chin to vtuage oi Coo own too loot frontage by 150 out deep For price Ind Iurther details APPLY DARRIE mm BOX 90 MOVING Dont iorget to wonder you INSURANCE illld you need our Coven 01 any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 05201 as DUNLOP ST SUITE 103 ANGUS GARDEN SUBDIVISION HIGHWAY 90 Large lots be or 230 selling ior 95 me down turns to suit and water Lotv cores from school Apply Mr Cecil Coul eohp be Mlpll Avenue Telephone PA c1619 lIImIIUIIsT Lot oneth pm or pale Telephone PA 643550 ior itin tber information Low PRICED older styla bedroom brick house on Penetenz street Extra large lot Telephone PA Mood lnr further deutis MODERN TRIPLKX one year old good location only rented Two 5bedroom apartments and one Dcdraoln IpDrtment TeIaPhnnn PA 09104 alter pm MAKE AN OFFER the this our year old oil hinted three bed room hncir bungalow our North Collegihte Possession July Tales pkg2o PA M3010 mar or week on PRICE FOR Quick Sile ished dve room cottage Glen wnod beach Lot 50 ieet Good swimmng and close to stores Telephone Strand rtoolvi nUNGALDW bevel side ing yenrs old Pressure system Sm basement miles irnm Camp Borden Phone 3009 New Lowell EXCELLENT Large Building Lolv iflo 130 test Located north side of Mountbatten rload Quiet reei tlcnihl been close to Codrihgton school Telephone PA M7611 F011 SALE by owner modem three bedroom brlelr bungalow near churches and schools one age paved drlvewoy and many other one iehtiuey For portion iam telephone PA Mm snANTY BAY Phhonsna Largo waierrroht cottage and boat housl with three roomsabnve Cement block ioundhtions ior easy winter izing $7390 Term obnrton PA mil ALLANDALB Cusom built brick htInEulfiw flva earn Old 173 Aline Street YEP skull elm paymen moo includes mete principal Ind taxes PA 420 IDEAL LOT for sale on Trout Lake Lady silver lane Lowns bury near North my wonderful nsblnp best highways Selling nt great slcfliicc Write Mrs Lic berman 533i Harper Avenue Chicago lilinpls U5A THREE nEDnOOM nrlcir Dunge low with attached garage Liege kitchen combined living dining area Near North Colltent Reh sonbhie down Dnyinent MIA mortgdgerTelephone PA H152 hrsrip LAKE borne bedroom house block basement ou surn Ice lone bath modern kitchen large vineroom with ilroplee Maybe soon Shtlirdily or sunoey sign on property LEWIS THREE BEDROOM Bunch Home baseboard hot Watcr heating two bathrooms two Stephens thermo parre windows throughout brood lonrn rug large bililHn chin cabinet mlny builttml extra One mile hom Elmvaio on High wly 92 Write Box dl mythic on telephone lentil LArlGE FULLY blade brick Bungalow three bedroomb Libp ed living room rind dining room nut bagement Lot 15 130 ieot Leodacoped with garden and patio Two years old critic 595 mort nge Low down payment Noeec ond mortgugc owner trlnslcrred ioui Apply to George street Allie on or phone HE H010 uid residential noon ensure PitorenryTon SALE $1110 mGALOUmortgul fullt menu rooms yhem oceu hcy bin PA cu mm or bunsan i100 net pl floor spur Solid mm you old room and bath extra deep basement libs utru Lilly llndln ed as George street liiueresl ub dlvisioa Alibion EB um GARAGI AND Servi sietion with three bedroom artmeot or uehed Deean lose on or no eery star or term equipment nice Fully licenced Your Inner Iron Dorrie on gocd eved blxb wilhlephnnl PA it or PA PROPERTY Pelt SALE on BENT rAnxnlu aPACIi downtown sun rel week ply liaroid hill Lim bed is Dun op Wat PA um MODERN 30313 Dleeo BI bedrooms living room dining room And Lilli room all me ntu Runnable 13de Ruth Phone wun ouch ilwl MODES HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT 1557 OLKNDA two bed room trailer or llll MID Coir dtilon mil equl ed uniDy Ix tru Priced to re Owner Eta wen Appnlyotvllmoro Hotel BUS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS Im lookliil lor uplble Inteill Kent min with bill gilndlrtil Meltily Ind lb iy The on location IVIIIIbld in this ml and tho Toronto nu both now but in the future otter you the mort thorough training utilities in thl huuuen nod during our prognm you will be paid on per week 11 you quality you can proceed to build pro eroue busines ior youneli dealer with minimum up ntley WRITE to no how Ind Do in limb or the prop MKiDDlnl Jillil MWYL1E IE GODRINGNN STREET BARRE or Telephone PA mar CANADIAN PETRDHNA LTD Fi nest America ART DEALERS OPPORTUNITY ARTISIS em OIL PAINT INGS Plcrulte WC 1960 Slim$5600 WE PrtomAb Wm ETABUSHED GUSTO BUSINESS TOP LOCATION IN TDRONN hill detllil BOX ll BARRIE Wm 030173 OWENAle Storat 14F til en In WI or en equipment must sell smell down eymeot any terms Teln phone H553 CriANcli To moire money int Waugh beach main street rtorea ior rent suitable any idea oi bnrinen merchantse lccondlry slor makes extra proIIt Apply box 71 wcnu beech MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS wrrn LOW MONTHLY PAYMENTS TAILORED 20 YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY To conroucete debts Pay on existing mortgagee Or mortngu cumin Ill Home In rovamont Aoy we while cause Call today for appouttmeni PA 60931 EVENINGS PA 61032 Mortgage Funding Of Canada 129 DUNLOP EAST MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE No Bonus Pwmenu Insured neelhst accident sickness death CRESCENT FINANCE 20 DUNLOP ST BARBIE PA 50200 MONEY AVAILABLE Youere invited to discuss your mortgage rohiems with us wthlt out oblige on providing the pro perties are on reglrtered plons In or out clCitybuIlntgmé rap veiling er it Co Owen st Burie PA Miss MONEY AVAILABLE or diet and second mortgsges Private Apply box 29 horrlc Enminer 33000 WANTED lmmedictely ior aecond mortgage Apply to Box S0 Barrie Eatminer 000 T0 LOAN on first or recs ond mortgt Apply Box 24 Dan rlo Exlmln 100 mu MORTGAGE wanted immediately to clear up on Io tote Apply to not be Dorrie Examiner MORTGAGESlot gnddnrl honght cold and arronged commercial loaned on existing mortgages onto him gage Broken PA com RENTALS ms HOUSES To RENT THREE BEDROOM utmnut gs aga IItgnrltltohen aundry tubsl washing machine Hydro ddhehi supplied Centrally lo MJIO fer Dionth Tnlr vlup lled laundry ywuh Exami RENTALS APPS BOUSEanO BENT APPS HOUSES TO BENT Two mm no In real Central location lien and um nIPplied Us or three Telephone PA 5559 nnmsm APIKEIEDL end one room ior rent App at in Sen and SLICII If It EDDODI PA SMALL furnished apart out All utilities supplied Private entrance Nonh end Avebnble Iuhv Tele poopo PA will no nznnoost lloute ior no Barrio relrace ml iornice Ad ubl APPU Box barrio and APADTAILNI ism iront rooms iurnihbcd Very nuanlbln gazLAdiilu only Apply in Mary ANnUh One bedroom house with three lece bathroom newly tie coral suit couple Telephone Cmp burden 663 UNYUDNIhiIED three room apartment heeled iteirigerslor and stove mp lied Centrally idea ted immedia possession Teie phone PA 55025 or PA moi AVAILABLE MAY Ill one run nlsheti srtmeni oua unmnlilih ed Both goli contained One child welcome Dug Phone 01210 Eve hinge PA was man ROOMBD uniurnished apartment on ground floor Sun room Parking are Available now Apply enetang street Telephone PA M011 PENETANG Itreei two bedroom heeled ieli contained apartment xrl are entrance rtcnt onhly out his now Telephone PA moi nnouNn rioou three rooms and both private entrance 5pulling iacuitles Itvllllblb Mly atom to downtown Apply so bllpio Au nuo or telephone PA um PUItNiblIen three room base ment opbrtment lizath and prI vile entrance Adults Laundry ll ciiltles Included Telephcho PA b2298 ior iurther lniormatlon VERY MODERN ono bedroom un iurnlehed apartment eoit end near Dominion Store Automatic laundry isciiittcs Vcneun bunde bamboo drapes PA 919 Two BEDROOM Apartment with living room and iricben Heated Centrally incited ltcntal $50 per month Telephone PA 01450 ior iurthcr iniormation MODERN three ronm opnrtmcht mrnixhed rivate bill and eut rnnce peril Tacillties Centrally located Itouonabia rent Avail able Iuhe Tciepbono PA 3441 UPPIm DUPLEX three uninrn iehed rooms and privan bath Heated Available Iuna lat Aduitr Apli lib Ponuiang street or to ep one PA 05254 ml ROOM House two bedrooms hot and cold wet three pleco huh Runnable reti LDCted 0D Ii Way In near WIIIKI beach cpbuulhllhlmvl rims DOOM Infllilillllcd apart to entrance aeli con isiiutiee Aveilahla tmme etc Telephone PA N770 ior iurtbcr idiomtied LARGE room ground floor bested IDIrtmeDt Unitirnlsbed Urnpiace Impin storage scparato hnomont Avhlilbla July Ist Adults preicrled Telephone PA 83814 OnouND floor oi house three lerge rooms share hydro Prom bhcir collInca Beyilcid street louth oi Woulngton street Ab rtalnen $60 per month rcle phone PA coats rwo ROOMBD lurnuheri apart mutt Ecat hydro Ind water in cluded in rent Nut and ciern and close to downtown Reason able rent suitable lor couple PA 01 WARM eomldrnblhr bented three ronm stove and rcirlgcrator end ioum ury Ihculuu in Ammonia area One child welcome Ample park ing rpaee Telephone PA c3501 CENTRAL Location Three room furnished apartment with piece Dlth Halted he duty stove hardwood noon self contained Avalllblu April 15 ADD Am Dunn Hardwhrl MODBEN one bedroom lphrb met living room kitchen and bathroom private entrance sep mtd iltlnd chilled Heat Ind water supp ed 376 Telephone PA 519 Availbin now LARGE Living Itcom kitchen on bedroom end private bath Furn ished Ind belted lurking Private home Aveiihble now Telephone PAmo br Emzy street utter pm PURNIEBED inrnlshud comment room apartment on ground floor Se arntc hnth 10 per month thunder heat lights Add water immediate pos Hessian Apply 80 Owen Street aster bzio pm HOUSE FOR Em ioni rooms and blth on Highway 400 and Dunlop Street West 65 monthly Available now Also three room house renting It 42 monthly Telephone PA 31160 NEW AND Modern and Hill two bedroom apertmonts overlookin scenic Kempenielt 60y Heat WI ter peeking end limiter service included Automotlo woching te duties PA $2902 Ronni furnished apartment with private bath neat hydro and wster supplied This is in quiet part of the city suit cou ie Available now $70 per month Ielephono PA was RENTALS Aunrugmanm three room Aperi Mlllkde nitnt heated private entrance suiublo ior one Ul ID Idulu Relrilenidr nugette Ii desired Caren Incl fibélvailsblo now Telephone Pll MODERN unlurnlhbed bested our room with Lyle bi room no and 35 per month includes Dhaiio PA Hon room uolu bed sieve Also largo two bedroom lurnlibed apartment Also mull ground floor apartment sell contained lumisbed Telephone II on anion ROOMS TO LET mitNieuzn bedroom ior rent in Week Telephone PA runner delllil ner bylrtmentd One three no one laundry and parsing neiiitiee Lo rated on Prnelsng street Tele GBUJND IPIMEDL Thre rivare both cell eenuiaea reirlgeretor and PA Misc beioro lo mornings alter Allendele near bur eto 5i per in ior ant Ads ARTICLES for SALE GIILI IUNIDD cm hind ior gale leitpbone PA Hm ior on Iher information bicrcu upeed will also Isgsllcn uulum with reflector Apply lls gal Avenue or tel phone PA uter pm laidrun new ior IE to use ghleevrxiet Iaonfimu eII chn onn 32 beyheld SL nosom toehev htlvyidePhihe new Sex reason limo 51c any time 500 1131 clNciI Aluminum Pt end Spflnllen ior nie On used once lisii price Telephone lvy 27ml elter MIL mullsr Parsing Lot Dlvldcrp lulubla or edging drivewgys Plvo Lit lengths as eaeb and aeven oIi Iengt Barrie Examinerlnllgn IPA Nsw FORCID Air Ga nlrnaees remr $111 now to mid ior sou using lDrcial sls0 amount lnrteustiod extra Telephone PA omt or PA 33228 on dishes reunite supplied Us at rcirigenior One block irom Hub Points Telephone PA H950 bunnoohi FOR RENT in quiet home west end dimiei cldu to downtown suit buiineu man Telephone PA Hm PUIlNislmD DOOM or rent with rngetto use or veiflgeiator and bendix Ground floor Centrgl lo utlon Telephone PA mu Two iurnisbed rooms vicinity oi bug station nd Lobiawv Sultcbie or co In no nblchon to children we or monthly PA tum encl pm ate entrance iurnixhed room Parking epscc Central location Telephone EA 35590 IiIuGIIT gunny bedroom with twin beds Suitable tor cumin Also nice mmlrhed bedroom ior ooo Parlr Ipscc Care Iune lit APPly 69 Ipip Avenue or telephone PA s16 ROOM er bonito IIOOM AND liko In home Very privnte tractivo room with rivets room Seat end It by to in el don street or tciep one IA Him well kept home Close to down town Lunches parked Gentlemen only rtoarooable 56187 WANTED TO RENT Tam or our bedroom house wanted to rent rounding area Telephone 37165 hunt required by July West end or contqu prelerred Dr house whirled to rent will Lion Io Dilly Apply Box as mum og distnnee to Camp Borden hill dcluls and rice first letter Slt Pcia REAP Cunt Burden WORK poms FROM $795 GOLDS SHOE REPAIR 11A CLAPPERTONST YOUR Comm SHOE REPAIR SHOP rUItNisan bedsitting room lin bouretcepln PUItNIIirIED large room and bitch en stove Ind reirlgenior sepm Alli Orin Lmliizr ior rent lol how Brigh at rtoortt AND BOARD in private Teiaphono PA Blrflo or gur PA on Enoitl uniuritished apart or Low COST DOME or Building Lot preienbly rural within carnmnh ARTICLES for SALE in food eon plpe lumber Apfly nlti null or rperuum mlIR used dliion Also uieti brlclrs Ind timber Photos him Site Sum uidbun pm on sTovE Gn his series 21 Portrait men and Tripod exposure meter light Itgods Telephone PA HIM ony Two bum in be moved on premlru Best oiier owner on premises every Sunday Charles Wilsnii eohcrrion Anten Mills or telephone Toronto no mi ASKING MACINB Thor ior gale Al condition used one ynnr atored Thier ma minorAbeit er ee onc Durton Avenue POWER LAWN blowere repaired Contact lllmlltolis Radiator and hem illower service ll Fred cricii street Benin or telephone PA W70 TSPIIALT PAVING pirhor ne nnd Limited telephone PA ems GmLs nIcYcLE ior nio Exeeib eat condition Setting reasonably Telephone PA ior iurxher details DCA vitriol lunch Tclnvhlbn besutlrui cabinet with doors Go over win new snrtduafxloo Good worklnl condition Priv all Cell Strnud 03 or limb Ema auntie anor to MIDI Avonue Dorrie PA Mm open deny am to It pm sundry noon in ii pm Smorem lup pll Neillonl Icu Cream nowh plperl and nighteditions megs zinc and ruodrios IIOIPAT Electric Range 14inch deluxe regular Iloor model one ammo cubio loot tie Clary tw oor Rahilentnr zero llr or door monoi we nob libido denture telephone PA To most sumo rammin euiai aches and no readwhat Dr Tr to President Kennedy bu to My how musgo Ind hot moist heat loyalwhen oillnilr heIi yIoi by up she telephone PA Mill in ARTICLES WANTED LAWN Mum wanted hand or gown iiurt be in good condition elephone PA OlSLI DIED TRAILER Wnnicd suitable roi carrylne liroot boat with lb 11 motor Must be in good con dl on Telephone PA 08031 AUTOMATIC Tnnhmiuinn wane ed or ten Cadillac Titus be in reasonable condition Telephon PA 54441 day or Innings DIVE TOP QUALITY squirm FOR SALE FREE INSTRUCTION EDRO EQUIPMENT LTD 53 COLLIER ST PA 84521 Ross Cowan President VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED rv SE18 $4900 REFRIGERATORS $95 00 McFADDENS 128 PENETANG ST PA 89288 NEWSPAPER MATS houses HM 8112 no oerice Insulator 25 PER DOZEN The Dania Examiner PP Bum Ontario BRAND NEW SINGER PORTABLE SPECIAL PRICE ON LY $4950 SINGER SEWING CENTRE 23 DUNLOP 51 WEST THREE ROOM intnisberl busted apartment Private bthrniim re meerator stove private laundry facilities Ind Plenty cupbunrd niece ContrnL suit business girls or couple Telephone PA M787 Two BEDROOM Cottage Hydro water Ind anzetttbhuup lied Space heated Laun incl cs lleason sble rent Dun on West near new plus Available June Telephone PA H202 ATTRACTIVE our room 0pm if Stool bndSon Collier Street Televhonn PA $7195 due PA 5W5 nvenlnlh BLAKE STREET list and Plan overJooklng the Buy Modem three room unfinished apart ment Wltli bath Scpsrntc ent rance Bus It tlOOr nchr bench VIDIDt $50 per mimthl Telephone PA 07475 Or PA 5585 ms LARGE Balms calico tallied upper duplitx newly deb ornicd lots or cupboardsmii heated Two blocks irom new shop Phagl centrzz fibrgtgnfint tugfiui an own pp enry ee or Phone PA M710 EXCEPTIONALLY elnnn three ronm iurnlshed apartment heat ed prlvnte entrances modern klciieii Ind bathroom lurking suit girls or business couple Throo blocks from Post Oillce £35 per month Teiepbonn PA hAhT END on bus route New and modern Large one bedroom Imminent Slave cl rclrlserltor acuitler good llr log Adults hilhblcimirlcd ately Also aportmcnin svnllhbla June Onn and two bedroom nan ilcililies as above Adulil Telephone PA 35357 MAPLE SYRUP TOP QUALITY REASONAELY PRICED SIMCOE DISTRICT COOP lesrlL STREET PHONE PA soon AND CHAIRS At notary to you prices room cushions loam on arms Dicks From $157 Choice of ore Come in and look around idAYIAm UPBoisTDRY Tltm oi BAYFIELD mmONE PA dicta Omen EN MANURE phone PA 68230 or million Milo ior furthr 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flack Come In and cnmphre Priced right Teln pbonc evenings Welter Devan heroic PA 33529 31 GM Street AsPARACUs item nlw large elem Im roots iyear $250 year old $4 per hundred Luger qunntitlee lsk for grilles Choice perennlei pilots ansles noisier Sweet wtnlnm etc come and see one assortmnt album Gardens Phelpntim Concession 1rlnn one mile cart or 27 nighwey Phone mmvaie male DOGS tic PETS Cooker BURNADEAN Kennels spaniel puppies for sale begin tered stock Reasonably priced Telephone Letroy 170ml not FDR SALE part Toy Ten male months old and wonderinl with children Telephone 25ml Ivy BOATS MOTORS CANOE WANTED preremb no length in good ecnd Telephone PA 37338 SEA ms boot yelrd old Equipped with 1955 mercury Io hp motor alsoIncluded water rlds lite jacket $1500 Tole Phone PA cases to ram smnvbingby Ml square teal oi soils complete Telephone PA 57096 ior inrther inrormotioh cRngER ugot Kefifih Falw ere pump ower coup Ped Inspection by IPPDlntmeDt Priced at $2500 write Box 49 Midland Telnphunll LA 63770 DOAT Pol BALE melded ply wood 12 root steering wheel gear shift controls ScottAAtwater out board is hp Also Johnson outV board motor hp 31 Agner Street Burlir Lion er Morlnc plywood construction with hbreginis bottom sleeps Dinette refrigerator Pro and stove and toilet With or wit out motors Used one season Inn be seen ut Myern Boat service root anglpln Avenue Telephone PA Its wonderful the Nov ClossiilediAds get re sults Phone PA 824i4 proved erkIng strong healthy 221nm OUTDOADD chiu Cruia

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