conï¬rmations Ira masher wm sonscic phoa PA mu for telephone nnmbcr to all leililo Bruin or Editorill Debt In PAQSll 97th YearNo 49 QUEEN armxrs llT TEA Britains visiting Queen Eliza eth ll displaveo womansway of chxing by slipping off her shoes during tea on lawnci gucs house at thevAarey milk colo near 41K Offers Plan Halt Trade Split LONDON CPD Britain ap parently is ready to give the six country Common Market the same preferential trading arrangements as it gives Commonwealth countries in bid to and Europes trade split This was the interpretation heretoday of speech in Paris by Edward Heath lord privy seal and the countrys untitled minister of European affairs Heath told meeting Monday of the sevencountry Council of the Western European Union that the British government is prepared to make fundamen tal change of principle to ob tain admission to the common marker formed by France Ger many ltaly and the Benelux countries This is viewed as an offer to reorganize her whole system of Commonwealth preferences in exchange for associate member FAVORS sun UP Bombay India last week Her Majesty sat down to tea eat ing cake and sampling the farms cheese after touring the modern dairy farm which is run by the Indian govem meat ship in the economic commu nity Heath offers two major con CESSIOHSI Britain is prepared to open her Commonwealth markets to direct European competition as part of an overall agreement with the six She will accept common or uniform tariff with the six for raw materials or manu factured goods coming from countries outside the Common wealth or from Britains part ners in the sevencountry Euro pean Free Trade Area Heath however stressed that Britain could only consider the move if the six could mee her Commonwealthand agricul al difficulties He also said that as part of an over all settlement the United Kingdom could see no Quiz Ruskin washrooms AP State Nuclear War Secretary Dean Rusk faces con grassionel questioning today on reports he favors shifting awa frnma policy of massive rota istion and advocates big buildup in conventional militar forc Tichiuiidup by the Unite States and its allies is said ti be favored byBusk to meet th danger of brushfire war ant lessen the risk of nuclear con fllctuConventionalforces would be used to combat any Commu nlst military aggression that mlgbtbc staved off without us of nuclear weapons retaliation as enunciated by the late state sec retary John Foster Dulles Would put primary reliance on nuclear weapons as means of combating Communist aggres sior Husks views were given in secret paper to Defence Secre tary Robert McNamara HOLD BACK AWEAPONS Informants said Rusk favored holding off the use of nuclear weapons until Communist at tackreached more massive level than would have triggered atomic retaliation under the Eisenhower administrations pol cyuf High hffioials made clear that the us government still plans tonraw on its atomic aracnaliit DEAN RUSK Conventional Arms necessary against Communist attacks abroad story in Mondays Washing ton Star described Rusksposl tion as this Use of his big missiles and bombers carrying atomic weapons should be confined to deterrence of attacks on this country and deterrence ofnu clear blackmail Attacks onEurope should be met with conventional non nuclear weapons unless the en emy started to use nuclear wea Pflmi to Barrie from the village of fraid Ear physical training clas COOPERAIE roorHLrss MlSllT Hunt SexSlayer 401 Little Girl NEW YORK APlA tooth less beerloving misfit who walked out on his family 15 years ago was sought today in countrywide hunt for the sex killer of little Edith Kiercorius The wanted man is Fred Thompson 59yearold vaga bond in whose dingy Seanweek room the body of the blonde fouryeanold girl was found Sunday An autopsy showed she had been raped and beaten to death with blunt instrument last week probably short time alter she disappeared Wednes day from in front of her uncles home Police and detectives armed with fingerprints rind photo graph froma cabaret work per mit were combing thavogrant frequented areas of the city The room in which Editha battered body was foundsit uated in the Chelsea section of Manhattan was littered with beer cans and whisky bottle Thompson has long recordof drunken sprees obstacles that would prevent dis cussions between the six and Commonwealth countries about possible reductions in tariff pref erences which she enjoyed in the family of nations FAVORABLE RECEPTION British newspapers generally welcomed the speech and said the Heath proposals are major British concession The Daily Mail describes them as promising step forward The general idea has been developed since the Common wealth economic consultative committee met last Septem ber it adds The Financial Times says the British line appears to be to leave open the question of whether Britain joins the Com mnn Market while awaiting eon Ninean reactions to the Heath an Gone Days Girl Is LOcatéd By ThePoliCe Sandra MacLean 12 of Bar rie hasivbeen found no rsult of investigation by Barrie Po lice She lefthome Sunday night Mm Hazel MacLean said Monday her daughter was wor ried about her new school The MacLean family moved Midhurst week agouThe girls mother said Sandra complained she was behind the other child ren in grade seven and was ge particularly the hampol ine Isssons Barrie police are continuing the investigation Election In Spring Predicted By Judy SIMCOE CPlA federal elec tion was predicted for this spring at the annual meeting of the Norfolk Liberal Association Monday Miss Judy LaMarsh Liberal member of Parliament for Niagara Falls and Senator Taylor both believe spring election is likely Senator ltTaylor said the conservative party would possibly attempt to gainthe votes of tobacco fann PENIS Engineer of the Miinicipal Fire jProtection Divisionof the Un Fingerprinta from the beer cans matched those on the cab aret licence which Thompson took out Nov 13 mos when he went to work as nightclub doorman Detectives announced Monday night they had located Thomp sons wife threc married daugh ters and nyesrwld molher persons they described as very respectable and who wanted nothing to do wilhth mnn TUESDAY rsaRUARYIS 1961 MG WARNS NOTIIY THOSE LESS INFORMED You were probably well ware that Barrie will have population of 45000 by 1993 But sad to say there are possibly millions of other Canadians who are in the dark about this page 30A and other vital statistics in to days whomplng big prong edition So we suggest you mail this paper to friend to better acquaint the uninformed of our nation and other lands of the reviews andtrends shown in todays Examiner Boost the Barriema and you too will prosper 400000Monuea1ers Lack Heat ï¬nd Powerviisiiesuit Oi Storm MONTEEAL OP About 400000 persons in Greater Mont rea representing onesixth of the population were still with out heat and light today in the wake of severe sleet and snow storm HydroQuebec officials said relief would come for most by late today But some will be at least one week without power The storm bringing onequar ter inch of freezing rain and six inches of snow hit the area Sat urday night and early Sunday It was the worst storm here sincsjmar ff An armyot repalrm naome who have worked almost non stop for 86 hourswere contin ulng their energy3snpping task of restoring countless broken poles and mapped wires Two incidents came close to setting their work back many hours Monday APPEAL TO CITIZENS Overloaded circuits threatlt ened for while to trigger total blackout of Monticalls land but radio and television appeals to customers request ing them to economize power averted the crisis Later 120000 volt cable snapped high above the St Law rence Hiverbetween Beau harnoï¬ and Mongol the Igable swing it perilous use an other similar llne feeding Montreal At one point the ea bles touched blocking out power inlarge sections of the city for five minutes But change in wind direc tion averted trouble this time Thats all that saVed usï¬ luck is Hydro spokesman said Quebec Hydro said early tol day that 74 of its 000 circuits werestill out of operation flammame hitHeu wore the southiihore the lake shore Saraguay Sennevllle and lie Bizard TWO KILLED Twodeaths were attributed to the storm Police sald Ingham founddead car had startedhis motor to warm up during the stormand died of carbon monoxide poisoning Martin Silversione six was crushed to death Mend when he slipped off snowbank under the wheels of truck Transportation was back to nearnormal after some of the worst disruption in the citys history Bourguiba de GoalieOptimistic 0i SwiilSettlemenl In Algeria PARIS APHopes rose to day for swift settlement of the 5yearold Algerian war as President de Guile and Tunis ias President Habib Bourgiuba wound up their crucial talks on confident note After day of closeddoor meetings in deGaulles heavily guarded chateau in suburban Bambouiliet the two leaders said in communiqueMonday night they agreed possibilities exist for rapid and positive settlement of the bloody con flicl Bourguiba who left by plane today was to stop off atIRabat for the funeral of Moroccos King Mohammed While there he is expectedtoreport on his talks to FerhatAbbas chief of the Nationalist Algerian regime and other leaders of the Na tional Liberation Front FLN also attending the funeral Before leaving Paris Bour guiha predicted an early break in the Algerian deadlock BIG ADVANCE MADE have the impression he told reporters that great stcplforward hasheen Bourguibas contact with do Gauile may set the stage fordi rectnegotlations between the French president andvthe FLN which could end the Algerian conflict which has disrupted Frances economy and military planning The war has cost France $1000000 day tied up 400000 of her troops and claimed the lives of 13000 French soldiers Bourguiba and de Gaulle put out their guarded but hopeful communique after more than for hours of discussions Thelunisian president is well equippedfor the delicate mis sion of bringing France and the rebel lenders together With the Algerians political and military headquarters based in Tunis be has the confidence of mostrehei leaders andalso dc Gaulle LONDON ARtManyllu INSURANCE cons WINDSOR CmCity coun cii Monday night decided to let group life insurance on city council members expire without action Council was tol there is no legal authority for the in surance Local Fireï¬ Dep t7 Barnes Fire Department re ceived strong criticism in re port from the Canadian Under writers Association filed in City Council last night Recommendations for imme derwrlters era bycutflug sales tax on man ufactured tobacco products Miss LaMarsh chargedthe Conservative govemment with 1i attemptingto uyvotesw Needs Ths report manpowerwas deli when one Brazil Releases Missionaries Oi Odd Charge RIO de JANEIRO AHFour American and three Canadian missionaries have been released by the Brazilian Army in north west Brazil after an investign tion of fantastic it against them the United States Embassy said Monday The missionaries were ac cused by an imnamcd rival mis sionary group of teaching In dinns to poison their encodes burning churches and coercing Indians into accepting their re ligllgn an embassy spokesman We understand the army did not make formal charges against them by others and the army investigated those charges The missionaries are spon sored by the New Tribes Mis sion in Kenosha county Wis General Secretary Knut son of the interdennminational order identified them as James thirds 34 hiswife Darlenepas and their two children Rebecca and George Henryrlme won 33 his wife Edna and their son Henry Miss Elizobctb Koop50Mis Myrtle Hello 32 and Walnie Kliewe 54 He said the Loewensand Miss Koop are Canadians but home addresses Here notavailahla at themls on LEOPOLDVILLE JiAPyPres ldeni Joseph Kasavubus gov ernment today joined with two other antiCommunist Congo forces in united front against leftwing prehumumba troops As they signed military agree ment the Lumumblsts were re ported withdrawing spearhead pointing toward leopoldville UN spotter planes reported An loine Gizengas troops pulledout of the base they set up in Lulua bourgI leaving their advance units stranded Thus the mili tary threat to this capital seemed to have fadedat least temporarilyas suddenly as it began The troops from Stanleyville where political heirs of slain Congolese leader Patrice Lu mumha have their headquar tersoccupied Luluebourg Fri day after travelling halfway across The Congo Lulunbourg lies about 500 miles east of Lenlt poldville Advance units had pushed 100 miles or more to ward the capital RETREAT NOR UN reports saidthe rebels ap peared to have lost heart after being ordered off Luluahourg airport by Ghanaian troops of United Nations In addition UN spokesman said they seemed to have become auspi cious of negotiations going on between their own officers and sian husbands are severely hen Melted say two British women engineers back from women in the en gineering profession expect 11 Intel htéllp fro their Jousan onElsr Will Use Force For Congo Peace UNITED NATIONS NY CP SecretaryGeneral Dag Hammarskiold warned Congo less President Joseph Kasavubu today that the United Nations will no longer permit its peace efforts to beblocked by politi cal opposition in letter to Kasavubu Hom marskiold called for full co operation of the Leopoldville government in averting civil war But he added that the United Nations has thestrength and the determinationtozcarry out its mission without such co operation it necesary Those engaged in these measures on behalf of the United Nations cannot allow themselves to be forcibly delt terred from carrying them out he said The letter to Kasavubu was part of report Hammarsklold made in the Security Council on steps he is taking to carry out last wceks resolution authoriza ing use of UN force if needed to preserve order in The Congo The Soviet Union has been pressing for report Thosecretary general took Kasnvuliu to task for his criti cism of the UnitedNatlons He said the desire of the United Nations to take into ac count the views of Congolese leaders cannot be permitted to vent developments toward war Bammarsklold told Kasavubu that no conciliation is possible without the removal of all mili tary forces from politics The secretarygeneral also dis closed he had taken these addi tional steps to implement the AfroAsian Congo resolution for siftMUD broad Congo peace 313 Warned Belgium it must talie Immediate said effective no on remove elgian li tlcal and military advisers fggm civil The Congo Appooled to all UN morn ber nations to see that no for eign mercenaries leave their territories for The Congo Asked Indonesia and Mor occo to delay departure of their troops from the UN force Appealed to all African member states with the excep tion of Libya and Togo to speed contributions to the UN force so that it can be built up to 23000 troops Asked the international Court of Justice to suggest names of an African an Asian and Latin American who wouldundertako an impartial investigation into the execution of Congo leader Patrice Lu mumha and his associates The Afrlcsnwould he chairman of hamper effective effort to pus tharinvestigatlongroup AntiRed Forces Joined cnoss pmomssï¬mm savanna UNITS ofï¬cers of the Luluahourg gar rison After that the spokesman said they just disappeared Later they were Seen from air craft driving north along the road back borne Left behind were their com manning officer and anoih ficer who sought refuge withthe United Nations which is also harboring the loyalist comman din ofthe Luluahourg garrison who sought refuge when the leftistsnrrived units of both Congolese factions stay at the airport The UN spokesman said the request that allthe Congo lese leave was made without show of force other reports from Luluahourg said the Chan aians made it plain they would use force if theCongolese in sisted on staying Reports Luluabourg Monday said some of the Lu mumbists had been disarmed by theLul ly moved oye to the Lumumbists side seemed by Monday toJie swinging their loyalty hack to Leopoldville The any pact signed to together the squablt bling antiCommunist leaders in The Congoat least for the tinge being thesev rvearmy troops called up odesiathederation will be released ministry announced