Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 12 Apr 1960, p. 6

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BUSINESS BARQMETER Barrie Builders Anxious Ernest Alexander Barrie build yer and treasurer for the Nat to ional House Builders Associa tion said today that while house sales had picked up in the last month Barrie buildersforesaw future in which the sale of new holua fell to nil This would be due basically to the limitations of income set by the govern ment or NHA loans Enquiries ol approved lenders indicate according to Mr Alext adder that houseloalu will be negligible in the Barrie area for the time being According to the NHBA house production is expected to drop to its lowest level in years during 1960 The lack of mortgage fin ancing and the 1le drop in midential construction will re sult inevitably in higher price for the Canadian home buyer L1hlllED LOANS The local offices at Central 15 Tum Mortgage andHousing Corporn tion are considering applications manmum Income linutatloas for dime NHAmortgagelonns have beet introduced to ensure from prospective home owners LhathlvdS advanced to CMHC who qualily To qualify for this year so to the families with CMHC loan the gross annual in lowgr locomm It is expected come of the applicant may not that bettvem $150 and $175 mil exceed $5000 for families of up by the to two children for threechild families $5200 $5400 for tour chlld farm and $5600 for farnil lea 01 five or more children The gross income includes the applicants earned income to gether with any investment in comehe and his wife may have and 20 per cent of thewites earned income if she employ ed The new income requirements do not apply to houses financed last year through corporation loans to merchant builders and now availablefor sale drito in sured loans made this year by approved lenders operating und er the NRA Applications tfor loans ho merchant builders Will not be considered at this time However loans for limited div Idend projects providing reuttil accommodation for low incomq families and elderly persons will be available from the cmpor ation According to the MC the INVESTMENT cllllTs Cruonrd and Co Ltd In Dunlap at PA 32431 MONEY MARKETS Present indications of the mon ey and capital markets are that there will be an easing ofthe in terest rates this was further in dicated by the Canadian budget recently announced since all the important government bor lion will he committed corporatikfiin 1060 for home limited dividend lulng uNEllrLolmaNr ISSUE 11lo Notlonal House Builders Association points out that unem ploymont within the residential construc ion industry is climb in and thatfilis is also happen ing in the manufacturing indust rles which rely on house build ing lor most at their market It is expected that within few wecks rk carried over from 1959lwillha finished The NHBA tim that not more than ten per oeniot the labor required to complete these 92000 units re mains to be done Vhllafthe home owners loans to he released during the next few months provide theoret ically15000 uni Hie restric tions wihh which these are hedg and the careful scrutiny eaco vilI receive before release In icatcs the industry will not feel lh benefit until well into sum man In connection with these funds it should be remembered that the money is loaned by the govern ment not given away the NEBA pointed out This year the gov ernment expected to receive $110 million In intermandmort gage payments This means net additional lending of only some $40 to 665 millions this year al though the hind is not revolv ing one In the opinion of the NBA complete overhauling of our Im rowinfg is out of the way Withthexeporp oithe Energy Board allowing the export of Canadian gas to the United Stat es those companies that will havevto prepare to meet this new important gas demand will be able to require theirjnancial corporate needs in the Canadian capital markets to far greater extent than was possible when the government required such large deficit financing With the return of Canadian corporate financing and the less WillRént To Ont maflvepercentrisehlrates anda stipulation that the city pay for redecora of both Opp ltion to rental to two floorsoi the City Hall to the Ontariollydro was beaten easily last night as city council showed it was heavily in favor of keep ing goodrelations with the power commission The finance committee met oning of government borrowing greater stability in the bond and stock market is indicated with thelIydro last week and discused ta hiveltyear extension of the present lease recommend TODAYS STOCK PRICES Oomplled at noon by Ashcltes Ahltlbl Paper Alsoma Steal Alumlnum Ltd Album Gas Atlas steal 141 Bk or Montieel so Bank of its consumer ms Dom an Gt Lnku Cat Pow Harden Farm Home 011 Hudson Bay Min Imp Tobacco lm on In Acce Inter Nlc lutermov crn 2w Canada Cement 27 Can Chemical one can Curt Tan Canadian on 22 Con luln Sol 13 Lohlnw Call kin Camp Club CerL Del Rio can North Cans neutron con Morrison Can Hall paragon Suuivun 495 500 41 us 15 Gunner Bolling Lamauuo Maritime New W1 24 151 Nomam 11th other ACTIVE lumps AND OILS Urchin Carin Gas Lnncn aA on Clmdian Breweries mvmarm unchananoNa Cnnnnlnn Illeon and Dock Co Ltd on cents payable Tiny Ex aw Can Paper nan mtg Dom stores Famous PM Jockey Club Med Powell HIV MINNIE 91 Fulconhrldse 31 Gem Millea KemAddlson Flynn Collier SA Barrio Hisfly Perl 95h Forde 41 Nor OBI NGr I3 Monro 1011 40 Purim Pete gem glEBG all Roe No Bulk SLILIW Cn Saladl Slit simpsons Stéel of CID Stflnbelg Tarp Dom Eh Trails Can Pipe Trader am Texacov UIIIn Gna cow Gas lily Pipe 51 230 era 29 15 New Home 1m Colostrum 1950 Opemlska mi Quemont Sher oureon Steep Rock lvhtm Wiltalym Hz ApriLle 1Ittlnrs Ltd cents payatne July Ex dIv June New bloktnaun Mules Ltd Is cents plus cent Exti 10 air div April 28 payable MI rolloruo STOCK EXCHANGE INDEX Industrial an 13 Golden 24 Metals up 13 ousgnn oz wioNasNew lrldu 11 Forecast by Nation escalation of Purchasing Agents that business for Immediate months ahead will be good although not honinlng and announced Intontlun or Equitable we Assurance to buy $40 million of equity securities annually for decedevup tn legal unlit of so yer cent nl rurplur The latter devel opmcnt it Is nit could act it particularly tpersuasive ltlnzulua to managers III portfolios on the CV of What expected to be heavy flow of lavarnblatftnt qunncr earnings tenor hllhllxht of tho Cunndlnn mm knt Inlt week was dilly arc in Canadian dollar prrmium whit in off further today In newcuncnt low nlraflfllsz down about flolnll from ILI rcrent peak lhll th vlperl Food Ila Your IAVERKGEH tended their recovery whimcxperted noon1 pro ram rnr natural aos expo he ed Pazemcrsey and steel stocks nnmiilnn Powell alver report pro rorrna net of $103 el share or 1959 agalust 37 cents rsa carn age were seriously affected by pulp and paper smite while mu reruns were nucctnd by tilIke In logging Ind rowmlll entlonr may on er repam not $458 on combine II and Common for 1959 against 54117 Earant were urinate by Intense campetunn in roofinl division For 1900 Outlook favorable anonrl increase in lales volume and elrnlnla of IIqu and paper olvlllun Ia tunnelL Famous Playen re orta nu ul $150 and for test roll your itsInn 5y are getting very good rent not good business but theirob lections were voteddo Housing ditionalattilude toward the in social of the Industry is urgently needed Pmihly the legislation governing it obsolete It was suggested Certainly it does not contribute to efficiency and tth tolmringofqoststolhehome myer The NunA has wanted to the Mlnister of Public Works th Royal Commission or Board Enquiry be appointed to exam ine the mortgage situation in the long term gt gt Such an enquiry with an en tirely nonpolitical frame of re finance is the only method by Which theIMfllnctiolI of the house building my our economy can realistically be assessed the NKBA bellows Local Building March Figures Building permits issued by tho bullidng inspector for the month of March 1960 are as follows RESIDENTIAL Three double dwelllnsl 360000 converslon permit $300 re pairs and alterations polmils $5050 garage permit 00 Ten permits total value 865 750 COMMERCIAL Four new pennits $164000 11 repairs and alterations permits $4700 Six permits $160700 MISCELLANEOUS Four permiu $52493 10 sign pctmils $8527 Fourteen permits 1020 TOTALS 10 residential ptnmits $657 commercial permits $160700 It miscellaneous permits $61 on Thirtypermits 0295470 Ihirtypemiits issued in March 1960 3295470 34 permits Issued to March 1959 169005 Increase $126305 Nine new single family dwell lng permits Issued in March 959 $103000 new single fam lly dwelling permit issued in March 1960 350000 Decrease 543000 Eleven new dwelling permlts ls Sued Jan to 31 March 1959 5135000 new dwelling permits issued Jan to at March 1960 911000 Decrease $64000 Fiftynine permits Issued Jan to91 Marcia 1060 $810366 50 permits issued Jan to 81 March 1959 5221955 Increase$591 Hydro floors on 5050 has Alderman Charles Wilson ar gued that with indications of crowding within the administra tion staff already it was not prudent for the city to give up this valuable space for such low fee as the Hydro was bring ing in He referred to the issue as one in which 10ch wm subsidizing Hydro PARKING T00 He pointed out that with the rental of the buildings went 20 parking spots on the lot Which was already overcrowded By letting these cars in the lot he said llhe city was de priving itself of at 195i $1900 in parking fees Alderman 1toberls as Sisted Wilson in the debate ar guing that it would he wiser to negotiate on year basis Negotiating on fiveyear plan was just not good economy nan aaEN ram Alderman Morrow said the Hydra has beenfair they have laidlinoleuinin five rooms and never even got thanks They haveheen good tenants he said and itmight be better for the city to go out and rent two or three words for offices in some other buildings formu icipal purposes Alderman Murray Mills said theyve spent lot unknown to Mayor Kinzie commented we This is valuable asset and we enjoy splendid relations with Hydro he added Wilson and Roberts fought the isue further contending it was DANCING MAJORJILL LONDON newsman Sei the Egyptian politiciallltnmvn in Britain as the dancing major is ill with kidney trouble in the fashionable London clinic Altos pita spokesman said Salem head or the United Arab Republic Press Syndicate ls fcomforu able after havlugbeen flown secretly intuitiritain for treat ment He got his nickname in 1958 when pictures showed him dancing in his underpants with NET EARNINGS THE CANADIAN PRESS Famous Player Canadian Corp Ltd year ended Jan 1960 82139 $130 share 19$ sesame 3154 Iroquois Glass Ltd year ended Dec 1959 net loss 852646 first full year of operationt Provincial Ira rt Corn an year ended Dec $149 share 1958 $430726 sure Sogemines Ltd year ended ill 1959 8384236 I958 W1 llIAClILNEGUNNED ROSARIO Argentina APlA Peroaisto political and labor leader Omar Grates Neyro was machinegunned to death Monday Irom speeding vehicle Polko said they were unable to trace the killers Trading Lower Investors Find mnoNro CF investors urnniums werelower Algom off found no enmuragement in th at 11 Gunnar off cents at Stock market today as tradinglss broke 1mm 011 Monday raids found the The 11 am volume Wu 341000 only xapart more Investors against denim Shares traded Index Chang Industriais allI at the same tune Monday golds up 40 at1 Howard Smith led the indus est base metals olf51at16131E $531 Sign dguwnnwlm westernom off fllaht 3155 14 4w ation Final volume was169l000 Car slipped ii at 15 azalnstlhe 1645000 shares Pri Among the few plus sign Do day minlon Stores and Holden Manu racialIn gained In at 55 and fliigfigfihcaflflg off anoint at 73 and 40 while In mines Noranda gained v6 Ford slipped it at 70 Car at 41 Consolldated Discovery nadian Breweries dropped 96 at slipped Ilve cents at 3175 Senior 33 and Canada Padters and llfl Imam Wutonahothmoflliatflls and 855i United stayed ahead at 51 all day CPR gained in at 25 and Bank of Nova Sootln and Great Lakes Paper bothwereupliatwéandan Quemorlt led wines with gain nu Sewing Barrie Business For Over 50 Years Tamar Jinn unwell of cents at $875 while Steep Rockmnplnat loliLabra dor was off point at all No randn dropped it at 41 Hollinger was of it at 2H and Casstar slipped at lift in senior nlums Algom lost nt 11 while Gunnar gained to cents at $360 SARJEANT INSURANCE AGENCY LTD Ali Classes at Commercial Industrial and Personal lpsurance is DUNLOP ST mania PAINT WALLPAPER 10thANNIVERSARY These values willnever be repeated by Boyds Paint and Wollpclper because they will never be restocked so get In TODAY and SAVE on these exceptional vnlues 40 OFF RETAIL PRICE INTERIOR Flats ac nn in era Vlrnlnhas EXTERIOR nutndewlrltos an 5311 and floorfl gift necont whiter etc 19 msmnealvneross QUARTB GALLoNs 353055 OUTSIDE WHITE onAnTs use us GALLoNa nuns ARTIST SUPPLIES brushes oils oil eovers paint number sets canvas boards etc cLEABOUT RUXATBNE DISCONTINUED CQLORS 911st nan 250 Su tribesmen opposing British rulein the Sudan EliE iii enamels REG 00 ll SIIN Ilr lu InmI EVERY CAN MUST G0 at 330i7ol=l KEMGLO Ist RES 355 GALLONS Reg 1120 KEMTONE QUABTS Rex 255 GALLONS Reg 350 ll SALE 225 saw 195 SALE 100 SALE 615 We regret that due to the low prices for thisV SALE ALI SALES MUST CARRY WORHY Washable WALLPAPER discontinued lines and broken room IOII on Reg Up To 150 Per Ital PER ROLL as CASH AND ALL PRICES EFFECTIVEwIllue STock LASTS The Home 6f Point Wallpaper and Floor Tile rAthANoWALLrAPsR

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