Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 May 1961, p. 1

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Gilli TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads phone PA 574 lhe telephone number to call fauna Business or Editorial Dept 11 PA 67 91th YearNo 106 mm ll lliill SHEFARD TAKES HELMET FROM SPACE CAPSULE 0N RETURN TO CARIHER TShepdrd InTWVSSHeCIuSionH After 5160MPH Trip By RONALD BATCHELQR CAPE CANAVERAL Fla Reuters Space manAlan Shepard today remained scaled oil from millions of his fellow Americans waiting to give him the biggest welcome since Charles Lindbergh flew the At lantic years ago Shepard was recording sccondbysec ond account of his 15minute 150 miles an hour plunge into space The 37 year old astronaut the first Westerner to hurllo through the fringes of the air less regions heyondthis earth found himself in onebed hos pital built solely for his use in corner of British owned Grand Bahama Island While the world waited to hear his own account of his voyage 115 miles above this planet Shepard faced ateamof medical experts psychiatrists engineers technicians and sci entisLs who are carrying out what was probably the most ex haustive and intensive study of one man in history Their aimto record for pos terity every thought action and physical diange Americas first space voyager experienced durf log his suborbital flight which rocketed him more than 300 Only 71 people including Shep miles in less time than it takes to eat hearty breakfast gt Shepard already reported in excellent shape and health after his initial medical checks was expected to stay in the hos pital until Sunday when he is to be flown to Washington for heros welcome and visit to the White House lilondayto see President Kennedy To members of the Atlantic range missile base on the 83 milclong island and its other 5000 inhabitants Shepard had already gained the title Chris topher Columbus the Second Columbus set foot on nearby Wallings Island 469 years ago in acraft far different from Shepards 77 Grand Bahama took on car nival atmosphere whenShepard was flown there from the air craft carrier Lake Champlain Friday Flags appeared andn harmafi at local club was reported to have concocted Shepard cocktail which was claimed to have the ldck of rocket Only previous patient in the building built last November was Ham the chimpanzee who voyaged into space last Jan 31 ards fellow astronauts can gain admittance to the two room clinic microphone is apparantelfeots suspended above Shepards bed to catch every utterance the astronaut makes during his session with the debriefing officers Jusr START Shepard himself regards his flight as prelude to real space travel He told Omdr Donner executive officer aboard the Lake Champlain before flying to Grand Bahama that his 15minute space trip was merely the beginning Donner quoted him as say ing In the years to come we may look back on my flight as kind of model1 ancient Ford car of the space age Preliminary examination Fri day of the capsule named Free dom Seven in which the astrw naut rode showed it had with stood the giant stresses and heat of space travel without any AProjcct Mercury official said that the capsule could be used soon for another space flight EXTERIOR BLISTERED The only visible Sign of the flight was some blistering of part of the exterior surface scorched by 3000degroe tem peratures as the vehicle plunged back into the friction of the earths atmosphere Khrushchev Tells MOSCOW AIDSoviet Pre mier Khrushchev advised the United States today to open ne gotiations with Cuba to settle its differences on basis of live and let live Khrushchevs speech reported by Radio Moscow was deliv ered in meeting of the Ar menian parliament in the local capital of Erevan held to cele brate the 40th anniversary of the establishment of Soviet rule in the republic Khrushchev said the memo tionalsituation had been ag The peoples of the whole world are greatly alarmed by the intrigues of the imperialist aggressors against thefreedom Iovingpeople of Cuba He condemned what he de scribed as intervention in Cuba gravated recently And Let which had not threatened any one He noted that the attack had been repulsed and cemented US statesmen should draw the proper conclusions LIVE AND LET LIVE Khrushchev said that Cuba had proposed to make normal its relations with the United States through negotiations on basis of live and let live He added if the US would follow this principle it would he to the mutual advantage of everyone and without harm to the pres tige of anyone Turning to the situation in Laos he said measures now were being taken to put out the firevthere which be in sisted was started by American efforts to divert the Southeast US Asia country from position of neutrality which had been es tablished by the 1954 Geneva agreement Turning to the Soviet proposal for abolishing Secretary General Dag IIanunarskjolds job Khrushchev said the United Nations organization suf fers from ailments which need treatment He said reorganization of the UN would enable that body to answer its purpose and to examine and solve whatever problems may arise without bias and with due regard for the interests of all nations to make it an effective instrlnnent of safeguarding the peace of the world instead of being one to do the bidding of one gmup of states at the expense of the others Say UK Téld 7T6 LONDON CPiThe proLa bor Daily Herald says the Brit ish press wasasked by the gov emment to suppress somevol the secret evidence that convicted British diplomat George Blake of spying for the Russians Blakes trial was held behind closed doors He was sentenced to 42 years in prison British newspapers limited themselves to publishing the judges sum ming up and final prosecution statement But newspapers many on sale in Britaintireer carried reports that the secret evidencelihoard vinicourt iii cluded testimony that Blake handed over the names of at least eight British agents to the $30 1389 390 not asked all British to exercise volun tary solfceusorsbip on publish lng such ovidonoo or reproduc authorities arewrong the re quuy Press Quasi spy Evidence ing the report from the over seas press Security is an odd business The Herald says in frontvpage editorial and as his impossi ble to be wholly certain that the quest will be respected Eut The Daily Herald re fuses to conceal the fact thatit has been askeanot to print what the press and radio sta tions abroad are saying The Herald says there is sus picion that the authorities are confusing the national interest with the special interest of go ernmcnt departments towcon coal their own shortcomings Prime MlnlslerMacmillan has declined toorder special in failuresrianritain security twork exppsed by the Blake case The Evening Standard says voluntary censorship in Brit ains press has become absurd and saltdefeating in peacetime Ship Damaged Goes llground Tags To llid SAULT STE MARIE Out CP The British freighter Crystaldcml was deliberately grounded afew miles up the St Marys River from here early today to prevent her from sinking after she was holed on submerged object The ships hull was reported heavily damaged Her 4crew memberslowered lifeboals alter the accident occurred But by grounding the vessel her captain eliminated any immediate dan ger of losing the ship The unidentified object was struck off the Gros Cap light house in Whitefish Bay while the freighter was heading fromDu th Minn to Dunquerque France withvacargo of flax seed The Crystal Jewel ls reg istered in Inadon England patrol boat of the United States coast guard reached the stranded ship shortly after she grounded Two tugsof the Great Lakes Towlng Company were heading for the vessel Tho grhunded ship is not blocking Shippgng lanes hasde Rusk Presses More Unity WASHINGTON AP State Secretary Dean Rusk flies to Europe today to urgelallled for eign ministers to take notice that tho strongly aggressive operation of the Communist bloc in such places asLaos and Cuba make greater unity and military strength imper ntlva Rusk was to take off from Andrews Air Force Base tbls morning for meeting of the North Atlantic Trcab Organ ization foreign ministers council in Oslo Norway beginning Monday External At airs Minister Howard Green of Canada also is flying to Oslo President Kennedy told press conference Friday that he hopes NATO will be strength 1ned by the meeting in Oslo and that we will make more de termined clfo DRASTIC STEPS AHEAD Rusk is expected to advise the allies that as pressures from thoCommuolst bloc in crease in critical areas of cold war conflict the United States may face the need for drastic measures to meet the Red threat and that it wants the support and understanding of its allies forsucb actions Within NATO itself officials said Rusk will urge anincrease in the conventional military forces which could be used to meet the initial thrust of an at tack in NATO area and per Solidarity Latin America Is Prime Concern 0i JFK Now By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staflerter WASHINGTON UP Pres identKennedy appears to have decided to concentrate on achieving Latin American soil darity through economic aid supportioga new Cuban inva sion attempt by rebel forces Emphasizing to press con ference that the United States has no plans to train Cuban exiles at this time Kennedy announced Friday that he has called for July 15 meeting of Latin American finance minis ters to prepare program to fight povertyin Latin America The 115 has pledged $500 000000 in aid as an initial step to coordinate the battle against illiteracy and low living stand ards in the Latin American countries Kennedy gave no indication what results he is getting in trying to marshal Latin Amer ican support againstCuhan Pre mier Fidel Castro AIM ATSOLIUARITY State Secretary Dean Rusk however gave hint of policy whenhe told reporters Thurs day that after the Cuban invaA sion failure the 115 should take deep breath and seek the main road to solidarity of Latin America Its countries lagfee they need more economic ep INNA NUTSHELL jJF Avoids Curb On Textile Trctde Hotspurs Win 20 LONDON or Tottenham Hotspuis defeated Leicester City 20 in the English soccer cup final today and became the to win the league and cup in the same first team for 64 years season Commission To Leave NEW DELHI Reuters Britain and Russia today asked the Laotian supervisory commission to leave New Delhito supervise ceasefire in the embattled Indochina kingdom Attitude Changes RIO de JANEIRO AP Foreign Minister Alfonso Arinos said today Brazils attitude toward nonintervention in Cuba may change if Soviettype government is set up by Fidel Castro Standards Faulty TORONTO GP The highwaysdepartment announced to day that 40 per cent of the Burlington Skyways light standards have been found faulty and will Airfield Closed moromvnnr A15 The other French Congo ne public has closed its Brazzaville airport to United Nations planes LbeUnited Nations command reported today Found Guilty PORT ARTHUR CF coroners jury Friday Kaputlca of Port Arthur remnsiblo forthe April accident whichkilledhim and Frances on fatherofls OWEN SOUND CPt An vago floating olldrilling north of flaps Crokerin 195a Ammonium in space programs and said he Kennedy found the Cuban situa Friday to build obiroom additionitojthe local pub Salvage Oil Drilling Big attempt éxpocted soil to F18 wbl HOWARD GREEN 0n Way To Europe haps thereby delay the hour for defensive employment of nu clear weapons At his press conference Ken nedy said the administration is considering the posibility of using American forces against the Communist guerrillalforces in South Viet Nam country bordering Laos if that should become necessary VicePresi dent Johnson wili discuss the matter when he meet next week with Vietnamese Presi dmt Ngo Dinb Diem Looking over developments since the illfated April 17 Cu ban rebel invasion attempt Kcnlled said he is not pes slmlst Encouraged by Cmdr Aiao Shopards hurt but succcsful flight intoppace tb president would ask congress for sub stantial increase in funds Next years space budget may total about $20000000oo and Kennedy is looking over pro grams which he has estimated may total between 500000000 000 and 540000000000 during period of years LONG WAY TOGO EWc have long way to go in the field of space Kennedy said We are behind But we are working hard and we are going to increase our efforts In the western hemisphere tion has brought greater aware ness of how communism had seized control of liberal revol utionary movement Askedwhether the US would continue to train Cuban exiles such as those who participated in the invasion Kennedy replied that Cubans living in the United States can join the America armed forces but we have no plans to train Cuban exiles as Cuban force in this country or in any other countryp at this time be replaced held John WilliamrFowlerlof Red Book 125000 arm Bar three bours mmrwmstnmm common HERES ONE 0n the river bank passerby stopped and asked an angler Having any lucki Pretty good replied the angler havent had bite for That doesnt sound very good to me said tho other What makes you think its good You see that man over there pointed out the angler Well he hasnt had bite for six hours Gondolas Hail Queen Philip VENICE APiThe Queen to day sailed into this Italian city of canals gondolas and picture book buildings to receive the kind of welcome that only Ven ice can give It was as if her yacht tha Britannia had called into the middle ages Gally painted gondolas waited to welcome ber These redand bluo boats with gilt trimming are models of medieval Vene tian state barges used when Venice was flourishing inde pendent republic Colorfulrbanners new at the doges palace the 15th century waterfront building where the rulers of the Venetian republic liyed ice included the doges palace the domes of the Basilica of St Mark and quaint centuriesold buildings NonOps Contract Gives Back Pay MONTREAL CPliie wage agreement reached Thursday between Canadas railways and their 111000 nonoperating em ployees means the average non op union member will receive about $125 in back wages Giant computing machines will be getting to work soon to figure out the precise amount of money owed to each em ployee under the new agree ment and cheques will begin going out as soon as they com plete their work Under the terms of the agree ment the nonopssll those rail employees not actually engaged in operating trains receive twocentsanhour raise retroaclt tivc to Jan 1960 five cents retroactive to Sept 1950 and further four per cent going local woman Oomslonalabowm tomorrow Winihfoz Low tonight Highsundayss Forfnllsum mammoth back to May The total increase of 14 cents means the average nonop wage of $177 hourlyl is increased to $191 hourly Not More Than fo per Copyl4 film PUIEAU Okla APlA tor nado that didnt last 10 seconds killed 13 persons and injured 50 late Friday as it tore through two tiny towns in eastern Okla homa Afamily reunion turned into tangle of horror when 13 died or were hurt as the twister smashed Reichert Then it tore are haltsfliqwe commun ity of 500 Nine died in Howe four at Reichert The death toll may go higher So could the number of injured Both lists fluctuated Friday night with victims taken to halfdozen nearby cities it didnt last 10 seconds said Charles Lewnllen But in those 10 seconds the big happy reunion turned into nightmare Four members of the family were killed and nine injured including two children WORSIKl 0F MANY The storm was the worst of many that blanketed most of than 100 at Wilburton 40 miles to the west Nisters struck in neighbor ing Arkansas few mile away One person was killed near Dover and eight injured near Lake Hamilton There was little wamlng as the twister smashed out of tor rential rain lewallcn sald hlsirbrotherin law Wally Lloyd racedup to the home in pickup truck Ho and his father in law Jack Brown ran out of the house and There it was about 50 yards in front of us We jumped into ditch Just as we laid down looked up and saw the house go nunrs swam jumped up and starting hunting my children The man found their family strewn about the yard covered in debris Killed here were Jack Browns father Charles Mrs Oklahoma for the second straight day It came on the first anniversary of tornado that killed 13 and injured morn Hamilton Denies Hint lied China Wiley Lloyd daughter of Charles Preston Lloyd Mrs Lloyds infant son and Alvin Brown Jack Browns baby son Made No Commitments To Buy OTTAWA CF Agriculture Minister Alvin Hamilton denied suggestions that Red China has made no commitment to but all of the wheat involved in long iohnsdeaksvith Canada They have committed them selves to purchase the same quan es as we have agreed to sell he told press confer 2009 Mr Hamilton was referring to his announcement Tuesday that Canada has committed it self to supply RedChina over the next years with 186700 000 bushels of wheat and 46 700000 bushels of barley worth approximately $362000000 An initial contract under the agreement provides for deliv ery to China between June and Nov 30 of 28000000 bush els of wheat 17000 bushels of barley ad 32500 tons of flourequal to 1500000 bush els The minister said at the time that future contracts would be granulated astoprloe and man CALLED DEAL HOAX CCF leader Arsua charged the Commons Thursday tbs eyond the initial contract Tmlina commits herself to oodl ing He called the deal Visi ion plpcdreain and hoax under which Canada would store the rest of the grain with costs of storage paid by farm ers and the national treasury At hispress conference Fri day Mr Hamilton described the COP leaders remarks as silly and assinine Everyone assumes that if you make an agreement to pro vide there is an agreement to purchase and there is he said Earlier Friday in the Corn mons Mr Hamilton denied what be implied were Mr Ara gues suggestions Thursday that be the minister had misled the House in his announcement of the wheat agreement Fugitive Algerian Rebel Chief surrenders To PARIS Reuters Former Gen Andre Zeller 63 one of the three fugitive leaders of last months Algerian rebellionrsur rendered to police today in Al giers An interior ministry announce By unsold Monnlsool Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON CP Presi dent Kennedy is seeking by all means possible to avoid the need of imposing United States import curbs on textiles Can ada reported to be symp thetic rhls newsapproach High as authorities idol that instead of acceding to domestic pressure for import controls Kennedy will concentrate on getting such countries as West Germany and France to crease their imports fromiow wage producers At the samotlme he will urge such producers as South Korea Hong Kong India Pakistan and Forrnosa to show voluntary straint imtheir exporlsto pr vent hugesurpluses Iging worldmarket would gradually expand the world marketfifor textiles through largescale interna tional undertaking on supply and demand The 135 will seek this ap proach within the next few weeks througnthe General Agreement onTariffs and Trade GAII andthenew 20bouiitry Organ tion for Economic operation and Dcvelo meat OECDwhich includes cmEur Can db olice In Algiers ment said the former army chief of staff turned himself over to the Algiers police pre fect after announcing his inten tion to surrender in letter Police in Algiers said he had been hiding with relative in the city and had no contact with the other leaders or clan destine settler moVements since the revolt collapsed Zeller is the second of the our generals who staged the revolt against President de nation policy to be arrested Former Gen Maurice Challe is already in prison here Still at large are former Gena Raoéil Salan and Edmond Jou hau VMAY BE EXECUTED Zeller was expected to be flown to Paris to join Challe in prison Like Challe he faces pass death penalty Warrants for the arrest of the revolt leaders were issued after the revolt ended IMnjElie do SaintMarc who led Foreign Legion paratroopers spearheading the revolt also was formally charged today He had heeounder military arrest sinc surrendering Tb aris newspaper France today that Salad and ver rebelcoloncls have been sightedin the south Constantino regionof eastern Algeria themselves inside an army nit be area France Solr caution snows 0mAPThent clal ational Roman Catholic pe cent increase during the tateslhe publication reflected total Catholic population of of i1 Gaulles Algerian seIfAdetermi lrectory for 1001 shows 4704 13 Killed 59 Injured InTorncldo The fugitives camouflaged

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