THE name mum MAY MAY III Notion Absurd Trueman Says By HARRY CALNEK Canadian Press Staff Writer TORONTO CPI The notion that taxpayers should control selection of artists to be given financial assistance is absurd Dr irurman director of thc Canada Council said Thurs day night Art is usually far ahead of the taxpayers who as group show little interest in the arts he told crowd attending the openrng of special exhibit at Dre Canadian Conference of the Arts Laymcn were always tempted to make judgement of art he said despite their lack of know ledge or talent He suggested people abandon in early life the idea that if dont understand thing then it must be lnexpllc able if the public wanted to change modern art it could be done simply by changing their soci ety But art was the reflection of society and one could not change without the other DEFENDS COUNCIL POLICY lie defended the Canada Coun cils policy of selecting artists for assistance on the advice of 150 teachers artists and critics Little could be done to and crit WAGES UP chsra of the selectionwe are damned if we do and we are damned if we dont the threeday conference is designed to encourage harmony between the artist and his pitt lic and give the artists from across the country so opportun ity to compare ideas and lhresr out differences During opening afternoon ses sions Northrop Frye author critic and principal of Victoria College at the University of Toronto said the most dangerv ous coemles of our society were not the propagandists of other countries The real enemies are the huclulers the censors the porn sites that turn democra into mob he said Dr Claude Bisseli president of the University of Toronto and chairman of the Canada Council called for more vig orous pollw by the council Its purpose should he to provide conditions under which good art and occasionally great art could flourish in Canada Conference president Arthur Gclber presented the annual Diploma dHonncur award to Mrs Otto Koerner of Vancour ver for her leadership and cone tributlon t0 the development of the arts in Western Canada cost of Living Steady At 1291 OIIAWA CWGasoline tax increases in five provinces caused hardly ripple in the overall level of Canadas cost of living at the start of April bureau of statistics report indi cated today The consumer price index held steady at 1201 between early March and early April less than one point above the 1203 mark for April 1960 The livingcost yardstick is based on 1940 prices equalling 100 Gasoline toxlncreases in Nova Scotia New Brunswick Saskatchewan Alberta and Brit ish Columbia were largely off set by substantial gasoline price cuts in several cities particularlyToronta Food and recreation costs were down too balancing in creases for clothing health and personal care and tobacco and alcohol There were no overall changes in costs oi housing and transportation The consumer price index held stable in the wake of sizeahle increase in industrial wages The inch of average in dustrial wages and salaries at March Ilatest date available wns 1011 compared with 1792 month earlier and 1754 year earlier This index is also based on 1949 wages equalling 100 FOOD COSTS DIP The food component of the consumer price index dipped iractlonaliy to 1239 from 124 Eggs beef pork turkey bona nas and grapefruit were cheaper but prices rose on most fats oranges apples and most fresh canned and frozen vege tables The housing index which ac counts for almost onethird of the totalrirrdex neld steadyat 1332 Rents were unch and prices of some items nI home ownership rose fraction ally but not enough to change the index Clothing prices were higher for mens womens and ML drens wear and that index rose to 1110 from 1110 The tr portatlon index which includes gasoline prices stayed unchanged atlll CAR KILLS BOY TORONTO CWA fivesear old boy died in hospital Thurs day night after he was struck by car in front of his home Police said the boy Vincent Sul livan ran from behind parked truck cannon arsenal never seen fly week Columbia fish an branch who said Knmloops seen fishermana fly Uraniurp Heiress Killed In ï¬cciden found that Mrs Gilhom received more than 0300000 an royalties for uranium ri 60 year old man drove ploded Sheets of flame shot skywar of fuel oil exploded and was visible for miles break into flames the highway exploded from the heat New Party Vzows AidTo All But Canadas Big Business OIIAWA CP The New Party announcedlts economic aims Thursdaya planned econ omy with jobs guaranteed to all as their economic right In draft economic mani festo called Planning For Abun dance architects of New Party policies spelled out what they would do as government It was the first of four docu ments to be released in advance of the New Partys founding convention in Ottawa this sum met It contained something for almost everyone workers small businessmen farmers fishermen immigrants and Dumm But for big businessthe cor poraï¬ons that the Newme says hold economic control of the country there was little sympathy New Party investment policy is aimed at breaking monopoly control over Canadian industry and resources said the mani festo It promised higher corpo ration taxes and higher succes sion duties cutsin depreciation and depletion allow ces and ceilings on advertising and salespromotion deductions The New Partys taxation policy will be basic part of its overall plannirig said the Party declaration It will divert funds from private to public investment redistribute the nations income on fairer basis and help to therenow it will create regulate the pace of economic activity The policy statement will be incorporated into other docu ments on social security for eign affairs and defence and political rights It will then be debated when some 2000 New Party supporters gather here July 31 to Aug An alliance of the CCF and the Canadian Labor Congress provides the framework for the New Party The CCF New Party group at present holds rune seats in the 265seat Com mons with one of the members sitting under the New Party banner note on the draft document issued to the press said it was prepared by special subcom mittee under the chairmanship of CCF NationalPresident Due vid Lends of Toronto The New Party is the party of hill employment it said In its conduct of Canadas at from will guarantee jobs for all willing and able to work 1th at fair terms The jobs not It promised guaranteed em ployment act to enable every jobless Canadian to claim job as social right by applying to the local employment office The government would stand ready to supply jobs at speci fied skill levels at fair wage rates The manifesto said New Party government will accept the challenge of being the ar WEEKEND DANcE FRIDAY SATURDAY NIGHTS I00F All Col er rumor rncrr Weasrun SATURDAY roihcnown and ms ORCHESTRA From Dr Luke sum no saw Refreshment Booth and Checkroorn No sucks on mans PERMITTED ADMISSION 75c chitect of Canadas economi future WOULD PLANGRGIWH expanding economy authority guard system prise tive ownership lililllllil Anglers Paradise Wails For 20000 PENIICION BC CPlIm agine Twenty thousand rain bow Trout in one lake that have imagine further Three thou sand fishermen are going to catch those 20000 fish some weighing five pounds in one That is the forecast of Frank Butlergdireclor of the BriLEh game ursday Stump Lake miles south of is stocked full of rainbow trout that have never BROWNING Mont CP Mrs Lucille Boyd Gllham 35 the Indian uranium heiress who riches brought her headlines instead of happiness was killed Wedncsv day night in an auto accident of Vellplnlt Wash and her teenage brother their inherited tribal land in the Spokane Wash reservation Driver 60 Guides Fiery Truck Iiway PORT ARTHUR CF flaming tank truck laden with fuel all away from cluster 01 homes on the outskirts of Port Arthur Thursday and jumped to safety moments before it ex Poslies Oi Armed Forces Celebrate Silth Anniversary when tank holding 150 gallons Dense smoke billowed from the scene Driver Allan Almond of Port Arthur had stopped to deliver oil and saw the truck backfire which caused the muffler to Witnesses said he raced for the truck and backed it out onto Two other tanks on the truck were empty but It said the New Party as gov ernment would plan for con tinuous growth for dynamic To do this the manifesto ad vocated number of new gov ernment agencies federal prnvincial planning and develop ment council on economic ad visory council on investment board national transportation capital projects commission national producer marketing boards small busi nesses division of the trade de partment fisheries marketing board and Canadian coast The declaration said did party governments have weak ened the economic strength of Canada and its people by act mg in the name of freeenter The truth is that the econ omy is effectively in the hands of corporation giants and true freedom of enterprise has been stifled Where necessaryin operat ing utilities in developing re sources and operating major enterprise imm diater and directly affecting the entirenn tion the party declaration promised public and coopera cursor rams Pcttronag Charges Hurled In Parliament OliAWA CPI Tbc gov ernment sustained altnch in the Commons Thursday on wid ely different flanks Arnold Peters CCF Timis kamlng charged political pa tronage to appointment of cen sus takers CCE Lender Argus main tained the grain deal with Conr munist China isnt whatits cracked up to be In the Senate Senator Hugcssen Quebecl said government statements support ing the granting of absolute power to the national revenue minister in certain tariff deci sions in the kind of arglnnent advanced by the dictator throughout the ages The Commons despite the up roars over the census and grain nprnved the $30403062 spend ing estimates for the trade is TORONTO CmA move to charge fee for adoption to dc fray the agencys cost of about $200 per child will be studied by the Ontario Associationof Chil drcns Aid Societies At conference here Thurs day delegates voted to study the subject of fees but took no immediate steps to ask for changes in the Child Welfare Act of Ontario No delegates welcomed the Idea offees because one said some parents would actually feel better if they could con can Lazarus of Kapuskaslng said many were startled and disappointed to find no fee was charged because they had no way of expressing gratitude Other de in felt fees wouid not benefit the agencies since they would just take the place of government grants and that they would appear to be payment for babies man wanr The joy get pulling child into childless mothers arms is all the thanks lwant said Mrs Elaine Patterson of Strat UllAWA CP small corps of brownsuited mailmen who have had to scamper over trenches and below bullets to follow the old axiom that the mail must go through is cel ebrating its 50th anniversary this week Its the birthday of the Cana dian postal corpsthe 241 pos lies loctha army air force and navy The corps29 officers and 212 men of other ranks provides postal service for the men of the threaarmed forces in posts throughout the world Members of the corps who died in the First World War will be remembered Sunday when wreath willheplaced stacca otaph near Brussels Belgium by corps members handling the mail for Canadas NATO brig ads in West Germany The same day similar cer emonywill be held at Brook wood England for the men who lost their Ilich getting the mall through in the Second World War The original corps formed be fore the iirst World War was made up0f militia soldiers who worked daytimes in the federal post office department When the war broke out the corps IOOF Procceds to GET Fund Monday May $25000 JACKPOT 1001 HALL COLLIER s1 Itimtno emf snow or lillllillS norm amnrro user Tilli MllMMY noon PLAVERS HENRI sArURDAy Martin srAitrrNG AT 1030 nm CAS To AdoptionCharges pertinent in 196162 and began discussion on the 2701038 ap propriation for the northern af fairs department Mr Peters began an oldtimo political fight hy stating that political backs of the Pro gruslve Conservative party ap pointed as census takers would use the information they olr talned in the census for poll tical purposes DENIES CHARGE Trade Minister flees the min ister responsible for this years census said the charge was lr responsible ridiculous de mgstory and unfair All census taker took an oath of secrecy and could be ï¬ned 11 rinprlsoned or both for break Frank McGee PC York Scarborough said Mr Peters had indulged in character as Discuss ford Isnt it nice we can do something for nothing Laughter erupted when Haywood of Fort William asked whether adoptive parents would how to pay the threepercent Ontario sales tax which comes into effect next September Delegates unanimously sup ported molutlon supporting court actions under the Child Welfare Act on Sundays in the case of children refused med ical treatment when health or wellbeing are in danger Dr Karl Stern chief psychia trist at St Marys Hospital Montreal many crises faced by the mod ern family is lack in the childs ability to love Arrest ing the development of love can result in juvenile delin quency homosexuality alcoh ism and other character de fects The association voted unan imously to request the govern ment to base general welfare assistance on the actual needs of the family so that public as sistance would be sufficient to permit families to live in de ccocy mobilioed to handle the tons of overseas mail Since then members of the small unit have been the armys biggest morale boosters carting mail to soldiers ssllors and airmen in just about every country of the world The army mailmen handle not only love letters and mail from home but newspapers and the odd bottle of fathersrfav orile scotch concealed in bread loaf The posties at headquarters here recall one tragic mishap For Commercial or Industrial Photos Jasmin Passport Film Developing CALL SMITH STUDIO 38 Dunlop St PA 34170 Over Hunts RON IA DRIVEIN THEATRE rA 33301 romcnr hm TONY DEAN JANET curr MARllNEEIGH uEAmn LEER AY LovE mono THE Annual PLUS CARTOON sums snr an Color snow ï¬Taizano Fight FOI Life Race of the Fugitive said the cause of sassination with chargta that would be Ilbcllous if made out side the Commons Mr Peters said the census takers in his riding Include the defeated Conservative candllt data in the last election Can servative party organizer and the wife of the maiden of the Conservative Association in neighboring Tlmrains rld ing he said the census takers Include the defeated Conserva tive candidate and two other staunch and outspoken Conscrv vatives Mr Peters advised his constilt tuents with any political sme not to answer the cen sus questions Anybody who gives lniorma tion to political hacks is stuv pld he said No byelections were heing held in Ontario now because the Conservach machina is out running the census Ihewh01e hierarchy of the Conservative party in Timth mlng was running the census there There would be more politicking than census taking Allister Grosart national di rector of the Conservative party had been inbls riding probably to arrange the apt pointment of Conservatives as census tnkeis take violent exception to these appointments be said Mr Hoes said that according to Mr Peters nobody could be trusted except Mr Peters PRAISE CHOICES Those choscnas census tak ers were highly respected and very fine people They had been chosen with great care for their education professional experience knowledge of the district tact and judgment In another part of the trade debate Mr Arguesald the year grain agreement with the Peking government provrdes firm purchase contract for only 21000000 of the 100700000 bu shels of wheat involved al though the impression was left from Tuesdays announcement that it all was sale China has made no commit ment to buy the rest of the Brain vhesald But Canada had made flimsy one sided com mitmcnt to provide storage on the balance storage for which fanners and the federal trea sury would pay Mr Hees said Agriculture 01A mm mm OTTAWA CF 124mm be planning commitee of Do minlon United Church is recom mending that 8600000 church with limited area for enm memal rental purposes be built on its vacant lot in downtown Ottawa decision will be taken on the matter at manga tional meeting May The church was destroyed by fire last Feb 14 and the ruins have since been torn down FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE till EN MAXIMIIM ENEMY mamas give you maximum NOW SHOWING Nightly 730 pm Box Office own at 015 p111 AéADEMv AWARDS mum mu ill SAT MATINEE STARTS AT 180 p111 MinisterAlvin Hamilton in his statement to the Commons niesday on his return from Hong Kong made clear that it was long term agreement under which one contract had been signed and that future con trncu would be negotiatedwn price and quantity Mr Hus added On behalf of the government may say that we believe this agreement is good agreement one which will benefit greatly our wheat and grain farmers and the Canadian economy as whole Wiroiou BINGO SATUkDAY Aesttezera emu LEGION HALl 71 COLLIER 51 IMPERIAL Now Showing BEST Borlsy auwum Nut vat MEG GUINNESS lililli Mills ADULT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT AT 700 and pan SAT CONT FRQM mn SPECIA CHILDRENS snow synnrzn is your Travel Agent Avtravelfagent free with everyICAticket IF you WORRYabout time tables connections hotel reser vations costsDONT The man to help youat no charge Hell tell you about lowcost Economy Fareslowercost EXcursion Fares valid until May 3151 Hell make your reservations on DC8 Giant Jets famous Viscounts or the great new TCA Vahguard In fact hell plan and order and reserve everything for you and theres no cost to you except perhaps if you request some special outoh pocket expenses So When you travel fly TCA And be fore you do ask your Travel Agent 700 com fora37 IN 010404 70 715 FLORDA BERMUDA mussm BAHAMASWESTNDE GREAT BRITAIN AND FIVE cDUVTRIiSlVEUROPE COMPARETHEFARE it 60 owlRI $9900 pnomy oneway