Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Apr 1960, p. 1

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on rrirrncmrs Pu huntu Want Ad Iglo phone PA nut in telephone ammunflwlbenuhm mumarnum 96th YearNo 96 TOMORROW ITS LATER THAN WE TllINK Making sure they wont sleep late in the morning are theseemployees of Westons Jewellers They set their clocks up early and they had plmty to move up Bonny Rotcliffe feels evcii the cuckoo clocks should take part in the spring changeover to daylight saving time midnight tonight Store manager Bob OConnell sticks to the more conventiom a1 timepiece IN MEXICO CITY PM Dieienbdker Plays Racial Discrimination MEXICO CITY CP Prime Minister Dictenbaker who has built reputation in Canada as champion of human rights has come outwith two impromptu at tacks against racial discrimina tlon in his visit to the capital of Mexico The Canadian leader twice de parted from prepared texts at public functions Friday to speak out strongly against such discrim ination He named no countries but observers here generally con sidered his remarks referred to the South African situation at least in part In an address toMexicos law fraternity he said one of the ma jor reasons for the march of mm munism in various parts of the world israciai discrimination We cannot afford to have in equality according to race or color he said Racial equality is till abiding principle of human rig FOR ALL MANKIND Earlier at the University of Mexico he said Wherever freedoms are hiterfered with and whenever this is accompanied by tyranny it becomes matter not only for the state that practises that tyr anny but also for all mankin Ever since tbeSouth African governments apartheid itracial segregation policy brought on riots and bloodshed in that coun try Mr Diefenbakor has care fully refrained from saying any thing that would imphir relations with sister Commonwealth country He has reiterated his longstandingg opposition to racial discrimination though But Ffid fs statements were the strongest hehas made for some time Todaythe last full day of his exican visit the primc ter goes sightseeingwitnesscs Mexicanstyle rodeo staged spe cially for him and holds press conference The press conference may bring some indication of what was ac complished in his talks herewith President Lopez Mateos and For eign Minister Tello CLOSER TOGETHER One thing already is definite This visit and the one paid by Rhee ResignsKorea Presidency Will Dissolve Liberal Cabinet SEOUL Reuters Syogman Rhee ended his 12year iron rule of South Korea today as he gave up his presidential powers and planned to disband his ruling Lib eral party the siyearold Rhee bowing to rioting countrymen and strong United States pressure will re main prBidont in name only to become syinbo head of state NewlyAclected Vice President Lee Ki Poongwho also left ofi fice announcedllhees resigna tion after threehour meeting caretaker cabinet consisting of conservative membersheaded by premier will he formed shortly to run the country Lee said BREE VISITS WOUNDED Rhee ventured outside his pres idential palace today for the firs time since April 19 to visit stu dents wounded in violent rioting against his government His bullet proof Cadillac was HAMILTON ice Driving of many teenagers are ul mess because of in struction given hy their parents Kitchener police staff Sgt ilenrlch said Friday night at nearby Grirnsby Speaking to group of teen agers attending an alcohol study conference he said that many oungsters were taught todrive iy eithertheir mother or father What pitiful mess this is aid the chief of Kitcheners traf fic and safety He said had dri nany parents were passed on to air children Have you ever seen mothers driving automobiles Have vet Watched woirien drivers vice esideutv surrounded bypolice vehicles and crowds normally instructed to clap stared stolidly as he passed After Rhees stepdown it was announced that he will disband his ruling Liberal party Deputy National Assembly Speaker Yi Jai Pak said this wouldpave the way for formation of unified Conservative party Rhee as head of state will have no political affiliation For mer premi Pyun Yuog Tai after meeting that Rhee self will probably announce his moves In public statement to marrow mar nnarn ioo More than 100 students have been killed this week in violent rioting across South Korea to test the March 15 elections which returned Rhee to fourth term as president and elected Lee as Theyre not bad lheyre iust re different would receive their man through driver nurses and training schools be said In Kitchener the cityinagis trata had organized schoo for correcting tcen agers who droveand drank As result youngsters were thinking twice about their future said Sgt Hen1 rlch YOUTHTB STABBED HAMILTON CF Thomas Randall 19 was taken to hospi tal here Friday night with stab some otficial form of credit the president to Ottawa last 00 tober have brought the two coun tries closer together Both the president and the prime minister have taken every advantagejo stress this At state dinner tendered by the president Friday night Mr Diefenbaker told the Mexican leader that youve made us feel not only like neighbors but also intimate friends For his part President Lopez Mateos said the thing that struck Jilin most onihis Dttawafldsihwas the simplich in the warm and cordial welcome with which the Canadian government and people had received him Bamstonn Flyer Gains Wings Again BRANTFORD CF Walter Fleming 58 who made big money out of barnstorm flying 25 years ago got his wings again Friday night He was the olopst of so persons presented wings by Mayor LB Hogarth in BrantNorfolk Aero Club ceremony In the early daysof aerial barnstorming Fleming took an Elliott aircraft across southern Ontario and cleaned up $3000 in one summer taking thrillseek ers aloft at $5 ride it was good money but along came the Toronto pricecutters he said One group lowered the price to shit wasnt anygood after that He turned to flying instruction then to flying mail for the gov ernment and in 1936 grounded himself for more lucrative em ployment But for years to fly again he Squeeze In UK May Halt Boom VLONDON CP Financial sources predicted today that squeeze may be applied next week torcsirain British boom that threatens to get out of hand The forecasts folIhw an nouncement that unemployment in Aprills lower than at any time inrthe last two years The num her of registered unemployed Aprilil was 391182 or inner cent of theemployed population Such avlovv percentage usually is regarded agan index of ex treme boom conditions in the country In thebusy industrial Midlands the percentage is 09 percent The British average would be lower still but for the Scottish figure which is four But even in Scotland north the qnernployment picture hhs been improving month agthe Scottish figure was percent Predictions of an official squeeze are based partly on the statement of the chancellor of the exchequer Dcricik Heathcoat Amory that tho goveroment stands ready to restrict expan slonof private credit Amory woundsto right thigh otter fight in or dunceball made the stateme tin his budget Hospital on injuries to the thoru acic duct Dr Harvey Beard Sc per Copyl2 Pagan onor BERLIN ISSUE IN VAll or Gaunt Relax Tensions First Italian Widens ROME APPladys gravest postwar government crisis now three months old entered new phase today with new parlia mentary elections becoming distinct possibility The next move was up to Fresh dent Giovanni Gronchi after for mer premier Amintore Fanfani gave up Friday night hisnttempt to form leitofcentre govcm ment led by the Christian Dem ocrats Fonfanls lncrenscd speculationthnt Gronchi might be forced to dissolve parliament and call elections something which never has been done in the 14 ycnr history of the ltalian repub lic The Christian Democrats are so divided that new elections could mean serious losses for them Many political observersvthought that Groncbi Christian Demo crat might ask at least one more person to try to put together government Three brother and sister and neighborwere kil ed Friday night when two cars collided bout ur milesvsooth Hlshway Two other persons we ur ed but were reported resting comfortably morning Neévymnrkets York County Hos lfit Clive McLaughlin 11 and his sister Christine and their River Drive Park neighborBas iii Squires 12 were killed when car driven by the McLaugh lins fahter collided with another car while maidnga lefthand turn Taken to hospital with head injuries and shock were Mrs Olive McLaughlin 39 wife of MONTREAL CPAn Eastern Air Lines flight was held up 75 minutes Friday night proving again that the word bomb is ex plosiverat Montreal international Airport Matthew Martin agent for the airline said provincial andair port police searched Flight 829 bound for New York and Miami and questioned two passengers after hostess Urscl Nook is heard chance remark made by passenger 10 minutes before the flight was to take off Martin told reporters Miss Nook heard woman say to male companion How do we know fheresvnot bomb on this flight Moments later the wo man foundout Miss Nook noti and tbe captain called police The woman and her compan ion whose names have been withheld were questioned by po lice befora being released after thorough check of luggage on the aircraftwas made capacity 10 passengers were about to board the flight atluzrm pm EST its scheofiiled depar ture time Martilt said the woman who Trauiita Operations Prove Successful MONTREAL CPfwo in cessful operations have been per formed at the Montreal Childrens more said Friday night in 1945 the chance of surviving such an injury was poor and only 10 years ago an operation meant almost certain death for thevic tim Dr Boardmoro told mem bers of the regional committee of trauma of iheAmerican College oerurgeons and the Quebec Soci ety of Orthopedics and umaé tology Trauma means ry The thoracic duct is iftubethat lflighway 11 fied the captain of the remark CHINESE CROSS BULL AND PIGS LONDON APlvRed China claimed Friday experiment ers have crossed ii Yorkshire sow and Holstein bull to produce sturdler fastergrow ing pigs Radio king said the crossing by artificial insem ination was conducted year ago at pig breeding farm of peasant commune near Chmgkbig in Western China Four pigs were produced The pigs are thriving and vigorous said the radio They have shorter snouts wider fore broader foreflnnks straighter hacks straighter hacks and hind legs than ordinary pigs Cold Strikes Queen Appearance Is Oil LONDON Reuters Queen Elizabeth has caught slight cold and conceded an appearance at horse trials in Badminton in west England it was disclosed today The Queen was confined to her rooms this morning at Badmin ton House where she is stay Highway 11 Crash Kills Children John McLaughlin 37 and their daughter Maureen sixyearold twin sister of Christine Shortly after they iiied Mi as ported in criti cal condition but by this morn ing she and her mother had im proved considerably John McLaughlin and the driv er of the othercar John Glue cirler 31 of Armitage were slightly shaken up McLaughlin ieleased from hospital after treatment for shock was ving south on The cars were welded to gether by the crash They skidded along the road and other vehicles had to riverve to avoid them How Do WeKnow Bomb Sets 0H 75Minute Plane Hunt was nervous about flying missed the flight It was aninnocent remark really but one of thosethings we have tog take precautions against for the protection of the passen gers he said similar incident delayed camel WASHINGTON AP French President Charles de Gaulic pro posed today that the Paris sum mit conference next month cons centrate on seeking relaxation of SovietWestern tensions rather than on solving specific issues such as Berlin De Gaulle told press confer ence at the National Press Club that disarmament should he chief topic of summit discussion He said one must limit nuclear armaments in so far as there ex ists reciprocal control of mis siles airplanes and other means of delivery talks here Friday with President Eisenhower in 70minute White House conference He is on fourday state visit to Washing ton In his press conference which was televised he said as far as Berlin is concerned do not see possible solution BIG nanu The big ueedde Gaulle said is to obtain relaxation of ten sions between East and West This shouldheaccompanied by beginning of disarmament he said The French soldier statesman whose views often disagree with those of Eisenhower and other al lied leaderssaidi What is paramount isto ore aie detentc striving to METER MONEY These arent pennies from heaven but proceeds from Barrie parking meters Diury once claimed that he put curse on the onearmed bandits featured on todays Saturday Page so that every time he put coin in one demote TransCanada Air Lines flight from the airport April 14 piece of plaster fell oif the city hall Examin er Photo TUB SCANDAL LONDON CPLPolice fanned out acrossBritish race courses today in the biggest crackdown yet on the doping conspiracy which has scandalized theBritish turf Teams of detectives mingled unobtrusively withvracegoers far north assYorkshire andm debip southcounty of Surre Whether arrests were imminent could not be ascertained buttthc presence of big police squadsvir tually guaranteed the suspension of any underhand activr es FRENCH SURETE CALLED IN In the widening investigation the FrenchfSurete was called on to assist inquiriesabout the run nlng of continental race horses on British courses Scotland Yard believes there is no reason to ex clude importedrunners from the widespread doping plot exposed by the alleged suicide of odycar oldBerty Bandy Rogers forlt mariy Mead stable boy Drug sampleataken from ers premises Berkshire have carries the nutrition from di specchSApril gested food to veins In the chest rock Comb Uh Dope asthma sufferers breathe may be the main ingredient used in the doping plot The tablets act as timulant can be crushed and scattered over horses feed or injected in liquidform Reports said they could nutbe detected in saliva GIANT BETTING COUPE over the last two years Some big rakeoffs have been reported dur ingAtbeifirst three eeks the current race season in The coyoner at Fr ay on Rogers said Roger den evidently veryworried after questioning by Scotland Yard the day before he was found dead gunshot Wound or rays and bookmakersin bid finduut the big men behiodt =2 the said boen undergoing policeiabordtory tests Drugstore tablets which Friday night this man died as cape at fora ambling an on De Gaulie began pre summit Giant betting coups have been reported by gambling syndicates French Leader Urges ol aubiflts but did not disclose whatthey were The two leaders archanged toasts Friday night ata formal White House dinner Without direct rderence to the Russians Eisenhower said many people talk about peace who are not talking honestly ex cent as they conceive of peace Arrest TV Singer do GAME ve something positive something limited with one or twoor three questions Then after certain time it wilirbe possible to make further progress on solutions which could not even be conceived of today White House press secretary James Beauty said Eisenhower considered the leaders talks Fri day very good conversation He said it covered wide range HAVANA APlPrenlier Fi del Castro accused the United States today of trying to set up fifth column in Cubaaimed at sparking revolt against his re volutionary government Castro charged that recent re marks hy 175 President Eisen hower and State Secretary Chris tian Barter were part of well prepared and premeditated plan to create an internal front hm mnbin television speech running Wellpast midnight Fri day night Castro declared that statements by Eisenhower and Herter were all partof pre as condition in which their op ponents must surrender their privileges and rights and live in state of serfdom Oniinpaired Count ronomo or Television singer Tommy Common was ar rested today and charged wlth driving whilevhls ability was hr paired and failing to remain at the scene of an accident Common 26 was arrested after car struck parked car on mid town Bloor Street and did not stop Robert Turcotta of Belleville sitting in the parked car was takento hospital with head iniur ies He was reported to critical condition Blames SForRevolt conceived intent to create fifth column to encourage Loounten revolutionary struggle against the Cuban government He also accused the US of try ing to organize some sort of ac tion within the Organization of American States against Cuba During his lonngV appearance Casho looked weary and coughed repeatedlyas if suffering from coldu =i He repeated charges that au thorities at the Ugsi naval base at Guantanamodnvcastern Cuba werelinked to plot against his regime 1000 lapaneseStudenisShoui Protest To US Security Treaty TOKYO APlOne thousadd Japanese students shouting oppo sition to the new United States Japan security treaty demo strated in front of the Diet pare liament today The protest rally was called by Zengakuren the radical leftwing federation and the League of Communists which have been disownedas too mill tant by the Japan Communist partY The students were blocked 500 yards away from the Dietbuil ing by wallof eight police ar moredcars and truds lined up fendertofender across the wida avenusrleading to parliament 50m Pouch ON Authorities sent 5000 police to hold off the studentsat the re quest of therheads of both houses The students sat down on the pavement and listened to speeches by their leaders JOHANNESB URG Reuters acting leader visit Prime Minister Hendrik there recovering from on Parliament 00101130 Reuters rightwins pnrss TIME and other routine tests made on lsauer VISHS verwogrd racehorses Police urged them to disband over publlcraddresssystem for four hours and repeater warned theywcre breaking the law by holding an unauthorized meeting and obstructing tactic goucnnsn HANDS At ddsk policeresorted at last to force Using onlygttheir bands they pulled apart the students still sittingfightlyvclutchedlo each other andsinging Tbe students wer shoved through corridor of police to thesidewalk where they promptly sat down again No1casualties were rephrtedi Tens also prevailed inside the Dictbuilding where Prime Minister Nobusuker Kishigjib craltnemocrats planncd emer geiicysteps to ratify the pact in face of bitter Socialist opposition Diet proceedings have been vir tuaily paralyzed for the last three idays by the crisis Finns Paul Sauar South1 Afiicas arrived here by airtoday enroute to Prctoria to Verwoeidwho is in hospital bullet wounds suffered whenia white minted toassassinatehim Dissolved Ceyloos Parliamentw35 vdissolved today and new elections fixed for July 20 after the monthold United Party lost avote of

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