SPEAKING OFPEOPILE PLACES ï¬lialRunners ram mm HRmï¬ï¬‚ummflmfldlapdlmedmhisim Noteshuman themanbeninm Emmi Noble son of Mr andtis inspector of detectives new new Illa or IA Mrs Sum Noble Shirley AVErock Township police depart dv dymflflfla nodalg lam one The wedding ccremmy1meni Michael is on the alumnila Bhutan bridle We WP bl lmlmlwlll be held at the We ml The Northern Daily News ed iron siwicek motor trip Weumhgotuopu1ko Fluid Mr and Mn oi the United Churdl Angus SHUTTER tucks is loin Whats it all ebouti This seems to be the question six weekold Faye Marie poses to mother Mrs Leroy inylor while nestled in the arms of great grandmother Mrs Jory Close by is grandfather Jory Bradford Street The answer simply that Faye Marie von this spot in the cameras eye when she rep resented the north generation at furnin gutherlng held recently at the home of Mr and Mrs Russell Jory Dun lnp Street West Twentyone members oi the family en joyed turkey alnner Among those present were Mr and Mrs Cyril Maxim Markham AMILY GATHEHS Mr and Mrs Elmer Jory and family Orillin Mr nnd Mrs Pelcy Jory and son Alvin Crown Hill Mr and Mrs An drew Eurlack Toronto Street Mr and Mrs Altrcd Jory Bradford Street and Faye Mnries father Leroy Taylor illness prevented Mr and Mrs Harold Jory from attending Central United WA Holds LAn Easter Theme Serv1ce Mrs Cnrncron chaired the Mrs Vaughou read it poem April meeting of Central United The Lord is Risen Members of Womens Association opened with the WA theme song and prayer Visitors were welcomed and introduced Mrs Coles group conducted the worship service with the theme The glory of En ster Mrs Lainsnn read the scripture from St Luke Meditai tion on the cnlciiixion and resur rection was given by Mrs Peacock Mrs Greenough and Mrs Jory Barrie Nurses At Convention Miss Lnngman president District No 11 of the Regis tered Numes Association of On Lalio and Mrs delegate lrom Sou chapter of District 11 its threeday ossocinti lion held at the Roya tel Toronto on the other Barrie nuts 35 tended some of the Miss Edith Taylor McKinncn Miss land Miss Mnrguer Miss Hamilton Wess Mrs Mary Audrey Mapes Mi Mrs Patricia Jo lrenc Gracey Miss horn the Roy pita school at nur mg the student ht Healtllllnit who Misc Gillespie tor Miss it Miss Anna Koat Zhalmers Miss Miss Charlotte toy Smith an per highlights cake in the to hat designed Alma Lee arranged by lnnes and lie Plans were tion for send 26th regional loville Ontarl 5a Soroptimisi Ps died 3100 to hill United dent Miss the meeting Wondrous Crl Fifteen me roll with the word in Cluskier gavr olnl missim Taylor Mrs the progrnl the WA will usher at the Moth crs Dny sérvlce Mrs Yorke will muke the arrangements The president thanked Mrs McFadden and her group for their work in March Mrs Vaughan temperance convener read the Hostess Dec laration of Purpose The annual meeting will be held in St PnltlsChurch Drillla April 26 Mrs Bishop will be the Central United WA dele sate Rummage sale was planned for May 13 pm in the Odd FeilowsHall The uttering was received from the members and donated to the World Refugee Organiza tion 0n beautifully decorated Mr eled At the close Mrs William Stephenson expressed and presentedn gift to Mrs Cooper social time iollowed with lunch served by the group Mrs Beaver thanked the ladies for the excellent program To Sell Candy At April Supper The March meeting of the first Allendale Scout and Cub Moth ers Auxiliary was held in St Georges Anglicnh Church recl ory March in with eight of the 54 members present President Mrs mung Trainor chaired the meeting Ways oi raising money during the your were discussed visitor and travellers up on items oi literal to the tnen reader or this BIR Your help in new nows will be greatly loom bled Please phone PA 663 and uh or the Womens Page Mrs Pearl McKidnon Orillia has been reelected to the ex ecutive oi the imperial Order Daughters oi the Empire provincial councillor Mrs hiel Kinnun who was unable to st tend the annual provincial meeting last week is recover ing from on ilinas Mr nud Mrs Robin ion 337 Codrington Street en tenetqu members of the ROS Caldwell Singers and husbands at dinner party after their CKVRTV nppuranec Sunday afternoon 51 JOHNS cm election 01 officers nus held at the April meeting of the catholic Womens League 01 St John Vienney Church Altami lie Father Rossetis opened the meeting with prayer The state of officersis as follows president Mrs Vicks first viccpmsldont Bishop secondvin ent Mm AuOook third vice praldent Mrs Willis so arenasy Mrs Kelly treasur er Mrs Belarigor They will be initiated at next monihal ad manila nllla mapla totals Inil guide and brownie Speorn Caroline Street visit ed Clomiter Hollywood and St Petersburg during their travels They were mmpul wwwmmsoqnul lugs hijdknd WASAGA PACK First Peck Wagon Hooch Guides nod Browan ined lor oes in an At Home in the Community Hall April There mu twenty guides and fifteen brownies two commissioners lend els and large number of parents present Two Brownies and five Guid es were enrolled Carol Elon chard received her tie your star Sandra OReiliy her two year star and Gail Armstrong one year star Time were pre looted by Mrs Hanoi Stam ford Each group put on demonstrationoi work The patchwork quilt which the lad ies of the Beach had made wu drawn with the lucky ticket carrying the name of Mix Domld During lunch the fruit cake made by the Brownies Ind Guides wider the direction oi Mrs Mans Dyer was served This was made by girls work ing on their homecoming badges wan Mr and Mrs Willlmn West Angus have announced the en easement on their only thought bond RECEPTION FDR SUSAN family reception v5 held on Susnn Tschlrhart at the home of her parents volts Chiei and Mrs Edward Tsdier hart Mod Street last Sunday utter her confirmation at the Lutheran Clairol of in Good Shepherd Barrie Out of town guests at the reception were Susans grand parents Mr ends rs Paul Rut sehe Waterloo ir and Mrs Prank Robert Joanne and John Brantford Mrs Rutsch MnryLee and Robert and Miss illinrilyn Glmdot all of Wateri oo Re Milan Babel oiiiclatcd It the confirmation of the Cn techurnens at the Sunday morn ing service Kristina Buchmmn daughter of Mr and Mrs Bung Baohmann RR Barrie and Michael Burnett sonof Mr mid Mrs Neville Barnett Letitia Street were nlso confirmed Michael Dyment left for his Kirkland Lake home this morn ing following few days visit with his grandmother Mrs John Jonlv GHBSIICK PA 8456l JOHN €581le HAIR STYLst Mltinpie Ave North of Dunlap Open suntan by Appolntmns ALE SA LA HA We use only the ivlo top ti noméé om msr man or ruv DEANS rm MONUM crimsonManual gamma my leaves and the bill to glvo Salads Tea its ilnsr flavour Youll ï¬nd onlythoflnestlnomdlonts ior hotter flavour in all SalsdsShlrrlttHoroey iood products Welcome Easter with Candy Filled Baskets guily decorated drildrens invourites Cotme baskets ï¬tted with Easter Cello gift wrapped with ribbon bow oohaadh usprise and thrill the children 98t on Basicin Many other sizesouailable from 490 Richly decorated choco late Eqster egg with marshmallow centre individually boxed Demons won at noncredimaited llak hdlvi limo dloeokno and Mali with marshmallow litres phone several in JSM 19¢ opens uptotavanl jhunny endsq ol mid shoccluto 89 quafry 979 Oriiila Kht Ltd 128 Dunedin Orlitla Ont Drill Kilt Home 128 Dunedin St Orillin Out free applied In Idrqunehocoklhpedestd Edsteregghoabodulseo 7mm lunachhoeMeAEusm egg with solid ï¬lling Namesuppliedfreav Every and will love than gully coloured Easter