new iesture to northbound motorists this coming holiday season will be this Travel In ioflnatlnh building lust con shucted on ï¬lahway soo at the foot oi berries John Street The centre was preco ded for several lessons by Trieste Fights For Its Survival By GUY ROPPA Trieste city which was lntbe news ior many years alter the Second World War as Western outpost coveted by Communist Yugoslavia now is lighting almost unnoticed or its star vivai The iriestini almost without exception complain that their city is neglectedby the free world and even by their own government It ought to deserve more at tention they say because it is trying to carry out bold ex periment oi readjustment switch from commercial scon oray based on some at the II Citizens Complain 0i Neglect biarest and bestequipped docks in Europe to an industrial econ Dilly This is typical exesnple oi the displacement by littlnz es economy between East and Welt and now between the Common Market EEG and the Ree Trade Association EMA The port belonging p0litltuilly to Common Market nation does large share of its trad with countries oi the Free Trade Itsaoclatlon or at any rate out side little Europe the 4161400 tons oi Hoods loaded and unloaded in lriestoa docks durinu the whole oi me about 1000000 tone have come that DELIVERED mobile trailer booth manned by renresentatlve oi the On tario De artvnent of Travel and Pub city inn MacDon ald the representative oi past or were intended for Austria Ermanno ierlcb dynamic dzyearvold shipper oi Slovene extraction and member oi sev eral Common Market study aroups said that the crisis was result or the new European economic arrangements under Ks NEW TRHVEI INFORMATION BUILDING year will head the stall oi the permanent structure which is expected tobe able to route tourists to the ilnsstvacatlon spots in the Psovince at the which continental countries now exchanuo much larder share oi their natlo ai products amonl themselves The consequences at this re distribution oi markets were ielt by all European ports in less when there was aeneral iali ultlnl Blmcoe County Coun cil has or years been saltt in for the building Work on the structure started in the all oi mo in maritime trailic Trieste has been slower to recover and this year will reach some ammo tons or about the same as 1951 This acoordlnl to lerich is the maximum that Trieste can to achieve la the present cum an THE OLD AND THE MODERN From Hitching Post to Parkiné Meter Taken 70 years ago the aboevpioture shawl the iateW Reeve founder oi Reeves Jewellers at the doorway his Iratjewcllery store In Goldwater 0n the rlzht is photograph oi the new modern Reeves Jew eliers store in Barrie Below is one or the itrstdds used by heave vaavtwnlwa narrate 22m rozsnav mnuanr as illl sea mm aw mar ava Barrie Institutes Crosswalk To hid Pedestrian Safety NEVILLE BARN assassins mum in midsummer oi 1960 Earth tried an experiment pedestrian msawallts How this will turn out only time will tell mmaux there were to be only our oiiicial crosswalk Codxinztoa Street at Berczy gtStreet Blake Street at St Vin cent Street Dualop Street East at slmcoe sires Essa Road at Tiiiln Street maunnau oi makinl crosswalk work depends up all on the cooperation oi Md estrlans and motorists ihe mo toriste has the obligation to watch or the sign indicating such croswalk and to give pedestrians who wish to use it the right way By the same token it is ex pected that pedestrians should use crosswalka with due consid eration for the motorist It must never be lorsotten that care cannot stop lnstantanaouly it is only ialr to the drivers that edestrlans should give clear ndleation in plenty oi time at melt intealon to use the cross wa POINT YOUR WAY TO EA lil ira sood axiom for the edeshian iur her insurance to make sure at the motor ist is stopgllnz before heading across to other side oi the street The average motorist is be lievei good hi son who is pre red to give way to the pedeatr all any time and particularly at oiilclaiiy de signated crosswalk But there can he nothint more vexing or motorist who has stopped at crosswalk than to iind the pedestrian change his mind and carry on along the sidewalk Or to have pedestrian step on the crosswalk just as he is going to start all sin 01 to have to stop ablthEU or pedestrian who steps all the swell to cross the road Ilust ittle way irons the olilcla crosswalk IT an occasion like this that raises the blood pressure oi the motorist and sometimes dri ves him to do the most foolish things it is almost inconceiv ablethat pedestrians can be so inconsiderate particularly ain ce many of them spend large part oi their time these days in carsohm behind the wheel It is equally vexing to the Edestrlan to have his si no oi tsntioa to were snore by ioliowins line oi cars It shows oi oi co COURT is the heyword to the success oi the crosswalk schemait is in act the best weapon aaelnst the stains ae cldent rate that we have Court esy may mean the loss oi low seconds of time but it also means added seiety let all con cerned it would be wonderful it Bar became Imown as the City oi courteous driven Elephants Painted To Spot Migration KAMPAM Uganda Reuters Elephants are wandering about the wild gamepacked Valle oi the Semliki River on the re ders oi Uganda and The Congo with iarse white letters and numbers painted on their bread banks The letters have been put here by scientists studying ani mal migration habits and at the some time pestecting tho ranldlydcveopin technique at shooting darts loaded with pow eriul drugs at clcphanis to im mobilize them From range of so yards Dr hi Herthoorn lecturer in veterinary physiolo at Make rereflolieso Ramps tires the drained darts irorn gut poweredby compressed car It dioxide Alter about 20 minutes the huge animals are out cold the research workers move in with painl and brush mark ing the animals Si 82 SS and so onihe stands ior Sernliki so that the animals future movements can be plotted Drug doses arevaried so that the scientists can calculate Just how much dope can knock out an animal or just how loan When the work is ï¬nished the ole bants recover com Elli bail an haur sitlg emper some mes the better oi them LAMEE BOOK LEICESTER mislead looserold youth was charaad by Juvenile court here with making an in phone call Bald his mother Ho lot bold oi that Lady Chatterly book and know what to do 10 GIVE YDtl thevmost courteous personal attention matrimony help when visiting our store Wow wwmmwmwmwwv