Spring Is Home InlprOveiflént Time Sell Or Buy WithAExclminer Want Ads ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS ORIONMr and Al LIle en Marrow leooold Cm cent peglna aux are happy to whom the 111th or daughter on Mly 19m outer or her then Dlvld llngt llAPPr OCCASIONTao htrtb ol yqu collar To tell the good newr lo Head and oelghoon The Bard Exmlner CluAuIfll ned 5351 are as near Is your ep one day o1 hlth put dlal PA Mlle Th It only 50 IIIEIIIORIAM REMEMBER MOTHER she NcIrr Forgot Ier Iamlller who wlsh to pay me bole to thelr departed Mother The Ianl Examlncr bar on Illa many heautllul verses e1 whlch many pedccuy portray your 1ch tags you wlsh lo pla an IN MEIIORIAM Pox llorllERS DAY Plerrc call PA Hut and ask or an ad mm or you may come lnlD our counter It you preler to mall It In address your ltlter to The name Examlncr classl ï¬cd Dept 16 Daytlcld street copy murI be In by Prlday May 12th CARDS 0F THANKS III lSfl ln the mldst or our snrrow we wIsh 1o crpress our heartlell thanks and ap rchrIlnn In our many rclrtlves ends and nelghbora or the klndaess and tympathy shown In In the loss beloved wllc and mother Mrs llelvln Thompmn Mr MerIn Thompson and Irmlly TODDJED my many relallvcs moods and nelgahors slncere Ihhnk you Ior the lovely now Card and vlslts dunng my stay In the Royal VlClorla llnepl 111 Home rnd the ToronIo Cen errI Hospllol Thanks also to Dr Vcnslby hr Shannon nlIss slun rhna and tho speclaI nulsu 1hr thelr ltlndness and core durlog mv Illness vliarry Todd COMING EVENTS FLORENCE IGHTI NGALE TEA dsored by WOMENS IOSPIITXQL AUXILIARY II 1111me lloLL FRIDAY MAY 12 230 500 STEEL TI KEN BAKE SALE Dnnatlonr of bahlng welcomed lrom any Interested lndlvlduals IHIS IS YOUR HOSPITAL WILL YOU SHOW YOUR lNIEItlSn RUMMAGE PLANT AND ROOT SALE SATURDAY MAY 1961 930 AM St GEORGES HALL BURTON AVENUE Aurplccs rust Allandale Cub and Scout Mothers Nearly New Sale PARISH HALL BASEMENT MAY I8 I9 20 REGULAR STORE HOURS Good 115ch lclothlng and mlreell rneous ertcos Sponsored by Irlnlty Guud Convener Mrs Wolrendcn PA 51512 CeConvencrs Mrs 11 llerp PA 81070 Mrs Mrgee PA um CLEAN UP CAMPAIGN Sponsored by Barrie Horticultural Society APRIL 24 MAY Proclalmed by Clly Councll Please cooperole to make and keep our elty clean Harrlo Hoard or Works wlll plek up debrls all over EarlIll THURSDAY AND FRIDAY MAY 4m AND51h Place rubhlsh In contalnerr Leave cvcrythlng on boulevardnot on street HELP MAKE EAR111E BEAUTIFUL DANCING EVERY SATU RDAY CAEAREI STYLE COUPLES ONLY PINECREST $250 couple Par table reservauons PHONE ELMVALE 75m CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condéusedaad classiï¬ed adver tisements are Inserted at the rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times 3c par word tor three four or live tlmcs and 2m per word for or more insertions 10 coal tlobal charge ll not pald within 10 days IIIE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADr VERTISEMENT IS 96c FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OE SLIM FOR 24 WORDS IF CrARGLI PER SINGLE IN SERTION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS Advertlsors are remlodod that all phone lnsertlon omen are rcce ed as eenvenlonec to you advertIser Therelord the ClasslrIed Adverttrdng Department requlrer an deettlsurl to Iclndly recheck uIelr rdvertIsemehI lmmedlrtely altor drst mrertlon In order that any errors or omlrslonr mm he rcpurmd before llll lll KIM that some may no rectlned tol thd tollowIng days lasertlon ordar Ive wlsh to polht ouI mm The name Exam nor gt15 rcsponuhle ror only one lncorroslly hated tnsertIon on any advertsemaal and then onl to the extcru In porttou or Ilnt Involves raI mldpflnl Errors WllIClI do not lunch the value or tlu mvoflldov ment are not cllglblo tor camo ttons by male goods Rates and type styles tor scml dIsplay classmeds may be on talncd through The ExaaIlnar Vzrfldlnz daplerenL REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE NORMAN She sweII REAL STATE BROKER Dunlap Strut Can PA 8996 OR 68742 WINGS CALI loa Lougun PA with bent shauweu 0rd 2910 Harvard NorrIa PA we lack wulroo PA on llm Lemon PA 1711 Norman shelswall PA 99 CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 6648I Member or dam and mum Real Estate 13 rd HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 58 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 er of barrle and Dlrtrlct llcol Palate Ooard EVENINGSCALL mlth MILLER 10E PALMER PA 50067 HAROLD FoRsIER PA Mas KARL MARSHALL PA 9911 ROSET REAL ISTAIE BROKER 7B IIIIIN STREET BARRIE 27 HIGHWAY SOUTH bedroom bungalow only 155 years old llvlng room lutchen and pleca bath lull hrsement rorcod rlr n11 heaung Int 75 200 came tor $5905 per month ggswtlxu Down payment about $980000 PEEL ST 39300 lull price bedroom llv lng room lrlIehen lull ha meat new ga heatlng Iorccd rIr Clorc to all schools Terms EAST END $8500 Is the full prlce or tbu bedroom stucco home located In the cast and lelng room wlth llkpldnc large ldtchca all hert Ing garage trccd lut CerrIcs lor sfo monthly plus laxer Close to ores PENETANG 5T $l090000 bedroom brlck bungalow lehlg room lutchcn and bath lull bare mcnt poured concrete Ioundatlnn turned alr all heatlag laundry tubs lully landscaped lot Pull prlce only $10900 Term BLOCKS TO POST OFFICE 510900 IIII prIca lor thIs two bed room bungalow located about blocks from the Home Post 011 Iee LIvIag room wlth ï¬replace kltchen and den plece bath all basement hot atcr heatlag at tached garage Make an apPoIat man to Inspect thls home now CGE AREA storey large bedroom home kltchens located on large lot 72 2117 turned ed on heatlng down payment only $200000 SOUTH OF BARRI bedroom home only about years old llvlng room Illï¬e klt cben bathroom full basement forced elr oII heaIlng attached garage Int 100 150 Phll prlca nnly SUMMW CALL DAY 0P EVENING PA 82379 Member at the ban1e and Dlatrlct Real mate Hoard STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA S5901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS JUNE 0R JULY VACATION why not enjoy It at 111g bay Palm heautlrul cottage every modern eonvenlenee Prlced tor oulcx sale TRULY EXCITING FISHING Opealng day they were really hlt lllg Approx ll acres wIth boar house heat and acre trout pond We mlstalrenly advertlsed thIr as 011101605 acror prevlously Pull prlca llcmh PANORAMIC VIEW OF LAKE SMCOE 51500 down Flu loee In llvlng dlnlng room or Ir bedroom hrIch splItlevel wlth paved drlve and bulltln garage PatIo rt rear Prestlge ercr Call PA nsanl ror appolntment to ace ror yoamelr Members at the bmle and nlstrlcl rtaal Estate Dorrd Merv GfluIdOro 2519 Darla NuttvcombePA H901 Edlth GouldOre 2516 Harry SharerPA 60m CUSTOM HOMES and APARTMENTS burn all STOLLAR ICONSTRUCTION LTD For tanner tnlormntlob PHONE PA 720 THREE BEDROOM Ranch Home bddchuud hotwlter hehtlng two bathrooms two Stephens thermo plnd Windows throughout hlnld loam rul laru bulltIa chla cablnet1nrny beautllul extras One mm from Elmvala on ngh way 01 mm Box ll Elmvlle or telephone 130w PA H476 1111 1111111311 EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 1x1 REALESTATE ROGERS 81 PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE RENTAIS ARTICLES for SALE CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP STREET EAST ï¬rst In barrio Home salesForemost In Qaauw or Sallee PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL 111 moonPA um ROGERSPA wt maths POSTERPA but comm was BARRIE DISTRICTIIEAL MATH BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARRE PHONES PA WI PA 60241 BEDROOM HOME BATH Clare Io dnnnmwn Attached garre my room dlnlag room large modern Itltchen Thla homa Ir In berutltul condluon Lovely tread Iol Ltv lloI water all heallug Cau Ihlr clllce tor Itlrtber do all BLAKE ST BRICK HOME beauluul lol well landscaped llnura hll bedroom hthrdom uv Telnu can be anangcd III Mom dInlng loom kllcllcn IIIXE lllnmulu all but 5000 lull aaIlar pllcc CHOICE LOTS large lot 10 275 wllh some Lovely lcanle vlew lonlllng towards olce trees on Bay Crest Drlvn the bay Prlccd to cell One 101 on No 11 Illghway soulhol Barrle near Merdawhreoh Only $350 BRICK BUNGALOW AT STROUD lusl year old has nlcc llvlng room large hllchcn wllb breaklasl nook good bedrooms pleec bth lull basement wlth hol water all hratlng Land oI cupboards and rtorrgc space large dulltlll gar ale you want real halgaln On bcruIlnrl lot 66 l65 Must be reld not last II RESTAURANT ON HWY CLOSE TO BARRIE TDII glcrmlng reclauraat has accommodaunn or 50 guests IIllnIIlld Ind coulp ed Luellan thlng Is In Immrro rIe condltlon prolll wondertul porenIIrI Complete llvlng quarlan or owner Evrry Thls huslnesr ls showlng good brrgaln at Sllï¬oo wlltl toms SUMMER COTTAGES We hhvc good cIcetlon or scanner cottages Priced ram $000 to name Contact lhls ollIce any mm or lurthcr Inlormauoa or Inrpec Iloa We have otherscall us anyumc EVERYTHING IN REAL ESTATE AFTER HOURS CALL Smlta Cam henPA Hm Ennll Ne IcSPA 56695 Joan Lang PA M761 Pergua GarveyPA 37951 Member or the lame ll al FateIc hoard cqglls Real Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie $17000 MODERN DUPLEX Dullt In 1057 master llvlng quar In 1100 sq It bedrooms 11v lng dlnIng and adequate hlIehcn Apartment quarterr I140 so It con slstln or tour roomr sell can trlnc Complete laundry and mmae room Clots to NerIn Col leglrIe Terms arranged EXECUTIVE TYPE HOME wlth bullIln garage centro lloll Ian llvlng room 11 22 wlllt Ircplace large dlnlng area bcru tIhII ldtclrcn wlth hrrrklast area Iollet room oll kllmcn three large bedrooms ceromlc the bath reorn oll dred hot water heatlng vlow o1 hr TWO STOREY 51mm dwelllng In excellent con dItIon central Ieeotloh oll heaI Ing on so lot wlth Consldcrablb depth lmmodlate possesslon rerms arranged on 451 WEST END cholcc or two bungalows llvlng reem comhIanIon kltcllcrl and dlnlng area two bedrooms all hertlog storms and screens wlth In erkIng dlstrnee o1 shopplna Centre Member or Damn It Dlstrlct Real Estate Board PHONES orllce PA Moos Evcolng PA 82592 CONSULT US ON va down Payment houslng plans lIJCIIIDKC or Propertlcr dNrtlonel EoualngLonlu burlness Oppohunltler Property Mrnrgemeht HENDERSON REALTOR ll COLLIER STREET PHONE PA 82678 COLLIER STREET Th1 sprclous older home has eIght reams gas hoeuag large lot Full prlee $10500 Phone Per cylrord 35 ACRES w1th modern llvlng accommoda uhn wlth garage or workshop on hertlng corner or Maple bush or property Good garden eoll $1500 down Phone Percy Pord EVENINGS CALL RITA sCANDRm PA M855 PERCY FORD PA b7930 Member or Barrie and matrch Ind Ontarlo Real Errata Boerdc TAYLOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINlxs BROKER 15 CLAPPERTON STREET DARRIE PA 61761 Cottages on Lake slmcae Georglen Hay and In Muskoka Dlstrlct Prlced nnm $500 up Some of these are water propertles Investment property close to down town Income $165 monthly Prleed to sell at $9700 wlth terms roomhum close to downtown pneed or qulck sale Owner lervlng elty We have cllent wrntlng dalry Iarmwlth two sets or hulldlngs w1ll pay up to $70000 Also c11 ants wantlng farms 50 to 00 acressome wIlh all cash EVENINGS PHONE AL FOSTERPA 61555 GENE MOORE PA 52860 MEMBER 0P TORONTO AND 0NTARIO REAL ETATEJOARDS BOAKE REALTOR 251 DRADrorID 5mm bAthlE PA 85387 OR PA 85383 Sull relllng tinn ro latmen Inc rmlng CIrr wntrmrnPA 11451 Illlph BooksPA MINI CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MADEL MARSHALL PA 84450 copay PA am VE WELCOME ALL TYPES or LISTINGS RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL NDUSTRIAL FARMS ELRICK AND MICHIE IS Owen Sh Barrie PHONE PA 85583 MEMalzy uARRll REAL ESTATE BIG BAY POINT Kltchen largo llvlng room two bedrooms and bath urge traced lot prlvale well completely wln terlzed home In Immaculate can dltlnn Full prIce $1507 Down payment 9142500 NO II HIGHWAY MILE FROM CITY LIMITS Landscaped lot Ample waIcr supply Large llvlng room dlnlng room two bedrooms ldtehen and three plcee bath Grragc and workshop Pall prloe 5111100 wIIh 51500 down Payments to be are ranged wlth vendor TOLLEN DAL SUBDIVISION 14 lots ranglng In one crem 50 root to 90 root lrontrge Wooded lots Prlco $350 each NOTE WE ARRANGEAVIG TORIA AND GREY TRUST MORTGAGES After hours phone Paddy MllesPA aszoo Bcb FlewelliagIPA 35883 BUILDING LOT Dulldlng lot or sale In valgo ot Cookstown 100 leot troulage by 150 reet deep Pol pm and rurthcr detolls APPLY DAnluE EXAMINER box 93 MOVING Dont torget 1e unnatu your INSURANCE and you need extra coverage or any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 85201 ISDIINLOP ST SUITE 108 ANGUS GARDEN SUBDIVISION HIGHWAY 90 Lhrgnylntl In 230 selling for $595 $100 down terms to salt Goad water Lots across Irom school Apply Mr Cent Coul son 59 Maplr Avenue Telephone PA 51579 Low mu Ell older rlyle our bedroom brlek houro 0a Penetaag street Extra large lot Telephone PA b2004 Ior rurther dctrlls PROPERTY FOE SALE roux 15110110011 slow two bathroom on beat vl t7 North cellgrate Telephon PA soon 1111 BUNGALow man our monthly rooms 1n nm am July occupancy Telephulll PA um men rob Qulck Sale Imn Iahcd dye room collage at Glen wood Beach Lot 50 150 rcet Good awlmmlng and close to flares Telephone strand mu ROOM HUNGALOW bevel alda log yllu old Mr ryrtcm Small harcment mllea lxvm Clap Baruch Flaunt I00 NEH MICIL ALLANDALD Custom ballt brlclc bungalow ave nan old we Anna Street south erg down gamut nqulrcd no monthly cllldel laterert pnnctprl and taxes PA 5112 Poll BALE by owner Modern threa hmroom brIer bungalow nea churches and lChOoLl Gm age paved drlveway add many other doc leaturer For parucu lm telephone PA H731 SHANIY HAY Prhaurna Large waterfront eottaga and boat houro illlh three moms above Camznk block loundatlonr or crry wlnllh lrlng sum lcrmr Johnston PA Corl IDEAL L0 or me on Trout Lake Lady Sllver Lane Lomb near North Rey wondamrl heat hllhwaya Selung at great raerllleo wrlle Mra Lle MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE You are Invited la dlrcoas your momgt Emblem wlth ur wlth oul ohllga Dnvaldlnl In pro pcruls an on tinned FIRM In or out or am Interest at pr lung ralea Call Coulta 60 Is Owen 5L Barrie PA $5000 TO LOAN an Ant or rec bud mortgage Apply nor Dan rle bummer sum PM MORTGAGE wantd Immcdlatcly to clear no ox may haxrla MORTGAGES1r and 2111 bodgh rold and arranged Commetda aud ruldenIIal mono loaned on curling mortgaxcr burl um Illa BruinI RENTALS APrs HOUSES To RENT SMALL Iumlabed Ilunment Au utIllIlea luppuld PrIvate entrance North cad Avallablo June Tele phona PA 570 TWO UNPURNIdUED Room or mat Ccntnl locatlan Heat and Ilghta ruppllcd Use or bathroom Telephone PA N593 FURNISHED Apartment and one room Ior rent Apply at Eur lard street or telephone PA 251 APTS HOUSES T0 BENT ANGUI 0n bedrtmm honu wlth Inna In tutuDom and db corate Sult couple Telephon Camp Harden all run Hanging ia rr co aun wuhluz murmur Ilydlo wllu and heat ruppllcd Centnlly 1o catcd $10000 per month Iele bhone PA on Two Doom mmlrhcd rpm Inznt Hut hydm Ind Ialu Lh eluded In rent Nut and clean and Elm to downtown Reason able rent Sultabla or couple PA Hold COMFORTABLE partly fumlxhgd tbrea room apartment ln nan nad Includes one bedroom cloa to rchoolr and shopplag 65 mo Ihly Avallabla now Telepholu PA on WARM comombll IntntrhId heated three mm apartment stove and rclrlgcralor and laun ury Iacllltlea In Allandala area one cbud welcome Ample In space Telephone PA 85¢ CENTRAL Locatlon lhreo roam lurnlrhed abutment wlth ple hath Heated heavy duty rta hardwood aorta rall contalne Avallable Aprll Ill Apply Arm ltronll Huldwln album and bedroom lplflv meat llvlng room uterus and bathroom prlvato entrance up ante lano IacllllleL Rest and water rapp ea 75 relphon PA um Avrllrblo new berm 5131 Harper Avenue Cblcllo Illlnolr USA RANCH HYDE bungalow 1100 round Ieet or floor rpace Snlld masonry yum old room and bath extra deep baaement Many extrrr Iully Irndrcr ed George Street mucrert ub dlvlaloa Alllatnn 112 In honor FULLY Modem arlck uungalow three bedrooms LSDp cd llvlng room and dlnlng room tuIt basement Let no reeI Landserped wlth gardon rnd prtIo Two years old CMHC I17 mort gage Lew down payment No 126 and mortgage owner trrnslerred Apply to 21 George street Allls ten or phone 115 56010 PROPERTY FOR SALE on REer PARKING SPACE owntowa $125 per week Apply llorold 11111 11m Iled 55 Dunlap Welt PA Mm MonEItN HOME plccabrth bedroom llvlng room dlalnll room and utlllty room all tun Hue Reasonable oakvlcw Reach Phone Waugh Reach zuwl MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT 1157 GLENDALE Iwo hed room traller Ior rrle clean con dltlon any equlppcd many ex trad Prlrcd to tell Owner olng west Apply Gumorer Motel lgh wt 27 north BUS OPPORTUNITIES BE YOUR OWN BOSS Im loohlng tor capable Intelll gent man wlthhl rtandardr or Integrlty and ab ty There are IocetIonr rvrurhle In thIr are and In the Toronto area both now and In the more orlcr ou the most thorough rInIng rcllltles 1n Ihe partners and dnrlar our progrrm you wlll be pald 65 per week It you qurllly you can proceed Io hulld prosperous buslness or yoursoll as lIna derIer wlth mlnlmum capllal outlay WRITE to me now and be In tlms tor the program beglnnlng Juno WYLIE 19 CODRINGTON STREET BARRIE or Telephone FA 65527 CANADIAN PEIROPINA LID iFinesl ln NOth America amoUD GmAI Store large lot llvlnl Quarters good water all egulpment Must sell small down payment Eary terms Tele Pbone PA no CHANCE To make money far WISIEI Hench mall street rtoICS or rent Sultable any typeo hushess Merchantsa secondary store maker mrtra probt Apply box 71 Wasaga Beach FINANCIAL FOR THE BEST DEAL ON LOANS TO $5000 IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET ALL THE FACTS AND GHEN SEE SEABOARD WHERE YOU RECEIVE LOW COST RATES CLEARLY STATED FLEXIBLE TERMS UP To an Moerls PERSONAL SERVICE ALWAYS PROMPT Speclal Plans ful Homeownerr Loans May he Lllll 1nrured Seaboard Discount CANADIAN 11mm MI DUNLOP ST 2ND FUOOR PHONE PA 66477 MODERN mlPLEx one year old good locatloa fully rented Two 7bedroom apertmcntr and one bcdrnom apartment Telephone PA Llan alter Don MAKE AN OFFER lol thla foul yuu old oII halted three Ind room brlck hungalow near North Collcglate Possesslaa July Tele phglle PA H3020 alter or week en ROOM Hrlck Haure oll beatlag Located on hrodlord Street Land scaped ldwn and garden erla Ross Box Ills stayner phone 1037 Alro latormrtlon lab Eradlord sh Blme umuu bEDltooal hrlclr Range low wlth attached reragc Large kitchen comblaed llvlng dlalag area Near North colleglate Rer ronrhlo down payment NHA mortgage Telephone PA CBIEI 1me LAKE Dame bedroom house block basement all turn acc place hath modern kltchen large llvlng room wlth Ilrcplaee Members at Don and nlrtrlet Rarl Emttlaoard Mly be seen Saturday or Sunday slgn on property LEWIS gt MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE MORTGAGE LOANS WITH LDWMONTBLY PAYMENTS IAlLonlmTo YOUR EUDGLI IF YOU NEED MONEY olo consnudale debts or mortgage mortgages eomlng due ome unprovement Any worthwhue cans Call today or appointment PA 60931 EVENINGS PA 71032 Mortgage Funding Of Canada 129 DUNLOP EAST MONEY IAVAlLAnhD tor that and second mortgages Prlvate Apply nor as barrlo mlncr slx ROOM House wlIh garage blg garden Located at II Gowan street Tcle hone PA 177 be tween an pm TWO BEDROOM Houaa tor rent HarrIe Terrace 011 runner Ad rllr Apply her all llarrla Exam ner APARTMENT two large Iront rooms lurnlshcd Vary rcasnnahle gut tAdults only Apply I57 Mary rte nluGllT two room arlment wlth kltehcoctte and In Heat water and parklng rpacn ruppUad Apply at In Napler Street AVAILADLB MAY let one lub nlshed apartment one unlurnlaa ed Both rel cnaIaIncd Ono chlld welcome Days Phone M270 Eve nlngr PA mot UNPUlLNISubD three roam apartment heated Relrlgcrator and stove ruppllcd Centrally locr ted Immeulate pnrresrlon Tele phone PA mu or PA H700 THREE HooMsn unturnlrbed apartment on ground lloor Sun room Parklog age Avrllabla now Apply ll eactang stdcat Telephone PA M015 PENETANG atrctl two bedroom heated relr conulucd apartment prlvatc entrance Real 315 moably Ayallahla now Telephone PA 68634 GROUND FLOOR three room and bath prlvato entrance prrktng laclllllea Avallable May 15 Close to downtnwn Apply 65 anlo Ave nue or telephone PA 81624 FURNISHED three room brae ment apartment heated and prl vatc entrance Adults Laundry la elllucs Included ralcphono PA 82293 or lurlher Inlarmatlon TWO loom Apartments wlth slave Ind relrlgclatar Recently decorated noth vcry central and reasonable rent Avallrbla May 15 Telephone PA 51717 VERY MODERN one bedroom un turnlsbed apartment east end ncar DomlnIon store Autnmrlle laundry IaclIItlcs venetlrn blIndl bamboo drapes PA $2979 ROOM 31le 301152 bedroom Ivlng dlalng room kltcbcn rnd plecc bath Near Central school Reasonable rent Iclcphone Glen Adams Mlacslag 91 TWO BEDROOM Apartment Ivlth llvlng ranm and Idtchen Heated Centrally luchtad Rental $534ml month Telephone PA 52130 or luther lolormatlon MODERN three roam apartment nlrnlshedkflvate bulb and cut raaoe par Ircllltles Centrally located Reasonable rent Avall able June Tellnhnnu PA 34476 TWO nRDRooM House close In schools Just ouIslde clty llmlts Close to bus route lnslde taeIlt tlos Ille Ilaurs throughout Iele phona PA Hash UPPER DUPLEX three unlurn lshed rooms and prlvrte bath Heated Avallahle luno lst Adults Aim lRl FCDCIIBESIRCI or to ep one PA M154 FIVE noonl House two bedrooms hot and cold water three ploee hath Reasonable rant Located on Elghway 92 near Wasrga beach Telephbnn 7111112 mmvale om AND we bedroom Apart meats stove relrlgerator lenltor rervlee and laundry much Reoung tron 30 monthly rele phone Leech PA 52570 rwo ROOMED Furnished Apart mull also roamed unlurnlshed aganment Roth heated and ovall ale lmmcdlately Telephone PA 53905 tor further Infomltlon m1 ROOM unturolshed apart ment separate entrance sell con talned prrhlng ncllltles Avrllrhle tmmedlorolyK Telephone PA b2710 ror unher lerormrtlon LADGD room ground floor heated apartment Unlurnlshed llreplree ample storage separate basement Avabrblo July 1n $315121 prelerred Tblephnnl PA rwo DEDRooll Cqu Hydro water and rangerte lupr Ied Spree bested Laun laeIhI co aceton anle rent Dan on West near our plan Ayaurhle lane Telephone PA 35252 Amtan our room aprrt mnl rcdccoratcrl hzrlrd Low rent 50 mnnlhly Apply chlr Steele and Son colllor slrceL Teleghonu PA H195 days PA 55w evenings ELARE 5111321 east and PI overlaoklng the bay Mode three room unlurnlshed apart meat wlth bath Separalc eat rrncc Eur at door near beach Vacant $80 par manlh Telepho PA 87475 or PA as MODERN unlhrnlrhed healed Ipartmnnu One Sroom and one room wIth lour place bathroom $70 rnd $55 per monIh Includes laundry and analog lrellltler Lb Chlhll on Penelope Streot role phono PA Mm THREE LARGE ROOMS $011410 trIned per daplex newly dee orrted on or euphorrda ell hehtcd rwo blocb lrom new shop plng centre hrremeot lecultler and lawn Apply on Henry street or Phone PA 141111 UNFURNISKED thre room apartv meal heated and redecorated prlvrta entrance Sultablo or one or two adults Rclrlgerator and rangcltn ll dcrlred Garage Includ ed Avallable now Telephone PA 61098 bAsr END on bus route New and modern Large one bedroom oparIment stove and retrlgcrator sup 1ch lrundry rrcllltles good or log Adults Avrllrnlc Immed etely Also apartments ovrIlrhlo Juno arm and two bedroom same racllltler as above Adults Telephone PA 35557 GROUND floor rpartmcht Ihrcn room rlvate hath sell eenralhed data had remgeralor and stove Also largo twobedroom Iurnlshed apartment Alro rmrll ground floor apartment sell eontalned Iurnlahcd Telephone PA 56164 betel2 10 mnrnlngs rtter pm evcalngs ROOMS TO LET Pumslnm Bedroom tor rent In Allandrle near bur atop 56 per week Telephone PA 39152 or further detrllr FURNISHED bedeslttlng room IlnA e11 dlshes Palmetto buDPlIEII Us or rerrlgerntor One block from Plve Pnlnts Telephone PA 960 bEDnOOM FOR RENT ln qulel home west end dlrtrlct close to downtown Sult buslncar man Telephone PA WIN FURNISHED ROOM tor rcpt wlth rangette use or relrlgerator and Hendlx Ground Hoar Central 1o catlon Telephone PA 85081 TWO ltlrnlsbed househccplnu rooms vlclnlty or bus station and Loblaws Sultable tor couple no ohlecuon to chlldlen Waoxly or monthly PA 39297 altdl pm FURNISHED large room and kltcb ca Steve and relrlgcrator Sepab rte entaaucc All= trllre rmaher lurnlshe room ar ng space Central locatlan Telephone PA b7594 EWSPAP ER MATS Slm 1111 Ideal or Ilntnr bu homes attlea arr 0t perlect maulalor 25 PER Dom Apply na Dame hammer hardc Oatrm BARRI GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE Why not see Ila ï¬rst for ALL YOUR CAMPDIG NEEDS JUST RELEASED Brand New Army boots $698 PAIR Ross mm PA 60622 USED REFRIGERATORS $9500 rv sans $4900 NEW AND USED APPLIANCES MCFADDENS I28 PENETANG ST PA 89288 IIRAND NEw SINGER PORTABLE SPECIAL PRICE ONLY $4950 SINGER SEWING CENTRE 21 DUNLOP ST WEST MAPLE SYRUP TOP QUALITY REASONABLY PRICED SIVMCOE DISTRICT COOP 259 INNISFIL STREET PHONE Po 66531 TYPEIVRITERS ADDING MACHINES CASH REGISTERS AND SUPPLIES SERVICED AND REPAIRED BY CERTIFIED MECHANIC CALL REID McCRIMMON PA 68350 CONTRACTS AVAILAnLg AND CHAIRS ab ory to 011 rl Dim cushlnnx luam oll Eliqu All backs From $151 Chnlce 01 601 at Como In Ind look Irullntl MAYFAIR UPHOIï¬TEEY 34 131va srllm TMHDNE PA 51512 TwoWHEEL Car Trallcr plywood Apply I71 Peel Strce GENUINE IIirhlsh Rug It 10 In by It In Excelllmt condltlnn PrIcc no Telephone PA M391 GARDEN IIIANUDE or role Tele Pboae PA 643256 mm Ior Mlmuilnlï¬l HErRlGERIlron tor sale In good condItlan Prlce $50 relch 337111 ror lurthr lnrornIrtIoII IIICYCLE 5speed RaI lso IIIgullnrl Aqunrlum wlIdeellceltor ApPly 15 Maple Avenue ar Iolr phone PA 82206 roller p111 hax RADIO record player Phlllpr AM and PM rlcrcophonle 5hr mo old Ilka new Full length 321 model Telephone PA 60203 POWER MOWER Monarch propelled reel type brlggr stratton eaglne LIttlo used Tele phon era 195 RATE AND BASIN dye root roll ed rIm hath wlth taps 810 Darla wlth laps $5 Apply 33 Toronto street or telephone PA Ema MOTOR new for 1919 to 1115 Chevrolet léItolrhglvlu seu cheap on no or 29 Haydeld st BOTOTILLEE hp for lncher wlde llke new reasonably Phone 5702 any tlme Sauna Hemlock BRIGHT sunny bedroom wlth twln bedr sultable Ior couple Also nlce lurnlrhcd bedroom Ior one Par ad space Garage Inc rent for June lat Apply 59 Maple Avenue or telephone PA 61675 ROOM BOARD THREE LIGHT Househenplng Rooms avauahla tor elther rooms or wlll glvo room and board Tele Phabd PA 35205 BOOMAND DOAILD In new home Very prlvate Hrlgbt al tractlva roam wlth prIvrte ball room Eart end Applylo 25 Wet don Street or telephnna PA 56028 ROOM AND BOARD avallrble for two worklng gentlemen Central Iocatloa Avallahla now For my ther partlculars telephone PA 39197 UNHURNISHED Apartment hert ed 521 contalned Avallable medlately 10nd or two small ch11 red welcome Play yard Icle phone PA 33534 or apply us Bradford street GROUND floor at house three large rooms share hydro Front and back entrance Hayï¬eld street south or Welllnglon street Ab stalners $60 per month rele Pbone PA 50015 HOUSE POR RENT our rooms and bath on lughway 400 and Dunlop street West 55 monthly Avallahlc now Alsb three room house rentlng at $41 mnnthly TelephonePA 87165 LOVELY RESIDENCE or elderly ladles and gentlemen PrIvate and semlprlyrte rooms Excellent care by grrdurte nurse Apply Box 15 nuns Errmlne BOOM AND BOARD In prlvatc well kept heme Close to down town Lunches packed Gentlemen only Reasonable Telephone PA 66281 WANTED To RENT SOME GOOD Used Lumber tor sale Also rs Also have room apartment to rent Tele phone PA lIma nor more datallr TELEVISION or Sale 1959 blotch ole model beauty Sacrldce In excellent condltlon For Iurther lnlonnntlou telephone PA M15 or PA 61560 PEECAST Parkln Lot Dlvlrl suitable for Elu Plve Mt lengths $3 each and seven brt lengths 57 each Barrln Examlner phone PA GREY sUn ladys slre III to 20 In good condltlen Also blue lace evealng drera slze 15 In ex Cduegt condltlon Telephone PA 17529 NEW PDRCEDAtr Gas Purlracer regular 5735 now to be sold Ier $85 urlng apeclal 5150 dlscount Installatlon extra Telephone PA 54911 or PA 39225 SPRINKLER used In good can dItIon Also used plpe lumber brlcks and tlmbcr Apply old Ball Plantng MIII Sltc or Les Herlram It Sons alldhurst WESTINGHOUSE Rctrlgerrtot 45 Easy Washer 545 Pourburner Eleetrlc Range $50 Norge IllInch Electrlc Range $75 Meclary Gas Range $75 Rohlnson Hardware telephone PA 8241 THREE or our bedroom house wanted to rent Darrle or sur roundlng area Telephono PA C7165 ME 011 srovrs Graphle Serler all 211 Portralt Camera and rrlpod exposure motes llght Es1111 re1ephonc PA 1571114 any luonlzurl Two bedroom an moat centrally located Iove Ilan rerrlgerrtor tles andparlrlng yanltor servles Avrllohle Immcdlrtely Telephoho PA H097 NEW AND Modunnnu and two bedroom apartments overlooklng scenlc Kempearelt Dry Herr vu trr parklng and Janitor rorvlee Included Automrne washlag cr cultles PA 32707 ROOM fumlhhzd artment wlth prlvate bath lIca hydra and water ruppIIed Thls Is In quiet part or the clty sult cou ple Avallahle now 70 par mouth elaphone PA 177425 THREE ROOIIIItumIShed heated lpllrtmentr Prlvate bathroom lrlgnrator rtove prIvrIe laundry lacllltler and plenty cupboard SPICE CentraL Sult bullpen gllll areuuple Télepllonb PA M137 EXCEPTIONALLY clcnn three ranln Iurnlrhed apartment heat ed prlvaIa aatranccl modern hlchan and bathroom parltlng sull zglrls or burlners couple Ihrco blocks Irom Port omca gas per manlhTeIophnne PA ARTICLES for SALE JONES USED FURNISHINGS Dealen In In no Ind good luld hrmlshlogr always have good relrcuon AND ESSA ROAD PHONE PA 66261 WORK BOOTS FROM $795 GOLDS SHOE REPAIR 11A CLAPPERTON 51 YOUR COMPLETE SHOE REPAIR SHOP RADIOS TYPEWRITEES Portables ow as 359351 year guarantee Terms down $3 per wcck Stu dent rentals Star wrlter Co 24 brrdtord st 55595 REFRIGERATOR Phllco ll cable teat pale blue Insldl ll month Old lb Irugzer hulamltlc de Irost Pcrlcct condltlon Saul very reasonably Iclcphena 01530 DhrnlaunAron tally rutnmatlc Crosley 15lb lraezer Housrhel rumlture garden tools tool rnd more numerous Ielnr gander movlng Telephone Lelroy PottrAnLE sAlv Itnhl ror bale conslstlng or carriage ed er cut otr srw saw rrrmes settcd slmoar lumber saw Ap ply Io Arthur uenham R11 Shanty hey TO THOSE dUPPEIuNG from mul Culhl Aches and Palm read what Dr Travel MD to Presldent DOMINION TI STORE aI MARY 511 BARRIE Kennndy III In any how maullKC and hot mullt helt thydrthen Ipy can help you In Readers Dlgcrt May lune Dllnel 311 telephone PA $1111 drlvowayl dwrr 52 nob In 6° Ole rd