in on sun AND CAP FOR SOUTHERN SWIMMING DATES Trophies PreSented At Annual Dinner Barrie Ladies Tuesday Alter noon Bowling League the Orig inala concluded its llth come veYear on May with turkey banquet and presentation of prizes at Kennys Banquet Hall Dunlop Street West Sixtyfive members were in attendance and president Helen Cross presided The Grace Boarman Memor ial Trophy was presented to Maria Merriam captain of the team of the year and the Anni versary Trophy was presented Marie Hutchinson captain oi playolt tcam Winners of the team of the ophies were Mario Merr 1ptaio and teammates minggMwn Rosslyn Guire oi the playoll awards ie Hutchinson cap teammates Joyce Rob lvy McWaters Elinor Mari Fraiick and Doris Travis Highaverage award went to DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS Ancient weights Lanes heat 31 Volt cool 12 Allow 13 Mahala 14 Aruess am contain sum time borrow acampaaa int Secondary l9 Pleccnut 20 Specify 311mm nninnnii Norma Cohan high triple and high single to Doris Edgerton The Fiemings of Barrie Tm phy lor the 15game singles competition was presented to Marjorie Pcdcn by Winnie Fleming The past presidents pin was presented to Helen Cross by Dorothy Weider com pliments of Webbs Jewellery The 196162 executive isas fol lows honorary president Pat McGuire honorary secretary lreasurer Helen Webb immed iaie past president Helen Cross president Doris Travis vice president May Garrett seam tarytreasurer Betty Allan av erage keeper Millie Cairns spare list keépe Jean Day ratWomen Electors constitute Power TORONTO OP The un married career woman must strive to be somewhat more competent than men because public confidence in her com petence has not yet wholly 22M 2133p EMl as Roman noun god 25 Sick 27 Girls name 29 Peter mcnb Bm 84sWine recep townie spa Im Ma 4111 mtmz mu Ellllflï¬llll IllA murmur mm ï¬llï¬lï¬ï¬‚ DOWN immune dibuh 2001102 38M llilS GAY suit is an ideal companion on spring vaca tion in Bermuda Nassau or thcgold coast oi Florida Tho perlect suit to sct hit hcavr only tan Made oi sparkling white sharkskin the wisp at the lowsct skirt is pleated tor saucy liattery The one DISCUSS CUBA AT MEETING The New Party Ladies Group met at The Studio Codringtnn Street Tuesday evening Representatives were pres ent from the newly formed New Party Youth Groiip it was decided to hold mem bers bake sale at the next meeting June There was some discussion re the making at items for Christmas bazaar Speaker for the evening was Bill Gearing head of the History Department at Camp Borden Collegiate Mr Gearing gave an inter esting and informative talk on Alba He traced the his wry at this island nom its days under Spanish rule unlt til todays under Castros power There was much lively dis cussion in question and answer period which follow ed his oddrtss caught on Toronto education ofï¬cial said Wednesday night Morgan superinten ent of secondary schools told delegates at the annual meet ing of the provincial Council of Women that even in the func tioning of purely vocational skill society demands certain approach from women Somehow she is expected to wed the garden without getting her hands dirty Because of her role in life womans education should be fundamentally and unequivoc ally al that flavor which we call liberal Her roles are econorrdc as keeper of ourcuiture edu cator and religious counsellor Vancouver Woman Wins AnnualPrize TORONTO The Di plume dHonneur for 1961 an annual award by the Canadian Conference of the Arts to Ca nadian particularly disting uished in the encouragement and advancement of culture will be given to Mrs Otto Knes ner of Vancouver it was an nounced Wednesday Mrs Koemer is member of the Community Art Council of Vancouvar which was instru mental in setting up school of music at the University of British Columbia and was EIIIIZHIII IIIIZWIII 1111mm liPliliTYr BANQUET WEDDING maceration canon PARTY SALES Mamie on CONVENTION rnn QUEENS norm IN nannm nas BUSINESS MENS LUNCEEON serve daily from 12 Noon to 230 pm Moderate Pricep ourrns 110 partly responsible for the build ing of the Queen Elizabeth The re percentage of the total collected ristalI EXecutive At Meeting The installation of floors for 195162 term was the highlight ol the closing meeting at the Oakley Park Born and school Association Members of the incoming ex ecutive were presented by Mrs Feldtnan president at the Barrie and District Home and School Association The cream ive includes Mrs Lightloot president Mrs Robcrt son and Mrs Bmce vice prcsidents Mrs Ward re cording secrelary Met calle corresponding secretary and Hamid Saunders treasur or Executive members Har plece swimmer ls elasticized in the back or smooth tit and the strap can be remov cd or sunning Right is the high fashion cap designed to flatter your skin Aptly unm ed the Flower Wig it is made in combination of hormon izing colors Women Want Union Jack On New Flag GUELPH CHif theres to be Canadian flag the Fed erated Womens institute of On tario wants the Union Jack in cluded in the design Tho institutea board adopted meeting Wednesay requesting its inclusion resolution dealing with an amendment to the Provincial Cliarilies Act was adopted but board members agreed to for ward it to the resolutions com mittee for possible revision The resolution nroposed pub lications in local papers of the results of charitable drives within 90 daysof the drive if the stated objective was more than $1000 The net yield alter crpenseswould be shown as and the names of three princi piii oilicers would be attached tothe report The group also asked that the Ontario hospital insurance plan cover speciï¬ed nursing homes Members said elderly persons now in general hospitals could be sent to chronic hospitals un der such plan leaving their ï¬nds in the general hospitals ee SlimFitted Gowns Worn at Reception OTTAWA CF Slimfitting gowns styled with modified trains were predomith Mon day night at Government House reception honoring the president of the Tunisian repub ilc HabibBonrguiha and Mrs Bourguiba Some 400 guests sidestepped trains as they formed receiv ing line red and white floral motif notionol colors of Tunisia formed tabla appointments at dinner forsn guests preceding the reception Mme Vaniers gown of silver brocade was accentuated with silver accessories Mrs Bour guiha wore bouiiant gown of heavy grey satin featuring gold embroidered bodice ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY an to resolution at its annual spring PA 87lll vey Kittmer Mrs Russ wurm George Teal Mrs lurnbull Mrs ill ltictcelie Mrs Leishmnn lira McGowan Mrs McCaul EY Mrs Barr and Mrs Tawse business meeting preceded the installation during which approval was given to the ex enditura of $75 which would be used in mnnection with are well party or Grade pupils Harold Saunders the outgoing president reviewed briefly the highlights of Home and School activan during the past year and mentioned certain items such as an aquarium or the school and hockey suieaters and sockswhich were obtained Nurses Alumnae See Fashion Show The regular meeting of the Nurses Alumnae was held at the Laidlaw residence with 28 members present The theme at the evening was Easter and Spring The high light at the evening was an old time fashion show commentary was given byHclen Astrldge Oldiashlnned gowns were mod elled by Mrs Stelaniuk Mrs Bean and Mrs Collins Relays contests and music completed the evening thmughtheeflortsnlthealssocï¬ lam This was followed by short talk by Mrs Feldman on the role played by Home and School Association in presenb day education hridgemdtuchre parw iot iowcd the installation ceremon ies Mrs Ronald with per fect score and Mrs Johns were the high and low score winners Corraponding winners in bridge were Ed Wytes and Mrs Tawse Reireshments were prepared by Mrs Taylor and her as sistants Mrs Woolven and Mrs Bell LawyerNamed HeadOfVON lOHONl CPT King Toronto lawyerwas elected president of the Victorian Order of Nurses Ontario at the or ders annual meeting here Well nesday Also elected to oiiice were vicepr at Thompson linimins and secretary Miss Sarah Shaman St Catharines Among those elected in the board at manogcmcnt worm Mrs Gordon Dalznll Fort Wil liam Reginald Brooks Grn venhurst Mrs Cary Moore Cornwall Mrs Thoms Brockville McKay Pelt terhorough AleX Howe Nia gara Foils Mrs David Charltcn Gait Mann Brantlord and Col Thom us Weir Chntham In his report retiring presi cntcol Dillon of Lon don said several branches have started hospital reterral plants Under this system nurse is placed in hospital where she can talk to doctors nurses and patients This means many pa tiean can be discharged to their homes in care oi VON nurse earlierthan would otherwise be possible Innisï¬l Parents Complete Plans Guides Brownies Cookie Day The regular meeting of the Parcnts Committee of First in nisfii Brownies and Girl Guides was heidin St basement Monday Eleven members and one visitor were present The minutes and treasurers report were read and adopted It was announced the annual dinner will be held at River Gardens June 13 at prn Drivers will be available for Cookie Day May at am Brownies and Girl Guides meet at the church in full unilorm Girl Guides Camp will be held at Craniields from August 11 to 20 iuno Walt was appointed the Lieutenant at Girl Guides and Mrs Jane Wilson volunteered to serve as vicepresident of the Group Mrs Cranlield yolunteered to Contact Mrs Dyer about joining the district committee was named to find new commis sioner in Nadine Cranï¬elds place Mrs Lucille Metcalfe intro duced Salty Scott of Toronto who spoke to the group about the Gold Bond Stamps group pro ject plan of Power Suuermarket Store at the new plaza in Bar rie Her talk was very interest ing and she outlined bow points could be earned in different ways It is plan that entitles any one who redeems book of Gold Bond Stamps for tree gilt to also make donation to the group When filled book is re deemed the indiviual asks tor donation certificate This can be donated to the group and is worth 10 points for each book mm ElliWEI EASUIIIItS gve yflll IflflXIIfllIII MILEAGE WHILEAT 1le aAnnlr SHOPPING rtaznï¬ lSuiurduy May BE SURE TO SEE THE name Laotian pm Pauls Chuch Also it filled book of stamps is not used to get gilt it is worth 700 points and special act lvity poian are available to pro jcct chairman gt Members decided to ill in an authorization form and oliicial ly begin project it was decidlt ed to use points to buy camping equipment tor the Girl Guides and Brownies Members who shop at the new Power Stores in Barrie were asked to save books of stamps loose stamps or don ation certificates to old girls at First lnnistil WIS Oi Ontario To Adopt Child GUELPH CF The 40000 members of the Federated Womens Iristiture of Ontario are about to become mothers Their board ngreei to odopt childcthroughihe Canadian Save the Children Fund The motion introduced at the boards annual spring meeting was the resultant many branch requests tor provincialproj cct dealing with children Diploma in hand this winsome young miss proudly wears her graduation gift quality Swiss watch by Reevea Jewellersarid her graduation party gown by Perrect Jr The 11 jewel watch with sllvered dial on plied figures is powered by move osmme 13911 rsfnurvnor ST nasr 0W 12 Childrens Films In The Minority TORONTO CF survey at films mnducted in eight ol ties in Ontario indicates the need or more childrens mati nces and family ï¬lms Mrs Relyen oi Tomato said Wed nesday Mrs Relyea chairman at trims and printed matter or the provrnciol council oi Women was addressing the opening ses sron oi the councils threeday annual meeting There are too many children watching shows up to 10 pm and later she said The ma jority oi ï¬lms are above olulda level they contain no open to the imaginative side most are malistic lighting shooting ishra raids war drinking and noise result ing in tense minds with laugh terond screaming coming alter casing or tense crisis She was protesting against on amendment to the Theatres Act which lowered the ago or admis slon after 730 pm to 11 from l4 years as long as the child is accompanied by an adult 16 years of age or over Mrs Cult of Drillia has been reelected president at the council Other olficers include Mrs TEE BARBIE We FRIDAY MAY 15 Johnson Byron and Mrs Davies rill is vice presidcnts Mrs Gordon Ruth eriord Peterborough recording secretary Mrs John Dull Kingston archivist Chairman at standing corn mittens include Mrs Mc Farland Napance history Basr roar FORWARD rLax To arrow cusses now or Visual Polls charming Perinan Good Grnming Posture Control The Ruultll Very charming Attractive Warnn SUBMIT ENQUIRIES T0 80$ 31 The Barrie Examiner SEND CARD TO TELL HER YOU LOVEHER And choose yours from our selection of cards ideally suited to convey your everlasting love to your mother WEAYMoUTHs BOOK STORE 30 DUNLOP ST ruen from gold all PA 84055 ment that will give the young lad the correct time for many many years Choose now from one of the finest and largest selections of watches for the graduate student priced as low as $1495 at Reeves Qatareh JEWELLERS LTD gt fflound the World Gift Shop DIAMOND MERCHANTS PA 83745