oversaw 9f Industw WiththeBarrieMeele duuyhumadethudtym lymhtanttoreoudmauavs Comounions Economy Panties t8 nu omiejsiuuide it much ot the mt ot the country mean points tolthe stability of Berries economy with pride What makes Barrio recession proof What position does the city really hold in relation with industry Does industry really come here Just to escape higher wage levels All these questions were asked of Mr Blrmann at recent interview with The Ex miner and the Cityssalesman answered with optimism and caution Local industry as it is inciud es all branches of manufactur ing from cosmetics tohoavy electrical auppliles it includes nsbher manufacturers meat packers beverage bottlers me tal precision instrtnnenta pica sure boa outboard moto Mr Elri assass amMANN wood products lestherworks and myriad of other manu facturing classifications WELL SPREAD We are nicely spread out says Mr Blrmann and Barrie gives no indication of becoming on one major payroll We have reached the stage where we can aiford to practice of selectivity says Commissioner Btrmann We want growth but orderly growt Barrles position now is such thatitcanaffordtntahein firm of medium also which could easily assimilate into the economy of the community grow with it but not make no due strains on the available manpower Several months ago negotia Though in Job lsatlll to tract indusim Mr doesnt lptrt rose colored glas ses N0 PARADISE We are not paradise here hesaya therere certain in dustriee that would he better served in other towns and if they apply here we tell them so Even in out town there is room for improvement says Mr Blrmann Asked about claims that oarQ rle was in low wage area and tracts industry Mr Eirmann Birmann commented that there was room for improvement in one assured it momma mums teaoperative pinthaul incre and dividends were not the only was of pension rm sens Completion of an ultra mod ernfeedmiileneueofpaved and secondly hahlllty of good has prices in 1061 present ammo volume ALL IN FAMILY CRANBROQK EC CPiA woman has succeeded her hus band as chief of Kootauy Indian band Mrs Nick Gra velie mother of eight and de soendent of Michael Philips first white settler in East Koot any was elected in December after her husband completed Birmann parkingand other lmprovo These increases can apparent Wa Have Been Helping People Say It With Flowers FORfGYEARS wannmoa concur occasions snowman or EMA Atso GARDEN SUPPLIES Annuals and Perennials GRADUATION the Barrie ware structure but that compared with other Cen tral Ontario towns of the same size Barrio was not out of line in its wages Mr Birmann said he would like to ace realistic approach to wage demands He aaid that local worlt groups shouldnt peg wages hero to those in Metropolitan centres As for companies that come to Barrie to escape higher wage areas Mr Birmann comment au ancmrs nuamc or autumn Bdrries High Economy Attracts fMérchants Several months ago Barrie shoppers only dreamed of shop ping centres now theyhave two in the making and one on the drawing board The latest one to be announc ed the Northgate on north Hayfield street it the final de tails are ironed out promises to he one of the biggest in the province and theonly regional centre belween Toronto and Northflay Bayfield Holdings is currently embroiled in last minute crushsto get financial details straightened out before April at which time the money al ready borrowed for the pro ject is to be given back unless plans arernade definite PUBLIC DEFENTURES The complicated part of this project is thevfioancing which for the first timeinthc history of shopping centres in Canada will he done via public sale oi debenttues The debentures themselves were gathering per cent at the latest tally Robert White of Le Page Realtors comments that this centre will instead of tak ing business away from the other centres and from down town merchants bring shoppers to this area that never shopped here before in order to get this project in selling order as iastjas possible crash construction program is being drawn up so that once final approval of the centre is through there will belittle pro llminary work to be done NOVEMBER FIRST The targetdate for the open ing of the osstore $1000000 project has been set at Novem ber If during the following summer the sales indicate brisk business than work may begin on the second stage in cluding asocond grocery store the first as Loblawa grooete ilfl The third stage is expected to bring the total floor space to 400000 square feet at con struction cost of $0000000 The parking space for the first stage is taking into con sideration 1700 cars Hopes of the developers are that the shopping public in the Northgate can be extended as far north as Wasaga Beach and Rooctaog in this way drawing an approximate 54000 shQPWr jeot envisio were lquinl moth trafficpr Fire and Traffic Committca did it They suggested wid ening of Hayfield Street to five lanes north of Highway 400 in stalling yellow road markers JACK MITCHDIEON New Products Beat The Slump slump during 1960 in Bar ries Canadian General Electric plant is hoped to be compensat ed for by stepped up produc tion in 1961 reports plantrman agar Jack Mitchinson in re cent statement Mr Mitchinson revealed that though employment was down three percent from the 1000 av erage forecasts for 1961 are op tlrnistio and realistio Eight new products have been added during the past year and these are expected to dampen are well established and which saturation reported the state ment strong effort to also being made to strengthen the position concerning foreign as well as domestic trade through cost improvement program present ly underway Presently the total number of employees in the Barrie plant stands at ssoflwith on annual payroll of to mills ollars Forecasts are optnnlstic and call for slight increase in sales over 1960 Busiaesa for the first half at However concerted drdi the markenogjgrnon during the year the last six monthsof brought salsa tor the all year up to within taper cent of 1959 At year endinventions were at alow lovel7whl0l1 permits full employment replenishing in veotorles duringrth firstlgzglrt blen histo sate for those productswhlch havo reached high level of and aycompltos $6000 traffic light to guide motorists in not out of the centre without affe ing the regular northbonnc stream THE AGREEMENT Somehow the City Develop ment Committee managed to get certain agreementsout oi the company which would fin ance most of these ambitious alterations ed that he didnt think any did come for that reason but if in point of fact they did they wouldnt get away with it for ions So with the dictum of keepan clear of large complex indust ries and demanding assimila tion into and growth with the communlty Earrles top sales man forges ahead bringing in dustry to the city av The developers agreed sof for only unofficially with the City Development Committee toypay imthe widening at their own expense to pay the tab on other traffic controls to donate 10foot strip of their own land for the widening to control their own run offwater via pool type structure and to donate $25000 to the construc tion of storm sewer to serve the Sunoldale Road area With this agreement if it is finally signed the city willnot have incontribute one cent to the added facilities As for the shoppers if they look into the future enough they may visualizea depart ment store arlous restaur ants variety stores and of course the giant grocetetias What made ths developers choose Barrie 21 Mr Page answered that one when he pointed out figures to show that the average spend ing power of the Barrie house wife was away abovcx the na tional average vows arrows The value at decades and output hasbeen on the up swingslnoeadipinmdo bureau of statistics umatos the mo value at 470000000 up shoot em 000000le 1959 Thadlpinlssliw account1 ed forlnrgely Trees and Shrubs Patio Equipment PeatMoss and Fertiliser All Your Gardening Supplies Flowers For Every Occasion BEZleNT NURSEBIES 69 JOHNSON sr PA 50247 FLOWERS TELEGRAPH ANYWHERE To keep pace with progres slve Barrie the recently corri pleted attractive showroom and warehouaetof the Ball Planing Mill provides com plote home service whether building or remodelling our record of customers satisfied with our products and service has grown over 100 years of experience in building todays Barrie PRECISIONBUILT summer cottages will add to the pleasure and enjoyment of summer holidays for you and yourfnmily Enjoy to the full those long sunfilled doysof relaxation at your own cottage Your evenings too willbe filled with contentment in one of these sturdy attractive cottages For complete information otno obligation visit our showroom and look over bur library of designs see the display model and the wide selection of materials You will be gladyou come to see us Quality garages to improvethe yolueof yourhomednd protect your car are ovailable in qualiiyihar is higher than anywhere of competitive prices Outcomplete home service also includes sincerewish onour part toassist you vwirh your pldns whélher building or remodelling Our friendly service is associated with our desire to continue to serve Barries residents and those of the surrounding area in completelysatisfactory manner rtnnmo MILL coo Mm 318 thinnest 82495 mu