TEE BARBIE EXAMINER FRIDAY MAY 1161 900 INSURANCE JAILUON 7m DOLLARS UNEMPLOYMENT 76March3l I9 sf NEMPLQYMENTlUIID snnmxs Canadas unemployment in surance fund stood at $185 298087 at the close at the 1961 fiscal year ended March 31 It was the lowest point in downward trend started four STOCK MARKET Volume years ago Graph traces the fund balance by fiscal years sinee 1942 Fiscal year and March 31 Contributions in 1961 totalled $329896139 bene ï¬ts $510490285 CP News map Down From Thursday TORONTO CPLThe stock market slipped irom its early morning mixed position during heavy trading today On the exchange index indus trials all 156 lo 58594 and golds gained 05 to 8211 Base metals were off 82 at 19556 and western oils20at 9157 The 11 em volume was 10m 000 shares compared with 1434 000 at the same time Thursday Steel Company foil El two On the sparse plus siderWes ton Abltibi CPR lInrdee Farms and Dominion Stores all rose v1 Milling trading was heavy Hudson Bay rose V4 to 56 Deni rson in at 10 and Gunnar 10 cents to $835 Golds were light McIntyre Porcuplne gained 5t at Soï¬end Dame 14 at 22 In western all trading Central Del Rio and Bailey Selhum dropped five cents to $665 and sees while Dome fell 20 cents to $821 The market finished strongly Thursday with higher prices and volume On the exchange index indus trials reached new high ris lug 344 to 58750 while golds fell to 8206 Base metals reached their highest point since July 1957 rising 238 to 19668 The final volume was532500ll shores compared with 6115000 Wednesday Pipe lines were active Steels gained Steel Company was up It at 76 and Dominion Foun dries and Steel or at 53 Foods dye Oshawa NET EARNINGS no rm CANADIAN parses Supertest Petroleums Corpor ation Ltd year ended Dec 31 1960 $1120673 125 cents 5liar 1959 $1428595163 cents Wholesale was up 11 at 21 Mining trading was active and issues advanced strongly Inter national Nickel wns up at 73 and Falcoubridge one to 51 On the mlnus side Quemoat dropped 20 cents to $925 Gun nar 15 cents to $825 and Lab rador ii at 22 Golds werelmixed McIntyre Porcupine rose at at 30 Dome and Kerr Addison at 21 and 11 Hollinger fell at 23 and Giant Yellowknife MI at 10 We use only the tvin top leaves and the bud to glve Salado Tea its finer flavour Youll find onlytheï¬nestlngredlents Vior better flavour in all Saladaé Shlmfi Horsey food products Bio sat snlriitrngsky nroductl ullt ï¬nancier sinusoid Excellence YousAre Cordially InViied To Attend The Jaime 0F mm JoIIIIsoII 0N Ilrlcllrs srlIEEr norm or BLAKE srnnnr sum it 051951 67 TORONTO lt TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dnnlop St Barrie INDUSTRIAL or 18 can air of Guru can Brownies CPR 31146 Camelot Denim Can cm Canadian 01 Con ELI 8311 In on Laban Camp Chin Gumur Cu Del BIO Humour can matron Sullivan Falconbrldn Cato luau Elagfes EEEE 543 can Numeral Ollemllh 51 ms Mos Acnvx srucxs 00 natural Int Nlrkel Londo New Home Tnch Home DOWNle NEW roan szuau Industrial up 100 Rail up 00 uuutlunown 06 16qu men Excnwos man Metal down 52 on down so Lndult down 156 Gold up Eudlon Bu Min Imp Tobacco Am later NI el lnxupm Pipe Jone club Loni Pin Mac Poweu Inv IuNING KerrAddlron Lonnoun lhrlumu ll Inter hm um Oman mg or on MG 5m uoun can no Prune ecu Pun Pl Steel can stunner Tor Dom Eh has Can P1P runs 11L no nude ï¬n Texco Union on walker cow Qumont Sheri Gordon steep nook United on wute Amulet Willie 50 Boa Claims us Is Disconcerted HAVANA CPIForeign Min ister Raul lion asserted Thurs day that the defeat at the rebel invasion force sent against Cuba recently seems to have discon certed what he termed impe rialist circles In the United States Roa also claimed the victory of Cuhnn government forces caused extraordinary jubila tion among Latin Americans He spoke to reporters after arriving here by ship from New York where he headed Cubas NOON DOLLAR NEW YORK CPLCanadian dollar unchanged at $101 1132 in termsof US funds Pound sterling down 116 at 3279 dollar was at discount 516 per cent in terms of Canadian funds the Bank of Montrealre ported near noon today Thurs day the noon rate was 98 Pound sterling $276 up 816 799 IO ounce bottle we BARRIE BEVERAGE COMPANY Division of SevenUp Ontario Phone Barrie PA 89279 Orilila Midland and Penetang Zenith 17100 Central Hot waterineaier AreUï¬ngiThe OLIVEAN SlLENT DEoENDAaLE ECONOMICAL EUEL NATURALGAS Cnll orWIile om Sales Department Immat lniormatlon onSumersCï¬Ã©s BARItIE Heating delegation to the United Nations General Assembly Hon charged that the US government is feverishly prc paring an attempt to overthrow the Cuban revolutionary regime oi Fidel Castro by force of arms The Roman Catholic Church also has been target 01 Cuban attacks Premier Fidel Castro an nounced in lengthy lilay Doy speech Monday that Cuba will expel most foreign priests and will nationalize private schools As for the private schools Castro said only children of rich families had been able to attend them MAXIMUM EMMY EASHIIIIES give you maximum ACCELERATION alts5558 Steer PricesUp 50c Per th Cattle Receipts Down Ill Yards TORONTO CPI Steers traded actively at prim strong to fully 50 cents per hundred welght higher this week at the Ontario public stockynrds Butcher heifer prices were firm with ycnrliags cows and bulLs steady Replacement de mand improved as the week prong while prices were strong on the top grades of veal calves and steady on the lower grades Hog and sow prica were 25 and so cents per hundredweight higher ivciy Feediot lamb prices were steady to 31 per hondrcdweight lower and spring lamb prices were steady Cattle receipts 1600 head less than last week were about 1200 head loss than the same week in 1960 Slaughter onttle Choice steers snuso odd tops no E009 moon medium 1950 21 common 1619 choice heif ers 22 good 20504150 medlt tum 19502050 oommon 1519 choice cd yearlings EM odd genuine slcerbahles to top at 25 good 2123 good cows 171750 sales to 15mediums 15504650 commons 14501550 canners and cutters 11m good heavy bologna bulls 1519250 common and medium 154850 Replacement cattle Good steer slackers 2224 with west ern Stecr stock calves 2526 common and medium slackers and stock heifer calves son with pinineends downward to 16 calmzcholoe vealers 3355 oddaales to 3550 good 842 medium 243 common 1923 bond 14 llogs Grade odd tops 25 heavy sows 2050 light stsgs 16 on dressed weight basis Sheep and lamb Good han dyweighi feedlot lambs 2150 nsopmedium 1620 spring lambs perhImdredweight sheep 110 according to quntlty TREE KILLS CHILD ST CATHARINES CPI Randy Rocbon flveyear old son of Mr and Mrs Gabriel Rm chon was killed 111de when dead tree ell on him and iractured his skull Knowledge or PHARMACY Is The Unseen Ingredient In Every beaconth Doug 11m Plan Geo Caldwell th Cnldwells Drug Store cum lav1511 un Phalllfl PA woo Veteran Constable me Shot Dead By Boy MONTREAL CPIConstable Marcel Locomhe veleran of years with the Montreal police area was shot to death early today by riflewielding youth who was released from jail only two days ago The l7ryeorold youth was ur rcsted lllay for possession cl rifle lie wru released the next COMING SOON Today police lources said he apparently returned in the main police station in downtown Montreal and look the elevator to the ï¬fth floor detentionceiL Where he asked in speak to prisoner When Constable Lecomhï¬ who was on duty on the floor told hlm to leave the youth re portedly took the rifle lrnrn box and fired palmblank BEDROOM BRICK s615 DOWN TO FIRST NHA MORTGAGE NO EXTRAS MONTHLY PRINCIPLE AND INTERESTDNLY 7982 Taxes Approximately $2000 per month IR you GETVTH 761 A1rAcHED SOLID amok GARAGES MINIMUM 60 FRONTAGE CHOICE 550 to sI595 no III Or SOME WOODED LOrs WATER SANITARY szsks sunrAcso ROADS cums AND SIDEWALKS CONCRETE WALKS TO MAIN ANDSECONDARY ENTRANcss ALL EXTERIOR wALLs T0 or so or COLOR ALUMINUM STORMS AND SCREENS TWQCOJIMPARTMENT CEMENT LAUNDRY TUBS 100 AMP ELECTRIC WIRING SERVICE MANY MORE OUTSTANDING CLAY BRICK WITH PURCHASERS CHOICE FEATURES IN BARRIEs NEW SUBDIVISION BAYVIEw HEIGHTS STE 54 JOHNSON STREETS NORTH or DOMINION STOKE fOnEMHOUsE it SATURDAY MAY out FOR FURTHER INF PA 82485 LA couTTs WEST onMArION CALI Co f0 PAS24gb EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR Polar cONST RUCTIONP Mr GORDON courrs Ev PA 66164 WEN ST