Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 5 May 1961, p. 2

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LITTLE DEBBIE Dudley 4V2 gives her parents toy ful merryvgoround letting thenkshop while she plays at Barries new shopping plaza NINEMONTflflLD Jill gets slightly startling introduc tion to semiabstract modern art on display at Barrie Shop Frdnklin Cdrjmichael Shaw Wins Reviewers Plaudits By HAZEL BARKER Last week an exhibition of 50 paintings and woodcuts by the late Franklin Carmichael was opened in Orillia by Eric Ald winckle of Toronto Mr Aldwinkle at one time studied desig and lettering wim Carmichael Itlhad last ing effect on Aldwinkles work Later he became his coworker and friend Carmichael was member of USA ap Arts and is member of the staffof the Col lege of Art is was also an art ist with the scar GENTLE MAN His father was carriage maker in Drillia and offered his son partnership in the busi nessbut Frank decided to try his luck in the field of the arts He was gentle man success ful teacher and hard worker studied constantly Thus he he came master of his medium His work is aqu expression of himself as free and rugged soul in 1942 hevfoundedthe Col lege of Art and the Department of Lettering and Design Paintings for the show were loaned hy the National Gallery of Canada the Tomato Art Gal lery Art Museum of London many other organizations and also by Mrs Friihlt Carmichael oft WilloWdale widow of the art SNOW CLOUDS Much could be said of the paintings hut one in particular grips and holds the attention of the viewer Snow Clouds from the collection otA the Na tional Gallery The slw is heavy and threatening The land lies let under the expected on ughtof winter At the bots tomis the last of some crimson one ensue cuecn assets 899 DANGEREIELD Morons as Collier st ra 12437 at Wcllington and Anne strccts Sheis the daughter of Mr and Mrs ll Badlcy of 168 Toronto Strcet Ex aminer Photos ping Plaza Her mother Mrs Kuzmaski 47 Blake St points outSpringwutor Park by Barrie professional artist vegetation There is spiritual quality which clutches at the heart Itis masterpiece of de srgn and expression Farm in Halfburtou loaned by Mr and Mrs Bales of Newmarlret is powerful state ment of the peaceful homestead guarded by trees that seem like sentinels ILLUSTRATIONS The illustrations Thorn Apple Tree and Higher Hill are exquisite examples of Carmichaels careful work and wallplanned design Jackson deanlof Canad ian painters was resent and Police Capture ThreeEscapees KINGSTON CPIPolice sad prison officials Thursday recap turedthree prisonerstn mar shy field fivemlles north of here hours after themen escaped from Joyceville mini mum security prison Feraend Cussoa 22 and Ro ger Deslauriers 22 both of Montreal and John Shimaorl 34 pf Torontofslled to report to workgang in fields after lunch motori spottedthe men crossing the road five miles south of Joyceviile halfway be tween the prison and Kingston Warden Earl Dose uty Warden John Maveers and three cial policemen to the prisoners lag over as local Squadron Conn mander with Robert Clifton ficer and Bob Deosh becomes THE GAME looks interest ing to Ken McLellan aged four son of Mr and Mrs iimilan of Coriano Crescent Camp Borden Giv ing helping hand pro hob Elli giving free instruction at the Plaza Karen Smith More than 100 oils and watercolors are on display as well as coramim and Woodworking exhibi dealt with the histor and growth of The Group of Seven fine portrait of Carmichael painted by the late Fred liaiaes was formally presenteli to the Mayor of Orlllia by Mrs Tor rance It was the gift of Mrs Hoover daughter oer Hala es Marlene accepted tfor the town of Drillia During the slimmer it will bedisplayed in the museum and in winter in one of the schools WELCOME GUEST Mrs Frank Carmichael was welcome guest at the show Formerly an Drillian she was warmly greeted by old islands and admirers of her husbands work The women of the Artists Guild acted as hostesses Mrs Pearce past president of the Guild conducted the openins ceremonies Lunch was served in the lobby hylnembers of the Guild in New Sudbury by Sept 1962 at Pilots Quality Recently 21 more Barrie cili rens showed their interest in safe boating and qualified through junior piloting come to join the Barrie Power Squad roa Tbose people spent 16 nights of study It Barrie Central Coi legiate preparing themselves for their final examination They have been accepted into membership to the squadron and will receive theirmember shipcerliflcates at ceremony who held in conjunction with the annual Commanders dinner and dance to be held this year at Pinecrest Dance Hall on Wednesday May 17 NEW OFFICERS At this time also the new of ficers of the squadron will ha in stalled in their respective of fices lack bloclfeighan is tak vicecommuader Alexander becomes Squadron executive of tremurer Ed Norman conlln ues on the executive as secre The yearly report of the of ficers shows two successful renlt dezvous us having been held with satl post as part of the summer event PROMOTE SAFETY The new executive wishes to assure the boating public that they will continue thepromotlon of safe hosting in our area and you can be assured that wher ever bout is flying the black and white bars with the red maple leaf you bl sure that the skipper is pedged to pro mote water safety and also is qualified to help in case of cm ergency said squadron re presentative PLAN SCHOOL CHANGES SUDBUEY UP Sudhury high school board announced plans Thursday fora $601528 alteration progrnm on three high schools The plan would provide $516156 addition to Lockorby Composite school and improvements at Sheridan Technical School Nickel Dis trict Collegiate and Vocational Institute The announcement followed provincial approval of vocational school to be built cost of $3257791 lfiNlSlll norrs Council Sets The Mill Bate At special meeting ofCom oil on Wednesday after they had lisreoed to lecture from the Township Assessor admo nishan them about low salar les Ind lashicient financial management thc townipr council finally decide on millrsle which according to them made no allowance for any raise in salona HoweVEr the budget did al lowten mill for roads expen ditures As mill will raise little over 310000 this is the proposed road expenditure for the coming year which when matched with an equal amount by the Department of High ways will give Chairman Coch rane his desired budget for that department Assessor Sproule who began by asking for committee dis cussion with the council as he did not believe in making news for The Examiner told coun cll that the mill rota last year brought so many protests down on his head that it was unhmh able He warned that the mul rate could not be raised any more However he then suggested that thalow pay of otficlau was retarding the efficiency of the township He told council it should obtain financial spe clsllst no matter what dis cost lvrovu REVIEW If which would mean that the al fairs would be more compe tently handled He rderrcd to the not that the junior clerk was leaving because he could obtain more salary in another municipalityfimd he felt the sum thing would happen to his assistant COMPARE SALARIES Finally Reeve Sproule told the Kneescor that he should confine any remarks he had to make to NEHqut mat ter that was why hchad been given the appointment and any other matter we council bu siness The timer compared his salary for which he said he worked hard to that of the chief of palice who received $1000 year more ASSESSMENTS RAISED The assessor informed coun cllthstbythcendofthisyear he would have revised the as smments on 23 miles of the township and he would estim ate there would be about 82000000 raise Some of the better farms would be in this as well He suggmted there could be spending area when this additional assessment was available He also state than many of the welltodo owners of sum Ben Hur FineVSpeciacle But Acting Talent Lacking By ROBERT McBAlN Examiner Staff Reporter For sheer spectacle and mag nitude Ben llur is without peer The sets are exceptionally well done and the costumlng is ex ccflont However thesa are the only saleable features of the one the picture now playing Bar ries Roxy Theatre Contrary to all Hollywood press releascs Eon Bar is not Tale of the Christ It Is Tale of Four Horses Four mag nlfioont white Arabians who are used by fate with an assist by Messrs Vyler and Button to quonch longsuffered thirst for vengeance Gordon Coulis Back In City Ioins Brother in Gordon Coutts brother of Sandy utts is back in town alter term of emplo ment with IePage reel tors Toronto He joins the JACoutts and Co firm here having returned at the end at March The firm is engagednow in construction and sale of 42 bungalowstype homes in the JohnstonSteel Streets area called Bayvlew Heights The lot nowshowing two com pleted homes of theset fotpub lic observation was originally developed by and Cnutts Ltd BarrieThe Cnutts family have been in business herasome to years gt Potential homeowners must earn minimum of $3750 an nually toown the $10lype rnlaimum splaryannually of $4500 to purchase the $13350 home the company says MAXm slimy mamrs FINER BLEND YOU LL BE PROUD TO SERVE lLive theleasy RealEstate Tited of noisy mowers Elia30v QUIETFLTTE worlds quintet my sound candltionlng ulck adjusting wheels flitting height vunnulunuawnmunnuun nu uwusovsoaanr fulljyem WARRANTY muiiwwvmuwunmim Carefre¢ life Livehetero Genuine or See uwasov palm mos mlfitlpopalsr power mmlvlr Dslv In IBnith retail $825 canonIn oooll moor 392 with lmpulsasti$enmjlw Ask aboutLaiunaby CANADAMADECONTEST 102 Big Prime omens lARDW6iE As is to be expected Charlton Heston grinned gfimacedand literally agonized his way through the weaning perform anco had difficulty determ inlngwhother he was the An drow Jackson of The Buccaneer or Moses from the Ten Com mandments Than again he might have been the tourist guide in Treasure of the Incas Mr Heston demonstrated exact ly the same degree of ineffec ilveness in these mics as he did in Ben Hur If you nlosa your eyes while Heston is speaking the elfcct will be reduced by at least 90 per cent He must have gone to the same school as Kirk Douglas and Burt Lancaster the other Pepsodcnt perennials In all fairness to Mr Boston the best performance of the all star cast This should give suf ficient indication of the combinv ed talent assembled cosmos nacs Should you miss the first half it reallywont matter asnoth ing worthwhile happens in the first two hours Dont miss the chariot race it lasts for about five minutes and takes place at the beginning of the second half After the race you might as well go home and miss the rush for the exits Reallyl hours to lstagc fiveminute it must be stated that his was Three and onehalf BARBIE EXAMINER JBIDAY MAY fit our were plazdlng povertynow POLICE BUDGET The matter if the Polle budo let was then detailed by the move who as member of the commission had attended meeting the previous evening lYoumffehdcd tth dignity he told the council which had sent the budget back for revi sion However the roevs re Ned they did not out much reduced it about 3600 One of the items deleted was allowance for conwntlon ex mm the chief which had Ln included In the first hudlt Be There was some discussion abolishment of the unmis Iloa torinot police manage ment and returning to com mittee of council 1hr present Ilsiem allows for 8300 raise annually for each constable un til the top rate is reached The fact that seven men were need ed to police the township poclally during the winter was one of the matters mentioned However after klcklag the mat ter around the revised budget was agreed on whlh will re quire four mills during the year GENERAL RATE Aftar delving into many of the itemswhich go to make up the yearh expenditures of the municipality is wosflnelly greed that total general mill rate would besct at Residen tlal 276 mills and Commercial 302 mllls To this must be ad ded the district high school levies of the respective areas the public school sections and areas special levles such as garbage street lights Feder ation of Agriculture and other services These levies when added to the general rate will make total of 801 mills in the south area and about 556 mills in the north section which is di vided by Barrie and Bradford District High Schools and by oicct itwiili and avoid muny CORRECT PM Number Number blie School Areas The county rate in up one mill wins lo nuptial leis which covers additional bu ing grants to district hospitals This is included in the genus 33 Residential and Comer ILIJMBERS LICENCE The bylaw which has been written from arcopy of that Proposed lnBarrle covert the licensing of plinnbers an electricians must be revised to remove clause which would charge an additional heavy fee to outsiders nonresidents the township it has been nice tained that it is illegal for this additional chem to be Barrles bylaw called for fee of two for nonreal dentl applying for the llccaco likely the matter will come up for discussion at the mectlng of the Business Mens Association in Churchill this week flie authority for deciding the additional fee illegal came from Charles Wilson township solicitor and the same answer to thoquestlon from the Muni cipal World VESSEL REFLOATED gt KINGFFON CWThe British freighter Mano Faith after being grounded in the EL hwrence for more than day nullud past here Thursday on its way to Toronto The 14594011 vessel was rc floated earlier in the day after two tugs pulled it off the sandy shore near Morrlshurg llElllllY Sillilll 93 BAYFIELD 31 PA 64162 AMPLE roan PAHKING SPONSORED BY lliE ARABIA MIIOPIAUIE ASSOCIAIION CORRECTVPOSTURE PHISICAL DEFECTS ramswrcx Theres modern flair in this striking yetgpractlcal cabin Suitable for almost any of lot Design in cludes two bedrooms With ample storage space plus bathroom Attractive terrace offers additional Jivins mace As low as 54040 PER MONTH WE WILL HELP ARRANGE NHAEV PRIVATE MORTGAGES oanns SHEARD LTD arrows common srnoup as llllE WEEK

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