Favor Hotel Room Service For Beer NRONTO CEMembers at the legislature Wednuday argued through two explosive topica llquoi and radioactivity and heardPrernier Frost make an equally explosive ruttart SIMCOE COUNTY Nrws Says Frost But gtDiningdiscuuimoltheeatl ihebutvlasthatthehotels matesnltbedepartmmtoitrvcl and pubildty the prairie said he would be to Ivor oi hotel room service Iorheerandthuor but 13 mm omensrs Apartheid Coyne Hutteriies Stir Bitterness In Commons UmiWA toriIsolated out without beneï¬t or the exam lion bursts ot anger and bitterness WWWMM onp the theime wedd grand lhatd their farimhcolonics pm partheareo chtal JameaECoyueandtheAibertamimltieesr Huttorites lheCCF member said that The ma ot arr Cum tav right or wrench Canada lam ernor or the Bank of Canada hundredacfmiiiionsutdollursin whose resignation was demanded revenue every year because the smnmtsmmxznmmsmvmcaum wasted private report on the sit nation from Canadian diplomats inSoulh Alrica Meanwhile ha reiterated the not that we de plore the development oi sit uation which bu givui rise to ï¬sh tragic violence and log til When CCF House leader Helen Arguesttunptedlotetinare gust that the government con sider strong diplomatic pro tut to the government of South Alrica on this vicioiu and dis turbing loss ol life he tut $IRKCC nnrdian aintennneo routArm srnvicr Pars DANGERFIELDS Service Centre wCSIJolllerst PAlvMll in the House tuesdu try gov NEW Lowrtt March meeting ot the WA was held at the homo oi Mrs hlinnbersou lira Mumberson was in charge of the missionary meeting witti Lenten theme During the program The Mes siah was played as background music and was quite eilectitc paper was given on The meaning ol Lent Mrs Bates hire Haverson and Miss Pearv eoo assisted ln the program Parts of panel discussion on Why went to Africa we given and is talk on inside New thern Rhodesla The Alricao pictures that Mr Bellamy has were discust and we asked for them for fut ure meeting Roll call was answered by it members The supply secretary is still asking for new or good used clothing ior children me years also or sweaters and baby clothing to be taken back to India by an Indian nurse New choir gownswere discus sad and committee was put in to look after purchase and milk ing at them Mrs Day allowed her naine to be submitted for press secretary for the Presbyterini executive or WiiiS The meeting closed with hymn Lunch was served by the hostesses Mrs George Day of Creemore spout aweck with her son Doug Ins and family FIRST MEETING The Brentwood 4H Club had its first club meeting at the home of Joan Scheil on March II The ntficers chosen for this unit were president Gwen Kell maii vicepresident Ruth lrnti secretary Bonnie McCallum treasurer Joan Schell press reporter Linda Day We were given some papers and health bonito while Joan Schell demonstrated how to measure shortening For the next meeting each member was requested to bring vegetable We closed the meeting by repeating the 4H pledge Second meeting of Brentwood 11 Club at the home Joan Scheil on Wednesday March 15 We cooked carrots peas and beans and inter put white sau ce on them Margaret Benupre made Then we wer shown how to make fancy green salad The roll call tor next meeting at Gwen Keilmans is garnish Ior vegetables Mrs George Day Mr and Mrs Douglas Day andD vi Snow visited with Mr and Mrs Joe Day Cookstowu Mr and Mrs Arnold an Cecil motored to Toronto Satur day and visited the Sportsmens Show Mr andMrs Chll Paxton and Shawn of Angus spent Sunday withMrs Paddisoii Mr and Mrs Fadich Oak ville spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs George Clarir Mr and Mrs John Roberge of Barrie spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs Arnold Mrs Withers of Angus sang lovely solo Sunday evening in LET touii OLD Hirer iiriirrii nrriiis ï¬ltiquEuiil your Water heater can not cope with todays heavier we will be glad to asund an automatic electric $120 It Inatallatwn service re placement of heater and oust of electoraty areall covered by one attrachva monthlycbarge if an 0m mo will be Hahns midiWATER V9 snavmn oennArmn ABEL the United cam which was en loyal by all EUCEHLE Monday night euclire ladies first prize tire Joan Robinson second Mrs Lighthcart third Hrs Collier Mens prite Barry Prosser Bill Sohell and Duncan McLeod Travelling prize ind ies Mrs Hilda Coulter mens Iiswm CHAMPIONS New Lode delealed Angus dOinthelinalgnnseottheser ies thereby giving New Lowell the championship Gaels were scored by irii Presser John Chub Arnold Neal Bill Carsweil and Feveren Barker gouty Autopsy Shows Rheumatic Heart TORONTO CPiAn autopsy performed Wednesday on the body of Mrs Hilda Eosser about 65 who died at 3313 March 15 showed rheumatic heart disease as the apparent cause at death The autopsy was ordered alter reports about it changed will Pm vincial pathologist Dr HughVnn Patter said iurther tests will be held and complete report avail able for an inquest scheduled to be held in Bola womans estate was to go to sister in England but examina tion at her will showed it had been changed shortly before death behefitting two other per sons Mrs Rossers husband William died Jan 13 this year Originally it was believed the Donald MacDonald aid that the government should draft ttlations protecting the from radioactive material in cluding Satanic warheads He made the suggestion as the legal bills cornmitee pntedleg islation making it compulsory for transporters til radioactive ma terial such as nuclear fuel rods to report the fact to insurance companies and pay special ore mlumnrnotbecovcredhyin sunnce Ontario Fire Marshal Scott said committee was studying trucking regulations in connection with the carrying of radioactive material and so far had come up with the suggestion that such trucks be marked Albert Wren blahKendra swept Into the it itor problem with the charge It Ontarios linuorlawe hurt the tourist in dustry especially in the North In some parts of NorternOn tario hotel guest wanting beer tor his own room he to drive as far as 50 miles to brewers n4 tail store SUGGESISTEST WhenMr Frost agreed but said that many hotels and resorts ivouldnt oontml the situation lifr Wren suggested that some be given licences as an experi ment gt If they couldnt conduct is proper room service then they shouldnt have any kind oi ll cenco Elmer Sopha Sudbury said that in northern townships tourist resort operators often have to turn to bootiegging to George II Dick Montreal and MW Que was named praidenteleet oi the Wheellug Institute Can adalnMarch He was to sumo oflica It the annual meet lug ol the mowmember inatilt tote at Winnipeg in May Clinton Wets Pile Up Big Maionties CLINTON CWResidents this Huron Countytown piled up big maturities Wednesday in fe vor ot sellingiiquor and beer here About 17 per cent of the eligible voters went to the polls For governmentoutiets for sole of beer and liquorthe vote was 1131 in iavor and 45 against One thousand voted for dining room licences and 457 against Licenced lounges received 1015 favorable votes and 437 negative votes were cast ernmcnt backhatchet camped up again when Opposition Leader Pearson asked the govment to reply to criticism ol the gov NY When Prime Minister Dieletr baker started to explain wiry be thought the question In ha proper Guy RouleauHLMonb real Bollard shouted irom his seat Another Dupiead McDounid lPCBnmilton South retorted Why dont you keep ymmouth shutJ Finally Spukoi Roland Mich aner ruled the question should have been naked during Titer days debate At that time Mills Joseph Pigeon PC Juliette lAasomptinn Mnntcaim do scribed Mr Coynel annual re port MI crude political pm phiet and said be bad loet tho conï¬donse of Canadians WRITE QUESTION On the Rutterite question Er quitlam angrily accused Jack Homer PGAcadil of religious discrimination against the sect Mr lfnrner earlier had urged that the Hutteritrs he made sub liect to income tax as dormers THE HOTEme ASSOClAllON or THE SOUTH BREVARD BEACHES CHAMBER OF COMMERCE on the Platinum Coast annotaioes irocntrtrnodations on the Atlantic Ocean with access from MA Highway 50th at Fntrick Air Force Base to Seb astian Inlet Over Loco units lire available lnciu dingrooms efficiency apartments cottages houses and deluxe trailers Manyihava private beaches on the Atlantic Ocean as well as lndion River privileges for or for the reach BEACH FIDRIDA please their guests Minot mm Click lho matching numbers in MM It you have circled ill number in lilo Centre of the Taluet or all number wlthln anyone oftIII You MUST MARK ALL OF THE NUMBERS WITHIN ANY ONE CIRCLE ncolvl your prize will your line and ddlm Ind tit Itm on hid circles you an winner To BEA WINNER To Card and mail to lddrlll lndicflod flyoudonthannw MI will Cflld unit mum th light to correct in Dublelmt matter in connection wit legltlmaltaélgnnels ato amolvnn was or loblawn Ind mmem mam ï¬shing Overnight weekly monthly For further information write so ooe motion inner In your circle on the Card II playablo on nonwuhl Id Numb at he carried overth one adito another Play One ed at time typographical or other man which might In an it ill game and reject winning cards not Ohio is all Loblaw stoma No purchase is mum by mmdlalo IIIIIIIIOI IIIDIIIIC ID Map Ill AME HOW TO PIAYVIIIE GAME edwlll have plums oi so amid um Product and unit Ill tun number hulda II MATCH In numbers with lllllllhlll your THEM card lntd itmmuh Mum onnwar and COLLIER commercial operations or reiig lone groups are not taxed Vtw did Mr Homer pick on 6500 Hotterital Hr Rweraald the Pollock ville Alt tanner was using the Butterlies as whipping boy to iurtiier the aims of western form are who were green with envy at the Huiterlta colonies in Al He suggested Mr Homer was more concerned about colony expansion than with potential tax revenue PEARSON REQUEST Apartheid was the subject oi Mr Pearsons request that Prime Minister Dieleribaker express the distress and dismay at this Parliament at the violence in South Africa in connection with colored demonstrations against the racial policies at the South African government Mr Dleicnbnker said he may make statement to the Com iriona alter he receives it re hart Regier CFBumnbyCo run mi LITTLE sxrRA IN senvica KRAMER MOTORS LIMITED iiimum St shouted down by other MP FOR gt BRoAbLoom TllE YARDRue or Roti VISIT atARks FEATURING THE LARGEST DISPLAY IN TOWN CLARKS 3s Hayfield si IRA 32343 orRA 66438 iCOMING April ATTENTION ADVERTISERS IF you HAVE MESSAGE YOUWANT To mm itifrtat norins THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE nanntr TRADING AREA TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS EAGEBLY SOUGHT FEATURE EDITION MAKE YOUR SPACE RESERVATIONS NOW Featured inthis Edition willbc hundreds of articles and picture ofinterest to the farmerSof Simcoe County For Extrn Cop ies contact riis BARRis EXAMINER CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT BA 66537 DISPLAY AISVERTISING DlAL PA 66537