Clip liarrir Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers United is Beyfield street Bertie Ontario PAGE FOUR FRIDAY MAY 1H1 DMDML Daylight Saving Time Is Here To Stay Despite Cows We are now in the beginning of Day light Saving Time for the year 19 It began on Sunday morning April 80 and will continue in most of Eastern Canada and the United states until Sunday October 29 Our clocks have beenndvanced put forward that is over normal time Some call it last time There are those who call nor mal timerslow time especially when watches are moved back six months hence and the forgetful arrive one hour early for church This matter of DST has been for some years joy for urban people es pecially sport fans but annoyance for rural people our farmer friends Past time has been in style of and on for something like 40 years in North America It is not compulsory but most Ontarlo communities adopt some cities and towns only go as far as Labor Day We in Barrie in conformity as usai with Toronto go to the end of October Daylight Saving Time has been the subject of controversy through the years Those who play golf like it be cause it gives them more daylight on the links after they finish at their place or employment1ikewise ardent garden ers like it because they also have more daylight time Many mothers dont like it because they find it difficult to get their children to bed at the usual time as it is still light Field Mental Health Week has came on and we sincerely hope it will not be put into the same category in which we have come to place the overflow of oth er Weeks that are declared almost daily ForvMental Health Week has serious yes an urgent and compelling mo tivation behind it It does tend to pull ourheads out of the sand and take look at the tide of mental illness that rises around us There is no question that wehave to face facts Here in Canada 70000 hu man beings are sick in hospital because of mental illness and thisis too great wastage of our only important na tional resource our people Along with this is an economic wastage at least as The opposition which did prevail over the years is gradually dwindling and most people adopt Daylight Saving Time today as matter ofcourse although it will probably always be regarded with some annoyance by farmers They have never quite succeeded in switching El sie to the early habit And their stub born reeistance has kept fast time from being more widely adopted 0nly two provinces Newfoundland and British Columbiamake daylight time mandatory Alberta and Prince Edward Island dont seem interested and remain on standard time the year round But it is more or less generally adopted in almost all the major centres in Ontario Quebec Nova scotia and New Brunswick on the last Sunday of April each year The April 30 to October 20 dates for fast time which will be observed in Barrie this year are the dates adopted the Railway Association of Canaday which customarily sets the pattern for major Canadian communities There us ually isrsorne confusion around the rail way station when DST becomes effec tive as travellers find themselves on the platform an hour earlier than when their train is scheduled to leave Being an hour early however is better than being an hour late Just the same DST is here to stay and the good old milk dispenser will just have to get used to fingers and hour earlier Leadership costly as all the income tax paid byall the people earning up to $5000 year These facts along with all the misery entailed demand that we quit ignoring mental illness as distress no more worrisome than bad cold They de mand raearch and social action on large scale They demand vigorous lead ership This leadership is offered by the Can adian Mental Health Association and the local Barrie Branch As private voluntary body it sponsors research ser vices to the mentally ill social action for adequate treatment and public en lightcnment The Canadian Mental Health Associ ation isnot one of the big health or ganizations But it should be We hope our readers will help it grows Views Of Other Editors ITS THE TRUTH Brockvilie Recorder There is hope for those who are losing their teeth Its possible there may soon be tooth bank for Canada Italian stomatologisis recently transplanted the embroyonic rootpf wisdom tooth into the empty socket of patients own mouth new tooth appeared in few months us and Canadian experiments now seek to transplant live teeth from one person to another also MIPS AND THEIR SUMNER Ottawa Journal 0n the 84th day or the session yesteri day the Prime Minister reasonably sug gested that the Commons should soon consider motion to extend its hours of sitting Although it started in November well in advance of the usual assembly date in January the session at its present pace can keep members in Ottawa most of the Summer That would be regrettable Diligent members of Parliament have attended to their duties here since November apart fromthe short Christmas and Ea ster breaks They deserve some summer vacation with the families from which many of them have been separated dur ing the Winter and Spring Moreover Canada has not reached the point where member or Parliament is eipected to spend so much time in Ottawa that he loses contact with his constitutency Not every voter takes pen in hand and writes to Ottawa on matters of public interest the MP on leisured trip through his constituency with Vtherliouse onholidey performs an essential part of his duty in maintaining facetoface contact with those he represents If the House cannot tinishby July even by sitting longer hours an alternat ive as mentioned by Mr Diefenbaker is Summer recess of six weeks Thereis heavy program stillto be completed and it is to be expected that the Gov ernment will give priority to the more urgent business If there is ochoperative planning or the program among the parties the re cess couldbe granted with no damage to the public in terest But that should not reduce the effort to finish the see slon on or about July and give the members several useful months in their home areas Paragraphiodlly Speaking The us Army is teaching soldiers how to put groceries in sack Press report It is assumed that the first les son covers howrto determine which end of the seek is the open one It is pointed out that many success ful people made poor grades in school It should also be emphasized that The Barrie Examiner Authorized or second elm mu Poet Office neplrfment Ottawa only suam mu Slltlltnry nousy excepted more ween Publishr amen sternum omens Mun minor com auoaae may for ensures wanna Business Munu honour snnlm Advertising than JOHN notion circulation runner bcri mm rm sun by carrier see we 95 nemeswaaséiii sandman Ontrid 906 ye Outdan moo year can as Unlverel Av Toronta Metrohalibut nze ï¬eorli sir var Member the Adieu nuv Nona Hebert Anociatlon The cmnamrru sum Bureau of Chaplains The Camelurns exclusive for re glorified offlollrflw eï¬iiflcï¬id ï¬lm in local new Dublllbed therein Vancou All rirhtu republicLion Ciel suptain heroin Ire also use Cithflfl fargreater percentage of failures made poor grades in school According to recent poll Elvis Pres ley and Connie Francis were named best Male and best Female Singers in 1900 Press report Those who made the sur vey must have polled only minors below 18 and adults with musical LQ below 80 Some people will fight at the drop of hat others at the drop of the aug gestion that the municipal water supply be fluoridated The infliction of tornadoes storms floods and other disastrous weather up on people isalmost enough at timesyto make them refer to Mother Nature es MotherInLaw Nata centrifuga power the earth bulgesatthe equator sciencevnote on vthevother handit is due to lack oi power willpower that is that many person bulges at the equate aye men in cities hould mu Praia Booklet ASuggeslts 11Step Program To SurviVe Blast mews CF Survive of people on on the fringe of nuclear without proper fallout shelters may depend on precautions outlined in book let published today by the lhnerxcy measures Office The booklet entitled SelfSur vival II the uooud issued by the federal agency which eo ordinates civil defence mew ures to meet national disas ter Its first it hoWJo build basement eilout shelter and anolher is expected soon on building garden lbeller Prime Minister chfeubeker lays in an introduction de spite all the efforu of peace minded nations to prevent war and maintain defences to deter aggruslnn nuclear war is possible either by the intended actions of evil madman or by miscaiculetioo While death and destruction may be heavy many bun dreds of thousands of Cano dious who would otherwise per 155 wuld survive nuclear war if preparations are made he adds The booklet urgu all Canu dious to begin llslep survival plans now for themselves and their families FALLOUT CHIEF DANGER Hope and pray that you will never have to put your family plan into actual operation but if you do remember that your chances of survival are much greater than if you had done noihlng The booklet to be distributed to the public through provincial civil defence organizations says the greatest danger is from fall out but protection can be im provised in home basement Fallout drops like snow on everything exposed to if its radio ty which fades away as time passes can pend irate most substances prop erly built shelter is therefore the best protection The most likely target areas in Canada the booklet says might be St John Nfld Hall fax Saint John Nll Quebec City Montreal Ottawa Tor onto Hamilton London Niag ara Falls Windsor 0nt Win nipeg Edmonton Calgary Ven couver and Victoria It outlines the siren warnings to be used in many commuui tiesa long steady note for alert and arising and fell 3ing wailflfor take cover In some as telephones and bells may be used and the warning signals explained lo cally Wherever person is he will need battery operated radio to receive broadcast signals The all clear will be given only by radio Extra batteries should be stored and the set tested for reception inside the shelter STORE FOOD Food and wafer suplies f0 14 days should be kept on hand QUEENS park are co molest or to the leigut number can died because It can travel so fer on the wind and cover such large area Even if Canada were not hit directly bombs exploding in the United States could result in serious fallout in many parts of Canada For thou who lack fallout shelter but have buemeut in their homes it advises fBlook your basement win dows with earth bricks con crete blocks books or oven bundles of newspapers 0n the floor above the cor ner of meabsSemenl you select as your use area pile any heavy objects you may have availablefor example briclu trunks filled with clothes books and if at the right time of year even earth from outside For those without fallout shelter or basement it ad Vises Go to that part of the house centre hall or clothes closet which will keep you the great est distance from the fallout dust accumulating an the roof and ground If there is lime you could increase your pro tection by piling books trunk dreser as deeply and nsbifll as you can PROPER SHELTER BEST Persons caught in likely target area without blast shel for could build leanto in their homes with such objects as bed springs boards work benches heavy tables and mattresses Or you could if you had suf ficient warning of attack dig yourself trench in the yard not too close to any buildings which could collapse into it But these people if they sur vwed the blast and heat of the explosion still would have to find other protection against the later fallout Those five to 15 miles fromtho centre of the ex plosion would have about half an hour before fallout etarted coming down However the booklet strongly taedvises building proper shei If you stay in shelter duri ing the first days after on ex plosion you escape the strong est radiation You should stay in the shelter until you have been told over the radio that it is safe to come out fivemegatou weapon with thewxploslve force of 5000000 ions of TNT is considered the most likely size nuclear bomb that would be dropped on Canada It could destroy the largest Canadian oily The lisecond blaze of light could blind person The best flesh could start serious fires nine miles away and smaller fires 20 miles from the pointof detonation The blast wave would blow in windows 25 miles away Radiation could seriously ef fect 7000 square miles New Phone System by DON OEEARN TORONTOWe are studying new telephone system here Under it you would be able to dial directly from outside num bers which you now ask for and are inclined to end up in far Siberia with It is patterned on system that was installed in the Penta gon in Washington Some of our people went down to see it The net result so faris that one of themA Cole ex ecutive assistant to the minister of public works Ray Counelli arrived home with slight hole in the front of his head For this be had remarkable explanation lie said hejgotvglt pushing moveable television set Otber people obviously run out of excuses tool Alf undoubtedly did get it that way Hes good guy And will be atop dog around here one day probably not too distant N0 MAFIA To date everybody can see the Mafia in Ontarioexcept NiameyGeneral Roberts lilir Roberfsridiculessugges clone about the notorious under ground organization It was broken upVyearsago he says One rather kens that this is because he suspects personal crlticlsmLthbt HE brought it bere The attorneygeneral as ralh remarkable sensitivity in If you bring up anythingWill him he looks for left book against himself It makes him so cautious that youosk him be is feeling wellh gives you qualified answer He may be gettingan unqunli fled gone from Ref rm Institu lions Mlnister GeorgeWerdrop one oftheso days Mr Wardrope and Mr Bob erleare buddies nnt new runk arm scheme Guano his minions Deuteronomy 151599 Studied have to send the offenders to the alcoholic potato patch RCASG wsoone move surrmas oven In 191001d Dohbins Place With Army Seemed By DAVE MolNADSE Canadlen Press Staff Writer UITAWA CPiWben the Ca nadian Army was sent to quell the North West Rebellion of 1085 the government had to hire 1000 civilian drivers and their wagons and elelgbs to transport the troops to battle To put it mildly this system was not altogether satisfactory in many cases drivers were much more interested in lining their pockets than in helping to subdue an uprising During critical stage of this winter trek north of the Great Lakes the civilian drivers do aided to strike for higher wages The army applied enough per euuslou to assure continuation of the march without strike In 1901 the army got its own builtin transport system and this month the Royal Canadian Army Service Corps celebrates its diamond lubllee It now is servingln West Germany the Middle East The Congo and Indochina as well as at home AIRBORNE NOW More than 90000 Canadians have served in the corps in the last six decades in that time the corpshes advanced from horses to belicoptcrs Although the corps provides cooks and clerk for the army its main function is the provis ion of transport to get food and ammunition to frontline troops The first motor vehicles were tried out by the army in 1910 It was thought at the time theyd never replace the horse During the First World War however vehicles were used in increasing numbers though the horse remained the main form of transport movement Military convoys created big stir in their early days The first convoy of five Kelley trucks set out from Ottawa in 1915 on trip to Toronto The journey took ve dastF now takes five or ix hours One reason it took so long in 1915 was that the wooden bridges kept collapsing under the weight of the trucks ONCE HAD SHIPS Tbe AT THE BEGINNING of the century the corpswore blue uniforrm right withiancy ornaments and Prussianstyle helmets The First World War brought simple and bad total strength of 26 ofï¬ cers and 300 men During this timethe marine transport section came into being This small fleet supplied offshore garrisaus on Canadas east coast it grew to 14 ships before being abandoned in 1948 soldiers who manned these ships wore blue uniforms with regular army rank badges In 1028 Royal Navy warship ignored the advice of the trans Betwecu the were the corps port sections SS Alfredo to red more practical battle dISS left but it was not until the Second World War that to days uniform centre was introduced OP from Nation al Defence alter course and was lost on the fhrumcap shoals off Halifax One of the new tasksfor the corps in the Second World War was getting gasoline forward for the tanks Now the corps is determining how to fit the helicopter into its battlefield supply chain The corps motto is Nil Sine Lahore which can be roughly translatedas You dont get anywhere without work son Mr Wardrope has to provide the Patch But to date he hasnt been given much time by his buddyr boy Formonlbs nowMr Roberts has been making ennmmce meats of the scheme the pro gram the legislation the facili ES Some of it Mr Wardrope has first heard about when he picked up his newspaper George is junior minister And be is smost agreeable men But he also used to be quite fighter in his day And the Hon Keiso might be advised to look out Thai left book might just hap pen to land yetl Iirm Is Sleazy Interest Is 275 roinro to Judge Timmlns Wednesday crit icized the aisle methods of an investment mortgage com Maybe be granted relief to Scarborough under the Unconscinnable Transactions Relief Act Relief was granted to Mr and MrsWilliam Scott after Judge iimmins said the cost of their loan from Manor Investments Limited could be worked out to an interest tale of 275 per cent He sold he considered this an abomination Tbe judge said the transac tion is harsh and unconscion able within the meaning of the statute BIBLE THOUGHT re bore your add mu be fight for you fare is He shall That is why men orfold had Yearsago Adams distilled 25 great whiskies each with its own distinctive characteristics and then aged them in special oak casks Now Adams has married these 29 ratewhisldes to create the superbflavour of the cour go and strength of giants ith that help we can accomplish the impossible flAdams Private Stock This custombiend is presented in its crystal decanter at popular price Adams Private Stock cusrom BILENDED CANADIAN RYE wruqu Thoms Adams Distlllers LtdToronto