ARTICLES for SALE SFARMERS MARKET AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE IIo mi in an an Dreamer Besi altar owner on Filmhu ï¬t my Chum Wilson cancer on Allied Nine or telephan Tommi an aim Isuzu new 22 cubictool Pull HAPaired Including year 100d Milne mill Ill DIE time IMHO on unit my Robinson Bardare Teie 10KB suor 4o linol Aveoue Dxirie PA um opu dolly Lin Lo ii pm shod noon in ii phi smorerr lur piled Nciuons Ice Cream nun nlpers and mm editionl nun IIan and rundnes ARTICLES WANTED nicvcus WANTED nay Lin Ind in any rundiiinn Also used laws len Ttkpltbnl PA will In picil up DEED TRAILER icd mitabla ior curyinr 16foot boat with hp motor Must DI in load eno dilloni Telephona PA sum AUToiiAric Tn summonwant ed lor I932 CIdIiIr iiusi he in reasonable condition Triephme PA um day or cvclunrs FRUIT VEGETABLES APPLES THE APPLE EARN IfciNrusH iii WINiLR vAiliriiu Erlnl your own catsuitla HERMAN Pm monwn ii sour PA min RASPBERRY CINE for II Any amount are blind Iclephonl PA Br 11 ii Maynard GOOD QUALITY flavored sebua Potalcu ior Isis Plaid eciad Ind clean driva cm for Cocilnhutt Ila an spre honr Allan Bunbayi Haunt Mass DOGS St PETS EURNADEAN Kennels Cockar Spaniel puppizsrlor uic Relu iered stock Iiouonabiy brie Telphone Leiroy 11min Duo FOR SALE rt Toy Ten rier and chihuahua in months old and Wanderiul with children Telephooa 15ml Ivy BOATS 8t MOTORS SEA FLEP boat yam old ui ed with 1055 licrcury iii 51 pleiotur lilio incluiiad water akis liio inchel $17500 Telu phona PA 33469 Pom aAiLING Dinghy no equalo ieet oi sails complete Tclrphono PA Hm ior nirthcr lnionnlunn CRUISER erfoot Kermsth pow Imd pump blower iuliy equip pcd Iospcctlon by appointman Priced at $2500 Write 1on 24 Midland Telephone LA 710 nxooT OUTBOARD cabin Cruis er iiinrinc plywood construction with ilbroginss bottom Sleeps Dinctic rcnigersior Pro can rioto Ind toilet who or wit out motors Usrd one reason Can in teen It iiyers Boat Scrvice iont ot lilapio Avcnua Telephone PA 66319 5FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK zit Yoimsiiitti Pius ior 12 weeks old Taiepiinne PA ism in iisitaiOito Heliers nvornglng suo pounds Wish to sail in ona lnt Apply to iiobort hiddel Ai iiston Ont Tolephonc HE Wm FOUR YEARIJNGSOWS ready to arrow Landram CInSSQd with York axccilcnt mothers Tele phone vale mil 59 Pics Fort SALE irons to weeks old Apply to Emmett stone Phcipiton avaninn or sat urday FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES Er SERVICE iiiiLKERS SEPARATUIIS TANKS STABLE CLEANERS HANK BROWN RR BAKNIE HULLYI PA 60338 tlDuL MEDLEY MCKEE HARVESTERS corn silage arc Gmina Hay Conditioninl Hay Harvesting tuw Harvestinl CDIII silada 45m CouKsIOWN CHARLES cmmcn FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE Case Now HOLIIDII Davld Drown putty Psiin Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 5237 SBIIII estnte equipment Intamltlonli cub Tractor with mower cultIvatnr Ind ploulh COMPLETE 5500 AIM other small Arden equip aiani TERMS Usnu nor VATou ted Light model in any condition Telephone Naw Lowell aim nitcrii mo IssPoUI intcinaiional Feed hrill Grsin Ind Fertiliser in good condition Apply Gearga Littla Lot Centurion Innllfli FEED SEED GRAIN Tmornv SEED loruiif Taic phcnc lino oro zoo DALEE 0F Dat straw ior aalc APPIY Robert Stony Eimvaio 271111 ior Iurtbonlniolmation ssaD POTATOES ms nu 5c blgu cartiiled Ilic uiso mo ban Hillon Ontuih No smell Apply to Nominn Mlmhnnd RR No Ponctanil Tsiepiiona ring Lniontsine PASTURE FOR RENT HAVE PAaTuBI ior approxim Italy 1241 held of LItIiC at $500 par iicsd or union salt supplied Apply Lewis Kallinan miles out Brahtwaod POULTRY Si CHICKS HYLINE PULLETS FOR SALE 2000 STARTING TO LAY 5000 IzwaEKs OLD ElleI quality bird nlsud Ind backed Willi SkyLina Farms Lime ed IerVIEEI For further iniorm Iiiall Ind price contact SKYLINE FARMS LIMITED KETILEEY PHONE PAW4235 ol SIMCOE DISTRICT 300 PA 66531 army CAN GIVEPrompt IhIplt inept dnyoldc and storied nmx CR illitxis Parks HPI Amos Sill ioa ï¬OSAniI 424 New summur price itlt avsllobl Bunk June July broiler now gout fannazihudrn Benton Phon Try An EIamlner thm Ad aiiLil POULTRY caicxs DEKALB CHICKS PM 37 6M NI DY dull ery ammo VII macs peilaih ior nod liability as T3Msblium sonex maroon Pflm HUNTERS POULTRY Cum FARM STROUD PHONE Tl == AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE You Get Finer Used Car Where the Finest New Cars are Sold AT MOTORS VIAU RAMBEER lllLLiiAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 1061 HANDLER CLASSIC DOOR SEDAN Finished in whirlwind Tan and Aialno aoue lwotonc with match ina Interior Thu demonstrator iii automatic transmission oil is radio reellcin dull whita tirel wheel docs Ind apa chi chroma trim 1981 RAMBLER LASSIC DOOR SEDAN Finished In Prodl Willi Ind Darkllfly DIIIQ Twolane with blue inierior ThII dismounttor hll iIdio while WIII KIM clock all iiit mllninl nail IF YOU WANT NEW RAM LER FOR DEMONSTRATOR PRICES DONT MISS THIS CHANCE DROP IN AND SEE US TODAY 1960 LAND ROVER 38 Finished in Slndy iiiown Conic Nulppcd with our WhlII VI high and low ranae tr iler bitch oil ï¬lter ideal ior ca pl Gall coursed or Farms 1959 RAMBLER CLASSIC DOOR SEDAN Pinishco in beautliui Frost Willie and Oriental Red twoIona with Black nnd rled inicrioe nlil ear coui cd in the ranloll liiincr reelnlng Its occ owner new car tradeln like RENAULT DAUPHINE DOOR SEDAN Finished in Pompdour Grey Thu car has the Hour shtit trancnua Ilim to glva you no Sports CII incl Vary economical to driva iesa RAMDLER AMERICAN DOOR SEDAN Finished Din with Ilmtlcblnoveblue This CII has riiirrai Ind lighter you Iooklng for cumplcl cor IIBP Ind 111 Ind this on now 1955 HILLMAN MINX 4DOOR SEDAN Finished in Billbst Black with Red Inicrior Equipped with windshield wnberd and chrome wheel rings ThII would be the idaII second car ior thl inmiiy 1964 FORD CUSIOMLINE 4DOOR SEDAN Finished with Willis and Grant Liane Equipped with radio and windshield washers Vlihout doubt an outstanding automobile 1953 CHEVROLET 2DOOR SEDAN rinlslicd in pine cnd Whitc tone This car in Va aitr and raliablc COWAN STREET PA W88 FOR BETTER ONE OWNER USED CARS Sea DON YOUNG KHAMEnMOIOils LTD BRADFORD ST BAItlliE PA Map PA H651 HAROLD wk MOTORS TRIUMPH sTANnAiu ladAme RapIn to All Mnku oiii and NAL lowlnl SIM DAYTIELD 5T BARRLI PA Sires usan cans Wtda iciacUch oi 1953 to Iii51 models Tafeppan PA anal do 1151 Isuzu red In and mach anical condition Aililn prica slid Telephone PA Iain lALcoN Demonstrator que model $7191 Telephana PAIIIIL 1951 Plum two daar radio ID outstanding eomiion 3219 us down Telephono PA 7m mi PLYiilouTB door sodn in lovely condition sinssis down Telephone PA Lian cash LOANS woo It on per month Telephone PA Cru cint Finance 26 Dual It 1350 DODGE door Hinton radio nilllllniilng condition Price down Tclch r755 aha PA PLYMOUTH sedan Oflllnli dutch Eflliiuhgzswilhumatcblngr in or To phone PAIefln vflim 195d BTUDIIIIKIZII custom built radio on ownar Must iali Prion £7433 down TIIOFDDD PA dl mt ticm 195i mich iiosdinslier Hardin automatic irlmmissinn and powerd Apply Margaret ADEIIE soon 1151 Ford Engliied Tran lniaslons and chr Ends cold and installed Phon Co ii IL Va ltown 4M 1951 AUSTIN A40 iiepnueuinn Like new Only 8300 miles III oid Hill Limited 55 Dunlap strcat Weill Teinphoilo PA 54411 ill DODGE Hlldlol new uphui ItalID custom radio clani llliitl Body Ind tiral bod Alklng prion urn Tuapbonl PA Hm Iau CIIEVRDLBTJDI raia inur slag Jmpli turbo lidgiflVvl oance Vic sla Ioiaphnno Ami3111 1m AuaTiN Convartlble Nu aonchlo orierreruaed Alln ra bulli cnaino irnnlniiuion and dliicrcntini for iroz Chevrolet to ion Apply 111 Cook street LTD MOTOR CARS FOB SALE IA PLYMOUTH our Soar Sell EIIIIGTI Imam unlit do low Inn to axeloin cncliticc Nlphna PA um 55 Hutu1 aptmm acting Ivar AI condition Meat iooa men and white Paco Benc Iocx um In time less vomvuaui In my and KBIdlfluB rflnlaly unto CID let BOW GI Pull wlcr Nudlyl Thu and Saturdays For Wm BID cm suoud III BODGI Sedan auionniio Innmisdnn V4 motor casinoi radio out 11 covers Dal paint Job new mbuul down Toiephonc PA rm 1553 1mm door Clean throughout Mull be told Only 3125 Telephona PA sum 53 FORD Sutton DI 1B In 3mm condition Puliuprico Im Toiephona PA 500 CDBVDOLIT man cullvin TIIIIn lad bnurl no llrll ODI an lull rIwndlliciildl III ior nmnahly Afgly to 53ch siru or aephoaa PA CARS WTD TO BUY CAID POI your CIT Lian pill oil We uIda up or down Ai iIndIil on 11 In Road DIP HI PA mil pawn Telephcna BARRIE HOME SERVICES RICHARD LAKE PA 89298 Eleclfloli Pllrrnhlnl HnIllnl Iiduucrniunl SIMCOE FLOOR CLEANERS STARTING SOON Clrrylilg iuii lino ulpe meat to clean your oiiica core warehouia otc COVERED BY LIABILITY NSUDANCD PHONE STAYNER 371W COLLECT OPEOLSTISB UPHOLSTERY iiuzs Drapes supcovslc GOOD QUALITY AT LOWEST Pillar WITH assr sziwics Guaranteed Workmsusbip Free Estimates PA 64612 MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOLSTERY ANDRUG ca 64 BAYFIELD ST DARRIE BOATS iii MOTORS mpnir To JOHNSON EVINHUDI GALE MERCURY scoii ATWASTER 11010115 is LAVNEOY MOWERS AQUA LUNG AIR STATION AT DELANEY BOATS aAYIiicLirsT EAREIE PA 83451 lNNISFILOUTBOARD SERVICE PA Mon PA 87014 REPAIRS To ALL MAKES or otmioAlm liloTolls LAWN MOWERS AND CHAIN sAws WILL PICK UP AND DELIVER LOCATED INNISPIL PACKERS ON HIGHWAY FERNDALE ROAD EXCAVATING PILL NAVEL Soil SEPTI TANKS EUMPED ucavatina and Grading Watu Dsiivsry Lrulhad atom Van ascun or bird DENNIS MORAN 19 ABM SIrIei Curl PA ii DOZERï¬ wonK GRADING AND EXCAVATING Pub pmidl cnliruoied ionca rows removed land clearing LEE HARTr PHONE PA 83026 EVENINGS PA 83135 BARRJE FOR SHOVEL WORK EXCAVATINGI BAUKHUE CLAM on RAISIN sradL as soon SROVEL FRONT LOADND LEV ELLING Oit BACKIILLING Do an worse PHONE swa AiiT PA Lanai In No ANSWER CALL PA b7111 WELL DIGGING WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES cu lurid Drillin RRPNO BARRIE PA 87646 WELLS BLASTING IDUG oDlTCiiEs IDEEPENED oSTUiles OREPAIRED oaouwms CALL KEN WINTER IleARIA SI BARRJE PA 347732 TV SALES AND SERVICE ORITS TV AND RADIO SERVICE CALL $200 Licanasd Technician HIGHWAY 27 IMiLr SOUTH or BARBIE PHONE PA 60643 DAY on NIGHT PA 34482 REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICD 38 clipcciiocai PHONE PA M62 Try An Exaininer Want Ad Phone Pa 82414 DRAG 101 CEMENT BUSTING TRUCKS TRAILERS 1359 voLlllImAulimaflaiésdnuna oraaia ce II an 91 A9111 nu Mad Pin PERSONALS CHILD FOR ADOPTION At 14 aiNo yalnis icl LII only oi unihoot no and henna could be voted auccessiuiiy Physical ihu Younntlr oi Preachital is back mood is blueeyed hmwnhnred and null out oumuy buiii Tun Permentally he is mendiy Ind Inullly placid GINO Iin Ind dliiieuiiy with Iran work Topu who hoo bun think lood pert oi his trouble In in result or th unmiied ur hs has room This younnter II roll stolen and In excellent camper ihinil he would DO new or win paoenu who hutc ilnown teenagers well We welcome enquiries ruin irons an crinolic couples with Vluw lc oiNOs Idopt on wnie nil iiiTNiaTsIt or lUDIlc WELFARE PARLIAMKNK BUILDING TORONTO wmow cling to bualaul wo Uh Io IhIrI loant with uni sl blisi Telephoto PA c5113 ai ar aw BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Year PA 8241 SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed priimptly ior disposal Telephone Burris PA 87751 Long distanci Zenith 82500 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTDI OHILLIA Llccnsa No 69081 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT WI hIVI Dali licensed to ratiiuva your dead and crippled lavin IDI mIII uildli lilo Ibnvo lincl FREE REMOVAL Phona COLLECT EARRE PArkwiy 38617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENIE 85661 LANDSCAPING BARRIE LANDSCAPING SOD SUPPLY rrsa estimates landcapinr IIwii maintenance Sodding ieadin roi lina larilIILliil aoraylna Cedar Karina nod BIIPraaIu Ipzdfl iiy Kentucky or rdnrion blue cross aiso iiald sod delivmd anywhere Raudnlble rate TELEPHONE PA Lassa LANDSCAPE GARDENING Garden Design Planting First Class Nursery Stuck Custom Eoiptilllng Seeding and Sodding FREE mTlMATiis PHONE KAIDER PA 87136 aAnDBNa PLDWEDBlIced and Cultivated Telephone 514 wood rd PA 59234 CANPENTNY MARTIN CABINET MAKER MODERN KITCHEN COMPLETELY FINISHED AND INSTALLED WITH OSTAINLESS STEEL SINK OARBORITE TOP OMAHOGANY DOORS FOOT slzvoo FOOT $13500 it Tom 31mm Poor $15500 POOT Simon RE No LAREIE HIGHWAY 11 SOUTH PA 6078l IRVINEWOOD SPECIALTIES USTOM MADE RECNEATION ROOMS BE BARRIE PA 87194 INSULATION Airnie Insulation Ia nippy to notice In ddltion to their KOCKWOOL Blowing Insulation the All NIW Alumin um clapboard aiding cumpictaly Imtalled with aiyrciono maultr Iii Duke haIId in Guilt cola are also includina Iluiuliium door window Ind awninla by WINTER SEAL ALL wonii oUAllANicnn mu mTisiAlPs Tamas Write or harm SCOTT Mum21 MINESING COLLECT Bayou YOU BUYGIVE us TRY PLAETERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archways Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS NO DOWN PAYMENT SMCOE QUIKBRI LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT VACUUM CLEANER REPAIR VACUUM CLEANER Ali ll SEPAIR cl bk si its will PartDluxpllos or All lmlhli AIIU iIIa It FILTER QUEEN SALES AND SERVICE E7l MAPLE AVE PERSONALS ROns Beauty Shop Mothers Day cial AMYbe Bib Oplrninn rum and Iioa Free Manicure with Eve Permanent TELEP ONE PA OR PA cam Av lamentI Iayflm LOCA 0N ACROSS FROM INNISWDOD PRIVATE HOSPITAL Ma turi up and did for you WOMENS COLUMN LEARN mucume enrol now in nu mnllml coir tend school when on than ouehiy traineo in nrcacbu oi cunt ammo Pas idiomatic fllll mem iiAiiimusaiiiu scam is ccudza sum or Plian use BEAUTY auoP roidwavu etc by canLam hurdnnar in our own bum Phoiu PA Ii PA 531 IO HELP WANTED PIEILE HELP RETAI CLASSIFIED SALES WOMEN 10 SERVICE AND SILL Nzws PAPLR CLAssurm ADV111115 iNG Tiils NTENISTING FUSI TION ENTAILS PERSONAL CUN TAcT WITH LOCAL BUSINESS FIRMS OF ALL TYPES YOU NEED NOT HAVE NEWSPAPER EXPERIENCE 55 WE WILL iilAiN You PRLPKR APPLI CANT IIAVI TYPLNG AND BE AuLI Ti DRIVE you WOULD LIKE ATCHALLENOING POSITION WITH CNSIDERAELE OPPORTUNITY P011 ADVANCE HINT APPLY 1N WRITING To SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE aroma EXAMINER WOMAN WANTED study ployldent Ex arianca not Irv AWiy tllbt Clniw LADY WANTED to baby Ill and child in motherl home Im lo pnl liveon well PA aqua COOK WANTED Hunt in as eri anred and roiia ior WI low Crank Railunlit Toluiiiolin PA in DIIOII pin Aitarwardi CHSII PARTTIME Srcmtl oi work to be done in our horn liiu tic on call ram is no io twelve par woail ulpmcnt nplicd us er Dion Ior inioimatloo call Mm hatwen and noon Two women ulia work in ami nd dulllet Batter than Iverllu income No dxpc Idnca nacrlllry Taiepbom PA or PA 68911 and an ior Mr iacil Amati days IO HELP WANTED ammo MENT WANTED Doom mini duo on in IlLai surf to local dun mun air 222 em an Loch ===== II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF ANNIE ROTHWELL BOYES deceased Au naps having unist mate oi Aosi Help weu noyea iaie oi ib Township oi lnnishi in in County oi sini coe who died on or ancui in 4th dry oi November loco In hlnby noticed in ad opiumb in oi me in the uddemgned on or bola tho lit day oi June loci aiier which in to um wiu be diuribuied iiIvinl relid cal to ihe clIimI oi which iii in mined ahiu then have not DATDD ai audioni this 16th dag ligAprli not it pwluio ooym Ind anocu NACDONALD icVANs tumors by lbeu Sallciiofli EVANS is EVANS Evans Blotii Brndlord gNOTICE TO CREDITORS AND 0TH ERS CREDITOHS OF ALEXANDER ARCHIBALD McLEOD Lain oi ins cily oi Darcie in in couniy oi Simcoc vibo diad iitb October 1960 must ï¬le their claim with th undlrlitnzd be ioro 12in Na iisi mel which it inc estate will be unu lull or PA claim Exaculor by his solicton licssn smith McLean in Men snrt Elma DDIIIID NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTITE or FRANCES HENRIETTA WALKER at Illa City of Barrie III the of Simeoa Widow am ion in oi Into on tho Twiniydint any of March Iiï¬l In Hollfltd land to the undcrllancd on or he iorc iii ioth day of may AD 1961 the nunc and addresses and mu pariicule oi ibdlr cillml and in inc aecuriiiel iii any held by thorn Immediately slice the id icib day oi May AD mi in mots or the said deceasedwiii dis tributed lnonz the parties aniii led ihcreio hnvini rcwd only in inrcinim oi which inc adminir irnton lhaii tilcn invc nolice JOHN REID li council Dumb ONT Solicitor ior ihe Administratorl WOMAN to rip light hiiuuiieair In and care tor three young children while molhar Warkl Liv in in or out consldorcd Tait Phone PA 115521 1111 Innher inluh inatlon SALESLADY wanted ior slnaer Sowing Ccnln Preler Eliza ox perioncd with Ippiilncu Sdiy wear and company bonoflii Stark in sin nllrg and commission Iiv ply singer TREES luii or ex ericnced in is and drancsl thelt wares and ax ceilont working conditions Apply in person immediately SuIIAMIIIl nuolop Street west MALE HELP REQUIRED SALES MANAGER To rprcsent ethical Ind reputable Canadian lint bavouza and road mlchinl Inliiullnluiei In tho Dur ilI Tlia man we us look ind lnr will act at aalu inano er tor organic no Hill ad and Annie oarratlnl iupPly hillllenel In pince rncnt oi bottled spit drink ml lnu desirable RIPIY IllIn do tlill of experience szdrlncu put and piuoiit carillon and recent InIpIhot in BOX 27 BARBIE EXAMINER PRODUCE MANAGER RETAIL onporiuniiy ior In urnissue min with nbiiiiy to buy mi and display Apply in BOX 28 BARRIE EXAMINER WANTED Ex erieuncd llnlia man to work an airy hm Apply Hughes Strand optno ILBCTRICIAN required ior wlrlnl houies Hurt ha wiiiin to work Talapbano PA 53554 or iurtiler inlnmntlon aoniliiIAN with papers wanted immldlliel APgiyJinyti simcnc Motors Lt v4 iiiin Strut Bar rie or telephone PA izsi1 rol iurthcl Inlarmltionl TWO MEN Wanted immliiiltaly look Illu lIiBl IniI tdrvice Ill Ernie and dutrict Batter than tavern Income Talaphon PA mil ask for Mr Arnott MAN WANTED for Iltlhlllhed acute Wltklnl Products No ex parlance necessary No men loy nieni ruii lii pm tlloc wn oiutnicr isa St noch street Montiuric duchec PART TIME work IVIIIIbII in tho Clin EorlIaii Irel Clerical typo war Applicants must DIV ill of Wuawritar This is not nilani Writs to Pint Ollie DDX Ill Elrria mm on FEMALE OPPORTUNITY For reliable coupla to nitunlit atcic uponnu campllta naumaiv Appiygto Box is ammo ENAMINDH wing Cent manage and TEACHERS WANTED raAcimt wanted ior sight art is Public school section No35 Tiibury North Apply tdE Mm recretlrytflnlurer on No Tilliury Ontario ItILinf quan deadline and Dual or in specter EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL LOOK AFTER Chlidxaii in my own home Will coll Tale phone PA 64586 GABON RDTO TITLED Ind ilwnl out Cook and Nlniei Sta Tu Eclaolilbil Ill Talephonl Man smoanArilaB experienced de auu iullor parltinia iiicocm glayiavdt all anyhatura Raul195 dnygweoitPhcnc norm armor employment wantd ynuiillmaii TiIda appliance ï¬rvlca man on Iii mIkuA Tole phnce PA um NOTICE To CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 05 ROBERT POYES deceased All persons iinving cinlnu against ille csiaic oi Nobelt Buyes ill oi the Township oi Innisai in tho County or Stmcne glib died on or about ihe ith no ined to and lieuiaia or same to the undanigned on or hefureviiie in day oi June ital niiar which dcta the cstals will be diiirinuted havinl relard only to tho clalms or which thI rndcnlgned ihlll then have not es DATED nt Bradford this nth dIy or April mu hoalzilr EDWARD 130st Ind BROCK MACDONALD EVANS Executon by their soliciicri LVANs EVANS vni aloeli Bradford I2 TENDERS Tï¬onnd TENDERS FOR INSTALLATION OF CONCRETE LIGHT STANDARDS sealed tenders will his received by Oil undersigned III to 12111 HIV 196 hr the Distlllllion d7 concrete light standards on Duniop Stiaat in the city oi Darrin Speciï¬cations may be ob tained at the City Clerks Oiiicc Collier street Harri Lowii or my tandar not nocunrily ac cepted STRAUGHAN CITY CLERK TENDERS FOR SUPPLY or CONCRETELIGHT STANDARDS Sealed tenders will be received by tho undersigned up to p111 May mi ior ihc supply or concrete light ItIndIrds on Dun lop street in the City or Barrie ancclhcationi may be obtuined at the City Clerks Oiiico Coil lei street Barrie Lowim or any tender not nccssclily ccoptcd STRAUCHAN CITY CLERK TENDERS WANTED FOUR ROOM SEPARATE SCHOOL Tander tor the ccnsirueilnn oi our room school for the Board at Trustee 3653 School Section Nc to Township An Ontllifl will ho receivadpot tnr than mummy MAY sin ci Salter and Allison Archi tect aarIIeOnnrio Piliu nd iorni oi tender will be Issued to con ml contractors by tile chiiccti on or nice Friday iiiy incl 1101 writtlii app ï¬lling acoam rUNERAL HOMES gt ed by dnpnlt cny Ltendlr will windmill Ch LT Barri Buiidtflw Exehon HALTER AND ALL ROHITECTS Eb PPDIITON REIT ONTARlUy ot ianunry 1951 are hamby at tile i3 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND UILWleJu LTD PHONEWINK PA unis Vicmaul HARBOUR sum Pam lulu Plus Advrum Proiiasional service Satisfied customers AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY 1561 ELIIVALE SALES ARENA ON HIGHWAY 91 Ila IIIIS W81 01 WALD P3d 81WDSTI Aueuoh ui oi new and uud hounhoid And In iIuBilurI Iiichan equipment Ind mat IB Uquaa for gt KENDALL And Added camunmcou Includ inl 916 Dulch khan III aiccuic liavchiood slaves Iii chap able and units mirruni Damnnah end Ilhill earner tii OINI beautiful diiiiu room lute bulltll chesirflzld Ind chllx bed chelteifleiii Confluen Ii ow laidinl but BchIlnnIl chain ilwii chain run dam um idler ova Illl rhiidrcnl iwlox iooi ham or yalki eon Ilgnra In Icvenl biIrid new chelierilaid suiiu ill end llblel Inverli uled taiav lrflil II more plum hIlll ndlo non errpm wuhiiil leichines win flow and scrum Iuiitllel hub In Id and many other Itainl loo numemul To mention Thu your poriuplty lo buy new and used mitun Ior your or collage It your own EDIIMS CASH mata 16 Anï¬fflhlr thl lIlI PRIZES GALORE BEAUTY CONTEST F0 ItoTingJiil SHARP on our LOOKING Oran Till iiUsiiAND or THE BET LOOKING LADY FOR Tilt HEAVin LADY UPON THE MAN WITH THI LONGBST WHISKERS FOR THE MAN AND MD COMING TiiILoNGrT DISlt TANCE lIDII THE PERSON WHO i1qu aggli INDIE LSAElIiin AND NAN aiDDiNo 7ch ous mim 051 NW SPOT PRIZES COME BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND JOIN lHE FUNl Lunch will be larval on in zrounds ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD Aucilonccrs and Sales Managers PHONES VICTORIA HARBOUR SOSRZZ BARRIE PA 66035 CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Ium Stock Implementl In WILFRED WARDEN Va mil out of Cnumnia on MAY AT 100 PM Januyl Aynhiiel Ind Holstaln Cow Rankin Rollersiprtnp ll sin 25 Holstein and No lIiil Sonia Imlil Chivas CHARLES FOSTER ADCTIONEER PHONE CREEMDRI AUCTION SALE Pulnitur Fans llIrvuriui and cquipmc lass ilon stun Truck GMC and Hill iiarih land iiian Clay Illck iiueu Ploi Townshl south iialvai Ldti iii II and con County or sun cue SATURDAY MAY 20 AT 130 SAINT mllal west mile north of Elmvale Na mcrvolp Iat tlo existsTimm Ciliii ll wniiion executor almvnle phone llflfllll iii TRACE AUCTIONEER BAILIFF SALE By viriue of whriaiit Issued under the landlord nod ienant act has been zivon to ml built ior execution Under Ibis warrant have seized the ioilowina chitieis oi Mr Nelson ilobinaon oi lbo City of some County oi simcnl will oiler the mos chaiieii in sale by public auction on Pridy evening Jilly ml at the hour oi pm hi amio Auction Rnaml so nunion wint lotm eriy Harold Hill GI lie dinner wagon ktchen chin cabinet walnut china cabinet anteilea ionic vacuum clean cr ilnar lamp lied aprinn Ind legs mattresses Ilnlib continental bed rollaway beds alactrinrlnla so also trli rinse Westinghouse auto mutlc WISIIII automatic clothe dryer olcciric reinsnice chests or iirIwors diesler and othor articles Dated at amie Ontario tili ind or May ital MYRLLL VDEAN Ealllfl canny couoImN Auctioneer mtlmm EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 1961 13 AUCTION SALES 755m SATURDAY MAYU Auction uie oi bouulnifl turn this ior AT lLUKE SIlAhE LL amronu at IAitillz Lin includes rv ael electric icon remamiox modem bed room mite woodno Piano solid oak nod iuu line oi ointr acuiehoid criecu tools and many othcr amnuer aruclei TERMS CASE NO ansuw As iiosii is SOLD SALE AT 100 PM SHARP 1le COUGHLIN AUCTIONIII WORLD NEWS ï¬RUCK BY LIGHTNING PRESTWICK APiA US Air Force transport plane packed with service iamllics was struck by llgbtningwhiia flying 14000 test on route from Bntalii to tile Uniitd Staics Thursday The four engined piano landed bare safely with holes in tho wings and iuseiagl showing where the bolt hit None of the 62 passengers or 10 crew was hurt FOUR SURVIVED NEW DELHI eutersiIn dian Defence Krishna Me sold today an Indian Air Force Dakota air craft missing since last Mon loyan fouthiiis near Lamora Four of the nine persons aboard hnva survived MADE FIRST VOYAGE STOCKHOLIII AP Tho royal flagship Wash mndo her first and only successful voynga in her mycar history Thurs day She sailed stern first under tow for several hundred yards through Stockholm Hurbor Tha MOOion manofwar sank in the harbor on her maiden voy age in 1628 during storm The ship was raised last month FAVORS SPEED LIMIT NEW YORK APiThe Fed eral Aviation Agency soon will propose speed limit at 250 knots about 280 miles an hour for all planes approaching con gested airports says FAA Ade ministrator Najceb Halaby PREPARE FOR ELECTION ANKARA Turkay Pi lurkeys cunstituant assembly approved new constitutlnn Thursday night in preparation for general elections expected not later than this fall The con siiiutiondcscrlbcd by political observers as Democratic and Liberal as wholemust bo approved by the ruling zitman militaryriiinta which governs Turkey LIITED BAN CIUDAD TRUJILLO AP TheDominican Republic Thurs day lifted its ban on Jules Dubois Chicago Tribune rs portar entering the country Dubnis an ofï¬cial iiftlle inter American Association has been barred since April 1957 MAGAZINES BANNED JAKART Indonesia Reill ersiThe Indonesian govern ment today banned two Ameri can magazines Time and Lile for allegedly criticizing Indoe ncslan President Sukarno An iara news agency reported KILLED HER MATE LONDON APP Fifi Illa Whipsnddb Zoos Icmalc hippo potamus killed her 5000 pound mate Neville Thursday and then gave birth to an divpound bull call Fifi who weighs 4500 pounds herself apparently was made irritable by the approach Lngkbirib Slip hque Nevillol BC innrrssmiiiii DIRECTORY LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers Solicitors Notaries Publlcucopveyxncerl ctr otiiceis Owen st rimi anoch piIIcoElmv Ont Rowe qt II sprain Qt Gordon Te CONDER SUGG BARRISTEHS SOLICITORS NCTARIELS PUBLIC EICONDER DA ono 4A mIll Dunlap SI Em PA com COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER sr PA 34521 ILIVINGSTON MYERS Barristers and Solicitors in Collier sir solrte Pb PA 045401 WILst MOORBY annulsraa souumin LAW10FFICF AT DUNLOP ST PA 50133 SMITH MCLEAN Haber Smith QG Arthur ileum Bruno amisten solicitors die 10 Owen 5L thonl PA EEUM willonaulldinr Fred Grant street aarria Ontario Talnho PAeuw TEGKLE UNEaAi ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM f7 WRIGHT Ccnlfled Public Accountant Toronto and Burtlo DamaOiflreWiiann Bldg Peed Grant EqurI PHONE PA 1397 Veedhanl CPA Resident Pnrtner ROSE Er HARRISON Chartered Accountants Trustee in Bankruptcy Samuel Rose CA 2m MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSON Tonchu oi Pi of Siam Ih PUD PIEng for eIIEmlnlazz of the an Conservntprv iiiuai Toronto All grades and All Moduii matboas Stuliar 31 Indian 81 PA Mm THE DAVIES OF CANADA Vowr PIANO DRAMA 211 NAPIER NETBARRIE ANGUSM ROSS BA Rdlltand Mull TEIGII lnsliua tionPlIno Theory co hing in franeb Lllin otiuu lniinul lub ec ti Ron st and PA OPTOMETRY STEPHENSON RO 69 Collier St Phone PA also day was found in thrHlina