Citys Parking SOlutibn May Lie In Bay Front By BOB CLIFTON Barrie Power Squadron Parking erupt as it applies tobonts in which case Power Squawer skipper would reier to it as mooring is about the last subiect that watertront columnist would to be concerned with But the City at Barrie because at its rapid mwth and tightly packed downtown businm district is turning its attention toths bay inn ior solution to this vital qustion many downtown mer chants have been in business since the time when there were low cars compared with today and plenty oi places to leave them while you did your shop ping got haircut or visited your doctor dentist or lawyer Now With most oi their custom ers coming by our merchants and proiesslonal men realiw that something must be done to provtde handy and convenient parking space MERCHANTS STUDY ISSUE initiated by the Retail Mer chants committee oi the cham ber oi Commerce meeting of all business people in the cen tral area was called recently and alter discussion of the general aspects oi the problem special committee was nam ed to gather ideas iacts and iigures on the subject and to explore the advisability oi con stituting parking authority It survey oi any inland lo cations suitable tor the amount at parking required has reveal ed that the very growth oi the city which has created the prob lem also has shot up the market value oi property within range of the downtown stores and oi ilces Furthermore considerable op position has been heard against establishing parking lots up the hill north oi Dunlop Street On this point we can recall quite number oi people who didnt seem to mind the climb when there were meters on Dunlop but not on Collier Street PLAN GAWS RECOGNITION Be that as it may the plan for spacious parking lot on the bay trout proposed al ears ago before the situation ms critical by Jack Mac Laren and group oi iellow bus inessmen seems to be coming into its own The plan would ap pear to be the most economical most convenient and easiest on the patrons Barrie has an en Viehls reputation as good place to live in an ideal centse ior factory and very soon will boost the iinest waterfront in the country One problem re mains to develop parking sys tem to complement all those othe ilne attributes 250 FEET orrr IN BAY At the request oi the lumber of Commerce McNamara Eng inceng Ltd consulting engin eers oi Toronto made study more we in Street and the ioot oi Mutants Street investigating the lealib llity oi constructing parking lot Dy tiling the hay ior zoo ieet out the depth at the outer edge being 12 to is lost The manure in their report immth iavorably on the iact that the site being he ely adjacent to thame centre oi the City at Barrie womu provide convenience in local and tourist shoppers and iacliity to accommodate bus inessrs in the general area SPACE FOB CABS No deilnite plans are dis cussed one extending the full dis oe irom Bayiieid to Mul can or and the other from Bay ileld to point in line with the laneway cast oi the new mnery building at the cod oi Simooe Street The ilrst plan would pro vide space ior no cars and would have entrance and exit at both ends This would be great er than Barries entire curb parking metered sp ce at the present time Ac to Jam as me oi the Traiilc depart ment the city has 688 meters covering downtown tram Tomato Street to Poynts and Simcoe to Collier The cost oi building retain ing wall and illling the area is estimated at $319110 This in eludes 244300 tons oi sand at so cents ton $122400 1300 feet 01 retaining wall $156000 con crete curb all around 500 handrail all around $5200 le gal engineering and contingen cies 329010 In addition alter the till has settled drainage and paving would be an extra cost These ï¬gures do not include en trance and exit roadways or the acquiring at any privately ed waterlots Plan number two would pro vide ior 455 cars its estimated cost would be $209275 which in cludes 155000 tons oi sand $67700 960 ieet of retaining wall 8114000 concrete curb all around $4750 handrail $9500 legal engineering and coating encies 519025 Approach road ways drainage and paving would be extra but there would be no private property to ac ollln 008T COMPAREON Cost oi plan one would avler I88 $440 per car space us whatever might be paid pri NO Tooth Brush GO Bite An Apple WINNIPEG you cant brush your teeth altar eating try crisp raw ap pa Thats the advice ot Dr Gordon Nilriionik professor of preventive dentistry and chairman of dental research at the University of Toronto chomping an apple he says is probably the next best thing to brushing An apple has more clean ing power than poor tooth brush Commenting during an in terview on toothpaste adver tisement Dr Nllnioruk says they are inclined to give peo ple false sense of security These so called all day shields which are supposed to guard your teeth are just so much advertising they have no basis in fact But the advertisements did NEW bums mens eminence monton barrister took over in February as executive assist ant to Prime Minister Dieters baker GP Photo vaccmisa son mamas manna Reuters aquals oi Spanishdoctors nurses and police are carrying out an emergency vaccination palm against smallpox here since the death oia touryeah old girl from the disease The girl arrived here tram India by air at the end of last month The medical teams have located and vaccinated more than 2000 persons who have been in con tact with her family or were aboard the piano help make people more con scious of the necessity of brushing regularly Intelligent use of sugar was one oi the most important factors in iightlng tooth decay Research had shown that chil dren who nibble all day have more decay than those who eat regular meals Anything containing sugar that was kept in the mouth ior lengthy per iods contributed to decay vate property reouhcd Plan two would avenge straight so pev car space These costs compare vay favorably with oostoi moo per car space which the engineers sea is nor mal tor multideck parking structure exclusiva oi land cos Merrng to swear to the pro posed site the engineers consid er that the disadvantage at is vel crossings over the CNN line does not appear to be cause ior concern and should not inter ierc unduly with normal flow of trliijc Alderman Frank Hersey chairman oi the Trstilc Committee City Council said he is coniident that gates will be approved by the Department oi Transport and added the calm meat iorithe benth of those who are bothered by the blow ing of diesel horns that it will be quite in order for the city to adopt bylaw prohibiting the use of train whistles or horns within the city limits The report states that in so riving at the recommendations prim consideration was giv en to co factors That the site be convenient to the iinol destination oi the motorist That tree flow of traiilc can be maintained to and from the lot That the lot be economic al to construct and maintain TYPE OF CONSTEUOTION The plan oi construction rec ommended calls ior retaining wall made up at soldier plies oi wideflange steel beams driv en into the bay bed every to test with precast concrete slabs alid down between the flanges as the sand iill is put in Anchor rods and blocks would tie and secure the face wall This type of wall it is iclt will withstand best the stormwava action and erosion and the ice push to which the site is exposed It also would oiier mooring space ior the largest boots Three otha types of retaining wall were studied Rock em bankment 15 feet wide at the top spreading to 50 test tthe bottom crib tilled with rock and sheet pile bulkhead wail All proved to be much more costly HOW TO PAY FOR IT The question at how the prop osed project should be ï¬nanced has several facets it has been suggested that the downtown merchants within range to benetlt trom the increased park ing space might contribute to the cost inasmuch as they can not oiiei space as the shopping centres do Revenue from met ers in the new area would bring in considerable revenue but there is some opposle to met are As soon as substantial quan tity oi iactararer gathered Chair man Hersey says the city Trai fic committee will call meet ing oi all interested merchants to go into the matter more thoroughly and into work out policy that will produce the most good for the mostpeople The question at establishing parking authority is being stud ied This would be body simil er in many respects to the Are no commission which would be responsible for all matters to do With parking it would have controioi qll parking revenue This is move that will re quire much careful thought nightwill not be decoded over ll Top Quality Flcor Coverings gulssz sensuousa nEID win The LARGEST senncnon or room covnnmcs mum or TORONTO ElbowAND wars AUTHORIZED Aonmsv roe ftp one came GOMMEIIDIAD RESIDENTIAL mm rendition or as mos salmon 14 MuleSte St Tanaalranngsumu DoesntProtrideï¬li Answers Duatnsmnammlu industry second to pm vrde loeal students th higher flattens isciiities close to How the point arises would the unemployed derive beneï¬t hnrnedlltely iron such school We think not Scholastic training is long promo and though program of education would bring about untold bene fits in the iuture it would be un wise to attribute cure ali stat us to the idea oi hads schools By tapping the resources at blah sabocollfraduates who have no Univ ty aspirations we could greatly increase the lies ihllity oi our work ioroe At the moment we could only guess where such school would be located but we note that Barrie would serve well as tho site or such project This is the most central spot in the Georgian Bay region and the school could draw from hund reds at thousands oi residents in lSirocco and surrounding Count El IOCAL industry would doubt less see the wisdom oi oiiering scholarships and other incentiv es to the school in return ior plant supervisors and trained mechanics Thus instead oi tunnelling our talented youth into Toronto and getting iow returns we could train them and use them right at home One oi the stipulations oi technical school should be how ever relatively high entrance requirements IF MODELLED alter Ryan son institute oi Technology as Commissioner Birmonn sug gests Grade 12 High School diploma would be mandatory and three years of intensive study would iollow The enhance sequiremam should not be dropped good basic grounding in standard scholastic subj English History Maths etc should be continued ior the aim should be not to turn out laborers but sup ervisors With restrictions like these it could be argued that the unem cIVIc IMPROVEMENT AND GENERAL WELFARE INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT lNFbRMATiON AND sERVIcE CENTRE PA edoitodlywonldboontd tomorrowaiso is is 55 at in his lit ogremm wdcsn themed martian Ilnl lets Him huhuqu Pieohms BECAUSE OF THE TREMENDOUS RESPONSE TO OUR CUSTOM QUALITY SERVICES VVE WISH TO THANK OUR cusroMERs AND TO NOTE WE WILL BE MOV ING SOON TO LARGER QUARTERS TO SERVE YOU AND OUR NEW CUSTOMERS BETlER CUSICM IIPIIQLSIIRY and co 61612 PLANN NG FOR FUTURE GROWTH RETAIL TRADE AND Toumsr RROMOTION futon STANoARD pusmsss PRAchcE Bald BARIII Community