STUDENTS or the Canadian Instltuto of Hypoology in Bar rie watch as Griff Ford qui etly starts his inductionon Room need not be in darkness Reporter IGoes Into An HanOtic Trance pgy who have realized are groundless and this art can convinced ï¬liam Westlake know To RELAX am slowly being taughthow can has reached the public over the clientstudent Tom Watson our ors scams By TIM LLEWELLYN Examiner Staff Reporter one of the things the hypnolog lot has to combat is the misconl ptlon the misinformation that ars about the scienc oi hypnol Bcause ot the stage hypootist nd the debasiug of what is prim arily scientific therapy for the luuctionol problems of clients much the some work in effect as but of phychologistthe pub he still has visions certain ideas which are associated in the mind with hypnosis Despite the number of doctors dentists and ordinary people their fears be positive help to them there still the few who need to be As far as the process of hypno tismgoes there is nothing to be afraid of there is nothing stagy and there ls nothing phony know because am at the mo ment receiving series of in duations under the guidance oi Barries own hypnologist wil relax under hypnosis receive in this says hyplnotiZe iall in one big rush The conditioning lakes timb It need not be empty or even particularly quiet for success ful hypnosis Hypoologist does not touch or come near client allthat is needed is for every one to relax Westlake is in could feel could hear botb the soothing voice of the hypnologist and the faint world ly noisesof the street below thought to myself am no where near hypnosis am re laxed yes asleep Shouldnt iivious WAS HYPNOTIZED But shouldnt be be ob The ansvver is no was hyp notized As my head lolled slow ly moreand more across the backxof the chair as far as any one else watching would have been concerned was asleep But the whole point of hypnosis is awareness Both the hynolog Miami knew could hear and hear well Also because this asljust first induction the feeling of reality me der stayed with was not taken far no The process gradual vWestlalre We dont wanted to could have you out in 15 seconds But that is stage hypnosis and it is no use to members of my profession And my first induction was the ocginning of that process and ror those who doubt that was hypnotized the incident that hair how to pened about 10 minutes after the relaxed stotesession began may be of inter iliposltive suggestions and thoughts est Aeveryday life The first real induction was slowly slight but deï¬nite one Natur told me concerning the running of my th Myeyes were shut by nowand voice of the hypnotistsang on when suddenly he that he would count ally the purpose of induction is three and my eyes would be The large brownchain coul bayou know erfulrealms of the subconscious WlnlrFal light not to enable someone to go right stuck Stuck fast out budtestifythis is possible orit was real strangei But because of the obvious doubt in the minds of some people asto what hypnosis is really all about let me describe typical first induction have been tailormade for you Lying with your head tiltEd light ly back you at onceJeelrelax ed but fully consciousand more aware if anythl normal thi yourfirst lrip into the fascinating allpow suits or LIGHT tried Hewas right not open my eyesthe eyelids were stuck fact and not only was it impossible toopen them but the subject is then at stage when herdoes not particularly want to open them would not he said be able to open them cymns srch He countedslowly to three could lytried but gave up The de sire to open my eyes want as soon asthe hypnotists original command to try had been forgot Just small stage in the pro cess of hypnosis but valid one Letxus Suppose the hypnologist in proving how simple and how asks you to stars at fixed easy it is to subject oneself to just above the level of your eyes Youstare at the light and as you starsat it you try to leave tismThat of age regression Pasture Is Best Source Of Cheap Feed Nutrients 313mm recs Nnrtb Elmm Anew Wot have often stated in the but out the production at high yielding hay and pasurre is most important factor in ingrevenua in any general form program in Simone County flirt some ï¬gures just received mm the OM tend to prove this point in no uncertain terms seen in the background left supervising his students ef forts Mr Wertlake runs four hypnoloy classes all in vary ing degrees oi advancement Exanrlner Photo this form of therapy Once the conditioning is complete there are many different ways in which the hypnologist hypnovpsychlat rist hlPnomychologist hypno therapist whatever you wish to call him can go ahead ALCOHOLISM For instance the problem the client may havemay outwardly appear to be alcoholism in comes client to consult with Mr Westlake and tells him he wishes to stop drinking The consultation over free of charge incidentally and many times theconsultation is all that is needed says the hypoologist the client and consultant are both aware of the problems symp tomsexcess drinking But Mr Westlolre can treat the symptom or he can treat the cause of the symptom WILL STOP DRINKING If he treatsthe symptom hypnotizing subject an to ing him in trill all alcohol will be distasteful to him and sug gestlng to him positive ways to avoid drinking then sure enough the client will ceaseer drinking Eut that is not good enough says Mr Westlske Alcoholisrn is not the problem it is just the manifestation Ii stophim drinking he will merely find some other way to express or try and nullity the tension which originally had led him to drink He may turn to dope or any thing have to find the cause There are different ways of finding the cause but let us sup pose that despite long preses sion psychological talk Mr Westlalre and the client cannot determine why the client drinks what problem or tension origin ally led him to seek refuge in the bottle Then comes one of the most fascinating aspects of himself or thelwpnologlst The client under the effects of hypnosis ls taken back through his life until whatever traumatic occasion it wasthat started his drinking presents itself Then Mr Westlake knows who start ed the drinking and can deal with the client accordingly Gill less some incident largéhnd fright ening then and equallyfrighten ing under ageregresslon hypno sin that points up the arise of their presentduy wor saysMr Westlake he could the pages of newspaper from According to this infiirnistlnn pasture gives us the dreamt sourcevof feed nutrients goodhayls nelosc accopd and The production can or ioo lbs of feed nutrients according to the OACnre as follows pasture 63 boy 37 gross silage 37 com silag grain com 50 wheat barley 200 oats 250 According to this information pond actual feed nutrients lntheform of oats oestrus OBITUARY Edith amnion Puckett narrowing illncasdilrn aorta Gertrude ransom cued Monday April mo in the General and Golllngwood Marine Hospital Widow pl um um John Potdieot shewu in her 77bit your Born In England she was In Anglimn Loft bereaved by her hovers of Port Doris and in hen Moiby Cmemore There are also sllf grandchildren and three great grandchildren pasnn are twodoughtcrs Madelihe rae smut memory Apdluwasfmmthehfumf and Crawford hurries313mm in Creernorewiththe services arrlimped by pay nous Interment following was in Cream Union Ccmetdny and pallbearers were Douglas Manley mid Morley mm Roy ammo Budd and Flaunt Lennon Lloyd and room or partner nanniellum Douglas Earl ihorogood 16 of 35 Albert Street Barrie was charged with careless by0rlllia provincint puh lowing solo car accidentomit driving twitch or nervous habit or phobia ave been ageregressed as far iltilhfltilii Ageiregression is taught to students as it is weaponthst could be seriously misused in un trained or unethical hands but it is factor whlch helps Mr Westlake inmorathair centjof his cases Often it is not necessary but the search to find the causeoi thes worry is the major part of eroiry in hypnosis just traight talking and ion do not work if the clientuhhs mental blocks or rial distrust tbeo ageregression can expose facets of the mind long tbbugh discarded and lost bo much alive and relevant of hypno of every humans makeup on way of life 911 ar The different pathsarid lesof hypnosis any rui nver to cover for aweek and hardly scratch the surface of subject which fastest growing in The worldto Peoplersuifering with some odd day is one of iiboutfour ï¬rm as much in howthntmost of the mom giVevthem better pasture in 1960 De local director in theNSSCIA or gwould attend radio pasture and three times as much in bay of cause these com parisonsfleonly true for our tnividusl forms if we can gnaw as good crops of pasture and boy as we can of oats 11in raises the questlon In to how good our pasturu are in North Simone Judging from our pastureicompetltlon in North Simcoe last year with 24 mem bers number of our farmers atoning an ucellent lob with some pastures carrying around two headper acre for the pasture season it was also obvious that most of us can do still better Jobwiih little more planning fertility buildup and selection of suitable mixtures for our par ticuialvpasturo fields JUSTrASIART 5le improvement is long term job and we look on last years efforts along this llne ls just start in the rim direction hers discovered number of llungsthey coulddo whldr should and no doubt this years exper ience will suggestfurther steps am 1960pasturo competition IreTheing organised at the pres ent time and both North and South gimme plan competition delay or In North Slmeoo 16 members have already enrolled and whom to have from 30 to 40 members bythe end of the month Marl Is the deadline for entries so anyone interested should get In toucb with their the Ontario Department of Agri culture barrio or Alliston continua PLANNING Professor Tossell of the oncatates that good pastures are only obtained by careful planning and good management and outlines an eightpoint pro gram for pasture Improvement asfollows Select pasture mixtures with care Highest production is obtainable from pastures containing 60 per cent or more legumes vansan the second concession of Orlllla Township two miles east of Highway 11 Saturday night His car rolled overtwice in the acci dent incurring $100 damage No was hart BUDGET MEETING Members ofclty council have been invited to attendthebudget meeting out the Public School Board Wednesdayenight Though MayorJV szie and Alder man Lester Cooke said they had previous commitments several members of couoci said they vasr CHANNEL From now on Home and School associations will have to chan nel all their requests through Home their ré mmendation prior resentation to council it was decided last night ASK USE OF BUILDING request from BarrieSocceI Leaguefor use of the mar building one night week for weeks forthe purpose of coach ingflreierees was turned down by city council last night Alder man Williams said there were already many commitment the building but that the club THANK COUNCIL Ihelflnsmen Club thanked Barrie council for its support duringrthe recent Crippled Ohilv drens ve The letter made speci note of the many black sodblue mar which were he rug carried by council in the hotkey game against men from television Schooi Board lbfakenewsecdlngsundein lrgtrtcompanlonoroptobe grued off Thickest most rvlguous pastures are aub lished this way Plan fertiliw programbas ed cannot tcsts This makes the most emolent use at commercial fertilizers and Develop Iysternol rotation al or ireshdnily grazing one of the most important factors in pasture management Use cbaln barrows as often as required to spread drop pings preferably several times each season Clip when necessary to con trol weeds and remove un palatable forage Moira good quality hay avail able to cattle on pasture Grain should also be fed but at low rates Make provision for early spring and late fall pasture am sure that these sugges tions by Prof Tassel will serve as an excellent guide for any one planning more productive and more profitable pastures roan news From the INFORMATION BRANCH ONT DEPT OF AGEICULTK URE CHEAP SEED IS NO BARGIN Bargain need is like the pot ofgold at the 51d of the rain bow they are both mythical says William Taylor of the field Corps Brunch Ontario Depart ment of With the purchase of many Iocsitled cutouts barigaém the most you can lane is the pun chase price of the Mole When you buy burgatn seed of low quality the loss can run so the full value of the crop and you ydll be fortunate indeed if you do mat get weed problem that wil requho yearn of land work coupled with reduced yields before the damage can be overcome vllhhw year of seed drill rurv show ï¬rst too many imam uselowgrade or even ungnoded seed Amy smiled seed below Number grade has somethmngrong with it that attract meet the standards of Number seed It may be low in germination of poor quality or the weed seed contend such that it cam be graded as Number or better Anyone of thse factors can notonly mileage thoel crop yield but the se ng umrecessamy weed seeds may create weed pro blem for years to come Fifty cents to dollar per acre extra on the seed bill will pmvlde the best available seed Good seed is the most import ant single foobar in ensuring full crop cheap seed is no bargain Topgrade seeds can be purchased with confidence from 1223 snarl mm rumor Ann is INNISFIL lnnlsiil chrde has voted themselves an additional $2 day pay for attending council meetings They also moved that this be retroactive from theytirst of the year They will now re ceive 510 day for attending to township business and will get that for the full quarter If this has in mind when they took over for the year it might have been more busiouslike to have told the ratepayers of their intentions at the nomination meeting then those aspirants to the council might have been prompted to put more elinrt into Barrie Council Rejects Bid To Block centre Fearing the establishment of monopoly and harness on free enterprise Barrie lttty Council last nlgbtrelected request from Village Develop mentsLtd That no other shop ping centre be approved by the municipality for period of from from three to five years This request from the Village Developments came in the face of council approval of the es tablishment of shopping centre on Hayï¬eld Street north of Highway 400 to be built by Bernick Construction The application from Berniclr asked for the rezoning of 17 acres of land on the west side of Baylield This rezoning would be put into effect under the stipu latlon thatbulldlngs of an as sessed value of $50000 be con structed within three years ime and that rezoning not com flirt with the views of the De partment of Highways Because oi the potential traf fic problem which was pointed out by Alderman Frank Hersey chairman of the trafï¬c commit tee this motlon was referred to that committee for further study Were going to have terrific traffic problem said Alder man Hersey MR BUSINESSMAN ran MADE AVAILABLE To voup nUsINrss souer mun POSITION We cln be of service to your business ertn GUILD PLACEMENTS sanvrcns um 99 AVENUE ROAD TORONTO ONT repumbie seed dealers NOTES By 355 their campaign or even to the matter of recount BEASSESSMENT PENDING There is said to be reassess meat likeiy during the yearDe tails are still looking as matters pertaining to this were dLscussed privately It is not known yet if the intention is to have an inde pendent assessment firm to ban dle the work or hire someone whownuld be guided by the councils suggestions together with those of Assessor Spmule whose values are now the stand ard med The cost of the rcas sessment is said tube estimated at $30000 When the township of lnnlsiil accepted the provincial manual for standard on which to base valuations the reassessment was done by an outside assessor and valuations than considerably increased or propcrt Ratepayers were assured that the increased assessments would not mean higher taxes However this has been found to be erron eous as the mill rate continues to climb the ladder of more ass essmeot Farm property has not been raised comparatively to urban and summer properties The ord lnary man in small home is the one who has taken most of the load ts of valuable lands that have not been opened for development along the water ronts are so low in assessment that these landowners are bold ing for the day when big prntit can be made at small cost The final answer may be re assessment made by at least three assessors each an expert in the valuations of various claslt sea of properties and all three reaching final appraisal Then who is to translate the Manual and wilttha basic result be has ed on present resale values or on the values of twenty years ago Does municipality which is overvalued in comparison with neighboring areas suffer when it comes to sharingdlstrict school costs The answers are the con cern of every ratepayer HARRY MURDOCH Prepare Your CarrFor Summer Driving WHEEL ALIGNMENT WHEEL BALANCING SHOCK ABSORPTION SERVICE COMPLETE FRONT END SUSPENSION OVERHAUL PA 82202 1011mm ar PLAN 25 DOWN Aim to Europe atthe INTEREST RATE loveliest timerattire year thousand miles along the sheltered scenic St luwranea oh tour malno rabla days of sun and fun Sail the Atlantic at its refreshing best your mind as blank as possible or else think about sleep or some pleasant not too violently stimulating experience you have had recently As thelight takes on mystic shapes dances weird patterns attracts your gaze like lamp attracts amoth the hypuooist talks slowly and lightly in the hackground He will likely talk about relaxing he will tell you on are tired that your body is osening that the strength in side you seems to be pouring out irom your head to your neck to your arms and so on The eyelids begin to weigh heavy the eyes begin to water his voice gets drowsiar and drowsier but always is com manding and authoritative ashe repeats doWn from your head to your arms to your gers your legs out from Yourfeei you have neverfelt so relaxed in your life now maybe yourfhead lolls little to one side fyourj eyes are water ing and you are tired you may wantto close yourveyés all right if thatls your wish close your eyes counterpoGC Andyou plosa your eyes voicagently moves nltnot Only $41125 cosh or your present car and you can drive away in brand new 1960 Voilcnvagen balance on special bank rate fin ance terms No Bonds to post orbankable security required ï¬i Duty4m shopping gt VVPLANW trrzmumcommun gt 10 DOWN mm more FROM MONIIEAI are 14 Mam =1qu 24 JULY Is Ara 91an 12 JUNE 24 rum are 27 MAYJO lunch on row 22 MAY326 uNEv MAYA mo 17 MsflYtVANIA mm row 29 serum to mount scornru Ann usual use rssr room manor neat Hour auriu APR 14 MAY ll UNE El JULY are 20 um 13 JUNE 24JUY APR 27 MAY 20 JUNE 10 30 JULY 22 saxomn CARINTHIA warms Danzlna Ponies movies us your Local norm no ourcn serve YOU sang gt Usa your pruent car or $19450 cash and you can drive away in bnand new 1960 HIICED FROM Volkswagen balance on easy finance terms Up to 36 64500 fPLIVERVCE jluoroRs no no no 1171 sMoroao size Zpervndes Yam gt At my first inductionil wds fully aware of what was going Toronto on Yomswsocus Moire 220 lVIlNIA uremic rams aurora AIM FA 875558