mm ismav or nw Btoxom coNsTnucnon Doug Bloxom Joined the Royal Cenedlanflevy in i941 and served on active duty until 1048 Alter hisdischarge lrom the Service he took up residence1n Toronto He entered the home building business in 1049 carpenter contractor in North York and in i950begnn building home or his own Vonspeculetlon to sell During The Bloxome moved to Berriein 4064 whereDouz continued hintredeeszliome Builder and Home Bulldlnaponsultant Since 1054 the Bloxom Construction Co Ltd hubullt over 90 custom bullt homeein the Barrie area plus eeyenl oth ers in the snrxoundlng Iron 01 Gimme County including Mldlend Orillla belon taine Penetenu Mldhuret Dalston Holly endother localities the next ew years he built over as new homes in the TorontoJen and at the seine time did subconnect work on over300 additionelhomes mug wk puma mm and mm in ch h°m° 11° b11M taking time and etlort to see that every detail meets the new owners approval end to now eoce in Home nuueinnontrsou mywherein Stmooe County if WELLINGTON 51 EAST BARBIE Built by the Bloxom Construction Co Ltd to the buyer who desire line homo ME AND MES TODD Hull Av Mlflllhd Comlnxfrom messproduced subdivision me to Hamilton we were probably slightly super crluoelhut we and that although nllttle more time was required Doug made everygelfort to make our hm completely satisfactory we appro eluteth pereonetietelut inourproblems 111 wavelet or use nAnri Built by the Drill Bloxom Construction 00 hid totln buyer whoï¬uiree home andmnwllberee¢bloreele YOU MAY HAVE sEVERAL on ALL or THESE BLoxom FEATURES CUSTOM BUILT INTO YouR NEW HOME Mahogany Trim Throughout Ceramic Tile Bathroom Forced Air on Boat 8r Bedroom Style New mash Woodwonh Beenirltully ï¬nishedonk mom Looms Sodded Contour Design Arborlte Counter Top Partitioned Basement Fully Decorated Throughout Fourpiece gnthroom Wroughtton Railings 1000 Square Feet or More Driveways thvelled Nordic Kitchens Several OtherFeatures um in MRS censou 110 Wellington Burris We found Dougs attention to fine workmanship quality materlel Ind detail very good We have no complaints at or nature and prompt tomeot the minor problems gt om mug MB AND M36 mm 452 Huge Ate Midland We are the proud owner of the Star Weekly Home at the Year of 1960 custom built to our speciï¬cations by Doug we lound his workmanship excellent hisdesirgeonleaseexteilenthbndoes mmmmpuebleweromonowm pleesed MA BEnmm 111mm mm VLA onlooxvnnnonnr noon Gonmnws on CASH GONTRACT MR TRUSCOHY 456 Hun Ave Midland We one more than pleased we found Domeï¬lkflim and interested making our home completely oeï¬ï¬ecbory to us was originally an NBA home plan built to our personal speciï¬cationsby Doug No mpieinte eoyvnature gt N5Wefltngton at am nuns mm mm onflqltlsï¬ We are very Well sgtislied with the home and with Dougs promptnesnrto tlfl 1eW minor things which make or comgleveneusiection Vevenvtlwugh our one weebought aireatw built endlovan as is home 51 AND MRS PM 180 Wfllnlï¬wfl EBnnie We have always been satisfied intact we haVeyotlto see another home we havelectually envied we ï¬nd the home well constructed of good materioJ and worlnnanship with attention ï¬deth mm1Lwewero to build an new mmmvmmo MRï¬AND ms cm Demon ass bu An Midland Our estimation of Dougs worlananship his personal desire most netlsfectgry wands my Wed Jnnovnms wrï¬vEss xmanoMnAm to make every Planned and Built by the rinteneshhouldhemmedvoh my itll BllylvlVIIZJIHDIII inn VGONWNVINfM itbï¬lï¬lcnyli PA 83021 28 oUNotes no EAST goo LTD BARRTE Midland Penetung Qrillra T113130 No Ton cueg