CANCER asssancu DONATION is URGENTLY HEEDE SUPPORT CANCER CANCER CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY GIVEGENEROUSLY WHEN YOU ARE ASKED TO GIVE WEEKGF APRIL 41 To Diagnom What an some or the candy signs oi cancer Unusual bleeding or discharge lump or thickening in the breast or else where lore that does not heal Persistent change in bowel or bladder habits Persistent hoarscness or cough Persistent indigestion or difficulty in swal lowing Change in wart or mole Gom your doctor to learn it your signal means cancer its Whyshould cancer be diagnosed and treated early The sooner it isfound the less likelyit is to have spread to adjacent tissues or to other parts of the body When spread has occurred treatment is more dimeuit andless effective 37 What hope can he tiered the patient with early cancer The advantage tothe patient of treatment of certain types oicancer before spread has occur red seen irom the following table Fiveyearsurvival rate when treated Early Late 95 30 15 20 Cervix oi womb 75 10 flouth cheek 80 20 5i 233 What should person do who thinks he may have cancer Go to hisphysician at once for an opinion 39 Why are periodic examinations or value in the control or cancer The earlier the treatment in certain tomIs cancer the greater the chance of cure By the periodic examination cancer maybe Sound in so Dunlap TERRY HARRIS YoorllliAlrofloa Momma VLAKEViEW SMITHS FARMDAIR Norms pAlRiES OF BARRIE WELFARE SERVICES EDUCAIi0N its early stages when there may be no symptoms orsigns that call the patients attention to his condition 40 How long is it sale to wait after suspicious symptoms appear before consulting physician Delay is unwarranted Delay is always dangerous 41 Is theredanger in watching lump inthe breast to see what happens Yes very grave danger Time is most important factor in the control of cancerand waiting fto see what happens may permit curable cancer to become incurable by spreading to other tissues 42 Are all breast lumps cancer gt No But any lump should be reported to your doctor 43 Do uterine iibroids ever become canoer Only rarely do they undergo malignant change 44 Do ireckles ever turn intonancer Simple freckles do not However flat moles con taming pigment and looking like dark freckles should be reported especially if they undergo change in colour or size 45 Do hemorrhoids him into cancer No Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the rectal region Cancer is occasionally found in the tissue aboverthe hemorrhoids so bleeding piles should be examined carefully to determine whether can cer is present 46 Is bleeding always sign of cancer No but bleeding should be promptly and care igat detenninesthencauseaafln natural vaginal bleeding especially after the change of life is always suspicious It is said that bleeding from the nipple is due to cancer in 50 per cent of cases Bleeding from other body opens as rectum or bladder should be carefully investigated to rule out cancer 47Does blood in the urine always indicate can cer No but its presence indicates something wrong Loaredul examination ils essential use am Road PA 81 71 Maps Courtesy Of The BARRIE PHARMACIES IMOOREPAVING Xi cc IllaIce minim MIT 48 How can we diagnose cancer of the stomach The best method is by Xrays The outline of the interior of the stomach when filled with dense substance as barium sulphate will often give clues as to the presence of cancer 49 How may internal cancers be diagnosed The commonest method is by Xrays Treatment 50 How should cancer be treated By surgeryXrays or radium or combination of these in the earliest possible stage or the dis ease 51 Are Xray treatments best for all kinds of cancer No Treatment depends on the type and location of the growth acme cancers are best treated by surgery others by Xray or radium 52 What is the difference in action of Xrays radium and Cobalt 60 on cancer tissue There is no essential difference When properly used each may do troy cancer cells without seri ously injuring the normal cells with which they come in contact 53 How is radium used Radium in hollow needles is inserted into the can cer growth or in the tissue surrounding itor both and removed after treatment is finished Radium in suitablecontainer may be placed in contact with the growth as in cancer of the skin Inlargerquantities mayhczused at dis ance from thebody the rays passing through an opening in the container into the cancerous growth The emanating gasor radium known as radon in suitable containers may be used in the same manner as the radium salt from which it is ob tained 54 now is Cobalt so hsea Cobaitso is produced by irradiating Coba1t59 in an atomic pile It is radioactive and gives off Your Friendly ALLIED VAN LINES AGENi COOKE CARTAGESTORAGE LTD PA 85575 so Boytield Sr At Ross 19 Alma so in cunn BARRIEVDELIVERY SERVICE ifl lugs3327 38Boyï¬oid$h vem strong gamma my similar to an Xray It maybe mounted ina heavy container and used like an xray machine as means of treating cancer from outside the body It may also be placed in needles and used like radium 55 Do surgical or radiation treatments spread cancer N4 When cancerappears in other parts of the body following treatmentit indicates the cell had reached those parts before treatment was begun 56 Can the spread of cancer be stopped or re tarded temporarily Yes canceroi the breast and prostate have re sponded ior varying periods of time to treat ment of hormones Certain types or leukemia and some malignant diseases or thelymph glands have been retarded byother special chemical compounds In no case has hormone or drug produced care 51 Should allinoles be removed No Artiet colourless mole is probably as harmless as freckle Any mole or wart showing change in size or colour should receive prompt attention 58 Isfthere any knownsermn ourelor caliber No No serumhasyet been proved to atfoctn cure for cancer 59 Cancancer be drawn out with naive No paste nor salve will penetrate the tissues far enough to destroy deep seated cancer cells JEN LIEKEIL For the following reasons among other Few quacks are medically trained therefore they have no lundamentai knowledgeabout can cer They cause the patient to lose valuable time that should be used in setting proper treatment The pastes and medicines used by quaoks have no value in during cancer The quack takes the patients money under false pretences thusdepriving him or meam oi ob taining competent treatment elsewhere rIIIs MESSAGE Is one or asrmrs sponsouen IN rue puaucf Inrenrsr av 5153 on mm LTD IMPERIAL rsso products KEN MCKENZIE PA 89987 PA 85894 gtARKs HQME i=URNsHlNG$ Pas2843 tillers scum